Others Could, Newt WOULD…Beat Obama

On October 20th 2011, in The National Patriot, I endorsed Newt Gingrich for President. It was early in the race and the debate stage was still over populated. Too many candidates, not enough time to hear real solutions to burning issues.

My endorsement was early and I have not regretted making it. Not for a minute.

Now, as we are down to 4 candidates on the stage, I continue to stand with Newt.

I know there are some who don’t like him and some who believe Newt is evil. So be it.

Of the 4 remaining GOP candidates, I believe, 3 of them could beat Obama.

While Ron Paul’s followers are die hard and in many cases, beyond over the top, I believe they have reached their zenith in numbers – and in truth, there just aren’t enough of them. They will continue to say Paul is the only one who can draw votes from independents and liberals disenchanted with Obama but, I just don’t see that being enough.

While Paul might be able to out debate Obama on fiscal concerns, frankly, this race is not going to be ONLY about fiscal concerns. It’s also about a failed Obama foreign policy. Paul’s stance on foreign policy would be every bit as failing and possibly more dangerous than Obama’s, and neither we nor our allies can risk that.

Eventually, a GOP nominee will be named.

Eventually it will come down to a one on one against Obama.

Without Ron Paul, I believe any of the other 3 could beat Obama.

Is COULD enough to bet on?

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Newt Absolutely RIPS CNN and OWNS the Debate

Tonight, on CNN, the final debate before the ever so important South Carolina primary, started with a home run, a grand slam from which CNN never recovered.

The first pitch was a waist high fastball which Newt sent well beyond the upper deck.

John King asked Newt if he would like to respond to the hit piece ABC plans to air later tonight regarding Gingrich’s ex wife.

What happened next was CLASSIC Newt and it answered the questions of how conservative voters in South Carolina would feel about the topic.

Newt BLASTED the moderator and the crowd responded with a STANDING OVATION!!!

The moment, the question, the answer, the response by the crowd and the hammering of CNN is what those who saw it will be talking about tomorrow AND Saturday as voters in South Carolina head off to cast their ballots.

I predicted earlier today that the ABC hit piece would not have the desired effect and judging by the audience at the debate tonight, I was correct.

John King may well be seeking medical help right now as Newt literally tore him apart.

If you missed the moment, the winning moment of this debate…Here it is.

One Rick Drops Out…The Other Supports SOPA?

And then there were 4 in a 2-man race.

In South Carolina, tonight, 4 will stand on the debate stage as Rick Perry has officially dropped out of the GOP race for the nomination.

Yes, 4 – but in reality, at least in South Carolina this Saturday, it’s a 2-man race between Romney and Gingrich.

Rick Santorum will come in 3rd and Ron Paul will be emptying the trash cans after the polls close.

That’s just the way it is.

As Perry drops out and throws his support to Newt, Santorum is left trying to bolster support from evangelicals but, it’s just not going to be enough. Not enough as well is the news this morning that Santorum actually won in Iowa.

What the Iowa numbers do, though they will never be 100% confirmed, is to keep Mitt from wining the first 2 states. That is something which had never been done before and regardless of what Iowa officials are calling a tie, Santorum’s plus 34 makes HIM the winner there.

It’s a win with an * for Santorum and a loss with an * for Romney as there are 8 precincts which lost their ballots most likely never to be seen again.

While all eyes now focus like lasers on South Carolina, Iowa has managed to relegate themselves OUT of the picture maybe permanently. Iowa will probably make some adjustments to the way they cast, count and tally Caucus votes in the future, but they will be thought of for a long time as the Florida of the heartland.

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The word is, Obama’s energy department, spurred on by the EPA, will say NO to the Keystone Pipeline!

In a move that will anger unions and be met gleefully by environmentalists, Obama will NOT allow the Canadian oil pipeline travel through the United States.

This is a job KILLER of a move.

To try and get back in the good graces of the unions, look for Obama, in the coming months before the election, to strengthen other union positions.

