Obama’s GENIUS Knows NO Bounds

In light of the most recent spin thrown against the wall by this current, corrupt administration and their minions in the mainstream media, I think it’s time we take a look at just SOME of what has transpired over the last 4 ½ years.

In no particular order…

This administration engineered Fast and Furious in which they ran guns to Mexican drug cartels and lost track of them.

Those weapons have, so far, led to the murders of HUNDREDS of Mexicans as well as the murder of U.S. Border Agent, Brian Terry and quite likely, that of Agent Jamie Zapata as well.

So stupid was the operation and so inept the cover-up of it that the Dictator had to seal away the evidence with Executive Privilege.

Dumber than a box of rocks.

This administration “invested” taxpayer dollars…HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars in green energy companies which ended up folding faster than you could say, “SOLYNDRA.”

One after another, green energy companies lauded by and spent on by the Dictator closed their doors and yet, to this day, he still insists that green is better than fossil fuels.

Good grief…

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The Most Transparently CORRUPT Administration EVER

It seems that desperation is setting in at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in a big, BIG way.

The Dictator is doing his level best to distract from one abuse of power by trying to highlight another and another.

Just a couple of days after 3 whistle-blowers shed some light on the truth of Benghazi, Lois Lerner, in a nothing-burger conference answered a planted question regarding possible abuses by the IRS and the targeting “scandal” came to light.

The most transparent administration in history is transparently corrupt.

The only plausible explanation for having the question planted and answered with an apology by Lois Lerner is that Obama must have thought he would be able to distance HIMSELF more from the IRS abuse of power than he could from Benghazi and there are a few direct reasons FOR that tact.

We KNOW that SOMEBODY had to issue the Benghazi “STAND_DOWN” orders and the chain of command there is very short.

Had someone OTHER than Obama issued those orders, somebody’s head would have already rolled through the rose garden long, long ago.

Then there’s the fact that Obama himself, DISAPPEARED from the entire situation room situation on the night OF the attacks. He was there and then, he was gone and, under sworn testimony, we know that he never checked in again.


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Friday Fume

Wow. What a week.

The problem is NOT finding things about which to fume but thining the herd to what I can fit into one week’s worth of space!!!

Adam Levine said “I hate this country,” on live TV then tried passing it off as a joke before attempting to apologize saying, “Obviously I love my country.”

Uh huh.

Ummm…There is, apparently, a new way to cure…Diarrhea…It’s called a…POOP TRANSPLANT…Where doctors take poop from someone else…MIX IT WITH WATER and…”DELIVER” it into the patient’s colon through a tube.

Poop mixed with water to cure diarrhea???


Seems to me if they’re looking for donors…DC IS FULL OF IT!!!!!

And Howard Dean says that “Republicans have been peddling [the Benghazi controversy] for a year and a half”

No wonder Jay Carney thinks Benghazi happened a LONG TIME AGO.

Well, we’ve finally reached the end of a LONG week and it’s time for a laugh. Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Massachusetts…THE most SOCIALIST state in the nation has a problem.

Over the last few years, Massachusetts has handed out $18 million in “questionable public assistance benefits.”


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Weekend Edition: IRS – Obamacare and the “Scandal”

As the IRS “scandal” continues to unfold, there are some things that have not widely been brought to light and among them is the direct recipe for tyranny.

I’ll get to that shortly.

First though…

As I noted last week, there is a direct tie between the IRS and Obamacare and now we know it’s even more dire than we thought.

The woman in charge of the Cincinnati IRS office while all the targeting of Conservative groups and individuals was going on was, Sarah Hall Ingram, who served as commissioner of the office responsible for tax-exempt organizations between 2009 and 2012….


That is simply beyond coincidence BUT…NONE of the targeting was…Partisan.

We also now know that IRS Exempt Organizations Division director Lois G. Lerner, the woman who issued the IRS apology for targeting Conservative groups and individuals is married to, Michael R. Miles, a partner at the law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan.

So what?

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Obama Will Not Make It Through 2nd Term

The wheels are coming off the Canadian made campaign bus.

Right about now, behind the scenes, Obama has to be sweating like Kelly Pickler on Jeapordy.

The revolving door of lies is spinning like a lathe and none of what is hitting the fan is sticking to the walls enough to cover the handwriting.

Benghazi is NOT going away. It’s heating up and now that ABC has abandoned the Obama sinking ship, it’s only a matter of time, and a few more whistle-blowers before others in the MSM head for the life rafts of truth.

SOMEBODY had to issue the stand down orders and SOMEBODY had to know that Benghazi was a hotbed of Ansar al-Sharia (al Qaeda) terrorism MONTHS before the attacks. SOMEBODY had to make the call to blame that You Tube video and SOMEBODY had to DENY additional security.

Somebody had to authorize the hiring OF Ansar al-Sharia as guards and SOMEBODY had to rewrite all those lying points.

SOMEBODY knows EXACTLY what was going on and it’s all BOUND to come out.

Then there’s the IRS scandal.

The IRS…Targeting ONLY conservative groups under 501c3 and 4 designation leading up to and during his reelection campaign.

Nixon might have weathered the Watergate storm but, HIS use of the IRS for political thiugery was the last nail in Tricky Dick’s disingenuous reign.

