The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the National Debt

You know all those statistics thrown about where…If you take all of something nobody gives a rip about, and laid them end to end, they’d stretch from point A to point B?

As an example: If you took all the women George Clooney has dated, and laid them end to end…

(Go ahead and make your own jokes about how tired you’d be)

They would reach from Malibu to Manhattan…Give or take a Stacy Keibler.

I hate those kinds of statistics but, it’s not going to stop me from using one in this article.

We’re talking about our national debt.

Staggering? Is that how you would describe it?

Maybe you have heard that our national debt is skyrocketing. It is you know. Maybe MORE than you know. Alarming? That’s another term you’ve probably heard.

No doubt you’ve heard something about a “fiscal cliff” during national debt discussions.

Oh…If ONLY that were the extent of it. It’s not of course but, we can dream can’t we?

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Hey, Obama…What Happened???

It was just 4 years ago that things were SO different.

What happened?

That is the question which must be haunting Obama night and day.

4 years ago, he was a rock star and today, a has been.

4 years ago, anything that had anything to do with him was a mob scene with people pushing and shoving to just get a glimpse. Even if they couldn’t get close enough to see, they could say they were there.

Last week, in his Windy City, a fund raiser was, like his glass, half empty.

Perhaps it was the price of admission.

$51.00 per head.

That’s right, Obama only managed to half fill a room at just fifty one bucks per person. That would have NEVER happened just 4 years ago.

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On Principle and In Fact, AKIN MUST GO!!!


In The most important election since 1860, a great deal is at stake.

To be clear, it’s not just the white house.

In order to start the process of taking our nation back, restoring the principles of our founders and framers, congress is equally as important as the presidency.

With the House currently controlled by conservatives, the urgency to keep it that way is pressing.

Also pressing is the need to swing control of the Senate from a liberal majority to a conservative majority.

There seems to be little doubt as to the House remaining in the control of conservatives but, each and every seat up for grabs in the Senate is crucial.

There is something else of a crucial nature which must be brought forward.

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Obama’s Lies Unchallenged by Press

There was no zip. No razzle dazzle.

There was no bounce in his step or in his voice.

Clearly, he didn’t want to be there and who could blame him? The last time he did something like this, his words came back to haunt him and immediately so.

“The private sector’s doin’ fine.”

Nonetheless, just minutes into the daily press briefing, while Jay Carney was trying to weasel out of another round of questions, through the door and onto the platform he came.

“I’m told you’ve been missin’ me.”

It was remarkable. Truly remarkable.

Obama, yesterday, after being shamed into it by members of the white house press corps, took questions from reporters for the first time in 8 weeks.

Truly remarkable the number of lies which can be told in a few brief minutes.

Asked about negative campaigning, Obama responded:

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Friday Fume

Friends and Patriots, I know. I KNOW you’ve had enough and you’ve had enough for a long time now.

I’m with ya.

Every day, we see and hear things from liberal/socialists that light our hair on fire.

That’s why I look forward to the end of the week when I can get it off my chest with a dose of sarcasm which, hopefully, makes ya laugh just a bit.

Ya can’t make this stuff up and if you don’t find a way to laugh at it, you’ll explode.

Get ready folks.

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Oh for GOD’S sake.

Ya buy a chicken sandwich and the liberal/socialists call ya every name in the book. You’re EVIL and a BIGOT and the DEVIL and that’s the NICE stuff.

But…call for KILLING white people and what do ya hear from the liberal/socialists???


Case in point…

Michelle Williams, the Party Chief of Staff for the New BlacKKK Panthers, and the same VOICE OF REASON that issued the DEAD OR ALIVE order against George Zimmerman, says that TAMPA IS UNDER SIEGE BY REPUBLICANS, WHITES, TEA BAGGERS AND CRACKERS!!!!!

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Israel Readies for Confrontation, Obama Cornered

There is a VERY dangerous chess match afoot.

When pressed, one week ago by reporters regarding the situation between Israel and Iran, white house tough question dodger, Jay Carney said we must allow the, “most stringent sanctions ever imposed on any country time to work.”

He went on to say that there was still a “window of opportunity to persuade Iran … to forgo its nuclear weapons ambitions.”

