Obama Poll Numbers Dropping in Key Areas

The latest Fox News poll just came out and in it, a few things jump out. Obama, campaigning and pandering nearly nonstop, simply isn’t making progress. In fact, he’s losing ground.

With less than a year to go before ballots are cast, Obama is in it deep and quite possibly, too deep to get out. This is no time for conservatives to relax however, rather, to kick things into high gear. The pressure must be kept on and increased at every turn.

As I have said over and over again, if republican candidates continue to take shots at one another, it diverts attention away from the real issue and that issue IS Obama.

Here are a few of the latest poll results.

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Obama Taking a Break from Taking a Break to Go on Vacation

After chiding republicans for doing nothing on the payroll tax issue, we have discovered Obama will take a much needed break from his arduous schedule of blaming republicans for doing nothing to take a 17 day vacation to what he believes to be the Asian nation–state of Hawaii.

Where exactly Hawaii falls in the 57+ states, we’re not exactly sure and, as Obama threatened that both he and congress may have to work over Christmas, that doesn’t seem likely as during his last “working vacation” Obama only worked on his golf swing.

He’s still way off to the left side of the fairway.

Just weeks after returning from his last “working vacation,” Obama called for a joint session of congress to demand passage of a bill which had yet to be written.

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And the Cain Endorsement Goes TO…

As Herman Cain “suspended” his campaign on Saturday, he promised that soon, he would endorse a candidate and in my article, “CAIN SUSPENDS CAMPAIGN,” I suggested he make that endorsement as soon as possible.

Now, we learn that Mr. Cain will, TODAY, make his endorsement.

It WILL be Newt Gingrich.

This will no doubt please some and anger others, but Newt will receive the Cain Endorsement later this morning.

Here’s the conundrum for some Cain supporters.

Cain has been called the “Ultimate Outsider” and many of his most ardent supporters have clung to him because of his Tea Party stance. Now, Mr. Cain will endorse the man many feel is the “Ultimate Insider” Newt Gingrich.

While polls over the last week have shown that should Cain bow out of the race, most of his support would go to Gingrich with some falling to Romney or Paul, and I speculated that Gingrich would receive the Cain endorsement, it is yet to be seen just how MUCH of Cain’s support will fall to Newt in reality.

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Today, as I predicted last Wednesday, November 30th,in an article titled “Cain Train Derailed” – Herman Cain has bowed out of the 2012 presidential campaign. In a speech today from Atlanta, Cain cited the emotional toll taken on his family as one of the factors in his decision.

Cain, in “suspending” his campaign, did so in what can only be described as the best possible way given the circumstances. He has moved on to plan B.

This new Cain plan will keep his name and his 9-9-9 plan in the public eye and will work, as he says, toward the day when someone from outside the beltway, completely outside the beltway, can and will become the president.

Cain called the allegations which many see as the direct cause of the derailment of the Cain train, false and unproven but hurtful. Hurtful to his wife, hurtful to his family, hurtful to him and hurtful to his supporters.

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Newt Is Stretching the Lead

We are just barely a month away from the Iowa Caucus, January 3rd is the date, and with all the shuffling of the GOP candidates over the last 6 to 8 weeks, it’s time for things to get…busy.

Reports have Mitt Romney planning and scheming on ways to go after…Newt Gingrich.

This would be quite a switch as, for at least the last month, Romney has focused on Rick Perry. The fact that Perry has dropped in the polls should NOT be taken by team Mitt as a sign that this tactic has been working however.

Perry’s slide in the daily polls has, I believe, been due to none other than…Rick Perry. Perry’s showing in debates has been miserable to say the least and for him to slide, he didn’t really need anyone’s help.

Now, with his sights set on Gingrich, is Romney barking up the wrong tree once again?

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The Cain Train Derailed

Herman Cain will bow out of the 2012 presidential campaign.

That is my opinion and one that I believe will, sooner rather than later, become a reality.

Right now, Cain is engaged in an “Assessment” of his campaign following more allegations of inappropriate behavior. This time, it’s not sexual harassment…This time, it’s an alleged affair that supposedly lasted some 13 years.

