Perry Dug the Dirt on Cain and Shoots Himself in the Foot

Rick Perry has some damage control to do and he had better do it fast and strong or his campaign is over. This morning in an article regarding the Cain situation I tapped Perry as the source and now, low and behold, it has been revealed that it was his campaign which put the smear hit on Herman Cain.

A Perry pollster and supporter dug the dirt and let it fly against Cain and to me, it comes as no surprise.

Perry has been slipping fast and he’s desperate.

Perry, in order to save what’s left of his campaign will have to fire Chris Wilson and detatch from anything to do with the smear but NOT before issuing an IN PERSON and heartfelt PUBLIC apology to Herman Cain.

When I watched Perry over the weekend being so giddy in a speech, it was clear he knew something the rest of us didn’t and it was his jabbing at Cain during that speech which tipped me off.

While I couldn’t be sure, the red flag was waving leading me this morning in my piece, “The Cain Scandal -Problematic but Not Yet Dire” to say, “While this looks, for all the world, to be a bit of dirt dug up by a fellow GOP candidate, I’ll guess Perry as he’s slipping fast, and may be a lot of nothing, it will pale in comparison to the attacks which will come from the liberal machine should Cain actually garner the nomination; and if Cain, with 10 days advanced warning on this wasn’t prepared, some changes must be made and be made quickly.”

While Republicans would have taken Obama or liberals to task over a tactic such as this, I would expect them to do likewise to one of their own.

I will.

Perry was looking for dirt, an advantage, something to bring a GOP rival down rather that to build himself up and he found it in a decade old story.

There are only 2 ways for Perry to get out of this.

1)      This story had better have a concrete foundation of evidence against Herman Cain

2)      If there is no concrete evidence, Perry needs to drop out, taking full responsibility for what has happened along with firing this Wilson character.

For now, Rick Perry is done!


The Cain Scandal -Problematic but Not Yet Dire

This whole Herman Cain “scandal” is starting to look ridiculous. The more we learn, the more it looks like a ginned up hit piece against a GOP front runner. It’s not without its points of fact – but those few points, at least for now, seem relatively small.

Let’s look at what we know as facts:

Fact 1) Two women, 10 years ago, made allegations of sexual harassment against Herman Cain when he was the Chairman of the Board for the Restaurant Association.

Fact 2) The Restaurant Association made the decision that it was less expensive to settle out of court that to take the case to court.

Fact 3) One of those women was paid $35,000, equal to a year’s salary, let go and she signed an agreement to not talk about it.

Fact 4) We don’t know, at this point, what the settlement was regarding the other woman.

Fact 5) Herman Cain was not fired by the Restaurant Association.

For now, regarding what took place some 10 years ago with Herman Cain and these allegations, that is what we know as facts.

Here are the troubling things regarding the surfacing of this story in regard to Herman Cain:

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Putting the Polls and the Debates in Perspective

It’s time I think, to take another look at the GOP field with regards to the debates and their positions in the polls. While there is plenty to cover, it can actually be boiled down rather neatly if you know at what to look.

To start with, let’s look at the debates.

It would take days to cover each and every little nuance of all the debates thus far and doing so would likely yield little in the way of usefulness. Not that what these candidates have said ISN’T useful, it’s just not where we need to focus for the purpose of this article.

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A Progressive March to the Brink of Self Destruction

The election of 2012 will be the – THE – most important election in our 235-year history. We’ve heard this said and while many agree, I believe it needs context. To say an election is THE most important, one really needs to know which previous election set the standard.

To do that, I believe we must go back and have a look at the election of 1860.

It was the 1860 election which gave us President Lincoln – but it was what led to that momentous moment which makes the 1860 election so important and to this day, the most…MOST important we have ever seen.

We all know that slavery was the…THE issue in that election but few people know why. Of course there are the known factors in that slavery was wrong, the south wanted it, the north did not and the divide would lead to civil war – but what was it which lit the fuse?

To be frank, it was the Kansas–Nebraska Act.

In 1854, that Act, which replaced the Missouri Compromise, was written by and pushed to passage by Lincoln’s future opponent Stephen Douglas.

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Is Herman Cain Striking Out?

