Obamacare ON the Docket

We knew the decision was forthcoming and now, it has been announced. The Supreme Court WILL hear the case, being brought by 26 states, on Obamacare!

The High Court will hear arguments regarding the Individual Mandate as well as Severability.

Arguments will most likely be made in March of 2012, which would indicate a decision by the Court will be forthcoming in June of 2012.

By hearing arguments regarding Severability, the court will decide whether the Obamacare law would stand sans the Individual Mandate. Should they find the Mandate could be severed from the rest of the law, the rest would remain on the books and that could very well be the case but, should that happen, the Individual Mandate struck as unconstitutional while the rest kept intact, the problem for the Obama administration would be finding a way to fund the rest.

It is widely seen as the Mandate being the funding engine for the rest of Obamacare – and should that Mandate be removed from the bill, it would be on life support but not killed.

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U.S. Supreme Court Has Ruled on Obama’s Eligibility!!

According to the United States Supreme Court, Obama is ineligible to be the President. That’s right, you read that correctly. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that Obama is ineligible to serve as President.

It’s not that you haven’t been paying attention lately and yes, you can be excused for missing the ruling as it came down, not in the last few days but back in 1875.

This is the argument currently being made by the Liberty Legal Foundation but it is, as far as I can tell, a bad case. What follows is the case they are trying to make and what we should REALLY be looking at if we want to prove Obama’s ineligibility to hold the office.

The Liberty Legal Foundation has filed not 1 but 2 lawsuits, one in Arizona and the other in Tennessee neither of which have one single thing to do with Obama’s birth certificate OR challenging whether or not Obama was born in the United States.

There is no need for either in regard to these lawsuits.

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Don’t Take the Sucker’s Bet in a Card Game With Liberals

The use of the “Race Card” in the political arena is, as we all know, used primarily by the left against conservatives and nearly each time it is employed, it is employed falsely. If a conservative does not agree with an Obama policy, that conservative is deemed a racist. If a conservative opposes affirmative action, that conservative is deemed a racist. If a conservative stands for stronger immigration laws…racist.

We have all see this tactic employed and to some extent, it can be effective but the effect is wearing thin with voters.

Liberals, from the get-go, tried and tried to use the “Race Card” against the Tea Party claiming the Tea Party was a racist movement. The tried to play that card against Glenn Beck when he held a rally on the Washington Mall on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

It isn’t working like it once did and the only reason it ever worked is because nobody wants to be thought of as a racist. It never mattered to the left whether or not those to whom that label was ascribed were actually racists, just vilify them as racists and in the court of public opinion, their star will fade. Raise the question in the minds of the public and, to liberals, problem solved.

Just because the overuse and false use of the “Race Card” has taken the bulk of the effect off of it doesn’t mean liberals are anywhere near dropping that as a tactic.

A while back, Politico was interviewing Mary Francis Berry and asked her whether or not “branding” the Tea Party as racists will work. Berry’s response was very telling:

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IAEA Report Details LEAKED and Iran IS Almost Ready to go NUCLEAR

The situation between Israel and Iran has taken another turn for the worse. We knew it was coming and now we have some degree of confirmation.

The IAEA report regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions comes out tomorrow – but already, some general details of that report are leaking out and the picture is not pretty.

Tomorrow’s report will talk about how Iran has a missile, the Shahab 3, which can reach from Iran to Israel. Many who have been steadfastly insisting that Iran poses no direct threat to Israel because they have no weapon with the range to hit Israel will be proven wrong. Iran does indeed possess that range but that’s not the worst of it.

Iran has also, according to the IAEA report, apparently found a way to fit such a missile with a nuclear warhead.

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Cain Accuser CLEARLY Not Acting Like an ASSAULT Victim

Yesterday, I said I smelled a skunk. If you missed that article, you can read it by clicking here. I was referring to the “case” of Sharon Bialek, the woman who stepped forward yesterday with her celebrity-chasing, self-promoting attorney, Gloria Allred, to level accusations of sexual harassment against Herman Cain.

According to Bialek, what happened was not at all sexual harassment, it was sexual assault.

