Derailing Distractions With Facts

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on

Conspiracy theories to the left of us…wedding cakes and pizza parlors to the right of us…and a regime caught in the middle facing in all likelihood the probability that not only cta 1will Congress stay ‘red’ in 2016 but that the White House will turn ‘red’ too. And having no real platform to run on what with our economy in the tubes and our enemies laughing at us, the only tactic they have left to salvage anything of substance is to divert and deflect our attention away from the prize.

And boy have the diversions worked up until now. Let’s see, first we had ebola the supposed death of us all; then Ferguson and Baltimore where the ‘element’ behaved oh so badly; and now we have Jade Helm a supposed military op to take over America and lock us all up in a Walmart somewhere. And all this because 2016 looms large and all this because of two upcoming Supreme Court decisions that could put the final nail in Obama’s nefarious agenda and legacy.

So with Ebola and Ferguson over and done, and with Baltimore still simmering, let’s look at Jade Helm…

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To Placate an Angry Mob

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on

mob 1“To the people of Baltimore and the demonstrators across America, I heard your call for ‘no justice, no peace.’ Your peace is sincerely needed as I work to deliver justice on behalf of this young man.” – Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby

And here we go folks…the federal government, under the watchful eye of the Obama regime, will now boldly go where they shouldn’t…into local municipal police departments and the tactic being employed will surely lead to grabbing power away from local law enforcement in exactly the same way the feds managed to grab land from the states as outlined in our ‘Land Grab’ series.

Obama is set to award some $20 million dollars in federal grants to local police departments for the purpose of buying body cams for officers and that’s just the beginning. The total package of this ‘gift’ to local law enforcement is $75 million dollars and it seems to have the backing of Congress.

SHOULD local law enforcement officers be outfitted with body cams? Yes.

Should they be glad-handing to the federal government for the funds?

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A Surrender of Epic Proportions

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on

In timing eerily reminiscent of the start of the ’67 Yom Kippur War, yesterday after a surr 1one-day extension, as both Passover and Good Friday were mere hours away, suddenly and miraculously a preliminary deal…a ‘framework’ for moving Iran closer to becoming armed with nuclear weapons…has been reached. And it was reached quite coincidentally as most of the deal-contesting P5+1 members had already gone home to their respective countries.

And so it seems that Barack HUSSEIN Obama has gotten his wish of selling out both America and Israel to those wishing to kill us all as both John ‘Swiftboat’ Kerry and the Obama regime itself further bow down and make concessions to the demands of Iran…demands which should leave nobody wondering just exactly who, in all of this ‘negotiating,’ has been calling the shots all along.

NOT quite negotiating puts it mildly as Iran had recently demanded that all sanctions against them be lifted, especially those that had been most effective in crippling their economy and that the near decade of imposed watching over their nuclear program by the IAEA also be eliminated as a term of any ‘deal’ to be reached. Other demands made by the Islamic Republic of Iran have included that they not be forced to send their already refined and stockpiled uranium to Russia for ‘safe keeping’ if you will…to keep it from being used and incorporated into nuclear weapons.

What should have been a deal breaker…

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Operation David – A Sensible Peace proposal

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on

“Those who support Israel should know they have two options left; either to muda 5support the king to the end, which is almost impossible now, or to secretly support the secular opposition in Jordan, which has clearly announced it would honor the peace agreement with Israel.”
– Mudar Zahran, leader and Secretary General of the Jordanian Coalition of Opposition

The Israeli’s vs. the Palestinians…an on-going battle since the 1960’s when the Soviets invented the Palestinians as a cold war tool to use against the west and Yassir Arafat used them to forward his PLO agenda…an ongoing battle that has now turned into statesman Benjamin Netanyahu vs. ‘I really don’t give a damn about Israel’ Barack HUSSEIN Obama with Jordan’s King Abdullah II…the man actually holding the trump card…sitting laughingly on the sidelines.

Abdullah II has the U.S. fooled with his Western mannerisms and dress but know in his heart that he is an islamist who will sell his soul to devil if it helps him keep the cushy U.S. financed lifestyle he has grown accustomed to. Abdullah II, who with a swipe of his pen, could end this battle but refuses to do so as he is NOT his own man but is a puppet whose strings are pulled by the Muslim Brotherhood…a recognized terrorist organization interestingly NOT on Jordan’s terrorist list.

