Friday Fume

I have our CHRISTMAS lights up…we got our CHRISTMAS tree up and decorated with CHRISTMAS ornaments and we sent our CHRISTMAS cards out to our troops.

LIBERALS on the other hand…Have been VERY busy trying to OUT STUPID each other!!!

What else is new?

I know all my Patriot friends have been plenty busy getting ready for CHRISTMAS too so…I’ve been paying attention FOR them and…here are the results.

It’s Friday Patriots and…

I’m fuming.


No…NOT on something as trivial as the LOOMING DEBT CRISIS or the FISCAL CLIFF…

THAT would have been silly.

THIS DEAL…engineered by that short bus dipstick Harry Reid…


Saints be praised.

The senate’s head GOOBER struck a deal to get RAISINETS!!!!

Apparently there’s nothing pressing happening in DC so the inmates can watch a movie in the asylum.

“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” isn’t available on Netflix this week???


Still too soon?

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Weekend Edition: Obama Plan a Bridge to Socialism

As the “fiscal” cliff looms, there is another, perhaps more disastrous cliff of which congressional conservatives should be vary.

In Obama’s “plan” presented last week by tax cheat Timmy Geithner, are some just crazy ideas.

Obama, who ran on raising taxes by $800 billion dollars is NOW demanding $1.6 TRILLION in tax hikes.

If soaking the so-called rich, those who make $250,000.00 or more, many of them small business owners, was going to cause higher unemployment and a stalled economy, what then will soaking them for twice that amount do?

Faced with that sort of government theft, small business owners will NOT expand, will NOT invest, will NOT hire and WILL lay off employees to offset their losses.

In many, MANY cases, small businesses will ALSO raise their prices to consumers thus causing their customers to cut back on THEIR spending.

Combine the two and unemployment rises while the GDP falls.

Basically, the Obama “plan” calls for massive tax hikes and then leaves the spending cuts…dangling.

Obama says, give me the tax hikes NOW and we’ll talk about spending cuts…later…maybe.

Also included in his “plan” is another $50 billion dollar STIMULUS.

Why? Are there more green energy companies that have yet to go bankrupt?

Obama is acting like he has a mandate from 99% of the people to hike taxes in the 1% but, that simply is NOT true. He was “reelected” by a smaller margin than in his 2008 original election and, nearly half the people voted to send him packing.

In fact, the whole “tax the rich” and blow off the spending cuts “plan” only has the support of 11% of the people according to recent polls.

Gallop places the number of people who want “major cuts” to government SPENDING at 92% although, in Obama’s plan, we’ll discuss spending cuts sometime down the road…maybe.

NOT included in Obama’s goofy “plan” are any measures to stabilize Medicare or Social Security.



Zip, zilch zero.

Oddly, according to Gallop polls, 88% of the people WANT Obama to do something to save Medicare and Social Security.

It seems to me that 88% IS a mandate…92% IS a mandate but…11% is NOT.

So, let’s recap…

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Weekend Edition: Liberal Lies and Kryptonite

In this presidential race, arguably the most important since 1860, Mitt Romney is gaining momentum and Obama is starting to fade.

We are but 16 days from casting ballots in a race that has easily encompassed the last 16 months.

The question is…Why? Why is Romney gaining the momentum? Why is Obama fading?

Liberals, as the hours and days go by, are getting more and more desperate.


Liberals have nobody but themselves to blame for their own desperation and their candidate’s fading numbers.

From the very beginning, from the day of his nomination, Obama has been shielded from reality by the media. At least, that is the conventional wisdom. To some extent, it’s true but, I contend that it goes much, MUCH deeper than that.

Obama has rarely, very rarely, face tough questions its true. The media, a liberal lap dog media, has seen to that. They have steadfastly refused to challenge Obama and they have been quick to label those who might, as racists either by saying it themselves via their liberal media pundits or by allowing the narrative of racism itself to go unchallenged.

Think back to December 10th, 2010. That was the day that Obama held a press conference to talk about a new tax plan compromise.

As the questions got detailed, suddenly, Obama stepped aside and left the questions to be answered by…Bill Clinton. The liberal lap dog media was all too happy to have Clinton at the podium and even peppered the formally impeached president with foreign policy questions in Obama’s absence.

On June 15th of THIS year, Obama made public his Dream Act decree from the Rose Garden. This was a speech, not a press conference but, one reporter, Neil Munro, dared ask a question.

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The Empty Chair Convention Begins


Talk about your rough starts…

Obama and his minions are kicking off their 2012 Liberal/Socialist convention amid what is understatedly, a malaise.

Yesterday, the day before the Occupy Charlotte event gets under way, was “National Empty Chair Day,” an event which was born from Clint Eastwood’s Republican Convention appearance which will stretch until the end of the Liberal/Socialist convention on Thursday.

Bolstered by a grassroots effort on social media, “National Empty Chair Day” was replete with a never ending display of creative images of empty chairs posted from sea to shining sea.

