Are any of you familiar with the movie “Fallen?” The film begins with a cop, played by Denzel Washington, paying visit to a serial killer prior to his–the killer’s–execution. During the scene, the killer takes Denzel by the hand and sings “Time Is On My Side.” Moments later, the killer is executed and the plot thickens. Although his body is toast, the spirit remains floating from one body to the next, first to a person working at the prison, then on to a construction worker, and so on and so forth. Unsuspecting citizens play host to an infiltrating demon spirit’s agenda, recommencing with more killings at the behest of the soul which has taken them over.
At first, Denzel suspects there are copycat killings taking place; however, as these killings are being committed by one-time, normal, everyday productive members of society, he realizes that something else is going on. He realizes that these people were not acting on their own accord; rather, they served as puppets for a homicidal and incorporeal puppeteer…who would move on to the next body by a touch of the hand, a bump, a graze, a brush-by; a brief instant of contact allows for the spirit to switch bodies…and walk away from the scene undetected. This brings Denzel into the occult world, as he looks for alternate ways to put an end to this, but the situation seems hopeless, even when the killer sits at his desk and taunts him. Take a look at this scene, and you’ll understand what I mean…