And now with the bad-blood, if you will, between Netanyahu and Obama out in public for all to see…bad blood caused by Obama’s blatant anti-Semitic and anti-Israel agenda…it’s NO wonder that the Israeli/Palestinian peace talks have fallen flat on their face. And while many think this conflict will never end there is still a bit of hope for peace, and it comes in the guise of Jordan’s secular freedom fighters…in the guise of Mudar Zahran, muslim leader and Secretary General of the Jordanian Coalition of Opposition.

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Having the Mindset of a Terrorist

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on

Having pre-planned to take Germanwings flight 4U9525 down, 28-year-old German-LUB 1national co-pilot Andreas Lubitz,…who had but 630 hours of flying experience compared with the 6,000 hours of Flight Captain Patrick Sonderheimer…slammed the Airbus A320 into the French Alps after locking himself in the cockpit.

Going 700 kilometers per hour (approximately 430+ mph) shattering the plane into small pieces causing instantaneous death, the recovered transcript of the last 30 minutes tells the story of a deliberate act of what is claimed to be suicide but what we know logic dictates is terrorism…maybe not islamic terrorism but terrorism nonetheless. In fact, being that Obama rushed to say this was not terrorism immediately after the crash has logic again dictating that if Obama is something is not terrorism it most assuredly is terrorism.

Providing definitive proof that the plane did not explode mid-air and did not suffer a classic decompression situation, the audio transcript shows that in the first 20 minutes of the flight the pilots talked normally and conversationally to each other like any pilots would do during a flight, and then Captain Sonderheimer asks co-pilot Lubitz to take over (its assumed the pilot went to the bathroom), and the sound of a chair being pushed back and a door closing can be heard. It was at this point that an opportunity arose where Lubitz could commit his pre-planned act that took the plane down…that is manually pressing the buttons to reset the flight monitoring system to start the descent of the plane…a descent that went from 38,000 ft to 100 ft in less than ten minutes.

When Sonderheimer returned and found the door locked, he started to first knock gently, then began pounding on the door when Lubitz refused to open it. The question is why didn’t he use the outside override system and punch in the emergency code to open said door or if he did logic would then say that Lubitz deliberately blocked the door with something preventing its opening.

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Abdullah…a Mere Figurehead in the Fight Against ISIS

Article Co-Written by Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on

abd 1“We are waging this war to protect our faith, our values and human principles and our war for their sake will be relentless and will hit them in their own ground.”

– King Abdullah’s words on Jordanian State Television

The war against ISIS…or Daesh as the Arab’s call them…has been going on for some months now but Abdullah dared to speak these words only after the muslim world joined the rest of the world in gasping in horror as ISIS’ burned alive captured Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. And Abdullah’s’s military pledging to go after ISIS only came after Obama leaked to the press that he would probably seek Congressional authorization for an upgrade in military force against ISIS.

And contrary to the photos being released, Jordan’s King Abdullah II did not take part in the airstrikes against ISIS as witnessed by this official statement issued by his office…“The king is NOT taking part in strikes on ‪#‎ISIS‬, reports were inaccurate.” Inaccurate is an understatement as this king…this Muslim Brotherhood supporting king…is all about photo-ops just like his buddy Obama…and to release photos such as this…to have people think that he, Abdullah, is a hero while Jordanians grieve for their lost pilot and actually blame the palace for not doing enough to secure al-Kaseasbeh’s release…is a stunt right out of the Obama playbook….as in Obama’s insistent bloviations that, “I got bin-Laden.”

So before anyone goes ‘all-in’ with Jordan’s King Abdullah II and starts promoting him as the leader of men that Obama is not…

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Jordanian Pilot BURNED ALIVE – Horrific Video

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

Earlier today, my Right Side Patriots partner and friend Diane Sori and I broke fab 1the news that the Jordanian Pilot, held by ISIS since December had been brutally murdered…not by beheading but by being burned alive.

The barbarians of Islam filmed that murder exactly one month ago on January 3rd and then pretended to “negotiate” with the country of Jordan for more than 30 days until releasing the horrific video today.

THESE are the barbarians Obama can’t bring himself to call Islamic TERRORISTS.

