Obama Is Giving Your 2nd Amendment Rights to Terrorists

Let’s have a look at the pattern of behavior regarding our 2nd Amendment presented by the Obama administration for a moment.

We know these things are happening, that they are consistent and that the list of them continues to grow but, sometimes, until we see it in writing, the overall danger of the pattern is dismissed.

It shouldn’t be.

To fully understand the Obama concept of our 2nd Amendment, one needs to go back to the beginning.

In this case, the beginning is when Obama was a “professor” at the university of Chicago teaching, of all things, Constitutional Law to young and impressionable, government school indoctrinated youth.

That is where economist, then a professor himself and now author, John R. Lott Jr. met Barack Hussein Obama.

In his book, “At the Brink” in the 3rd chapter, Lott tells of when he and Obama had a discussion regarding guns and the 2nd Amendment.

What, according to Lott, Obama said was stunning and important to his current stance on guns.

Said Obama…

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Weekend Edition: Dear Nobel Peace Prize Committee

Dear Nobel Peace Prize Committee,

It is well past the time for you to admit you made a mistake.

On October 9th, 2009, you gave one of your “PEACE” prizes to one Barack Hussein Obama and cited…

Obama’s “promotion of nuclear nonproliferation” and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world,” In doing so.

Even an organization as suspect as yours must now accept that this was a large crock of crap.

Outside of the despots in Iran and North Korea, who ISN’T for nuclear nonproliferation?


If that was a valid reason for giving someone a medal you would be turning those things out like Hershey’s cranks out Kisses.

And this…”OUTREACH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD” might be one of the most LUDACRIS things ever imagined.

Have you dunderheads noticed what’s going ON in that world???

The MUSLIMS dislike us more NOW than they did when you put Obama on a pedestal.


Not only that but…Just look at the things your “PEACE” prize winner has been doing.

For instance…

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Friday Fume

Is there no END to liberal stupidity?


This week, like the previous weeks and just as it will be in future weeks, liberals and socialists just keep raising the bar on their insipid activities.

This week, Bradley Manning got busted down to private before he was sentenced to 35 years in a military lock up and now, he wants his clusters removed.

That’s right…Bradley now wants to be CHELSEA and begin hormone treatments…PRESUMABLY at TAX PAYER EXPENSE because, I suppose, having a little cloud of glitter behind you every time you fart just isn’t a good thing when you’re cellmate’s name is HANK.

The government has awarded a $78 THOUSAND DOLLAR grant to a bunch of HALF BAKED researchers to find out if GLOBAL WARMING caused the downfall of the MAYAN civilization.

Exhibit A) MAYAN…SUV’s.

And…The without A=CLU(E)…Which uttered not a single word of displeasure when a U.S. District Court Judge threw out OKLAHOMA’S BAN ON SHARIA LAW…Now is DEMANDING a STATUE of the 10 COMMANDMENTS be REMOVED from the lawn of the OKLAHOMA CAPITOL!!!

Tell me again how socialists don’t want all notions of our JUDEO/CHRISTIAN values BANISHED to be replaced by the IDEOLOGY of ISLAM!!!!!

It’s Friday my fellow Patriots and…

I’m fuming.

Well…Proving that governments of OTHER nations can be as dumb as a door knob…JAPAN has decided that the leak of RADIOACTIVE WATER from the FUKISHIMA nuclear plant is NOT an ANOMALY after all.


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So, last weekend, a rodeo clown donned an Obama mask and stood in the ring as the announcer asked the assembled crowd if they would like to see Obama run down by a bull.

The crowd roared with approval.

In the end, the Obama masked clown ran away from the bull and out of the ring to the delight of the crowd but, that certainly wasn’t the end of it.

Oh no…

Senator Clair McCaskill and congressman William Lacy Clay issued a joint statement.

“I am amazed that in 2013, such hatred, intolerance and disrespect towards the President of the United States could take place at the Missouri State Fair. Our fair is supposed to showcase the best of Missouri, instead, it showed an ugly face of intolerance and ignorance to the world.”

While I am loathe to agree with 2 socialists…McCaskill and Clay were 100% correct…

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Friday Fume

One would think it’s about time liberals and socialists take a vacation from their daily bouts of stupidity but no…They just keep taking leave of their senses.

Debbie Whatshername Schultz, the DNC barking poodle, issued THIS bit of genius via Twitter the other day:

“The GOP’s having a hard time attracting female candidates. With their policy stance on limiting women’s rights, is anyone really surprised?”

Hmmm…In 2010…14 Conservative WOMEN were running for the senate and 94 CONSERVATIVE WOMEN were running for the house. In fact, AFTER the 2010 midterms…SOCIALISTS LOST 8 WOMEN while the CONSERVATIVE side of the aisle GAINED 7!!!!!

Maybe the poodle should just keep barking about a woman’s right to kill the unborn because WE’RE gearing up ANOTHER banner crop of women for 2014!!!!!

Anyway…It’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Boy…Ya just can’t get ANYTHING by the FBI.


The FBI has recently issued a warning that, Shockwave, Sureshot, White Lightning, Zombie Boom, Blue Thunder and the original brand, Tannerite…All comprising…

EXPLODING targets used on gun ranges and by sportsmen…

Can be used to make…

Wait for it…

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When Core Values are Replaced by Street Cred

As we continue to deal with the stupidity of those who believe that, somehow, Treyvon Martin, a punk wannabe, a drug user and a thief, was an innocent, angelic little child, we find another case of woefully misguided wailing going on.