The Keystone pipeline would have provided roughly 20,000jobs right off the bat and quite possibly more down the road. One of the, if not THE hang up, was environmentalist concerns where the pipeline would have crossed Nebraska. While officials IN Nebraska were more than willing to reroute, it seems they will not be allowed the opportunity to satisfy those with concerns.

In fact, Nebraska lawmakers, back in November 2011, voted to reroute the pipeline away from areas considered sensitive. Nebraska Governor, Dave Heineman signed that measure AND another bill which would have funded new environmental studies for the newly proposed route.

NOW, the Obama administration is claiming there just isn’t time to complete a new study and therefore, the pipeline will NOT be built.

One must look for bright spots where one can find them and while difficult in this case, there might be ONE.

As gas prices continue to rise, with crude selling over $100.00 per barrel again, and proposed EPA regulations adding more to the pump cost as we head toward spring and summer, people WILL take this into account during the 2012 election and THAT does not bode well for Obama.

ADD to the existing gas price issues, the problems with Iran and the Strait of Hormuz and the near future isn’t rosie. OPEC can and probably WILL add to their production if the Iran issue flares up but, no doubt, they will do it at a price.

Meanwhile, in OUR OWN yard, no plans are on the table for drilling, fracking is being blocked at every turn and now, a pipeling through the U.S. from Canada is being squashed.

Canada will not allow themselves to lose out on this deal and who can blame them.

China has already expressed interest in the Canadian oil and Canada has said, should the U.S. NOT be interested, they would sell to China.

Once again, the special interests and environmental yahoos, have cut our national interest throats.

While it will most likely be too late to save the Keystone Pipeline, this reported move by the Obama administration, to BLOCK that pipeline, should be an even greater incentive to get out and vote republican in November.

With a majority in both the House AND the Senate, and a republican in the White House, drilling and tapping our OWN sources of energy shouldn’t be far behind.

Energy independence IS a national security issue and one that MUST be addressed.

Obama and his administration are hell bent on being someone ELSE’S best oil customer and that dog just don’t hunt.

Rather than pouring money into energy sources which are PROVEN and AVAILABLE, Obama has instead been FLUSHING taxpayer money down the green toilet.

Solyndra? The Chevy Volt? Now Beacon?

One by one, Obama’s plans for alternative energy is proving to be a debacle. Solyndra FOLDED and took %535 MILLION taxpayer dollars with them. The Volt has sold only 7000 units ALL of which are now under recall because they CATCH FIRE and Beacon, another solar company, after getting around $40 million taxpayer dollars has filed for bankruptcy.

At least with an influx of Canadian oil, China will be able to pump out more of those mercury filled CFL bulbs that environmentalists are INSISTING we buy.


Top 10 Wildcards in the GOP Race

While the 5 remaining GOP candidates continue to jockey for position through the January primary calendar, one should not discount any number of possible wildcards yet to be played.

This Saturday, South Carolina votes and that race is getting tighter after last night’s debate. Depending on the South Carolina outcome, we may well just be watching the beginning of the real race to the nomination.

After Saturday, it’s easy to see Rick Perry dropping out. His financial backing has evaporated and his slow start with debates never allowed him to gain the sort of traction he enjoyed in the weeks before he actually entered the race.

This is not to say he will leave empty handed as he does have some die hard supporters.

Wildcard 1…Who will Perry endorse when he drops out?

It seems unlikely he’ll get behind Romney and impossible to believe he’ll throw his support to Ron Paul. That leaves Santorum and Gingrich – and let’s face it, Perry, Gingrich and Santorum have been splitting up the “Not Romney” vote for several weeks.

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Will the REAL “Not Romney” Please Stand Up?

In last night’s debate in South Carolina, Newt Gingrich once again showed why he is the one-on-one leader amongst the GOP candidate field.

It was clear last night, when the stage lights went down that Newt won the evening but in a debate, there is something perhaps even more important to be said.

Newt won the crowd.

