Rocking the Boat or the Voice of Realism?

Here’s the deal. Straight forward and in plain talk. I have never been accused of being politically correct and that’s not likely to change today.

What I’m about to say will probably set a few darn good conservatives ablaze but…So be it.

It will also send the Ronulans into orbit.

As we close in on the Iowa Caucus and other important early state primaries, I am seeing and hearing more and more of the “Only MY candidate can…” and My candidate is the ONLY one who will…”


ANY of the GOP candidates CAN and WILL do this and that. Some may do one thing better or faster than another and another may do something else faster and better but ALL of them have the ABILITY to do…whatever.

One Facebook friend, a solid conservative, responded to a post yesterday with this:

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In what can only be described as fallout from the 2010 midterm elections, Nebraska senator Ben Nelson is set to announce his retirement!

Nelson, who was long seen as a moderate democrat, often leaning to the right much to the concern and angst of liberals, changed all that with the Cornhusker Kickback in 2010.

By first accepting before ditching a kickback in return for his vote in favor of Obamacare, Ben Nelson seal his fate as a Nebraska senator.

Nelson, whom I know personally, was a two tern Nebraska governor before running for the U.S. Senate and was successful in that respect as he garnered not only the democrat vote but the quiet yet respectful vote of many Nebraska republicans.

Nelson, during his years as Governor, often bucked his own party’s line by supporting conservative issues.

Then, he shot himself in the foot.

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Eric Holder’s Selective Application of the Law

Eric Holder, our nation’s Attorney General, is a racist. Plain and simple, no two ways around it, a racist.

Oh, we’ve suspected as much for some time.

When the New Black Panthers, caught on video, were intimidating voters in Pittsburgh and Holder did nothing…we suspected he was a racist, but, in all fairness, we had nothing from which to make a direct comparison. There were no WHITE people standing out front of a polling place intimidating voters for Holder to either ignore or throw the book at…so, we could only suspect his racism.

That has now CHANGED and we DO have direct comparisons.

Eric Holder is a racist.

Our direct comparison comes to us in the form of Voter ID Laws.

Holder, racist that he is, is shutting down state’s voter ID laws.

This week, he shut down South Carolina’s new Voter ID law and he’s looking at several other states new Voter ID laws as well. Holder is shutting them down because, he claims, these new laws unfairly discriminate against minorities and old people.

He had to toss in “old people” in an attempt to mask his racism.

It’s not working.

According to the racist Eric Holder, old people and minorities don’t have access to photo ID’s or at least, not the same access that white people have and therefore, any law requiring a photo ID to vote, is discrimination.

Here’s the problem with Holder, the racist’s claim.

According to his, and various other liberal’s own numbers, which will surely change as this story unfolds, 25% of minorities don’t have a photo ID.


Oh the humanity!!!

Liberals, and the racist Holder, seem to think that’s a lot…a WHOLE lot.

Now correct me if I’m wrong but…Using THEIR numbers…doesn’t that mean that…75% of minorities DO have a photo ID?


Why, that’s 3 times more than…a WHOLE lot…isn’t it???

That 75% of minorities CAN and HAVE obtained photo ID’s tells ME that the other 25% COULD if they wanted to. I contend that IF one has the ability to vote, one also has the ability to get a photo ID. To have the ABILITY to vote meaning they can fog a mirror and they are in this country LEGALLY.

Oh yes, the direct comparison…

People need to show a photo ID for lots of things, don’t they?

Photo ID’s are required when you go to the bank, when you try to board an airplane, when you pick up items from the pharmacy, when a credit or debit card is used, when you are contacted by police…the list is nearly endless.

Has Eric Holder gone after any of those entities which require a photo ID?

ANY of them???


He’s ONLY going after STATES who are passing new VOTER ID LAWS…isn’t he?

White people, who apparently have no problem whatsoever getting a photo ID, must, because of Eric Holder’s ignoring of the situation, SHOW those photo ID’s EVERYWHERE but minorities…because 25% can’t seem to obtain a photo ID…should NOT be required to have them for a singular purpose…voting.

Let me tell you something…Were I black…I’d be OUTRAGED at Holder right about now.