THESE are the barbarians of the 7th century who Obama allows to gain in strength, size and wealth while he tells US that their progress has been halted.

HE, Obama…is lying. He supports these barbarians at every turn.

Obama once said that “Muslims built the very fabric of our nation.”

He was lying…trying to get us to ACCEPT the Islamic agenda of hate, genocide and domination.

The video is hard to watch. In fact, one of THE toughest things to watch I have even seen and believe me, doing what we do, Diane and I have seen some VERY hard to watch videos so the question becomes…fire 4why post a link to this video at all?

The answer is simple and stark…we can’t allow the forces of political correctness to determine what we see and what we know. This extremely graphic and horrific video must be seen. We must know exactly what these sub-human Islamic barbarians are and what they intend to bring to our allies around the world and to our own shores unless we stop them over there.

If we turn away in horror from the evil that is Islam, we can never hope to defeat Islam. If we are terrorized by what we see or refuse to see…the barbarian swine of Islam have won but…if we dare to look upon it and get angry rather than scared…THEY…LOSE!!!

To watch this video…CLICK HERE…as we now have it on our Right Side Patriots site.

Enough…We’ve Had Enough…Part 3 of 3

 By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori (RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS)

JIH 1The man who toasts himself as a citizen of the world did NOT go to the Paris Unity March because NO one asked him to go or so he says…truth is he chose to watch the NFL playoffs instead.

And so as France continues to deal with the aftermath of the Islamic terrorist attack that has set the world’s consciousness on fire…and while up to six Islamic terrorists from the same cell that carried out last Wednesday’s targeted assassinations at the offices of Charlie Hebdo are running loose in Paris (with two others having been captured…one in Belgium and one in Turkey)…Twitter and other social media are exploding with calls to ban Islam across Europe and here in the United States.

Social media is also ablaze with support for Islamic terrorism and the Islamic terrorists who carried out last week’s attack…NO big surprise there.

However, there are some clear certainties of which the truth must be told…Islam is the enemy and Islamic terror is on the rise. On the rise with NO terrorist organization being decimated regardless of what name they are going by this week and…most importantly…Islam is a clear and present danger to these United States.

Sorry Obama…sorry liberals…but those are the simple facts and NO amount of sniveling…NO amount of appeasement…and NO amount of political correctness can alter those facts.

Islam is Islam and…

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Enough…We’ve Had Enough…Part 1 of 3

By: Diane Sori

“Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog.”ds 6
Sir Winston ChurchillAnd so they came to Paris…One by one from all over France they gathered to stand strong and united as one against terrorism…against muslim islamic terrorism.

And they came…one and a half million French men, women, and children marching through the streets of Paris (3.7 million marched across all of France)…NOT for a funeral or memorial service per se, but for a quiet and respectful act of protest and show of solidarity against the out of control political ideology known as islam.

The world’s great leaders…over 50 in fact… including Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (the man who warned the world time and again about the dangers of islam)…stood alongside French President Francois Hollande. Joined by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, they all linked arms to march together as one to show the world they stood united with the people of France…to show the world they stood united against islamic terrorism.

Defeating Islam Starts With the Truth

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori (RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS)

heb 1Let’s start with the bottom line…what happened in Paris will happen here we just do NOT know exactly when and where. And it will happen because we have a president who caters to, acquiesces to, and condones the actions of those out to kill us all. Remember, Barack HUSSEIN Obama while sometimes using the word ‘terrorism’ refuses to call the majority of the vast acts of terrorism what they are… Islamic terrorism…because he dare NOT offend his own chosen ideology.

Now lets cut to the chase and tell a truth that few want to hear…Islam wants war with the West so lets give it to them and end this once and for all. Remember, Islam is NOT a religion so perish the thought that we are waging war on the religion of Islam for Islam is an ideology, a political cult if you will, and has NOTHING to do with God for Allah is but a made-up deity of a perverted pedophile called Mohammed.

Simply, this would be a war of civilization against the barbaric.

And this is key because one must understand that NO matter how some want you to believe that radical Islam and Islam itself are two totally different entities NOTHING could be further from the truth. In fact, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, a Muslim leader in his own right, said, “Islam cannot be classified as moderate or not…These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult o our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”

In other words…

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