Over the last several weeks, conservatives have been raising Cain. Herman Cain’s rise in the polls has been steep and sudden. It wasn’t that long ago that most conservatives were only vaguely aware of Cain and knew him best as the former CEO of Godfathers Pizza.

That started to change when Cain announced, several months ago, that he was a Presidential candidate for 2012. After a couple of debates, Cain started to gain some traction but it wasn’t until he started talking about his 9-9-9 tax plan that his numbers really started taking off.

Now, as more people start analyzing the 9-9-9 plan, it has started to look a little tarnished. For some, though Cain denies it, it seems to raise their taxes. It’s simple and that’s what caught attention but, when it’s put to specific questions, it may well be too simple and in some ways, unworkable.

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The Case For Newt Gingrich

Taking this country back, saving this country, turning it around and restoring its place in the world cannot be done through legislation alone. It cannot rely solely on the repeal of unwanted prior legislation nor can it be accomplished only by the excising of useless government waste.

Yes, these things are necessary but if that is to be the end game, we shall remain lost.

As a nation we need something more.

We need a leader which is something we frankly are missing right now. We need a leader with experience but that experience can’t be found only in a board room or, for that matter, only in elected office. The leadership we need to correct the course is a combination of those things but to stop there would leave us short of the goal.

This nation, to right the ship, correct the wrongs and climb back into prosperity must find a leader with the X factor.

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2012…Win It or Lose It…It’s Up To Conservatives

Ron Paul followers believe that ONLY Ron Paul can save the country. They are wrong. Sarah Palin’s supporters believe that only Sarah Palin can save this country. They are wrong. The same can be said of almost all of the supporters of the individuals in the GOP field, and they are wrong.

The sooner conservatives come to this realization, the sooner we can start saving this nation; but in order to reach this realization, conservatives must come to grips with a few things.

1)     NO One Candidate Can Save This Nation.

It’s a simple premise – which will probably have some conservatives up in arms – but it’s true. No ONE single candidate can do it because no ONE single candidate is capable of doing it alone no matter who it is and no matter how hard that candidate’s followers or supporters are clinging to them.

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A New GOP Leader Leads to a New Attack – Aquila

Herman Cain has jumped into the lead of the GOP race to the nomination. He has bypassed Perry and now Romney. Cain is the front runner at this point and that can mean only one thing.


While The National Patriot is not, at this time, endorsing any specific candidate, we will stand against unwarranted attacks upon them brought forth by liberals.

Completely unable to run on policy, the liberal machine has but a single strategy…Personally attack anyone they believe might be a threat.

Herman Cain is in a unique position as he has never before held an elective office – so when it comes to attacking Cain, his business record becomes the target, and what you will begin to see on social media will be designed to do one thing: Divide conservatives by planting the seeds of doubt.

Today, because of his front runner status, Herman Cain is the target.

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Could Herman Cain Become the Next White President?

Why COULDN’T Herman Cain become the next WHITE President? I know it sounds crazy. He’s never served in elective office before;  but really, why COULDN’T Herman Cain be the next WHITE President?

To answer such an odd question one has to put it into context with liberal thought.

It was Toni Morrison who, back in 1998, in New Yorker magazine wrote of Bill Clinton, “White skin notwithstanding, this is our first black president. Blacker than any actual black person who could ever be elected in our children’s lifetime. After all, Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald’s-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas.”

For his part, Clinton, upon receiving an Image Award from NAACP President Kweisi Mfume in 2001 stated, “That’s why I went to Harlem, because I think I am the first black president.”

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Quitters Never Win…Winners Will Stay Involved

Across social media, from Facebook to Twitter and many other venues, I have seen some very disturbing posts, comments, tweets and sentiments over the last two days. To say I am disappointed in what I am seeing and hearing is an understatement.

Within two days, both Chris Christie and Sarah Palin have made it official that neither will be running in 2012. No ifs, ands or buts – they are not going to run.

They did NOT quit as they WILL be more involved than ever before! It’s being INVOLVED that counts!!

After each announcement, from their respective supporters, the fallout was immediate.

These two potential candidates were light years apart within the republican party, and it’s safe to say they didn’t share many supporters which makes the whole of the sum even more disturbing.

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