Rick Perry Indicted for Having Integrity

fart 1Everything is bigger in Texas…even the brain farts.

Honestly, I don’t quite know how else to explain what is happening in Texas with the indictment of Governor Rick Perry.

It’s nothing short of a MASSIVE liberal brain fart.

They have indicted Perry for what? A VETO? He vetoed a bill which would have funded the Texas ethics watchdog, the Public Integrity Unit under the “leadership” of one Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg.

According to the Travis County Texas grand jury, Perry ABUSED his power as the Governor by first THREATENING to use his veto to defund the unit and then…by actually DOING what he SAID he would do.

Here’s the crux of it all…

Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg, a liberal elected official was in charge of the INTEGRITY unit when she got pulled over for…DRIVING DRUNK last year. That’s right…the very person who was in charge of making sure that the INTEGRITY of Texas politics was up to par was driving drunk. She got arrested and tossed into the drunk tank to dry out where she, Rosemary Lehmberg, got belligerent with the local law enforcement folks.

She pitched quite the fit because, it seems, Lehmberg didn’t seem to think SHE should be treated just like every OTHER drunk on the road.

SHE, in what little was left of her mind, figured SHE was SPECIAL. Well, here…see for yourself…

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Beware of Liberal Wolves Dressed as Shepherds

real 1When it comes to the next two elections, November 2014 and November 2016, we…as Conservatives, MUST get our priorities in line or we will not only lose those elections…we’ll lose this country.

When I say ‘priorities’ I mean our platform.

Simply put, we win on policy and we WILL lose on social issues.

I know there are some Conservatives out there reading this who will say I’m off base and that’s okay…they’re dead wrong.  They are entitled to their opinions but if they want to take this country back…back from liberals and their warped ideology of socialism leading to communism and back from the abyss of big government control of our lives and businesses and back from the brink of global disaster…They need to understand exactly what the real problems this nation faces ARE.

Right now, our southern border is wide open. Illegal aliens are flooding in by the hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of those illegal aliens are children. Tens of thousands of them are infested with contagious diseases and Obama has our military acting as baby sitters while our agencies, originally put in place to protect our border are being tasked with being the taxi service that disperses these illegal aliens throughout OUR country rather than sending them back to THEIR countries.

It’s illegal. It’s human trafficking being carried out by our own government and it is a gross violation of our Constitution.

This is not a social issue…

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A Tea for Two Foes – Liberals and RINOs

org 1How did things turn out in your state’s primary elections this year? Did your Tea Party candidate win? Some did, a few, too few for my liking and most likely for your liking as well.

Why is that? Why didn’t we win MORE primaries?

I’ll tell you why. Because as Tea Party Patriots and those who want a return to a Constitutional republic, far too many of us stand on our own little individual islands when it comes to candidates and that is exactly what liberals and for that matter, the GOP establishment want us to do.

It’s time to change all that and start winning…not only in the primary elections but in the general elections too but what we need is a strategy. A WINNING strategy.

First off…one of the main reasons the Tea Party didn’t show well in this year’s primaries is right there on our voter registration cards.

Back in 2010, with the decisive victory in the house, the shellacking of the liberals, many went and changed their voter registration to Tea Party based on how proud we were of what we had just accomplished. Pride gets us nowhere and here’s why.

In MANY states, when it comes to the primaries, only registered REPUBLICANS can VOTE in the primaries. If you have reregistered as something else…Tea Party…Constitutional Party…Libertarian…whatever…you can’t vote in the primary or, if they allow you to CAST a vote…it’s wiped out by your ‘other’ party registration. That being the case, guess who wins…the GOP establishment candidate and NOT the Tea Party candidate.

We must remember that the Tea Party is a MOVEMENT, a grass roots movement…

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Benghazi: The Truth Exposed…Part 3 of 3

Article Co-Written by Craig Andresen and Diane Sori

After the attacks in Benghazi many questions remained that needed answers even after the Johnny-come-lately FBI investigation said all hadbenghazi 1 been answered, and those who wanted to protect the Obama regime by refusing to answer them was in full operational mode. The Rose Garden speech blaming the video…Obama jetting off to Vegas for a fund raiser…Susan Rice spreading the video nonsense on five Sunday shows…Hillary and Obama blaming the video at the memorial service as the caskets of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty arrived…and more of Obama’s blathering on about the video ruse at the U(seless) N(ations). We do NOT need to go into details with which everyone is already all too familiar. What we must do however, is connect the most disturbing of dots. Let’s begin with the ‘stand down’ orders.

Issuing a ‘stand down’ order does follow a specific chain of command, and the one relating to Benghazi would go like this, in order from top to bottom…President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary’s of the various armed services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the various Chiefs of Staff for each military service, the Commanding General for AFRICOM, and the local command structure under AFRICOM.

