As Hillary Clinton once put it…

“You would have to suspend disbelief.”

To buy into the lies being told by Obama and Clinton, by Jay Carney and Susan Rice…To buy the lies being told by this administration and their lapdog media propagandists…

You would have to “suspend disbelief.”

This administration is in desperation DEFCON 1 mode right now and they are counting on a willingly duped electorate to simply overlook the facts of the terrorist strike in Benghazi last week.

To believe this administration you would have to believe that:

The attack on the consulate which killed Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans was just a group of protesters upset over a video.

You would have to NOT believe that the first communication FROM that consulate as the attack began stated that it was coming from 3 different directions with arms fire and RPG’s.

To believe this administration, one would have to believe that the date of the attack was simply, coincidence.

You would have to NOT believe that the attack in Benghazi falling on the 11th anniversary of 9-11 was planned and coordinated.

To believe this administration you would have to believe that that concerned Libyan citizens took the Ambassador to the local hospital.

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Weekend Edition: To HELL With It!!!

When Muslims with a 7th century mentality, arm themselves with 21st century weapons and threaten to kill anyone who refuses to revert to their way of thinking…

What exactly do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a high school football player points to the sky after a touchdown…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims start acting on their threats by bombing buildings and market places, busses and trains…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a statue of the Ten Commandments is placed in a courthouse…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims hijack our planes and kill 3000 of us on a single day…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When someone wants to offer a prayer at a city council meeting…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims turn their underwear into bombs, strap explosives to their own children and kill our soldiers on our own soil…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a cross is placed in the dessert or an artifact that resembles a cross is to be placed in the 9-11 Memorial Museum…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

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Weekend Edition: On World Stage, Obama NOT an ACTor

While listening to Jay Carney, the white house Press Secretary, I couldn’t help but be reminded of Baghdad Bob.

That was the name pinned on Saddam’s official Press Minister.

Baghdad Bob sat before a TV camera back in the early days of the war and told his people that there were no members of the United States military within 300 miles of Baghdad.

The truth was something else to be sure. At the time, there were indeed Members of the United States military directly outside the building from which he was broadcasting, We had that building surrounded.

Yesterday, in the white house Briefing Room, Jay Carney stood in front of a TV camera and told US that the, “Protests are not directed at the United States.”

Where exactly does one begin.

First of all, calling what is happening in more than a dozen countries, “protests” is a gross understatement.

At best, they are riots.

At worst, they are acts of war.

But “Protests???”

Second, Carney HAS become our version of Baghdad Bob.

If the attacks against our United States Embassies and Consulates, If the burning of our school in Tunisia, If the murders of 2 United States diplomats and 2 United States Navy Seals, If the ripping and burning of United States flags before replacing them with flags of al Qaeda, If the chants of “Death to America” are NOT directed at the United States…

To whom, EXACTLY, are they directed???

At yesterday’s service as the bodies of our fallen from Libya returned, Hillary Clinton made remarks. After remembering Chris Stevens and the others, Hillary than, again, made strong remarks disavowing the U.S. Government having a thing to do with the “movie.”

There is, I believe, a reason for this constant denial regarding the “movie” and the apologetic tone regarding the “movie” from the State Department.

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Friday Fume

It seems that nothing but NOTHING brings out liberal stupidity like a crisis and this week has been a GLARING example of that.

While the liberal/socialists continue to claim that Romney has no foreign affairs experience…we are seeing front and center with a guy with 4 years of experience does when the chips are down!!!

Apparently, being an American, at least according to the liberal/socialist playbook, means ALWAYS having to say you’re sorry.

It’s been a rough week but…November IS coming…We CAN get through this friends!!!

Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming!!!

So…The entire uproar in the Middle East and North Africa is over some stupid 15 minute movie trailer?


To PROVE that the rights of Islamists around the world are more pressing than OUR constitutional right to freedom of speech…



Look…If Islamists are all SO upset by this movie thing…why don’t they just do what WE do with a bad movie WE don’t like???

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Obama’s Messages Sent. Messages Received?

Our Embassies in Egypt, Libya, this morning…Yemen and Tunisia…It will not stop there.

Obama has blood on his hands.

It’s just that clear and that plain.

Obama’s actions and inactions in the Middle East and North Africa have led us, our allies and the world to the brink of disaster.

While Obama campaigns, touting his foreign policy “brilliance,” those very policies have led to acts of war against the United States and the deaths of our diplomats abroad.

Throughout 4 years of Obama’s foreign policy, he sends clear and unmistakable messages to our allies and our enemies alike. It’s brought about what we’re seeing right now across the Middle East and North Africa. It’s a disaster and, it’s going to get worse. What follows is a partial list of those messages.

For an American president to turn his back on Israel sends a clear and unmistakable message to our enemies in the region. Those are the same enemies of Israel.

Such actions as meeting with the Palestinian Authority combined with the inaction of never visiting Israel while occupying the white house tells these shared enemies that the United States will stand WITH the enemies and AGAINST our allies.

