Biden’s Autopen…Truths, Questions and Ramifications

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori– The National Patriot and The Patriot Factor

Let us be clear here. Neither of us are attorneys. While the legalities of the latest Biden scandal will be argued by legal experts, with opinions differing between them, our approach to this is more common sense than common law, but that said, there are absolutes involved in the Biden autopen scandal which are clearly addressed by the Constitution.

RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS doesn’t know at this point what the outcome of all of this will be, but we can say without hesitation that the ramifications of this scandal have the potential to be unlike anything this country has ever experienced.

From the moment Joe Biden announced he was running in 2020, we knew something was very wrong. Sure, the liberal media tried to cover it all up by claiming COVID was preventing Biden from hitting the campaign trail, but when we did see Joe Biden, it was most always on video from his Delaware basement bunker.

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Drones, Retaliation, and A Globalist King

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

On October 6, 2023 there was some semblance of peace in the Middle East…on October 7, 2023 the world bore witness to what could be the prelude to World War III. And the still ongoing Ukraine/Russian War will pale in comparison to the dangers we now face if we don’t stop listening to and believing all the falsehoods, lies, and innuendos our government and the media spews out in hopes of directing the public discourse.

Israel was savagely attacked on that bright sunny day in October…not unlike the sunny day that was our own 9/11…and we know said attack morphed not into uniting the world against those who do not belong amongst civilized men, but actually has…due to media manipulation and government anything but misspeaks…helped to stir up the old hatred that is the hallmark of antisemitism both here at home and abroad.

We also know whose truths and allegiances are veiled and whose are not. Joe Biden is playing both sides against each other by first saying he supports Israel’s war effort in Gaza while at the same time putting pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to scale back this rightfully fought war. And yet Biden has now initiated his own seemingly out of proportion retaliatory response to the recent drone strike on a U.S. military base inside Jordan. And with this being but an attempt to bolster his flailing presidential campaign, Joe Biden might well have set the stage for not only a wider Middle East War, but put the U.S. dead center in the middle of it.

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The “Boxes Hoax” on Steroids

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots –  Commentary

Author’s Note: Right Side Patriots stands strong in our support of President Trump in regards to this indictment, but with the left focused on trying to cover…or should we say cover-up all bases…we must play devil’s advocate at times to help expose the Democrats nefarious anything but truths.

By now we all know that on the afternoon of Thursday, June 8, 2022, the Biden DOJ (as in the still Obama controlled DOJ)…upon completion of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s six month investigation into last years August 8th FBI raid on President Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home…formally issued its49-page indictment against our former president. Now being referred to as a “criminal defendant,” Trump was immediately summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday, June 13th at 3pm, in this, a precedent setting case, revolving around what on the surface appears to be but a case of simple document mishandling.

Thirty-seven charges in total have been now rendered against President Trump with 31 being “supposed” in yet to be proven…violations of the Espionage Act, with the remaining charges involving Trump’s “supposed” willful detention of national defense information; his “supposed” obstruction of justice; “supposed” conspiracy; “supposed” making false statements; and “supposed” concealment under Title 18 of the US Criminal Code, as in the illegal retention of classified, and in some cases Top Secret government documents. And when broken down into more specifics the charges include Trump’s being in violation of 18 USC 793, as in the gathering, transmitting or losing defense information; 18 USC 2071, the concealment, removal or mutilation of said documents; and 18 USC 1519, the destruction, alteration or falsification of records in a federal investigation.

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Biden’s Document Downfall 

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots – Commentary

This appointment underscores for the public the department’s commitment to both independence and accountability in particularly sensitive matters, and to making decisions indisputably guided only by the facts and the law.”                                           – Attorney General Merrick Garland, January 12, 2023

Last August 8th the FBI raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in search of classified documents he supposedly did not hand over to the National Archives after having left office…outright stole them as far as those on the left are concerned. And so yet another Trump witch hunt began with no definitive outcome to date. And this is no matter that last November, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed former Justice Department official Jack Smith as the special counsel in charge of investigating both the criminal probe into Trump’s “supposed” unlawful taking of classified documents…including some marked “top secret”…as well as to determine if now private citizen Donald J. Trump actually obstructed the federal government’s investigation into this matter.