All in the command chain below Obama have denied giving such an order, including then Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (remember, Dempsey testified that orders were given to assist in Tripoli but NOT to assist in Benghazi but NEVER telling who gave that order but we know it was NOT him). And all the military branch Chiefs have also said they gave NO such order. And while AFRICOM Commander General Carter Ham did give testimony in a closed door hearing before the House Armed Services Committee investigating Benghazi, we still do NOT know his testimony, but know that if he had given such an order it would have been made public for all to hear for it would have cleared Obama, especially important because everything possible is being done to try and distance him from this event, especially after his nonsense about a YouTube video.

But NO such announcement assuming responsibility for that ‘stand down’ order has been made by General Ham so logic would dictate he gave NO such order. And remember, Panetta announced back in October 2012, that General Ham would be retiring for refusing to obey orders NOT to assist the US personnel in Benghazi on that fateful night, and that on Saturday, October 27th, Panetta confirmed that General Ham had indeed been ‘relieved’ of his AFRICOM command.

Now here is something interesting about the official command chain…neither the Vice-President nor the Secretary of State is in that chain. But, the Vice-President and the Secretary of State do have the authority through the President to countermand any one below the President. And while the National Security Council and the Department of Homeland Security Secretary influence military decisions (to some degree) through the National Security Act and through their advisory positions to the President, they do NOT have the authority to issue an actual ‘stand down’ order on their own as that can ONLY be done by those in the direct chain of command.

Yet according to whistleblower Gregory Hicks (the Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya at the time of Benghazi), who when testifying before Congress said that after the first attack a security team left Tripoli for Benghazi with two military personnel, and that four members of a special forces team in Tripoli wanted to go in a second wave but were ordered to ‘stand down’ (but he did NOT know who gave that order).

And remember…

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Benghazi: The Truth Exposed – Part 1

TRUTH 1For the next two days, My Right Side Patriot’s radio partner, Diane Sori and I have combined our efforts to bring you the latest and most stunning coverage of the Benghazi cover up you will read anywhere.

Today, we have written separate articles with mine outlining what transpired before the attacks and Diane’s, regarding what transpired DURING those attacks.

If you think you already know the whole story…You don’t and, what you DON’T know is likely to light your hair on fire.

On January 15th, 2014, the Senate Select Committee on intelligence review of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi was released to the public.

Naturally, you read that report.

You didn’t?

Well, surely you heard all the details of it on the news.

You heard that the Benghazi attacks could have been prevented. That’s what you heard on the news. In fact, that’s about ALL you heard on the news because, mainstream media and, in this case, even Fox news didn’t give the report the coverage they should have.

There’s a lot more, a WHOLE lot more in that report than, “It could have been prevented.”

For instance…

Were you aware that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence spoke with General Petraeus not once, not twice but, 3 times and one of those times was when the General was still the head of the CIA?

That is a fact that will become more important when you see how it ties in with the rest of this series later on.

 The committee also spoke with the CIA Chief of Base Benghazi who was there on the night of the attacks, a fact made even more important given last week’s testimony from Michael Morrell, the then Deputy Director of the CIA who admitted that the unnamed Chief of Base Benghazi emailed him, just 4 days after the attacks to tell Morrell, in no uncertain terms that the attacks were NOT part of some protest over a You Tube video but were, in fact, a TERRORIST attack.

Were you aware…

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Weekend Edition: Benghazi TREASON – An Orchestrated Convenience

tnp eagleWhat in the hell was former Deputy Director of the CIA, Mike Morrell, TALKING about last Wednesday under sworn testimony before the house committee?



He agreed to appear at the hearing, to in his words, “Lay out the facts,” regarding the altering of the CIA’s Benghazi talking points memo because, again in his own words,  “The ethical code under which intelligence officers carry out their responsibilities calls for total objectivity.”

What followed was, in fact, THE most SUBJECTIVE testimony, full of abject contradictions, he could have possibly delivered.

It was, to be blunt, nothing less than a stunning exercise in ass covering that left more questions than it answered including one very important query…

Exactly who’s ass was he covering FOR???

Michelle Bachmann, who doled out perhaps THE most pointed and forceful line of questioning during the hearing has her theory on that answer.

According to congresswoman Bachmann, Mike Morrell was, “taking the fall” for Hillary Clinton.

“She couldn’t have a better person to take the fall for her because Morrell was involved in rewriting the talking points as he was the No. 2 at CIA,” congresswoman Bachmann related to WND in a candid interview. Bachmann was submitting that Morrell was cleaning up the mess to allow Hillary, “WHAT DIFFERENCE, AT THIS POINT, DOES IT MAKE” Clinton to make a 2016 run for the oval office, “so, he can come in authoritatively [and] say, ‘No, that’s not the story. The story is the fake story we tried to push.'”

