Today’s Obamacare Headlines Are GROSSLY Misleading

Yesterday, in the House, yet another vote to repeal Obamacare was held. It was the 33rd time such a vote was taken in the House since the passage of the bill nobody could know what was in until they passed it.

33 times in the house.

How many times has this been debated in the Senate?


That’s because Harry Reid, just as he’s done with 30 some odd jobs bills passed in the House and all the various budgets passed in the House…Refuses to allow them to see the light of day in the Senate.

Liberals and socialists love to tell you that it’s the republicans obstructing congress or doing nothing in congress but, they’re lying.


There will be a great many variations of the headlines but, essentially, they’ll be talking about republicans voting for repeal and getting nowhere doing it.

That, however, should NOT be the headline.

HERE’S what the headline SHOULD be:

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Long Term Solutions to a 1 Term Problem

Yesterday, in our article, “Obama’s Tax Plan Unicorn” we pointed out the extreme short term thinking of the Emperor and its negative effects on small businesses. We also promised a long term solution.

To understand the long term solutions we must look back a little.

While Obama’s excuse for the economic disaster has always been, and continues to be George W. Bush, it is clearly a false notion.

Congress switched hands in the midterm election of 2006 with liberals taking control in January of 2007. Obama ran on false promises of fixing the economy and from the time he took office until the midterm 2010 election, HIS party controlled both the House and the Senate but, rather than working on the economy, Obama took advantage of his party’s control of congress to ram through Obamacare.

The following chart shows employment statistics from 2004 to the present.

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Obama’s Tax Plan Unicorn

So…Obama’s is bending the truth to the absolute breaking point…AGAIN…And it seems that nobody is going to call him out.

Well, almost nobody.

Obama made what SEEMS like an overstatement when he said, “I’ve cut taxes for small business owners 18 times since I’ve been in office.”


18 times huh?

Okay…Let’s take a look.

Indeed there have been 18 “cuts” for small businesses in the Obama reign but, one must use quotation marks when stating it because not all the “cuts” are cuts.

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Obama…The “Bain” of His Own Existence

So…Mitt Romney wants to outsource jobs huh?

Well…That’s the battle cry from liberal/socialists right now. Obama is saying it. Debbie What’s-her-name Schultz is saying it. Jay Carney…liberals in Congress, liberal pundits…They’re ALL saying it.

They even have an ad airing that says it.

Mitt Romney is the great OUTSOURCER…..RUN…RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!

Hang on…Hold everything…

Maybe we should pay a visit to Realityville.

Did Mitt Romney, while at Bain Capital, outsource jobs?

Yes. Yes he did.

Did he outsource EVERY job he came across?

Nope. No, he didn’t.

People should know what outsourcing is. When you have an answering service picking up calls when your office is closed…That’s outsourcing.

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Friday Fume

Well my friends, we’ve made it through another week. It’s been an odd week with Independence Day smack in the middle of it and while many have hit the road on vacations…Here we sit, at The National Patriot, keeping track of the liberal dipsticks that don’t reach all the way to the oil pan.

Today, we are exactly 4 months from the most important election since 1860 and liberal/socialists are getting desperate.

If we expect nothing more from them we’ll never be disappointed.

It’s Friday, Patriots, and…

I’m fuming.

Hmmm…Down Texas way…it seems that while trying to implement a voter ID law to add validity to the voting there…Texas has hit the Holder ROAD BLOCK.

Well…There’s a shock.

As the case over the Texas Voter ID law heads to court next week, it appears that Holder has employed…

THE CATALIST GROUP…to gather information.

CATALIST has quite the client list. Obama’s 2008 election campaign, the Democratic Governors Association, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the American Civil Liberties Union, NARAL – Pro-Choice America Foundation, and the Texas Democratic Trust.


Congressman Lamar Smith sent a letter to HOLDER complaining about the partisan effort to squelch the Texas Voter ID law but…

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1775 or 2012 – Separated by Centuries Not by Issues

236 years ago, yesterday, a nation rose from tyranny and oppression. A people, with unalienable rights endowed by the Creator, had had enough of Imperial rule and said so boldly, courageously and with the knowledge that they had a choice.

Patrick Henry understood that choice.

In a speech before the Virginia House of Burgesses, on March 23, 1775, Henry swung the vote convincing his Colony to send troops to the Revolutionary War when he proclaimed, “What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!”

12 years earlier, Patrick Henry, a bar keeper turned attorney had argued in a case that the King was but “a tyrant who forfeits the allegiance of his subjects.”