My opinion will, no doubt, inflame Cain’s most ardent followers but it’s time to face reality.

At worst, Cain had a 13 year affair with Ginger White and while that is yet to be proven, at least as far as THIS allegation, that would be the worst case scenario. If it proves to be true…IF it proves to be true, it would add an air of validity to other allegations and would be something from which Cain could not resurrect himself.

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Let Liberals Pull the “Trigger”

And now we know the truth. John Kerry, on Fox News this morning, admitted that the only reason there’s no deal from the “Super Committee” is because of the Bush Tax cuts.

In reality, those tax cuts could and should be referred to as the Bush/Obama tax cuts as it was Obama who renewed them.

Republicans on the committee has steadfastly refused to make the Bush/Obama tax cuts a part of the 1.2 trillion dollars in deficit cuts and for good reason. They promised not to.

Liberals on that committee want nothing more than to hike taxes. Liberals feel the wealthiest 1 or 2 percent of Americans must be soaked for more taxes. Oh, never mind that those are the same people who already pay 40% of all taxes…To liberals, it’s not enough.

In the liberal mindset, success MUST be punished.

Let’s not forget that this commission, the “Super Committee” was to have been non partisan and the solutions they were convened to seek, non partisan as well.

Let’s not forget also that doing away with the Bush tax cuts was a major plank in Obama’s 2008 campaign.

Therefore, one is left no alternative but to conclude that eliminating what is now, the Bush/Obama tax cuts, via the “Super Committee” is 100% partisan.

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Another Liberal Mecca, Another Disaster

Yesterday, in the Friday Fume, I went off on the SEIU for forcing unionization on the Michigan parents of 2 children in their 30’s who deal with cerebral palsy. The SEIU is taking union dues from their children’s Medicaid checks and calling those parents “Home Care Givers” and forcing them into the union. It’s thuggery at best and downright theft at worst.

It’s shameful any way you care to look at it.

This apparently isn’t the only problem stemming from greed raising its ugly head in Michigan – and guess what folks, it ain’t the greedy Republicans at the bottom of the Michigan barrel.

Let’s take a hard look at Wayne County, Michigan, shall we.

In Wayne County, Democratic county executive, Bob Ficano has been spending money like a drunken navy. Lots of money. Continue reading

Hey Allen West…Time for Show and Tell

Solyndra and all the emails, subpoenas, hearings and cover ups, Fast and Furious with its memos, emails, who knew what and when along with its subpoenas and testimony, GOP campaign polls changing daily, the whole Occupy Wall Street drama, Penn State and on and on and on…


The real story is the Super Committee and what is happening, or not happening, between 12 members of congress.

With less than a week to go before triggers kick in and drastic cuts are made to Medicare and our Defense Department, there just doesn’t seem to be any movement. Or is there?

Obama and the liberals have been trying to make a living on, and or campaigning against, what they have, for some time now, labeled a “Do Nothing Congress” and therein rests the issue.

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“Occupiers” Inhabiting a Failing Agenda

“Whose Park?…OUR Park!”

That was the chant starting around midnight in Zuccotti Park in New York as NYPD officers started clearing out the protesters. “YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS!” was another chant being belted out through a chorus of Occu-Pie-Holes.

Zuccotti Park is being clear out, at least for a few hours to clean up and remove the filth from 2 months of squatters. It’s become a health hazard, the people who live around the park are sick of it and businesses in the area have had enough. Mayor Bloomberg issued the order to clear the park and about 400 police officers started the process around midnight.

Once the park is cleaned, protesters WILL be allowed to return but they will NOT be allowed to bring their tents, tarps, shanty town kitchens or sleeping bags and winter is forthcoming. It is folly to believe the “Occupiers” are cut from the same cloth which wrapped the frozen feet of Washington’s men at Valley Forge as those men were fighting for ideals while the “Occupiers” are clinging to ideology.

That “Whose Park…OUR Park” chant couldn’t be more wrong.

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