The Price of Gas is Causing Heartburn

Let’s talk about the price of gas, shall we? I mean, why not? Everybody ELSE is.

It’s going up.

There are many reasons for this.

Circumstances in the Middle East, Iran embargoing oil to Europe and England have oil speculators…speculating and whenever they do THAT…The price of a barrel goes UP. The prospect of war between Israel and Iran is also fueling higher oil prices.

The price ALWAYS goes up in the summer month because of the differing blends mandated by the EPA. Those blends can also vary from state to state but in FEBRUARY??? Gas prices have NEVER been this high in FEBRUARY which means, by the time it’s time for the summer blends, the price will go even HIGHER.

Of course, as the price of gas climbs, so too will the prices of everything else.

Socks? Price is gonna go up. Food? Up, up, up. Auto parts? Yep…Up. You name it and the price is going to rise because of gas prices. Everything you buy has to get from where it’s made to where you buy it and if the cost of transporting your Chinese manufactured socks is going up, so is the price of the socks.

There is a great deal of focus, right now, on the nixed Keystone XL Pipeline.

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Israeli Action vs Obama’s Inaction

Not since Jimmy Carter was in office has an American administration so lacked the political will to engage either our enemies or the enemies of our allies.

With the clock ticking between Israel and Iran, Obama seems much more inclined to try and stop any Israeli action than to force Iran into compliance.

Yes, Obama is enacting sanctions – but sanctions don’t work against such an ideology as Iran’s. If sanctions, even strict sanctions, have any effect at all, it isn’t noticeable for years; and rarely, if ever, even after years of implementation, do sanctions have the desired effect.

Anyone who believe sanctions will keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons would also be apt to believe in rainbow farting unicorns.

In reality, the sanctions pave the way for Iran to “claim” a desire to talk at which point they will make ransom demands for halting their nuclear weapons program while continuing their nuclear weapons program.

National Security Adviser, Tom Donilon, just ended several days of talks IN Israel. Along with Netanyahu, Donilon also had talks with Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Chief of the General Staff Benny Gantz, and National Security Adviser Gen. Yaakov Amidror.

With Iran ramping up THEIR efforts to develop nuclear weapons and with their near non-stop calls for Israel to be eliminated, sanctions in play against Iran, Iran stating they will cease oil shipments to France, Iranian agents trying to kill Israel diplomats in various countries, Iran’s threats to bring THEIR form of terror attacks to OUR nation, a plot regarding the Iranian assassination of Saudi diplomats on OUR soil uncovered last year…

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We WERE Exceptional…50 Years Ago Today…

American Exceptionalism is exactly what it sounds like – or, at least, it used to be.

American. Exceptional. It is, or was, the act of being American and doing exceptional things. It seems odd, that on Presidents’ Day, when we should be celebrating those Presidents who exemplified the very spirit of American Exceptionalism, we instead can be directly reminded of it’s decline.

It’s the date. Today’s date. February 20th, 2012, which directly calls into question the exceptionalism which used to be ours but sadly, is now in steep decline.

Why IS today’s date SO important to this discussion?

50 years ago today, American Exceptionalism was on full display. We did something THAT day we can’t do today and it was a matter of technology, bravery, spirit and sheer force of will.

The bravery is still there, spirit too. What we are sorely lacking today is the will and the technology.

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Senator’s Aid Goes After Blogger Stacy Swimp?

We All know that liberals running for office in 2012 will do anything to advance their cause. They’re desperate and attacking their opponents with anything, is going to be par for the course.

A week or so ago, an ad by Senatorial Candidate Pete Hoekstra was deemed “Racist” by liberals because it featured an Asian actress, speaking in somewhat broken English, regarding our national debt and Stabenow’s reckless spending.

Naturally, liberals called it “racist” as they had no way of combating the ad with facts, merit or by pointing out any Obama policy which could prove it false.

To that end, conservative blogger and activist, Stacy M. Swimp, penned an article calling out liberals for once again, playing the race card where it doesn’t apply. He was right to do so.

Apparently, Swimp hit a nerve.

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The TRUTH Shall Set Us Free

The great and mighty, all knowing above the law and beyond religion Emperor needs a “Truth Team.” Dear Leader and his minions have announced 3 websites where his version of the truth can be spread. To understand how this works, one must first define the liberal/socialist “truth.”

Truth (trooth) Noun

1)      A lie told often enough. 2) A lie told loudly, often over the top of someone elses vocalizations. 3) A lie spread by means of like-thinking media outlets. 4) Disinformation believed by those with access to facts to be grossly incorrect. 5) Whatever the Liberal/Socialist Emperor says it is.

The Emperor’s “ was the first of the 3 to be brought online. That site is dedicated to a “big brother” sort of approach. On “” the Emperor’s supporters can turn in their neighbors, various websites, billboards, media reports, advertisements and the like which dare to utter, publish, print or broadcast anything against the Emperor’s ideology or, gasp, against the Emperor himself.

