Obama…STFU You Lying Sack of CRAP

So desperate is the liberal press to demonize conservatives that they will, as Rahm Emanuel so famously put it, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

They continue to fall on their collective faces in the process.

It really started with the advent of the Tea Party movement.

Labels like “Astroturf” didn’t stick so, liberals tried a more demonizing approach by attempting to slap labels like, “angry mobs” “insane” “violent” “racist” and others on the Tea Party faithful.

All those labels were manufactured and false.

Try as they may, liberals just couldn’t make the labels stick because the actions, the demeanor, the nature and the principles of conservatives just kept proving them wrong.

Then came the horrible happenings in Tucson Arizona back in January 2011.

That’s when Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot along with many others and 6 people, including a 9 year old girl were killed.

Instantly, the liberal media jumped all over the crisis, not wanting to let it go to waste and they, as fast as they could, labeled Jerod Laughner as a right wing extremist who was prompted into his horrific actions by Sarah Palin.

Wrong again.

Laughner had not a hint of a tie to any conservative organization nor to Sarah Palin in any way, shape or form.

No matter. The left and their media are would not be swayed from their chosen but, clearly false path.

Along came the tragic event in Aurora Colorado.

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Nitwits, Hair Brains and Socialists…OH MY!!!!

Okay…Let me see if I have this straight.

Hair Brained Harry Reid who has offered such pearls of wisdom as these:

“The tea party will disappear as soon as the economy gets better and the economy is getting better all the time.”

“Until the Republicans get real, we can’t do [spending bills], because [House Republicans] have refused to adhere to the law that guides this country.”

“Last year, Amonix CEO Brian Robertson was tragically killed in a plane crash and unfortunately the company was unable to recover from this difficult time.”

“Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good.”

“This war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything.”

At one point Hair Brained Harry said THIS about John Roberts…

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Is Obama a “Dreamer???”

Is it simple pandering to a voting bloc in the months leading to the election or, is it something far, far worse?

Frankly, it’s hard to tell and while neither is good, the outcome, either way, it is clearly against the very principles of this nation.

Last week, it came to light that an ICE agent was threatened with punishment…A 3 day suspension…And for WHAT exactly?

Enforcing the law.

The ICE agent in question arrested a 35 year old ILLEGAL immigrant because that ILLEGAL alien had amassed 10 traffic violations.

For an American citizen, according to the Newark Police Department, such an arrest would have landed the arrestee in jail.

In THIS case…ICE supervisors ordered the ILLEGAL alien to be RELEASED and now, the Agent who made the arrest is facing a 3 day suspension.



Not a high priority target.

Tell THAT to Zach and Aileen Smith who, in a separate incident, were involved in a vehicle crash when their car was struck by…AN ILLEGAL ALIEN WHO HAD 4 DUI’s ON HIS RECORD!!! Aileen was 7 months pregnant and after being rushed to the hospital for an emergency C-Section found that her baby did NOT survive the crash.

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Friday Fume

As we get closer and closer to the election…Liberals get closer and closer to the RUBBER ROOM.

They continue to grow more and more desperate and hence, they become more and more unglued.

We should fully expect liberals to foolishness to go completely off the scale and this week has been no exception. We, as conservatives can either pull our hair out or…laugh at them while we watch them flail about.

So what do you say Patriots? Shall we keep the pressure ON???

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, well, well…How about we start things off today inside the demented mind of Harry Reid?

In the last few days…ol’ Harry has stated and doubled down on something that even HE admits, he doesn’t know if it is true or not.

This jackass is flitting about saying that in the last 10 years…Mitt Romney has paid no taxes.

He says, “I am not basing this on some figment of my imagination. I have had a number of people tell me that.”

Who, Harry? WHO’S been telling you that???

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Cokie Plays the Race Card…GO FISH!!!

In What can only be described as a desperate attempt to brand the 2012 election as racist and/or to keep some hope of racial division alive, yesterday, Cokie Roberts made a bazaar statement on NPR.

“You remember well the Reagan Democrats, those ethnic white voters who had been Democrats for many years, turned out for Ronald Reagan and have been fairly predictable Republicans since then Now, it’s a smaller percentage of the population, of the voting population than it used to be, but white voters are still much more Republican than any other group in the electorate. 

“They went for McCain in 2008 by 55 percent, and I think that, you know, getting those ethnic voters excited is really what Romney has in mind here. It’s more for the folks at home, the descendants of the people that he will be speaking to in Poland.”

So…Cokie is saying that the only reason Romney went to Poland and gave a speech was to excite…”WHITE ETHNIC VOTERS.”