If minorities are indeed being disenfranchised from voting because they don’t have a photo ID, are they not also being disenfranchised from all the other businesses and entities which require the presentation of said photo ID???

Of course, we know this is all BS and Holder is FULL of it.

The only people who will be disenfranchised by voter ID laws are dead people, those who claim to be someone they’re not and illegal aliens.

Illegal aliens were never “Franchised” to begin with so, how can they possibly become DISenfranchised?

Dead people are “Previously franchised” but, sadly, no longer franchised due to having their voting privileges cancelled by a much higher power.

Those who claim to be someone they’re not ARE franchised – but ONLY as THEMSELVES and NOBODY is franchised to vote more than once in a given election.

Oddly enough, those who claim to be someone they’re not, illegal aliens and the “Previously Franchised” nearly always vote for liberals and THAT is exactly why Holder is SO adamant about protecting THEIR voting rights!!!

Here’s a little something Holder probably doesn’t want you to know.

If he gets HIS way, you won’t need a photo ID to VOTE for a president but, if you want to get into the White House where a president lives…YOU HAVE TO SHOW A PHOTO ID!!!

What we have in this administration, in Eric Holder and in liberals in general, is a political ideology bent on encouraging fraud and illegal activity in an effort to curry votes.  How else can his insistence that voter ID laws are racially motivated while ignoring all other requirements to show photo ID be explained?

If ACORN and their ilk weren’t bent on registering dead voters, the Dallas Cowboys and illegal aliens, individual states might not be passing voter ID laws now. If people didn’t break the law to get into our country and then go driving about without a care in the world, their vehicles would not be impounded.

The 14th Amendment states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

I suggest Holder, and this administration, by striking down voter ID laws are in violation of the 14th Amendment.

Holder is saying that requiring a photo ID be shown to vote but saying NOTHING regarding photo ID’s being required for score of other things and THAT is not EQUAL protection. The ONLY people being “protected” by Holder, regarding photo ID voter laws are those who would perpetrate fraud.

Let me state that again.

The ONLY people being “protected” by Holder, regarding photo ID voter laws are those who would perpetrate fraud.

Since when, precisely, has it become the mission of the United States Attorney General, to protect those who would commit fraud?

The voter ID laws are just PART of it.

I also submit that by blocking states from establishing their own laws to prevent illegal immigration, such as Arizona’s SB1070, Holder and this administration is ALSO in violation of the 14th Amendment as their actions are meant to protect those who are breaking the law at the expense of those who are law abiding citizens.

Whether we are talking about the voter ID laws or the federal blocking of laws like SB1070, we are in fact talking about UNEQUAL protection under the law.

If, as Holder contends, it is unconstitutional to require a photo ID to be allowed to vote then it should ALSO be considered for a bank to require a photo ID or an airline, or a store or the white house. It should also be considered unconstitutional for law enforcement to ask for a photo ID if it is unconstitutional for a photo ID to be required at the voting booth.

I contend it is Holder and his selective application of law which is unconstitutional and any Attorney General who applies the law in a selective manner is not fit to hold the office and should therefore, immediately, be removed.

The FACTS regarding the supposed 25% of minorities who do not currently have a valid photo ID are clear. They CAN, if they are legal to vote, obtain one AND they have 11 months in which to do so. If they CHOOSE not to, then they should not be allowed to vote AS PER THEIR CHOICE.

I also believe that a system of ID be implemented for those voting via absentee ballot. With the technology available today, a simple finger print on a prescribed place on the absentee ballot checked against a voter registration card would suffice.

All steps to PREVENT possible voter fraud rather than any step to enable it should be employed.

Holder and this administration continue to take steps to ENABLE voter fraud by challenging or blocking voter ID laws.

Voting for those who would lead our towns, cities, states and nation must…MUST be protected against fraud or the possibility of it if we are to remain free. ANY action by ANY level of government to protect those who would commit such fraud is, in fact, promoting such fraud and therefore, an infringement of our very freedoms.

The enactment of voter ID laws does NOT disenfranchise anyone but blocking those laws DOES.

Now, either Holder is actively encouraging fraud, or he’s a racist.

How else can his actions possibly be explained???