In NY last weekend, cops responded to an incident.

It was 3am on Sunday morning.

Nothing good happens on the streets of ANY city at 3am and the one that never sleeps is no exception.

The 2 rookie cops, on the force since January, 2013, heard shots ring out and, as they were on foot patrol, ran to the scene.

That’s where they discovered 14 year old Shaaliver Douse, with a 9 mm handgun, firing at a man who was running away from the front of a bodega.

The cops IDENTIFIED themselves AS cops, ORDERED the kid to DROP THE WEAPON and then, as the fleeing man ran past them, Shaaliver Douse fired a 4th time.

It would be the last thing he ever did.

One of the rookie cops fired a single shot, hitting Douse in the face and the 14 year old was dead.

That’s where Douse’s Aunt, Quwana Barcene, comes in.

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Obama – Put Your Hands UP and Get Your Feet Off the Desk

Every Time Ed Snowden sneezes, there’s a breaking news update.

If the guy breaks wind, I’m reasonably sure the media would glom onto it as though a petrified rat had just been found on Mars.


Because Ed Snowden is a wanted man. He’s on the lamb and he’s looking for a nice, quiet little communist community where he can settle down.


For espionage.

In a “phony” scandal.

Under a long defunct provision called the Espionage Act of 1917.

ESPIONAGE they say. He has harmed the nation’s security…Or so they say.

As Snowden prances about the globe applying for asylum and being turned down and, as he finally gets out of the Moscow airport…Snowden is America’s most wanted American.

I have to tell you…I don’t get it.

What’s so special about Ed Snowden anyway?

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Friday Fume

Can you believe we made it through another WHOLE week of this socialist crap?

ME EITHER…But we did and we’re thankful for it.

Nancy Pelosi wants to have a “CONVERSATION” on RACE and JUSTICE when she’s at home next week. I’ll bet the mild mannered folk across the bay in OAKLAND ain’t gonna be jiggy wit it though.

The socialists in congress say that the IRS needs an additional $12 BILLION dollars next year because…APPARENTLY…IT’S GONNA COST MORE TO LEAK ALL OUR MEDICAL INFO THAN IT DID TO POST 110,000 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS!!!

And…The thugs, thieves and despots at the United Nations have decided that November 19th, 2013 be…INTERNATIONAL TOILET DAY!!!!!

I say we send em OBAMA for the FIRST CEREMONIAL FLUSHING!!!!!!!

If you can’t tell, it’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

What have we here???

“An analysis of one textbook cannot provide a balanced understanding as to what the students in Brevard Public Schools are learning throughout their academic careers.”

Those are the words of Brevard County Schools spokeswoman, Michelle Irwin, as she defended…DEFENDED a Prentice Hall World History textbook being used by 9th graders that contains…

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Hillary’s “ACCOMPLISHMENTS” To Be Subject of Mini-Series

Well…Won’t this be special?

NBC, in a transparently obvious, desperate attempt to draw attention away from Obama’s “phony” scandals, is already promoting their yet to be shot…4 hour long mini-series on Hillary Rodham Clinton…The soused spouse of the first black president…Horn dog Bill.

For some unknown reason, the Obama propaganda machine believes it will take 4 hours to show a Kool Aid soaked socialist audience all of her “accomplishments” as our Secretary of a Debouched State.

If you remember, when the previously concussed Clinton finally appeared before both the house and senate committees investigating Benghazi, each and every socialist, knowing full well that Hillary would be running for the oval in 2016, paid her astonishing and dripping with ooze praise for…

What was it again…

Oh yes…Logging a MILLION MILES on an airplane.

NOT ONE praised her for what she did while that broom with wings was sitting on the tarmac but…PRAISE THE HEAVENS…She flew it a MILLION MILES!!!

Perhaps Sen. Bob Casey, D-Penn., summed it up best when HE stated: “What I think is a widely-shared sentiment today of gratitude and commendation for your work. We don’t have time to give a full listing of the achievements you deserve credit for.”

And…Those achievements ARE?????

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Friday Fume

Friends, Patriots…Lend me your eyes!!!

It takes quite a bit to knock me from my office chair but, even I was picking myself up from the floor this week.

The press was agog all week over some whining, drooling, diaper filling little brat who can’t even speak but…Enough about Barney Frank.

We have a string of socialist celebrities vowing to boycott Florida over the Zimmerman verdict. Hmmm…They’ll go to Cuba, consort with despots, cry at Hugo’s funeral and champion Che but, let 6 women find an innocent man NOT GUILTY and THEN they get their panties in a wad???


And HUD has decided to map EVERY SINGLE CITY in the country to…Get this…ELIMINATE SEGREGATION!!!

That’ll go over like a fart in church down in Sanford Florida where all the blacks in one neighborhood want to force all the white/Hispanics out.

Well…It’s the end of the week and it’s time to let it all loose. Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming!!!

Well, of all the lame-brained ideas.

For those few in the military who worship at the altar of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS…

There’s now a push by socialists to have MILITARY…ATHEIST…CHAPLAINS!!!!!!!


Perhaps, after a war…the atheists can put NOTHING on a hilltop and then WE…WHO HAVE FAITH…CAN SUE THEM!!!!!!!


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