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Obama’s Contempt for Israel Continues

It’s hard to believe that Obama’s support among Jewish voters is not eroding. Of course, the Jewish vote going traditionally to the left has always been something of a point of confusion.

This past weekend, Mitt Romney once again visited Israel and any comparison to Obama’s visit there nearly exactly 4 years ago as a candidate can be quickly dispelled.

In July of 2008, candidate Obama stopped in Israel but the visit was far, far different than Romney’s.

In 2008, Obama told the Israelis that, “I’m here on this trip to reaffirm the special relationship between Israel and the United States and my abiding commitment to Israel’s security and my hope that I can serve as an effective partner, whether as a U.S. senator or as president.”

Obama, at the time, also stated, “A nuclear Iran would pose a grave threat and the world must prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

And, of the Palestinian issue, Obama said, “Israelis desire a secure peace in which both they and the Palestinians can fulfil their legitimate aspirations: a strong secure state of Israel living alongside a viable and peaceful Palestinian state. We must support Palestinian leaders who share this vision.”

So…Over his time in office, how has Obama done regarding these promises?

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Election 2012 – Don’t Tap Dance in the Mine Field

When it comes to this election, the most important election since 1860, far too many conservatives are asking the wrong questions or, I believe, taking the wrong stance.

It’s a problem born of far too many years and decades of complacency.

It’s exactly what liberals have been laying the groundwork for throughout those years and decades.

To avoid the trap, one must first realize there IS a trap, see the trap and then take the proper steps to avoid that trap.

As we are but 3 ½ months away from this election, the time is NOW to identify the trap and steer conservatives away from falling prey to it.

Conservatives…Put your bias aside and open your eyes. Open them WIDE and you too, will see through the darkness.

Here we go.

I hear and read far too many conservatives asking, regarding certain issues, “So…Who will do anything about it?” There are, of course, variations of this question. “Why won’t congress DO something?” “Congress KNOWS about this but they won’t DO anything about it.” “What good is it to point out what we all already know since nothing will be done about it?”

You get the idea.

Here’s the Deal…

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Friday Fume

Friends and Patriots…Today is a special Friday!!!

This is our 52nd FUME which means…NEXT Friday is The National Patriot’s 1 year anniversary!!!

Do you KNOW what that means???

THAT means that TOGETHER…We have survived a FULL YEAR’S worth of liberal INSANITY and to celebrate…I left a little video fun for ya at the end of this Fume!!!

So what do you say we strap ourselves in TIGHT and wrap this week up with yet ANOTHER review with ATTITUDE???

If you’re ready…SO AM I!!!

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.


Say it’s not so…

Guess who’s ready to throw his pants back into the political ring???


That’s right, THE PETER TWEETER wants to run for MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY!!!

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Israel in the Balance as Syria Nears Collapse

Syria is primed and ready to fall. The clock is ticking on Assad and his brutal regime and it’s now in the 11th hour.

If Assad is lucky, he’ll be killed outright either by rebel troops in a gun battle or by the sort of bomb attack which took out 3 of his top thugs yesterday.

If he’s lucky.

A little less luck would have him meet the same fate as Saddam…at the end of a rope after being tried for crimes against his own people.

Or…He go out as did Qaddafi…captured, beaten and shot in the street like the cur that he is.

Assad’s one and only chance would be to leave on his own and flee to a friendly Iran but even that comes with risks. What are the chances he can escape alive? Slim. What are the chances that, given the opportunity, even Iran would want him?


Iran already has Ahmadenijad and that raises the question…Is Iran big enough for 2 rabid dogs?

Yes but it comes with conditions. Iran could well accept Assad IF Assad brings his weapons of mass death along with him.

Anyway you look at it…Assad is near death from naturally occurring unnatural causes.

What then of his civil war torn nation? What becomes of Syria itself?

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Today’s Obamacare Headlines Are GROSSLY Misleading

Yesterday, in the House, yet another vote to repeal Obamacare was held. It was the 33rd time such a vote was taken in the House since the passage of the bill nobody could know what was in until they passed it.

33 times in the house.

How many times has this been debated in the Senate?


That’s because Harry Reid, just as he’s done with 30 some odd jobs bills passed in the House and all the various budgets passed in the House…Refuses to allow them to see the light of day in the Senate.

Liberals and socialists love to tell you that it’s the republicans obstructing congress or doing nothing in congress but, they’re lying.


There will be a great many variations of the headlines but, essentially, they’ll be talking about republicans voting for repeal and getting nowhere doing it.

That, however, should NOT be the headline.

HERE’S what the headline SHOULD be:

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