The Scandals are Real – Obama’s the Phony

scan 1Remember the good ol’ days of the Obama regime?

Me either but there WERE days when things were not as they are today. Mainly because they were the earliest days of the regime and the Dictator hadn’t the time yet to extend his special brand of Muslim and socialist corruption far and wide.

Before he was even elected back in 2008, there were those of us who were wondering exactly who this guy was?

Barack Hussein Obama…there were plenty of indications back THEN that he wasn’t who he said he was…an American citizen. Old book jackets said he was born in Kenya. The Kenyan GOVERNMENT said he was born in Kenya.

There were no college records we were allowed to see…no thesis we were allowed to read…nobody knew who financed his upper class education, and where-oh-where was his BIRTH CERTIFICATE???

Well…he cleared it all up by RELEASING his birth certificate didn’t he? You know…the one that was proven to be a fake by people who understood exactly how to fake that sort of thing and then by a law enforcement investigation that also proved his social security number is fraudulent and so is his selective service registration but…those were the good ol’ days of the regime.

What followed has been nothing short of a cascade of corruption flowing down from what was purported to be the “most transparent administration in history.”

Fast and Furious…

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Bush Was Right – Saddam Had WMD

wmd 1“U.S. officials don’t believe the Sunni militants will be able to create a functional chemical weapon from the material. The weapons stockpiled at the Al Muthanna complex are old, contaminated and hard to move.”

That’s the quote from Jen Psaki at the State Department regarding what ISIS just seized late last week in Iraq. They’re not talking about weapons Obama gave them or weapons left by U.S. forces either during the war in Iraq or left there as Obama pulled our forces OUT of Iraq.

What they’re talking about is a facility…once seized and under the control OF U.S. forces before the Obama mandated and foretold to the enemy withdrawal FROM Iraq.

Muthanna was in fact, a carefully held secret so as not to tip off our enemies. Bush kept it quiet and did so at the peril of his own legacy. Bush, not being the narcissist Obama is never felt the need to crow over such things. Not when it was first discovered by our troops, not after nor even since he left office even though it would have benefited him personally.

To have spiked that football would have drawn attention TO it and painted targets on the backs of our men and women in uniform.

Muthanna is, in fact, where Saddam Hussein manufactured and stored…WMD and is now believed to be where the gas he used against the Kurds came from.

It’s the WMD that liberals have for years said never existed and therefore used against Bush. “Bush lied and people died!!! “Bush started an ILLEGAL war because there WERE no WMD in Iraq!!!”

Well, guess what?

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Weekend Edition: Obama – American Agent of Islam (Part 2)

tnp eagleYesterday, in part 1 of this 2 part series, I clearly defined Obama as a Muslim and the meaning of his coded message, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

If you missed that article, I would advise you to read it by clicking here before proceeding with THIS article.

Currently, we are aghast at what is transpiring in Iraq as ISIS, runs with brutal barbarism through a country that 4500 members of our military died to liberate and thousands more were wounded in as Obama raises money for the DNC and plays rounds of golf in California and while aghast, we should not be at all surprised.

What we are witnessing is what I have called before…the Obama doctrine and make no mistake; his true legacy will not be compiled in the annals of America rather, in the annals of Islam.

ISIS is the ‘Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’ and they wouldn’t be in any position today to expand their barbaric reach from their roots in Turkey were it not for their AAI…’AMERICAN AGENT of ISLAM’…Barack Hussein Obama and his six year doctrine.

From the time Obama set up shop in our white house, he has categorically aided this caliphate scenario and to hold any hope of change in “fundamentally transforming the United States of America”  as I outlined yesterday, he MUST have a caliphate in place in the Middle East.

Obama told our enemies from his first days in office exactly when he would remove all traces of the United States military from Iraq.

He has done the exact same for our enemies in Afghanistan.

He said Qaddafi must go from Libya and to aid that occurrence, Obama supplied al-Qaeda terrorist “rebels” with weapons.

Obama said Mubarak must go from Egypt and backed the Arab Spring to see that it happened. Once gone from power, Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood and as their defacto agent…AAI (American Agent of Islam) placed THEM into power.

