What Obama DOESN’T Want You to Know About “Hopey Changey”

Can we give it a rest? Can we just give it a rest?

I’m talking about the nonsense put forth by so many reports that Obama has now kicked off his 2012 campaign. Every day, after an Obama speech, someone claims that Obama has kicked off his campaign.


Obama kicked off his 2012 campaign the day he took office back in 2009 so can we please give the “He just kicked off his campaign” stuff a rest?

That’s one of the biggest problems with this administration…That they have never, for a single minute, been OUT of campaign mode. Rather than seeing to the business of the country, rather than seeing to the business of the people, Obama has spent his entire term engaged in the business of Obama.

Hey liberals…How’s that hopey changey crap working out for you?

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Emperor Obama Has Decreed…Let It Be So!!!

A President making recess appointments is nothing new. It’s been happening pretty much since Congressional recesses were invented. In some cases, it has been no big deal; while in other cases, controversial, but it happens and it IS legal.

Well…it’s legal when it’s legal; and to be legal, Congress must be in recess.

If Congress is NOT in recess, a President MUST go through Congress and have Congress approve appointees.

That is in the Constitution.

You will find it in Article 2, Section 2.

He (the president) shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

The President shall have the power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the  Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

That is exactly, word for word what the Constitution states regarding recess appointments.

Here is the problem.

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What the Iowa Results REALLY Mean

Imagine how different the next few debates are going to look to Rick Santorum. He’s going to be at or near center stage and he’ll actually be asked questions.

On the other hand, imagine how much the same the next few debates are going to look to Jon Huntsman who just found out that when voters in Iowa aren’t picking corn, they’re arranging the podium order for the next few debates!

The OTHER Rick…Perry…will have the best seat in the house for the next few debates…The best seat in his OWN house as he heads back to Texas to reassess his campaign. Nobody goes home to “reassess” and then comes back to be a player in the race.

Want to know why?

Because those who donate money are now reassessing THEIR strategy and right now, they’re looking toward investing in center stage Rick over living room Rick.

Michele Bachmann has a problem.

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Game On… New Hampshire is Next!!

Last night and for that matter, into early this morning, Iowa had their say and as horse races go, this one was a corker.

The GOP field broke into 2 distinct tiers and the results weren’t all that surprising considering the up and down ride over the last couple of weeks.

Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann finished last unless of course, you count Huntsman who not only didn’t compete in Iowa but dismissed Iowa’s contribution to the process less than a week ago.

In the actual vote count from the Iowa Caucus, the win went to Mitt Romney by less than 14 votes with Rick Santorum coming in second and Ron Paul 3rd.

Newt Gingrich, who a mere 2 weeks ago was running away with it finished 4th.

Now, given the numbers, who had the best night?

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Ron Paul’s Connection to Doom

Much of what we have seen regarding various GOP candidates and what I refer to as smelly shoes in their closets, is old news. It’s stuff that happened a decade or two ago. Sometimes longer ago than that.

This isn’t old news.

This is FRESH stink and it’s a stink Ron Paul and his Ronulan Paulbot lemmings are going to have a tough time explaining away.

On July 6th, 2010, Ron Paul co-wrote an article with Barney Frank for the Huffington Post regarding the slashing of a trillion dollars from national defense spending. At a time when our national defense is being weakened by a president who supports our enemies and turns his back on our allies, Ron Paul joins forces with Barney Frank to slash defense spending?

Yep but that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Together, FrankenPaul, issued the “Sustainable Defense Task Force.”

This “Think tank” of progressive liberal non thinkers was “Tasked” with rendering our defense capabilities null and void for the most part but disguised as a “cost cutting” fiscal task force.

Disguising his true intentions is a Ron Paul trademark.

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This is Why Iowa Matters

Tomorrow, voters in Iowa will caucus. It’s not a primary as we have come to define primaries but still, it is something of a popularity contest.

The main difference between the caucus and a primary, is that no delegates are won.

So…why bother?

Because those who place well, or win the Iowa caucus head into early primary states…New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida and the like, with more momentum.

If there is one thing we can expect from the 2012 Iowa caucus, it would be to expect very little to change moving forward.

We should expect the race to remain contentious. We should expect the race to remain divided. We should expect the race to remain populated and we should expect the race to remain a roller coaster sort of affair.

The key word in all we should expect is…

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Taking This Country Back…Only the Begining

Today is January 1st, 2012.

The beginning of a new year is here. A new calendar has been hung and resolutions made.

At The National Patriot, we are ready. Ready NOT to make resolutions but to remain resolute.

No longer can we say, “2012 is coming” because it is here. Now, we look toward November, which indeed is coming but we also know there is much to be done between now and that important month and an election which will begin to reverse the advances in socialism and the misguided ideology of liberals.

The White House is one thing – but, in your individual states, there are races which MUST be closely watched and supported.

It is not enough to just retake the White House, conservatives must also hold the House and regain the Senate.

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Is THIS the Writing on the Socialist Wall??

Who didn’t see THIS coming?

There is now some talk about Obama dumping Biden from the 2012 ticket and replacing him with Hillary.

First off, Obama is in trouble and he knows it. His base is fleeing. He needs to add someone who socialists want. Hillary fills the ticket. She ran hard against Obama in ’08 and there seem to be a lot of liberals who would rather have HER in the White House than HIM.

The weirdest part of the scuttlebutt at this point is that Biden and Hillary would swap jobs.

Can you even IMAGINE Joe Biden as Secretary of State? Seriously, at this point, the guy can shoot off his mouth with all sorts of inane and crazy blather – and other than making for some entertaining sound bites, it’s harmless. But as Secretary of State…he would be sticking our national foot in HIS mouth on the WORLD stage and I suspect, that within days of taking the job, Biden would manage to INSULT at least HALF of our allies.

Let’s get back to the VP Hillary thing.

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The Kickback Kick Out

Yesterday, we at The National Patriot, brought you breaking news before Senator Ben Nelson announced his “retirement” and that he will not run in 2012. We then added to that blast with an update a couple of hours later. You can read that piece by clicking here.

Now, we know a little more regarding his announcement.

Suffice it to say that Nebraskans have been STEAMED at Nelson since the Cornhusker Kickback and obviously, the support for Nelson in Big Red country was down to zero.

Now, as he made that announcement yesterday, a singular line bears notice.

“The Tea Party must be stopped.”

This is a VERY important line and one which needs to be analyzed.

In uttering this line during his conference call, Nelson has allowed us into the secret behind closed door DNC agenda.

Okay, it’s not all that secret but, it’s an agenda many liberals have been trying to hide.

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Can a 3rd Party be Viable?

Some in the Republican Party are calling for, or at least, starting to think about, the possibility of a 3rd party. I can understand their line of thinking to an extent.

They’re not happy with the current crop of GOP candidates and their not at all thrilled with the RNC at this point. They’re tired of the establishment and what seems to be predestined outcomes.

I get it.

This morning, my friend Mark posted the following:

“The Republican Party is officially in Disarray now, with Ron Paul favored to win Iowa, and Mitt Romney the odds on favorite to win the GOP Nomination. The Republican Establishment is orchestrating a strategy sure to snatch victory, from the jaws of certain defeat for Obama. One by one those that have threatened the coronation of Romney has the chosen one, have ceremoniously been taken down by the Establishment kill machine. I never thought I would feel this way at this point, but I think the day as indeed come for a Third Party in the lineage of Palin, West, Demint, Rubio, or a Mike Pence type. We are all tired of compromising our values at the polling place. In retrospect I now believe it was the Republican Establishment, not the DNC, that brought Herman Cain down. The RNC is not our friend. They are our Enemy.”

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