Will this boost Gingrich’s poll numbers less than a week before the South Carolina primary? It would be difficult to make a case against it. Will it be enough to win South Carolina? Probably not, but it could very well put him in second place.

Gingrich’s strong and maybe strongest point is his ability to shine on the debate stage. In fact, last night, in a campaign debate, Newt received the first standing ovation from the assembled crowd since Ronald Reagan in 1980.

The race for 2nd place in South Carolina is now between Gingrich and Rick Santorum. Although there are now 5 still in, the race for the nomination is in reality between Romney, Gingrich and Santorum.

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Econ 101 for Useful Idiots

The middle class…we must do what we can for the middle class. That is the Obama mantra isn’t it? Build up the middle class.

Really, it’s class warfare. Liberals hate to hear that but that’s really what it is. That’s what so many conservatives say and we hear it often from almost all the GOP candidates.

In part it’s true. Class warfare. Pitting those who don’t have as much as other against those who have more.

That’s the basis for the whole “Occupy” movement.

At best, occupiers are useful idiots in the grand Obama scheme.

Why “At best?”

Because there is a lot more to the Obama scheme than class warfare. Let’s make this as simple as possible so even liberals can understand it.

What have been the clarion calls from Obama since 2008?

Share the wealth.

Hike taxes on the rich.

Both are meant to accomplish one thing. Take money from those who have more of it.

By saying “SHARE” Obama makes it seem as though those who have it should share it with those who don’t have as much. Sharing is good isn’t it? Aren’t we taught to share as children?

The problem is, Obama never says with whom those who have money should share it does he?

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Marines vs Dead Taliban. Guess Who Wins the Pissing Contest?

Okay. So some Marines got caught on video, peeing on the corpses of dead Taliban soldiers.


I mean…Okay.

Was it the right thing to do? The moral thing to do?


Should pundits, journalists and others be all wound up over it?


Those who have a problem with it, a real problem, have probably never been shot at by the Taliban. They probably have never  had their friends killed by the Taliban and they probably haven’t had friends permanently disabled by the Taliban either.

Allen West had this to say, in The Weekly Standard, on the matter and as a man who spent 22 years in the Army, I believe he knows exactly what he’s talking about.

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Dying to Vote This Year?

Well, well. This will come as no surprise, great or otherwise, to conservatives but  it is sure to have liberals heads bursting as they search haplessly for a way to apply spin.

In the New Hampshire primary, just a couple of days ago, dead people were allowed to vote.

Think what you will of James O’Keefe, like him or hate him, he has a way of digging to the bottom of the barrel to get to the tactics of liberals.

O’Keefe, who exposed ACORN and others, has now shed the light of truth on voting practices in New Hampshire.

O’Keefe sent people into the polling places and had them state a certain name. The name of someone deceased.

Yep. They were registered to vote.

In each case, according to O’Keefe, the person asking for the ballot also offered to show ID.

In each case, the person was told no ID was necessary and yes, they WERE indeed given the ballot.

O’Keefe’s people did not vote. They walked out of the polling places without casting the ballot.

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Calling Allen West…It’s Time for Real Leadership

It’s time for a change. A leadership change. Yes, I know there are still 10 months to go before the election of 2012 but seriously…Do we have any time to waste? Can we afford to just ride it out?


We must act and act now.

We have a true leadership vacuum and we need to make things right.

I am NOT talking about Obama or the White House here – though there is a pronounced lack of leadership there, too.

I’m talking about something more immediate.

John Boehner must be replaced and soon.

Very soon.

After the House Members went their way just days before Christmas, John Boehner initiated a conference call to inform the Members that the House would approve, unanimously, a 2-month extension of the payroll tax breaks.

2 months?

Really??? How exactly are businesses supposed to plan if they have to do it only 2 months at a time?

How are families supposed to plan on a 2 month system?

How exactly does a 2 month extension boost a sluggish economy or solve any economic issue?

It doesn’t.

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