Obama has said that Assad must go from Syria and to help that take place, he has been arming al-Qaeda “rebels” there.

The Obama doctrine has a singular purpose on the world stage…

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Weekend Edition: Obama – American Agent of Islam (Part 1)

tnp eagleFor 6 years now, Conservatives have been mocked, scorned, dismissed and called vile names for suggesting that one Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. He is, of course but facts never get in between the insipid bond between liberal’s lips and Obama ass.

Were Obama NOT a Muslim, he would have to be a fool to have, over the years, uttered such lines as these:

“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”

“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”

“We will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

“America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

“Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”

“In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”

“Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

And one of my favorites…“The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer.”

Obama is no fool and to understand his most dangerous agenda…one must also remember two other Obama quotes as well.

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Khattala Captured? Isn’t THAT Convenient???

wth 1When it comes to Iraq and the vile barbarians hell bent on genocide there, along with everything else going on right now, I have a few questions and first and foremost among them is…What the hell???

Obama makes it clear that he is NOT going to send ground troops into Iraq to take on ISIS…except for the 275 ground troops he just sent there?  What the hell???

Those troops are combat armed. Okay. They are NOT going to engage in combat with ISIS??? What the hell???

Obama is now talking to…IRAN…regarding military actions against ISIS? What the hell??? Obama says OUR military will NOT be joining with Iran to fight ISIS??? What the hell???

Obama claims he and his regime were caught off guard by the rise and genocidal actions OF ISIS???

Seriously…what the hell?

Let me see if I have this straight…Obama announces to our enemies in Iraq exactly when our troops will be removed FROM Iraq…he seeks absolutely NO provisions for a residual force of troops in Iraq to repel any militant Islamic terrorist uprisings there, thus creating the exact sort of vacuum militant, barbarian, Islamic terrorists seek to fill…he tells the nation during his campaign in 2012 that al-Qaeda is “on the run” is…”decimated” and “defeated” while in reality he knows damn well they are actively rebuilding and gaining strength and yet…ISIS, the Islamic State of Syria and Iran…an Islamic terrorist CALIPHATE in the making comes STREAMING out of SYRIA where HE has been ARMING ISLAMIC “rebels” and…HE’S CAUGHT OFF GUARD?????

Obama armed “rebels” in Libya…Hillary HIRED an al-Qaeda wing to provide “security” in Benghazi…Obama was by all reasonable accounts running weapons between al-Qaeda in Libya to al-Qaeda in Syria…both being our enemies in a time of war and thus committing treason…those terrorists attack our mission in Benghazi and our CIA annex there murdering 4 Americans…Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods…Obama announces just a couple of weeks ago that he is AGAIN arming Syrian “rebels” while he releases 5 Taliban TERRORISTS in a trade for a DESERTER and it comes out that Hillary’s State Department had GIFTED hundreds of surface to air and STINGER missiles TO the Taliban and all of a sudden…out of nowhere…ISIS springs into barbaric action murdering civilians and any who aren’t Sunni Muslims and…

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Weekend Edition: Hey Obama…Who’s Your al-Baghdadi Now?

tnp eagleIraq is all but lost today. The green zone is all but awash in a sea of blood. Baghdad is falling, the people are fleeing…running for their very lives but to where? We don’t know. THEY don’t even know but they know they can’t stay there.

What started as maybe 1500 Sunni insurgents has turned into tens of thousands of them and as they continue to stream into Iraq from the northwest, from Syria, they gain strength, momentum and rage.

Having taken the Iraqi central bank in Mosul, ISIS is now the most well-funded terrorist operation on the planet. They, unlike so many other terrorist hoards, don’t have to rely on third party financial support because, from that bank in Mosul, they plundered more than $425 million dollars and as they extend their terror from one Iraqi city or town to the next, they gain more riches.

Into each town or city they enter, they carry the heads of those they have murdered on their bayonets and on poles. In their wake, they leave the mangled bodies of those they crucify and headless corpses litter the streets behind them.

