Try swallowing this ObamaCare pill

As many of you know, last week my dear friend Dori was laid to rest after her 16- month battle with brain cancer…and you know of her family’s battles through the nightmare of the health care fiasco known as ObamaCare. The battle is over for Dori but it has just begun for the rest of us.

And that battle begins with us knowing that ObamaCare is a LIE…NO other way to say it. It is NOT health care nor is it affordable as its actual name…The Affordable Care Act (ACA)…claims it to be. ObamaCare from its inception to its roll out to its subsequent implementation is NOTHING but one big scam to ‘insure’, if you will, the ‘sponges’ of our society so they stay in the voting pocket of the Democratic party and NOTHING else.

Obama loves to claim that to date more than eight million Americans have signed up for health insurance through the exchanges, but the truth is more like eight million Americans have perused the website and put something into their shopping cart, but have NOT paid that all-important first premium…thus denying the program the dollars needed to keep ObamaCare afloat. And Obama knew this would happen for he knows…and has always known…ObamaCare’s inherent flaws.

And while we conservatives know well ObamaCare’s flaws…like the death panels with the 15-member bureaucratic cabal of DC fat cats who will decide who gets to live and who gets to die…like rationed medicine for the rest of us…and all the other medical peccadilloes that are the hallmark of ObamaCare, but what most don’t know is that something very dangerous was snuck in ever so sneakily and will affect us all…and that is that drug prices for ALL prescription drugs will be substantially going up to cover for the monies needed but NOT gotten to keep ObamaCare afloat. Obama knew the true sign-up numbers would NEVER allow ObamaCare to survive…so drug prices and sign-up numbers have been manipulated to subsidize almost the entirety of the ACA.

And now I will tell you just how much of a drug price increase you will face and it will shock you like few things in ObamaCare have done before…


Benghazi: The Truth Exposed…Part 3 of 3

Article Co-Written by Craig Andresen and Diane Sori

After the attacks in Benghazi many questions remained that needed answers even after the Johnny-come-lately FBI investigation said all hadbenghazi 1 been answered, and those who wanted to protect the Obama regime by refusing to answer them was in full operational mode. The Rose Garden speech blaming the video…Obama jetting off to Vegas for a fund raiser…Susan Rice spreading the video nonsense on five Sunday shows…Hillary and Obama blaming the video at the memorial service as the caskets of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty arrived…and more of Obama’s blathering on about the video ruse at the U(seless) N(ations). We do NOT need to go into details with which everyone is already all too familiar. What we must do however, is connect the most disturbing of dots. Let’s begin with the ‘stand down’ orders.

Issuing a ‘stand down’ order does follow a specific chain of command, and the one relating to Benghazi would go like this, in order from top to bottom…President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary’s of the various armed services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the various Chiefs of Staff for each military service, the Commanding General for AFRICOM, and the local command structure under AFRICOM.

All in the command chain below Obama have denied giving such an order, including then Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (remember, Dempsey testified that orders were given to assist in Tripoli but NOT to assist in Benghazi but NEVER telling who gave that order but we know it was NOT him). And all the military branch Chiefs have also said they gave NO such order. And while AFRICOM Commander General Carter Ham did give testimony in a closed door hearing before the House Armed Services Committee investigating Benghazi, we still do NOT know his testimony, but know that if he had given such an order it would have been made public for all to hear for it would have cleared Obama, especially important because everything possible is being done to try and distance him from this event, especially after his nonsense about a YouTube video.

But NO such announcement assuming responsibility for that ‘stand down’ order has been made by General Ham so logic would dictate he gave NO such order. And remember, Panetta announced back in October 2012, that General Ham would be retiring for refusing to obey orders NOT to assist the US personnel in Benghazi on that fateful night, and that on Saturday, October 27th, Panetta confirmed that General Ham had indeed been ‘relieved’ of his AFRICOM command.

Now here is something interesting about the official command chain…neither the Vice-President nor the Secretary of State is in that chain. But, the Vice-President and the Secretary of State do have the authority through the President to countermand any one below the President. And while the National Security Council and the Department of Homeland Security Secretary influence military decisions (to some degree) through the National Security Act and through their advisory positions to the President, they do NOT have the authority to issue an actual ‘stand down’ order on their own as that can ONLY be done by those in the direct chain of command.

Yet according to whistleblower Gregory Hicks (the Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya at the time of Benghazi), who when testifying before Congress said that after the first attack a security team left Tripoli for Benghazi with two military personnel, and that four members of a special forces team in Tripoli wanted to go in a second wave but were ordered to ‘stand down’ (but he did NOT know who gave that order).

And remember…

Continue reading

Benghazi: The Truth Exposed…Part 2

By: Diane Sori

My RIGHT SIDE PATRIOT partner and owner of The National Patriot, Craig Andresen, and I have teamed up to expose the truth about Benghazi…the truth the media…including FOX News…will NOT tell you. And as they say, ‘the devil is in the details’…and those details can be found buried within the entirety of ‘The U.S. Senate Select Committee on INTELLIGENCE REVIEW of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi’ and NOT within the abbreviated version the media ‘sold’ to the public.

These details are so critical and so ignored that Craig and I are doing a three-part series running today and tomorrow in our respective blogs and on Facebook leading up to our RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio show this Wednesday at 2pm. Comprising our full second hour starting at 3pm, Craig and I will break down our finds into even more details…details and facts Obama and Hillary need to be kept hidden for fear that both a Constitutional crisis and their respective arrests might be in the making. Please visit Craig’s blog first (Part 1) as he exposes the events leading up to Benghazi.

And now I will pick-up where Craig’s article leaves off…

When foreign diplomats sense their lives are in danger they try to send paper ‘classified documents’ to ‘safe’ places or they destroy those documents which could fall into enemy hands. And if choosing to smuggle documents out they do NOT send them to just one person…they send copies of said documents to many…either couriering them out via a trusted person or most likely in Stevens’ case sending the computer files through the internet and e-mails to those they trust.  I would safely guess that’s what Stevens did, for being the consummate professional he was known to be, he probably documented everything (I believe) he suspected about Obama’s involvement in the guns and weapons running operation, and sent it to those he trusted as the events in Benghazi and around the area started to heat up. And most likely Stevens’ actions and his suppositions were discovered by Obama’s and Hillary’s people, and thus he was marked for a ‘targeted kill’ to silence him, because the presidential election was coming up and Obama could NOT afford any bad press.Sadly, Smith, Woods, and Doherty were mere collateral damage.