This IRS debacle is NOT isolated to just the Cinncinati office and he knows it. Already, information is coming out that it all STARTED in 2010 and, it hit congress and the news in 2011.

How in the world the Dictator didn’t hear a word OF it until last Friday is beyond any reasonable belief but…

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Benghazi Justice – The End of the Obama Regime?

Regarding Benghazi…Obama, the Dictator, is out of time.

He’s out of scams, lies and nonchalant yet disturbing quips as well.

He’s out of excuses.

Hillary Clinton too.

They’ve run dry.

It wasn’t a You Tube Video. It wasn’t some spur of the moment demonstration. It didn’t end so quickly that nobody had a chance to respond.

It wasn’t some mere oversight in not reading memos or emails.

People knew. Oh yes. Hillary and Obama certainly knew. Her name is on the emails and memos she claims she never saw.

Requests, made over and over again for beefing up Benghazi security weren’t simply not seen, they were denied and, what security DID exist was drawn down. Not by mistake. On purpose.

Repeated warnings of al Qaeda were dismissed. More than 240 attacks by terrorist affiliated organizations in Libya since the fall of Gaddafi were also dismissed.

When the Brits and the Red Cross pulled out of Benghazi after attempts on the life of the British Ambassador and an attack on the Red Cross…

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Boston, Obama and Bill Ayers – How Sincere

Today, the Media will gush and slobber…Drool and get tingles up their collective legs…They will laud their “Dear Leader” the Dictator Barack Hussein Obama and champion each and every warm, gooey utterance as he speaks at a service for those killed and injured in Boston just a few days ago.

They will roll about in his words and remark about the warm “feeling” he gave the nation.

CRAP…FRESH CRAP…is always 98.6°.

Just how sincere is this narcissist?

His minions and useful idiots…Those who voted for him and those who champion “fundamental transformation” of our nation will rub his intonations all over themselves and try to make US believe they don’t stink out loud.

Allow me, for a moment, to be brutally frank.

Shit stinks and he’s full of it.

The Dictator has already been as sincere regarding the terror attack in Boston as he can possibly be.

He’s read his remarks from his teleprompter.

Twice, this festering pile of insincerity has spoken of the attack in Boston and neither time did his voice reflect passion, anger or resolve.

He read that we will find those responsible…

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The Dictator’s Budget Won’t Add a Dime to the Deficit?

Yesterday, when the Dictator made his absurd budget decree…

I was gobsmacked.


He’s NOW recycling his bald-faced lies.

Let me take you back a few years.

“I want to be very clear,” said President Barack Obama on July 18, 2009,”I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade.”


How many time did he repeat that lie?

Over and over again. Every time he sputtered about Obamacare. In his Hate of the Union speech in 2009 and 2010.


Okay…That was then but we’re talking about NOW and when you hear THIS I suspect YOU will have the exact same reaction as did I.

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Weekend Edition: Open Letter to the Puppet’s Puppets

Dear Ellen Barkin,

I, and many, MANY others are aware of your Tweets.

“Yes I vote Pres Obama…to protect his ppl,ALL his ppl.The poor,the middle class,the jobless…the 1’s that need our help..I vote 4 humanity, (sic)”

“Right now he is the President of our country.He is our leader & we are his people, (sic)”

Not that I believe for a moment that YOU nor so very many in Hollywood have the sort of attention spam which might allow you to concentrate on more than 140 characters at a time, I shall, nonetheless, endeavor to educate the uneducatable.

YOU, Ms. Barkin, are OLD enough to know BETTER that your tweets indicate.

THIS, Ms. Barkin, is the United States of America.

Our founding document spells it out, in BIG bold letters…”We The People…” is how it starts.

WE the PEOPLE, Ms. Barkin and not OWNED by anyone. WE are NOT the PROPERTY of those we elect.


They SERVE WE the People NOT the other way around and that’s a very important distinction.

I don’t know, Ms. Barkin, if you were reared by socialists and communists, whether you learned it in school, in Hollywood or whether you are so desperate for an acting job that you are now trying to get on the good side of the Hollywood elite by trying to propagandize their ideology.

Whatever the case…

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Replacing Faith with Socialism – Youth Indoctrination

This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian values.

Too bad, socialists but, it’s a fact.

In GOD We Trust.

Socialists want to change that. They DON’T want We the People to trust in GOD…THEY want the SUBJECTS to trust in the GOVERNMENT.

To bring about this “fundamental transformation,” socialists know they must indoctrinate the nation’s youth against the fundamental principles upon which this nation was founded.

That is exactly why socialists have, over the last few decades, usurped the education system via the Teachers Unions and set the agenda, curriculum and standards for education. They, the socialists, own k-12 AND asylums of higher indoctrination as well.

That means…From age 5 through 18, public school socialist instructors are manipulating your children.

From the time your kids are of age to vote through their next 4 years…Longer of they seek an advanced degree, those same socialist soaked sponges are in the hands of Marxists as well.

Just a week ago, at Flour Bluff Intermediate School in Corpus Christi Texas, a quiz was given regarding 9/11. Look at the question at the bottom of the image.

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