The purple ink that once was a proud display of having voted has faded from the fingers of the dead though it never faded from their hearts and it is very much on the minds of those who flee.

I am sickened by those who, in their desperation to excuse Obama for this, attempt to blame Bush.

“Bush started an illegal war” they say. No…no he didn’t. Bush had the consent of congress to go to war in Iraq and that included a damn good number of liberals. “Bush LIED” they scream but, no…no he did not as he provided TO congress all intel gathered on Saddam and it wasn’t just our intel either. The world’s intel operations showed Saddam’s Iraq to be in possession of chemical weapons and trying to build nukes.

Then liberals try to claim that Bush falsely blamed Iraq for 9-11 but I have yet to have so much as a single one of them provide me with proof that Bush blamed Iraq for that. They can’t because, he never did and they know it.


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Weekend Edition: Obama’s Foreign Policy #putinpeedhimself

tnp eagleSo it’s now devolved to this?

Under the supreme “leadership” of a community organizer our foreign policies and diplomacy are being handled, in 140 characters or less…through…TWITTER???

“The world stands #UnitedforUkraine.  Let’s hope that the #Kremlin & @mfa Russia will live by the promise of hashtag,” was the tweet fired off on Thursday night by Jen Psaki, a spokeswoman for the Department of State.

The tweet doesn’t even make sense but, what does with this regime?

Apparently swift boat ketchup boy Kerry is now so obtuse and invisible to the likes of Putin that this inane regime has left the high-level negotiations to a SPOKESWOMAN and her TWITTER account and I’m reasonably sure that ‘Vlad the Invader’ is now rethinking his next move on the world chess board before he finalizes his plans to reestablish the Russian Empire.

The difference between Putin and Obama is as clear as the ringing of a bell in that PUTIN has an army and he’s not afraid to use it.

On the other hand…

Obama may have a pen and a phone but…

John Kerry has a SPOKESWOMAN with a keyboard and HE’S not afraid to use HER.

Thursday wasn’t the first time Psaki has had her #lessthanintidating twitter account pressed into the service of our nation either.

Have a look at her March 26th offering…

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Obama – From the 2008 “Messiah” to a 2014 Pariah

mess 1Think back to early June of 2008…Almost 6 years ago.

The only thing missing from Obama’s nomination coronation in Denver was the white donkey he was to have ridden into the arena that night.

Look at him now.

A shell of his former glory.

Women used to pretend to faint at the mere sight of him.

Socialists with microphones used to claim tingles were running up their collective legs.

Young Americans were dancing in the streets.

In the black community, you could hear the echoes of “Free at Last, free at last.”

Obama promised the most transparent administration in history. He was to have been the great uniter. Obama, the Constitutional law professor claimed he would preside by the rule of law and not by the pen.

His wife was finally proud of her country.

Barack Hussein Obama was the liberal’s messiah.

And now? Well…

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Shifting Focus From Malaysia Back to Obama’s Malaise

pitch 1With the world focused on a missing Malaysian airliner and the dire consequences associated with its possible use…Nobody can be happier than Obama.

The news cycle, all 24 hours of it for the past 9 days, has centered on what happened to flight 370 and NONE of those 24 hours have been used to shine the light of truth on Obama.

It’s high time we use that particular spotlight.

While Russia and Putin were busy holding a mock referendum regarding the fate of Crimea and preparing their plans to take Ukraine into the old Soviet fold…

What exactly was Obama doing?

He was whining to Ryan Seacrest that he has been unfairly maligned for…

Wearing mom jeans.

Yes…You read that correctly.

“I’ve been unfairly maligned about my jeans.”

“The truth is, generally I look very sharp in jeans. There was one episode like four years ago in which I was wearing some loose jeans, mainly because I was out on the pitcher’s mound and I didn’t want to feel confined while I was pitching, and I think I’ve paid my penance for that. I got whacked pretty good. Since that time, my jeans fit very well.”

The Soviet Union is reforming under the boot of a former KGB agent and OUR Dictator wants to be cut some slack for wearing MOM JEANS???

They’re bad enough and to make it worse…

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