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Ukraine vs Russia…The Bigger Picture

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Like it or not, we’re involved in the war between Ukraine and Russia. Right now, we’re supplying Ukraine with arms and cash to the point we’re actually supporting Ukraine’s national budget, and while arguments can certainly be made that we have our own financial issues to deal with aside from propping up another country, we believe that may be a bit short-sighted.

There are those out there who don’t like Ukraine, and think Zelinsky isn’t worth the effort. They think Ukraine is corrupt. It was, and maybe to some extent still is, but when looking at the bigger picture, we don’t believe that should be the top priority when it comes to our involvement in their war against Russia. Before the war, Zelinsky had been taking positive steps towards ending his country’s corruption, and he was making progress in that direction. He was elected by the people of Ukraine to change the direction of his country, and as we well know from our recent history, draining the swamp is not an easy task.

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Why Gun Control Laws Don’t Work

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots – Investigative Report

Uvalde, Texas…a name not soon forgotten…for it was here at Robb Elementary School where a lone gunman murdered 19 children and two adults. A bloodbath that should not have happened leaves enough blame to go around so as to encompass the whole of the left’s anti-gun, anti-police agenda.

Ban guns, ban assault rifles, ban any and all firearms…repeal the Second Amendment…place “Gun Free Zone” signs any and everywhere…this is the left’s answer to everything gun related as is the “Defund the Police” movement…a movement to replace police officers with community do-gooders who think that hugging someone is the answer to rising crime statistics.

But first, regarding guns and so-called “assault rifles,” know that no amount of banning, repealing, or signage placed will stop someone hellbent on killing innocent folks. And know that nothing will stop firearms from being bought “under the table” nor will anything stop the media driven, politically generated notion that it’s guns that kill people instead of accepting as fact that “guns do not kill people, people kill people.” And until those eight words become the reality of truth, America will still bear witness to gun violence being committed against innocent and defenseless persons…children assuredly amongst them for nothing feeds into the left’s anti-gun narrative more than the death of children.

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What Will Happen…An Educated Guess

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Will there or won’t there be war what with Russian troops still amassing at Ukraine’s border…a war not just between Ukraine and Russia but a war also between a “statist” vs. a man so “blind to the truth” that he’s willing to risk our country getting involved in yet another foreign war. And this is something we surely don’t need especially after having recently lost such a war due to this one man’s ineptitude and incompetence.

Joe Biden vs. Russian President Vladimir Putin, a man who while having all the outward trappings of a communist is actually a “statist”…a “nationalist”…a man not so unlike President Donald Trump who put America first above all else. Remember, Putin is not trying to rebuild the old Soviet Union, he knows better than to attempt that, but is a man trying to resurrect the grandeur and importance that was once “Mother Russia”… a “statist’s” goal if ever there was one. And he’s doing so at the expense of a weak and feeble-minded U.S. president by using the threat that if his now called for demands cannot be resolved diplomatically that he will resort to what would be a sustained and bloody military action.

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Breaking Trust, Breaking Honor

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots – Commentary

For the record lets get two things straight. First, while Joe Biden might be sitting in the White House he is not the one running the Afghanistan show, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is. And second, not only is Obama pulling Biden’s strings but, we believe, he is and has been for years the direct link between the U.S. and the islamists…read the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS here. And Obama’s goal, both during his administration and his now Biden fronted defacto third term in office, is to not only weaken America’s military and sully our reputation on the world stage, but to do so in such a way that there will be no way for the U.S. to stop the formation and spread of the islamic caliphatethe Levant if you will.

Think we’re kidding…we’re not..for the man who bowed down to kings and and kissed the hands of imams is the very man who released GITMO incarcerated Taliban operatives knowing well that they had but one objective in mind…to rejoin the fight against American forces both in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Obama, a traitor to this country, is now shadow directing America’s pullout from the very country that served as a much needed stop gap between the islamic controlled countries of the Middle East and those more friendly to the West. Now relishing in America’s Afghan debacle, Obama remains silent and that itself says all one needs to know for this, the man who has deep hated for our country knows that right now he’s more valuable to “the cause” behind the scenes than he is out in front.

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