Bialek claimed that Cain reached under her skirt, tried to touch her genitals and pulled her head towards his crotch.

I said I smelled a skunk because she had to READ a first person account of the alleged event, she stammered her way through it, awkwardly pause to flip pages, stumbled through words and sentences and even had to read the portion of why, some 14 years later, she decided to come forward.

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Newest Cain Accuser is NOT Passing the Smell Test

I smell a skunk. I will admit I’m not always right – but, I smell a skunk. There is something wrong with the woman who was trotted out to face TV cameras this morning by Gloria Allred, as the 4th woman to level accusations against Herman Cain.

Yep, I smell a skunk.

Forget for a moment that Allred is a shameless self promoter and an attorney who has chased more celebrity cases than the paparazzi. Just forget that for a moment.

Forget also, just for a moment that Allred did this in the 2010 California election but with an illegal alien.

I smell a skunk.

Focus on THIS woman, Sharon Bialek, and on her press conference.

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Obama’s Latest Foreign Policy FAIL

“Seal Target Geronimo” is the name of a new book by Chuch Pfarrer. Geronimo, as you will remember, was the code name for bin Laden during the raid in Pakistan which killed him. In this book, Pfarrer describes, among other things, how this raid likely went down.

Pfarrer should know what he’s talking about too.

Chuck Pfarrer is a former Navy Seal, but that’s not the end of it. While not personally involved in the bin Laden raid, Pfarrer used to be with Seal Tem Six as an Assault Element Commander and I suspect, he has some pretty spot on contacts.

According to the author, it is most likely that the shot that took bin Laden out came within 2 minutes of the time those Seals broke through the front door of that compound.

That’s not what caught my eye.

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Obama Job Approval at 45.4% and That Begs a Question…

Today is November 6th, 2011. One year from today will be November 6th, 2012, and that is “take out the garbage” day in America. On November 6th, 2012, we head to the polls and cast out ballots and if history is any indicator, that will be the day we give Obama notice that he is out of a job.

In our history, no individual has won reelection as President when, one year out from that election, the incumbent has an approval rating of 47% or lower.

Today, according to Real Clear Politics, Obama is at 45. 4% and that seriously makes me scratch my head.

45.4% approve of the job Obama has done up to now.

Who ARE these people??

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Ron Paul is Dead Wrong on Israel and Iran

Last Thursday, I wrote a piece titled, I Do, and We as a Nation Should, Stand With Israel which laid out the situation between Israel and Iran in what I felt was pretty clear language. At the end of that piece, I spelled it out this way:

“With Egypt now in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood, a Hamas affiliate, Iran in the hands of a madman, Syria growing bolder by the day and Libya in the hands of who knows who but certainly with al Qaeda taking root, Iraq up for grabs as soon as we pull out in the next 6 weeks, Pakistan harboring terrorist activity and Afghanistan soon to become a vacuum, time is of the essence and clearly NOT on the side of Israel.”

After posting the piece, I received a good number of emails from Ron Paul followers asking all sorts of obtuse and dismissive questions including, “What do you think we need to do, babysit Israel forever?” and, “Are you really saying that Israel should attack Iran because of what they only THINK might happen?” and, “We should stay out of Israel’s affairs and Israel should stay out of Iran’s. Why do people like you always want war instead of peace?”

I am going to make this as clear as I know how.

Ron Paul and his army of Paulbots are dead wrong.

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13 Words Obama Admin Does NOT Want on WWII Memorial

With thy blessing we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy.”

Those 13 words, spoken 67 years ago meant something. Those words meant a lot. They were words of comfort and of hope spoken to the nation 67 years ago.

With those 13 words, spoken to the nation by President Roosevelt 67 years ago, the United States launched, on June 6th, 1944, the D-Day invasion and sent thousands of our troops into the most dangerous situation of their lives and our history.

That decision by Roosevelt was not, could not have been easy; and he, as well as the nation, knew that many of those being sent to those fateful beaches would never return.

Those in uniform knew that too.

Roosevelt also knew the beaches would just be the beginning and that of those who made it off those beaches, many more would be lost before the end of that war.

He knew it, we knew it and they knew it.

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