They Want Us to Fight Each Other

Ok folks.  Shadow here.  I know it has been a while, but I have been busy taking a class (US History, and it is surprisingly free of liberal bias) and getting ready for Christmas with my family.  Yes you libs reading this, I said CHRISTMAS.  If that offends, so what.  Go read Politico.  If you are here to learn something, then read on.

Obama is losing his base.  In 2008, 66% of young voters gave the nod to Obama.  That is a pretty wide margin, and probably lead to Obama being elected, though his competition was pretty weak and people were sick of Bush…but the youth vote sure did help.  However, a news article from US News states those very same voters say he is likely to LOSE.  That is a serious blow to Obama, who has done nothing but lie his way through office when he wasn’t on vacation.

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Are YOUR Boots Firmly Planted?

An American Patriot from Great Britain Takes a Stand!

The expression “Boots on the ground” is a military one, meaning troops are in evidence; and they are there to do a job, be it keeping the peace or fighting insurgents, etc.
America is in a dire situation where she has a leader who doesn’t lead and an administration that is hell bent on removing the rights of her patriotic citizens. Those in charge are intent by one political move or another in destroying the great Constitution of the Founding Fathers.
If America is to win back her freedom – her liberty – and IF she is to retain her incomparable Constitution and the Bill of Rights, then she needs “BOOTS ON THE GROUND.”  She needs Patriots to fight for her. She cannot win the battle alone!

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20 Questions with Congressman Allen West

Yesterday, The National Patriot spent some quality time with Congressman Allen West.

We cannot thank the Congressman enough for taking the time from his always busy schedule to speak with us regarding a wide range of issues. We would also like to thank Communications Director, Angela Sachitano,  in Congressman West’s office for all her help in arranging this exclusive interview.

In part 2, I ask Congressman West about the National Defense Authorization Act and, as always, Congressman West answers in a straight forward manner and quotes from the bill itself. This has become one of the most contentious issues of the last several weeks and one on which many have been misinformed.

Once again, we Thank Congressman Allen West.

Please enjoy, “20 Questions” with Congressman Allen West!!

Part 1

Part 2

As always, please feel free to leave comments below!

Allen West…20 Questions with The National Patriot

We, at The National Patriot, cannot thank Congressman Allen West enough for taking time today for this exclusive interview!

In my conversation with Congressman West, we covered a great deal of ground from Israel to Fast and Furious…His military service, a possible VP nod and today’s vote on the much criticized National Defense Authorization Act.

We hope you enjoy Part 1 of “20 Questions” with Congressman Allen West!!

The remainder of this exclusive interview will be published tomorrow!!

Is 2012 Shaping Up to be the Year of NObama?

While 2008 was clearly the year of Obama, 2012 may well go down in history as the year of NObama. Not only are his polling numbers sliding lower day by day with less than a year to go before election day but in March of 2012, the Supreme Court will hear the case against Obamacare.

Now we have word that also in 2012, the Supreme Court will hear the case Obama’s DOJ has brought against Arizona (and other states) regarding illegal immigration.

Obama has, for the last 3 years, tried to make a living off these two issues and now it looks as if things might not go his way in the highest court of the land.

With Obamacare, it is the individual mandate portion of his bill which is at issue and the Commerce Clause which could well, and should doom it. Never before has the Commerce Clause been used so broadly as to force American citizens to buy a good or service. It is doubtful that the Supreme Court will grant to the government such powers as it would clearly open the doors for any administration to follow suit regarding any good or service they so choose.

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ALL Tea Partiers MUST hold Beck Accountable

It’s funny to me how liberals cherry pick. For years, we’ve listened to liberals slam Glenn Beck. They have gone after him with  fervor and Media Matters made it their singular focus to damn him each and every day.

Personally, I was excoriated by liberals telling me that I never disagreed with Glen Beck and I never would. To them, I always replied, “When Beck says something I disagree with, I’ll be strong in my disagreement.

Today is that day.

A couple days ago, Beck made a comment with which I have a great deal of disagreement. Of course, the hypocrites on the left have now cherry picked this statement and have, over the weekend, thanks to the video going viral, made Beck their Champion.

Here is that video.

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