The Danger Of The Liberal Psyche Exposed Part 2

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Last week, in my commentary, “The Danger Of The Liberal Psyche Exposed Part 1,” I focused on President Trump’s State of the Union speech and the abhorrent behavior of those sitting on the left side of the House Chamber.

In that commentary, I said that we have all been mislabeling such behavior as TDS, or Trump Derangement Syndrome. While that has more or less become the catch phrase, it ignore a much deeper, much darker reality.

That sort of behavior has a clinical name…sociopathy…and some of the red flags shown by those whose psyche is so disposed include “a lack of empathy, impulsiveness, and manipulation. A sociopath is indifferent to the suffering of others, and may not care about the consequences of their actions on others. Sociopaths also employ deceit and controlling behavior to steer the opinions of others. Sociopathy is a mental disorder, and  sociopaths become upset when they feel slighted, offended, or when they don’t get what they want. They may also be triggered when they lose control of others or when they are seen for who they are.”

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A Fundamentally Different Transformation

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

That’s what Obama said in the final days of the 2008 campaign. “Fundamentally transforming the United States of America” into what…he didn’t say, but we found out. Obama wanted a Marxist America. He wanted an America that took a back seat on the world stage, and an America that employed a divide and conquer strategy from within to separate Americans into niche groups.

It was the dawn of identity politics to create turmoil within the nation.

It started with race-baiting and instituted a false sense of systemic racism where one no longer existed, and included a world tour where Obama himself went from country to country to “apologize” for American exceptionalism, strength and leadership. Race vs. race led to gender vs. gender, and class vs. class. The liberal media went all-in, Hollywood went all-in, and so too did the liberal elite and their cash cow George Soros.

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The Catastrophic Consequences of DEI

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

FBI Special Agent Alethea Duncan, the first FBI face to step to a microphone after the Bourbon Street massacre on New Year’s morning in New Orleans, stated solidly, “This was not a terrorist event.”

Roughly an hour later, the same FBI Special Agent Alethea Duncan, came back to the microphone to state, just as solidly, that is WAS a terrorist event.

Let me be very clear about this. BEFORE FBI Special Agent Alethea Duncan declared “This was not a terrorist event,” we already knew that the Ford Lightning pickup truck being driven by the attacker, Shamsud-Din Jabbar, a 42-year-old U.S.-born citizen and U.S. Army veteran from Texas, had an ISIS flag attached to its trailer hitch, and IED’s had been found inside the truck. Call me crazy, but I believe that a truck with a bunch of IED’s in it and sporting a black ISIS flag should have been a giant RED flag to even a garden variety FBI Agent, not to mention what it should have meant to FBI Special Agent Alethea Duncan, but FBI Special Agent Alethea Duncan said is was NOT a terrorist event.

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MAGA Goes Mainstream

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

The liberal Marxist elite were handed their collective hats on November, 5th, 2024 and for the past month, they have been doing lots of finger pointing, trying to assess blame for their stunning losses. While the propaganda media levels blame here, there and everywhere, they are missing the mark.

Maybe former MSNBC host, Chris Matthews came the closest to the real issue, but even he remained blind to the total realism of it all when he spoke about the underlying issues that caused the great red shift in the vote…the economy and the border.

Matthews talked about how the democrats got both those issues wrong, and about how it cost them the election. On the border, Matthews said of the democrats, “I don’t know who they think they were playing to when they let millions of people come cruising through the border at their own will because of their own decisions, they came running through that border and they didn’t do a thing about it and a lot of people are very angry about that, working people especially think they’ve been betrayed, they feel that their country has been given away, and they don’t like it.”

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The Method Behind the Madness

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Joe Biden’s first, and hopefully ONLY term is actually Obama’s third term, and if you haven’t figured that out by now…you must be living under a bridge without access to even rudimentary 2G common sense.

Joe Biden is Obama’s puppet, dancing at the end of his master’s strings while Obama is the wizard behind the curtain. Every time the going gets rough…by design…the wizard goes silent, and since the intafada’s on college campuses began nearly three weeks ago, the sound of Obama’s silence has been deafening.

We can trace the current situation, and so many others back to something Obama once said as the root cause of all of it.

On October 30thth, 2008, Obama made a declarative statement…“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

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College Chaos – We Should NOT Be Surprised

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

I’m willing to bet good money that six months ago, very few if any of the indoctrinated idiots marching about on the campus of Columbia today, could have picked a “Palestinian” flag out of a four flag lineup.

That would have been the easy part. Far more difficult for today’s Ivy-League “scholars” would have been answering questions regarding Hamas, like how they came to power, who they are, who backs them, what is in their charter, or where they hide their weapons and from where do they fire their rockets.

Today, tomorrow’s doctors, attorneys, and future elected “leaders” are showing the world just how butt-stupid they really are, and exactly what their diplomas are worth.

Last week, the NY Times ran a headline that stated, “At Columbia, the Protests Continued, With Dancing and Pizza.”

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Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

With all the problems our nation’s transportation sector has experienced over the past few years, from a series of train derailments, to enormous delays in air travel, one would think that our Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, would be trying to fix the problems that actually exist before he tries to fix make-believe issues that only exist of the addled minds of liberals. Sadly, that is not the case.

Just a couple of weeks ago, a door blew off of a Boeing jet while in fight. Somehow, nobody was killed or severely injured, but the mishap, which came after a series of warnings were ignored, has now prompted the FAA to warn parents not to have babies sitting in their laps during flights lest a part of an airplane suddenly divorce itself from the aircraft and babies start getting sucked out into the wild blue, or pink yonder.

The FAA, by the way, is the government agency tasked with overseeing our nation’s regulating of civil aviation. They are in charge of everything from the safety of aircraft, to maintaining operations with air traffic controllers at airports, to seeing to it that pilots aren’t drinking before they climb into the cockpit.

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A Poison Ivy League Resignation

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

For many years, I have referred to our nation’s colleges and universities, both honestly, and often as “asylums of higher indoctrination.” I stand by that description as the situation has only become worse over the past decade.

I can also say honestly, that throughout my years in school, from elementary school through college, I never once knew the political affiliation of ANY teacher, instructor or professor I had. Maybe I wasn’t looking hard enough for the signs, but never once did any teacher, instructor or professor in any school or class I attended try to indoctrinate students with their political ideology.

Not once.

Not even in my history or political science classes.

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Arrogance, Ignorance and Anti-Semitism

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

How old is the average indoctrinated college student? Roughly, 18-22 years old…maybe a bit older for post indoctrination students? That would make your average public education indoctrinee somewhat younger than that.

It’s important to understand when today’s crop of indoctrinees was born. In the case of those currently in asylums of higher indoctrination, they would have been born around the year 2000. High school age indoctrinees would have been born in the early 2000’s.

It’s important because the propaganda they have been indoctrinated to believe stems from a history they never lived through and that has been, I believe, purposefully ignored in their various indoctrination centers so that the mind-numbed knobs would have no point of actual historical reference.

Without a point of historical reference, the present can be easily manipulated.

Here’s what I mean…

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The Cancer on College Campuses

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Our nation’s college and university campuses used to be where young adults were educated in their chosen fields and prepped to transition into productive members of society.

That is sadly no longer the case.

Today, our college and university campuses have become asylums of higher indoctrination, and places where mind-numbed fools go to become liberal activists with no concept of the reality that awaits them when they graduate with a liberal arts degree.

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