Perhaps but, Morrell would also have to be confirmed in 2016 and, the way things are shaping up for the 2014 midterms, even IF Hillary runs and wins, she may well be facing a republican majority in the house AND the senate rendering such a confirmation highly unlikely.

That said…

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There IS Room in the Conservative Tent

In last Friday’s “Fume,” I went off on group of Rutgers University “professors” who are circulating a petition to disinvite Condi Rice from their graduation program this year.

In that segment of the “Friday Fume,” I placed her accomplishments in a nutshell and, it takes a BIG shell to hold them all.

I said it then and I’ll say it again…Condi Rice, based on her intelligence, her drive, her steadfast refusal to be held back by preconceptions of her race or her gender may well be THE most accomplished woman in the HISTORY of the United States and, arguably, she is more accomplished than PERSON, man OR woman, than any other in our history.

Here’s what I DIDN’T say in that piece last Friday because, it’s not funny…It’s a point so serious, it deserves separation from the snarky musings of the “Fume.”

I suspect, that should you boil it all down, the REAL reason those “professors” at Rutgers don’t want Rice to speak at this year’s commencement has nothing whatsoever to do with her support for the war in Iraq.

Nothing at all.

It does, however, in my opinion, have everything to do with the color of her politics.

Allow me to explain.

Over the weekend, Dr. Ben Carson spoke at CPAC and, while his tearing down of the walls of political correctness drew a standing ovation at the conference, it drew unveiled racial hatred from liberals.

Michelle Malkin, a liberal nightmare in her own right, provides an invaluable service to those who seek the truth….

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Friday Fume

Okay…So I missed writing the Fume last week. I knew you could Fume on for ONE Friday without me.

THIS week, however, is a different egg altogether and as eggs go…LIBERALS AND SOCIALISTS ARE…


No quick hitters this week…We’re diving right in so…HANG ON…

Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

THIS guy just HAS to be an Obama voter and once you read through this, you’ll most likely agree, HE’S ONE SICK PUPPY!!!

Lucky but…SICK!!!

Here’s what happened.

Police in Tampa Florida were called out to the home of one, 57 year old Bernard Marsonek last Tuesday where they were, according TO the police, “GREETED” by a small crowd of this moron’s neighbors.

The cops found Marsonek inside his home and, upon running him through their “BAD BOY’S” DATABASE…They discovered the…um…’excited’ miscreant to be a FELON.

After a little looking about…Tampa police found, in his home…A GUN!!!

Now one would think the 2…Being a FELON in possession of a GUN…would have been enough to slap the cuffs on ol’ Bernie but…

That was NOT what he was arrested for.

Oh no…

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How to LOSE an Election in 10 Easy Steps

As we have an election in a short 8 ½ months, primaries in just 3 months and, since we haven’t done this sort of thing for the last 15 months or so…I thought now might be a good time for a refresher course in how to LOSE an election.

Somehow, we, as Conservatives, screwed it up back in 2010 and actually won the darn thing.

If memory serves…It was called a shellacking and, we certainly wouldn’t want to have THAT again.

Would we?

So…Let’s get started…

How to LOSE an election.


Don’t do your own.

It takes time…It’s hard and it simply isn’t necessary in this day and age. There are PLENTY of folks scattered about on social media that you don’t know a single thing about who will be more than happy to do your research for you.

By all means…TRUST them.

There are a lot of axes out there and more than enough people willing to grind them and, it really doesn’t matter whether or not THEY share YOUR values and ideology…THEY did the research and, according to them…PIGS can FLY.

Just go with it.


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Weekend Edition: Ted Cruz is No Jelly Donut

For some time now, I’ve been saying that if YOUR elected Member of the house isn’t Trey Gowdy…YOU need to go and FIND your district’s Trey Gowdy and ELECT her or him in 2014.

If the entire house was packed FULL of Trey Gowdys…This nation would be in MUCH, MUCH better shape.

Let me now address the other side of Capitol Hill.

The senate.

Here’s my advice…

If YOUR senator isn’t Ted Cruz…


Think what you will regarding senator Cruz but, I’m telling you LOUD AND CLEAR…



During his 21 plus hour Q&A monologue a at the end of last September, Cruz read “The Cat in the Hat” and, in doing so, said more of substance than Harry Reid has said in all his years in that body.

In fact, during those 21 hours, Ted Cruz made more sense than the entire senate has made if you take all their floor speeches, all their utterances in front of media microphones and all of their print interviews over the last 10 years COMBINED!!!

Last week, while speaking to Mark Levin…

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