In 1765, a law student and guest in the House of Burgesses, Thomas Jefferson, listened while, regarding the Stamp Act, Henry offered resolutions to nullify them. Henry, at that time, was met with fierce opposition and his resolutions were termed as treasonous to the King. What Patrick Henry said in response, lit the fire in Jefferson that would lead him to be elected to the House of Burgesses 6 years later.

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Obama’s Back to the Future Campaign

Scare tactics and conservative conspiracy theories?

Go ahead and tell me I’m wrong but in order to have a valid argument, you’ll have to prove how past actions don’t lead to future reality.

If the Emperor maintains the throne, what can we expect in the next 4 years?

Liberals will laugh at you if you share this with them but, it’s always been a poker “tell” when they stary laughing. They’re tipping their hand. The faster they start laughing, the closer you are to the exact truth and the harder they laugh, trying to drown you out, the more spot on you are in what you’re telling them.

When the name calling starts, you have exposed their truth and they don’t like it not one little bit.

When they start slapping labels on you like…Racist or…Certifiably crazy or…Birther…it’s a tell that they are absolutely desperate to make YOU the focus rather than the TRUTH.

To predict the future of America under another 4 years of Obama we first need to examine his past behavior.

Everything he’s done in the last 3 ½ years is a foreshadowing of the future with the Emperor on the Throne.

He has, for his entire term, unilaterally decided what laws would or would not be defended. He started with the Defense of Marriage Act and has run it all the way to Immigration. Existing laws mean nothing compared to his agenda.

If you haven’t been a fan of his existing law sidestepping and Imperial Orders thus far…Oh just wait…

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From WHERE did the Obamacare TAX Come…EXACTLY??

Well…He tried, didn’t he?

The EMPEROR tried and tried and TRIED to convince us all that Obamacare was NOT a tax.

He said it and said it.

The EMPEROR told us it wasn’t a tax and he told us and TOLD us that under Obamacare…NOBODY would be taxed a SINGLE DIME.

The EMPEROR started telling us that the day he started the process and he KEPT telling us that it was not a tax right up to the very day his Solicitor General made the argument before the Supreme Court that…oh yes…It WAS a tax.

Then, last Thursday, in their ruling, The Supreme Court and the deciding Justice who wrote the opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts, made sure that we all knew, once and for all, that…

Obamacare IS a TAX and the only reason it is Constitutional is BECAUSE it’s a TAX.

So much for the high fives in the oval office.


“DOH…IT’S A TAX!!!!!”

According to the tweet of DNC Executive Director, Patrick Gaspard…

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After this past week if you’re not spinning around on circles you must be DEAD. Of course, if you’re dead…WELCOME TO THE LIBERAL SOCIALIST VOTING ROLLS!!!

Actually, being dead is NO excuse for NOT spinning round and round this week as I am POSITIVE our FOUNDERS are spinning in their collective graves.

My friends, take heart…Today is the day we grip reality by the THROAT and choke the liberal stupidity out of it.

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

There was a LOT of…stuff…making BIG headlines this week – and trust me, I’ll get to some of that – but first, there MAY have been a few things that got past you that, in the art gallery of liberal/socialist behavior, should be exhibited.

We’ll start in Colorado where…OH GUESS WHAT…while Supreme Court votes and contempt charges were in play YESTERDAY…Abound Solar…based in Loveland Colorado…


Here’s a big surprise…

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Today, after a group of MORE THAN 100 liberal/socialist Members of the house arose and walked out in protest, thus showing THEIR contempt of Congress, Eric Holder WAS indeed held in contempt BOTH CRIMINALLY AND CIVILLY by a vote of the House which included both republicans AND democrats.

On a day when the Supreme Court affirmed that an administration, through taxation CAN force upon the American people a good or service and order the IRS to go after those who choose NOT to partake, The House of Representatives DID indeed hold the Attorney General in criminal contempt of Congress for withholding tens of thousands of documents, emails and memos from the House Oversight Committee investigating the Fast and Furious operation and its cover-up.

Both the Supreme Court ruling AND the contempt vote against Holder SHOULD serve to ignite conservatives and mobilize them against the scourge of this administration.

Tea Party Patriots, Conservatives, Republicans and yes, Independents should now realize that this administration is so solidly aligned against the American people, American values and the very foundation OF America that they will unite, in mass, to vote Obama and his ilk from office.

Regarding Holder, this nation can no longer stand idly by while the head of the Department of Justice stalls and subverts justice from his post.

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