The actions of ushering Mubarak and Gaddafi out of power combined with the insistence that the Muslim Brotherhood have a seat at the table send clear messages that this administration wants Islam in control of the region and decades old peace accords rendered mute.

Inactivity by this perverse administration regarding the people’s uprisings in both Iran and Syria send the unquestionable signal that democracy, where Islamists are currently in control, is NOT something Obama wants to see.

It continues…

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Obama’s Weakness Leads to Acts of War Against U.S.

This morning, the black flag of al Qaeda is flying outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, along with 3 other Members of the Consulate staff are dead.

How did we get to this point?

It should NOT be unexpected!!!

Just a week removed from removing Jerusalem and any mention of keeping Hamas in check from the liberal convention platform, Obama has, once again turned his back on our most important partner by declining to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu next week.

While God and Jerusalem WERE added back into the platform after unholy hell was raised by conservatives, the wording regarding Hamas was not.

It was Obama, the last time he and Prime Minister Netanyahu met, who TOLD the Prime Minister that Israel should return to their pre-1967 orders.

At that point, Prime Minister Netanyahu had to take Obama to school on the topic in a very public moment.

Obama told France’s Sarkozy that he was tired of dealing with the Prime Minister…A moment of clarity caught on a live mic.

Indeed, Obama, as president has never made the trip to Israel. He did it as a pandering candidate but, never as president and that too, sends an unmistakable message to Israel and their enemies.

And yesterday’s snub of a meeting with Netanyahu adds more fuel to the Islamist fire.

An American leader who professes to be a friend of Israel and devoted to the security of Israel, would, at this moment in world upheaval, drop everything to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu. An American leader would stand with Israel and against our mutual enemies.

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When it Comes to Syria, Obama is Pounding Sand

Every day, for months and months, we have watched, horrified, as Assad in Syria murders his own people. Women, children, men…Innocents slaughtered in the streets, in their homes, day and night.

Many have been outright executed.

Now, over the past 2 days, we have heard that the Russians are sending helicopter gunships to Assad in Syria.

Helicopter gunships is a gross understatement. These are killing machines designed not to pinpoint targets but to literally wipe out everything and anything in front of them. These helicopters are built to fight tank battalions in the field. In an urban area, they can and will rain death and destruction from the sky.

Assad, of course, claims he won’t be using them for that purpose – but then again, he claims it’s not HIS government killing his people.

Through it all, through the death, the murders, the destruction…We wonder why? Why is Obama doing…nothing?

Let me try to explain what Obama doesn’t want you to know.

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A Fox, a Weasel and 2 Badgers Now on Guard

This is perhaps the most obvious case of the fox guarding the hen house ever.

In this case, it’s worse than that.

Here, we have a weasel, guarding the hen house and reporting his findings to a fox.

Eric Holder, perhaps the most corrupt Attorney General in our nation’s history, has appointed 2 investigators to look into leaks coming from the White House. Those two investigators report only to Holder; and he, in turn, reports to perhaps the most corrupt president in our nation’s history.

Seal Team 6.

The doctor who helped identify bin Laden.

The CIA double agent who helped nab the 2nd underwear bomber.

The cyber virus that hit the Iranian nuclear program.

Obama’s drone kill list.

Somebody high up…VERY high up…Can’t keep their mouth shut.

Last week, Obama in a press conference, stated that to insinuate that the leaks were coming from his administration was both wrong and offensive.

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And we thought it was bad, during the Clinton administration, when the Lincoln bedroom was being rented out to celebrities and donors.

This may not be overnight accommodations but, it’s far, far worse than anything we have ever seen before.

A few days ago, either at the white house or possible in elsewhere in DC, Obama administration officials from the National Security Council met with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Yes. THAT Muslim Brotherhood.

The same Muslim Brotherhood which vowed NOT to partake in the formation of a new Egyptian government before they stated the decade’s old peace treaty between Egypt and Israel should not be kept in force and before, just days ago, they announced that they will indeed seek the presidency of Egypt.

Yes, THAT Muslim Brotherhood which has ties to Hamas.

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Obama’s Crusade Against Israel Comes Out in the Wash

Imagine if one of our allies, during WWII, had let the cat out of the bag regarding D-Day…the date and the location or, leaked our information regarding Midway Island or the Doolittle raid. Imagine it, if you can, the damage that would have been done.

For some, WWII is too distant a memory and probably not taught in schools. Trust me, even if you’re not familiar with these important and decisive moments of WWII, such leaks would have been devastating to our efforts, would have cost thousands if not tens of thousands of our soldier’s lives and most likely would have prolonged the war by years.

In fact, such leaks by our allies would have been unforgivable.

Got that?


And yet, this is exactly what the Obama administration and therefore, Obama, is doing to Israel.

It was less than 2 months ago when Leon Panetta sat before a Washington Post reporter and let loose of the “possible” timeline for an Israeli attack against Iran regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities.

According to Panetta, “there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June.”

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