Conservative Patriots placed empty chairs everywhere they could think of. In front of their homes, in parks, on streets, the bottoms of pools, stacked, in rows, in offices…everywhere.

We, at The National Patriot, added in our own take on it…seen here.

Over the weekend, on the eve of “National Empty Chair Day,” Mount  Suckmore…The giant sand sculpture of Obama outside the convention hall was damaged by heavy rain.

It’s a fitting tribute…

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Nitwits, Hair Brains and Socialists…OH MY!!!!

Okay…Let me see if I have this straight.

Hair Brained Harry Reid who has offered such pearls of wisdom as these:

“The tea party will disappear as soon as the economy gets better and the economy is getting better all the time.”

“Until the Republicans get real, we can’t do [spending bills], because [House Republicans] have refused to adhere to the law that guides this country.”

“Last year, Amonix CEO Brian Robertson was tragically killed in a plane crash and unfortunately the company was unable to recover from this difficult time.”

“Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good.”

“This war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything.”

At one point Hair Brained Harry said THIS about John Roberts…

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Friday Fume

As we get closer and closer to the election…Liberals get closer and closer to the RUBBER ROOM.

They continue to grow more and more desperate and hence, they become more and more unglued.

We should fully expect liberals to foolishness to go completely off the scale and this week has been no exception. We, as conservatives can either pull our hair out or…laugh at them while we watch them flail about.

So what do you say Patriots? Shall we keep the pressure ON???

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, well, well…How about we start things off today inside the demented mind of Harry Reid?

In the last few days…ol’ Harry has stated and doubled down on something that even HE admits, he doesn’t know if it is true or not.

This jackass is flitting about saying that in the last 10 years…Mitt Romney has paid no taxes.

He says, “I am not basing this on some figment of my imagination. I have had a number of people tell me that.”

Who, Harry? WHO’S been telling you that???

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Today’s Obamacare Headlines Are GROSSLY Misleading

Yesterday, in the House, yet another vote to repeal Obamacare was held. It was the 33rd time such a vote was taken in the House since the passage of the bill nobody could know what was in until they passed it.

33 times in the house.

How many times has this been debated in the Senate?


That’s because Harry Reid, just as he’s done with 30 some odd jobs bills passed in the House and all the various budgets passed in the House…Refuses to allow them to see the light of day in the Senate.

Liberals and socialists love to tell you that it’s the republicans obstructing congress or doing nothing in congress but, they’re lying.


There will be a great many variations of the headlines but, essentially, they’ll be talking about republicans voting for repeal and getting nowhere doing it.

That, however, should NOT be the headline.

HERE’S what the headline SHOULD be:

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Obamacare IS a Fundamental Transformation Tax

Obamacare is THE largest TAX INCREASE, the most deceitfully CONTRIVED and UNSCRUPULOUSLY passed bill in American history!!!

As a law, Chief Justice Roberts was absolutely CORRECT in finding it CONSTITUTIONAL as a TAX law and THAT is as FAR as I believe he could possibly go in his ruling. The Supreme Court had no choice but to hear arguments and adjudicate upon the MERITS of the law itself and in that light, Chief Justice Roberts was 100% correct or…Was he?

Here’s a MAJOR problem though…According to the Anti Injunction Act from March 2nd, 1867…NO TAX LAW CAN BE ADJUDICATED UNTIL AFTER IT TAKES EFFECT and in the case of Obamacare, the Supreme Court should NOT have ruled on it in whole…AS A TAX LAW…until after 2018 but that would require yet ANOTHER round in 2 years at the High Court.

Now then, what neither he nor any of the Supreme Court could do, considering the nature of the action by which it was BROUGHT to the Highest Court, was adjudicate it upon the MANNER in which it was passed. I suggest that had THAT aspect been the focus of the case, the outcome may well have been QUITE different.

Roberts and the Court found it to be a TAX law and CONSTITUTIONAL because it’s a TAX law.

Oh…Obama TOLD us it WASN’T a tax and that nobody in the middle class would see THEIR taxes go up…”Not one single dime.” But…And I know this will come as a GREAT shock…Obama was lying. He wasn’t misspoken. He wasn’t misquoted. He wasn’t taken out of context. He wasn’t misunderstood or any of the rest of the lame excuses so often used by politicians.

It’s NOT conservative spin, right wing propaganda, parsing of words, misrepresentation by the right, racist, scare tactics or any of the other things the liberal/socialists are want to use as dismissive talking points or labels either.

Obama was flat out, bald faced, down and dirty, through is teeth, without blinking an eye and without a second thought…


And one can EASILY believe he was LYING because HE, and a handful of others, KNEW that the ONLY way to obtain passage of Obamacare, was to proceed Unconstitutionally and WITHOUT a SHRED of ethics nor rules adhered to.

Here is how it went down and WHY it SHOULD be regarded as UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

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