Really? Allow the “most stringent sanctions ever imposed on any country time to work,” for WHO exactly?

In the LONG run, or short, when have sanctions EVER worked?

And exactly WHO’S window of opportunity are we talking about???

I’ve got some breaking news for ya Carney…Israel doesn’t have time for sanctions to work because, sanctions always work for the timeline of those they are levied against.

Iran will not be brought to their collective knees by sanctions of any kind but they WILL use the “time” provided by “diplomatic efforts” to stretch THEIR window of opportunity to produce nuclear weapons.

Sanctions are nothing but a wagging of a finger by the United Nations and regardless of how vigorously it is wagged, the offending nation always flips their own finger at the free world in response.

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The Battle Hymn of the 2012 Election

Over the weekend, I was struck by the words of Paul Ryan at a rally in Manassas Virginia.

It was how he opened his comments.

What he said has been the clarion call of conservatives since the 2010 midterm election.

As the music played at each rally announcing Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s running mate, I could help but think…

We need an anthem. No…We need a battle song.

What we DON:T need is a rehashed song bent and twisted to meet the need. Any old song will do if that’s the criteria.


What we need is a  song, written by someone who feels the way WE do. A song which expresses OUR clarion call.

We need a song which speaks directly to US, of who WE are and to what WE must do.

It needs to be a song OF the People, BY the People and FOR the people.

That’s why, when I heard Paul Ryan’s opening words in Manassas on Saturday…I knew EXACTLY what our song should be.


If you are not yet familiar with Ava Aston…You should be.

A while back, I found the song that she wrote and it shook me to the core.

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On Saturday, throughout the announcement that Paul Ryan is Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential running mate, both men spoke about  their VISION  for America.

It must be noted that a VISION is far different than a POLICY.

Politically speaking, POLICY is how one intends to achieve the VISION. If 2 different people share the same VISION but believe in different POLICIES to achieve that vision, a healthy debate can take place as to the best way to get there.


If they have diametrically opposed VISIONS, then there exists an ideological rift.

This is VERY important.

Okay. On Saturday, both Romney and Ryan expressed their VISIONS.

First, Mitt Romney stepped to the microphone and said of Paul Ryan:

“His leadership begins with character and values.”

Romney went on to state:

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A Question for the Anybody But Mitt Crowd

Over a considerable amount of time and through the ability to do copious amounts of research, I have become reasonably good at figuring out political quandaries.

I don’t always get it exactly right but, I honestly wish I weren’t right as often as I am.

Finding the answers to questions regarding political ideology, political history, how dots are connected and the end games of certain politicians have become a passion.

I’d like to think I’ve become pretty good at it.

Currently, however, the answer to a most perplexing political question eludes me.

I’m asking for your help.

There is no cash prize involved, like the sum given to the brilliant mind which created the $50.00 light bulb but rest assured, you’ll have my unending gratitude.

Please, somebody…Explain to me exactly how…

Splitting the 2012 presidential vote between Romney, Gingrich, Paul, Cain, Palin, Johnson, Dummett, Tittle and any other number of known or unknown candidates of personal choice will defeat Obama.

Conservatives agree, after all, that Obama needs to be defeated and that if he isn’t, the situation is dire.

In that, at least, there IS agreement.

Thus, the quandary…

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Obama to Biden: “Oh…Cabin Boy…”

America now has a choice.

Romney/Ryan or Obama/Biden.

The former stands for everything the latter doesn’t and liberal/socialists know it.

Yesterday, I predicted the liberal/socialist response and it wasn’t hard to see coming. Liberals are scared and they’re trying to do everything they can to fake glee over the announcement that Paul Ryan is the VP choice.

It became very obvious very quickly that the pre-approved liberal talking points went out in a hurry and equally clear that liberal pundits had been sweating it out waiting on those emails.

One by one, each repeated the exact same line. Word for word.

“The Paul Ryan plan will end Medicare as we know it.”

Interview after interview, pundit after pundit, the liberal/socialist line was repeated over and over again.

“The Paul Ryan plan will end Medicare as we know it.”

You’re darn right it will and what liberal/socialists don’t want you to know is exactly what Paul Ryan DOES know…

If we don’t end Medicare…”AS WE KNOW IT…” it will come to an end altogether.

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