Hillary, Biden and the Democrat Party’s Impending Collapse

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

To fully understand where we are regarding the Durham investigation into the fake “Russian Collusion” mess, we must first remember where we’ve been, and to that end, we must go back to when the first investigation into it started. That was Robert Mueller’s investigation, and when that started, Adam Schiff and the rest of the liberal Marxists were bound and determined to protect the special counsel to give Mueller the opportunity to bury Trump.

The problem for Schiff back then was the same problem the liberal media propagandists had and the same problem Hillary, her campaign and the rest of the liberal Marxist mob had. They knew the whole story was a complete and utter fabrication. They KNEW it. They ALL knew it but they all went along with it because they hated Trump.

They fabricated the Steele dossier, used the fabricated dossier 4 times to get FISA warrants to look for dire they knew didn’t exist, they launched a Russian collusion impeachment with a parade of witnesses who admitted under oath that they had witnessed nothing, morphed the Russian collusion impeachment into some sort of manufactured Ukraine phone call alleged strong-arm move supposedly by Trump and all the while buried the strong-arm tactic Biden bragged about on video when he got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired because that prosecutor had the real dirt on Hunter Biden.

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What Will Happen…An Educated Guess

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Will there or won’t there be war what with Russian troops still amassing at Ukraine’s border…a war not just between Ukraine and Russia but a war also between a “statist” vs. a man so “blind to the truth” that he’s willing to risk our country getting involved in yet another foreign war. And this is something we surely don’t need especially after having recently lost such a war due to this one man’s ineptitude and incompetence.

Joe Biden vs. Russian President Vladimir Putin, a man who while having all the outward trappings of a communist is actually a “statist”…a “nationalist”…a man not so unlike President Donald Trump who put America first above all else. Remember, Putin is not trying to rebuild the old Soviet Union, he knows better than to attempt that, but is a man trying to resurrect the grandeur and importance that was once “Mother Russia”… a “statist’s” goal if ever there was one. And he’s doing so at the expense of a weak and feeble-minded U.S. president by using the threat that if his now called for demands cannot be resolved diplomatically that he will resort to what would be a sustained and bloody military action.

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Why Soleimani Had To Die

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Nancy Pelosi has a brand new catch phrase that she’s been stammering and slurring at every opportunity. “He’ll be impeached forever.”

At best, it’s a rhetorical catch phrase, and to be completely honest, it’s a meaningless slogan. President Trump’s accomplishments will far and away overshadow the coup attempts. He’s set our economy on the path to greatness, he’s reset our position to the front and center of the world stage, he’s taken on the worst trade agreements in history and reversed the playing field to our advantage, he’s cut burdensome regulations, and he has stuck it to the United Nations of thugs, thieves and despots, while pushing NATO allies to do their fair share.

Those are the things that will be reflected favorably by history, but impeachment? That will go down in history as quite possibly the dumbest thing a political party has ever engaged in.

Pelosi knows impeachment is drawing its last gasps, and that her engineered and manufactured failed impeachment coup attempt will be her legacy, and hence the desperate slogan or catch phrase, as she, and her party of wadded panties now prepare to move to the next manufactured attempted coup…

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The Soleimani Strike in Proper Perspective

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So, President Trump gave the order to take out Qasem Soleimani early last Friday morning, U.S. time upon Soleimani’s arrival at Baghdad international Airport.

That strike was well coordinated and precipitated by intel gathered by our intel services, in concert with other intel agencies in other parts of the world. While some of those other agencies have been named, some have not, and for the sake of national security, ours and theirs, I will not reveal the specifics of them.

A simple mazel tov will suffice.

That said, a lot has been said regarding the Soleimani strike by liberals in congress, their propaganda wing, the mainstream media, by liberal celebrities whose heads are firmly planted in their socialist collective fannies, and by Republicans.

Naturally, only the Republicans are getting it right, and that should come as no great surprise.

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The Insanity at CNN Continues

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There are so many unknown things in our world, it’s nearly impossible to know where to start.