“” has been in effect for several months and has been constantly bombarded by conservatives turning themselves in. The National Patriot did just that on the very first day “Attack Watch” went live.

“Keeping GOP” is the second of the 3 sites which provides a means by which liberal/socialists can provide damaging information, fact or rumor or just flat out myth, regarding the Emperor’s rivals.

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The Emperor’s Latest Decree

When you’re the Emperor, everything either is, or is not, what you say it is or isn’t. You and you alone get to decide what laws will and won’t be defended. You get to ignore court subpoenas. YOU get to decide when Congress is or isn’t in session. The Constitution is something which YOU can ignore and religious organizations with THEIR doctrines and beliefs?

Well, YOU, as the Emperor, get to decide that such things are submissive to YOUR reign.

Why on Earth would the military be any different?

The Emperor was able to declare the end of hostilities in Iraq after all. NOT that hostilities were ACTUALLY over but, the Emperor, upon his coronation, DID promise the serfs that HE would bring those troops home.

Many believe the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq was purely a political move.


It was OVER and WE WON the peace SO SAYETH THE EMPEROR SO LET IT BE KNOWN AS TRUE. Never mind the increase in violence, IED bombings and the pesky fact that Iranian agitators are stepping up THEIR attacks in Iraq.

The Emperor said we secured the peace and hostilities had ended.

Now, with “Talks” in the offing with the TALIBAN in Afghanistan, the Emperor looking to release 5 Taliban terror masterminds from Gitmo AS A SHOW OF GOOD FAITH, and the continued killing and wounding of our troops in that theater…

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If Issues Rule the Day, Conservatives Win in November

Yesterday, in our article titled, “Obama on a High Wire,” we outlined the flip flopping of the Emperor as a signal of desperation regarding several recent issues.

The fact is, as Obama flips his positions, his policies continue to flop.

It’s time for the GOP candidates to stop attacking one another and start pointing out their individual fundamental differences with Obama.

While there is some danger in elevating to a “general election” campaign before the convention, this election year seems to be one bent on rule breaking. Obama feels safe in a lot of this because for the GOP candidates to go after him on certain issues, they open the door for counter attacks.

Here is the real problem. Show us a candidate who hasn’t flipped or flopped on an issue and we’ll show you a unicorn.

Rick Santorum and his different positions regarding right to work. Romney and Romneycare vs Obamacare. Newt on Global Warming. Ron Paul adding earmarks INTO bills just so he can then vote AGAINST the bill…All of them have their issues in this regard.

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Obama on a High Wire

The desperation of the Emperor to remain in power is beginning to show. For all his talk over the last 3 years regarding driving the car, Obama is about to drop the transmission out of it due to jamming the gears.

In the last couple of days, the Emperor has gone from 100 miles per hour into reverse without even slowing down.

First, it was his blink of an eye reversal on super PAC money.

A couple of years ago, the Emperor scolded the Supreme Court Justices during his State of the Union speech for allowing unlimited Super PAC funding for candidates.

Just a couple of days ago, the Emperor again talked about Super PAC funding being wrong.

Then, yesterday, Obama jammed it into reverse urging Super PAC financiers to pour money into HIS campaign.

Liberals are scoffing at any mention of hypocrisy saying if it’s good for Republicans, it’s good for liberals too – but in doing so, they must completely ignore the fact that while Republicans never took a stance against it…Obama DID.

HIS reversal on this topic is the very definition of hypocrisy.

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TNP Goes LIVE With Liberty Underground

Last night, The National Patriot was pleased to go LIVE with Jo Anne Moretti and Liberty Underground for a special Moretti Report radio interview!

While the focus was on the Judge Mahili decision out of Georgia regarding Obama’s eligibility to be on that state’s ballot, we also covered a few other topics as well.

Our thanks to Jo Anne and Liberty Underground!!

For the article on Ginsburg and how her comments could be used to hold Romney accountable, please click here!

Obama Eligibility and a Decision of Tyranny

With the ruling by Judge Malihi in Georgia that Obama will remain on the ballot, tyranny has been established.

How else does one describe it when the President is above the law?

A court issues a subpoena to the President which is ignored.

The court rules against a motion to dismiss.

The attorney for the defendant, Obama, states he will not participate or provide subpoenaed material.

The Georgia Secretary of State says such action will be at the attorney’s and his client’s peril.

The hearing proceeds with the only evidence and testimony presented being against the defendant.

One week later, the Judge finds in favor of the defendant.

Clearly, speculation will be forthcoming. How did this happen? Was the Judge bought? Was he threatened? Was it all fixed before the hearing ever happened?

People will want to know the background of the Judge.

I’m SURE there are some coincidences involved.

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