Why do whales beach themselves? Where do elephants go to die? How were the pyramids built? What happens to socks when they disappear in the dryer?

Why can’t Hillary just shut the hell up and go away?

There is a very long list of things we may never find the answers to, but there are some things we do know as fact, and one of those things is that…

Liberals are bat-crap crazy.

There is no end to the insanity from the left side of our political aisle, and seemingly no end to the lies the liberal mainstream media will tell to bolster that insanity.

Take CNN as a prime example…

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Liberals Say the Dumbest Things

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has long been said that kids say the darndest things, and while that may well be true, it can also be said with certainty, that liberals say the dumbest things.

When it comes to the dumb things liberals say, one particular liberal just can’t help herself, and despite being called out over her abjectly stupid musings time and time again, Alexandria Common Core-tez just won’t shut up.

It seems that she is blissfully unaware of just how moronic she sounds nearly every time she opens her yap and spews forth her nonsense, but in the grand scheme of things, we need to let her continue unabated because with every utterance, she is galvanizing Republicans to vote against liberals in 2020.

Over the past couple of weeks, AOC has made a series of inane and idiotic comments, some of which have even left the left doing face-palms.

Common Core-tez, who has often taken to video selfies to air her deepest thoughts to liberal idiots who follow her social media accounts the way that blue bottle flies follow the aroma of horse apples, did so again last week with this stunningly absurd bit of liberal wisdom…

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An Apology to John…A Legend in His Own Mind

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It was only a matter of time before celebrities started weighing in on what happened in New Zealand., and it didn’t take long.

Last Monday, singer John Legend opened his pie-hole and told us that President Trump, “needs to apologize for demonizing Muslims.”

Legend had more to say…“He needs to apologize for demonizing brown people who have tried to come here and have a better life. He characterizes their desire to come here and work and feed their family as an invasion.”

On the off chance that you thought this was it…that his diatribe ended there…think again…

“When people of such influence and such stature are endorsing such a hateful, evil ideology, it emboldens those who will go out and do something really evil and nasty, like what happened in New Zealand. We need the president to speak out against it.”

Oh…there’s more…

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A Resolution and a Truth Many Find Offensive…Part 2

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Over the past couple of weeks, liberals have dug themselves quite a hole. Prevailing wisdom offers this bit of sage advice…when you find yourself at the bottom of a deep hole…

Stop digging.

Liberals, being liberals simply got themselves a bigger shovel.

I won’t get into the whole mess concerning that obtuse “resolution” passed in the House last week regarding hate speech while completely ignoring Ilhan Omar from whose islamist lips the statements came that started the whole thing because my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori has covered that extremely well in her latest op-ed, “A Resolution and a Truth Many Find Offensive…Part 1” which you can read by clicking here.

In other words…rather than dealing with the pile of dirt liberals left beside the hole that they’re digging, I am choosing to deal with the hole itself.

While it has been said that a rose by any other name is still a rose…the hole at which liberals find themselves at the bottom of today…by another name is…

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The Deal is Dead…Now, Arrest John Kerry

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

On Monday, Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked by some short bus riding liberal member of the mainstream media about whether or not the Trump administration would be taking any advice from former Secretary of State John Kerry on the Iran nuclear deal.

Her response was epic…

“I don’t think that we would take advice from somebody who created what the president sees to be one of the worst deals ever made. I’m not sure why we would start listening to him now.”

John Kerry…that’s private citizen John Kerry…

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Syria…A War In The Shadows

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Misinformation is a key strategic component of any battle plan. George Washington knew this as being the nature of war in regards to the public and the press.

The war in Syria has for many years been classified by both the mainstream media and by politicians at large as the Syrian Civil War, but nothing could be further from the truth for the fact is that the civil war in Syria is a proxy war being waged by just about everybody except the Syrians themselves.

To fully understand this concept one must first know the players involved in what’s happening inside Syria and why they are so engaged.

And while we hear daily about the “rebels” who are trying to oust duly-electd Bashar al-Assad from power, know that for the most part those “rebels” are not all Syrians per se but are outsiders being driven and financed by entities outside of Syria.

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