The Religion of Race-Baiting

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

“We don’t live by bread alone but by our giving we provide a voice, we provide funding to the voice of change. And so when we don’t give particularly to African American churches, or churches that believe the gospel is justification by faith and social justice, when I don’t give to those environments, I’m perpetuating the Tyre Nichols situations of our society. So don’t be angry about it if you’re not going to fund the voice of change. That’s what giving is about.”

Those were the words of a James D. Gailliard, Senior “Pastor” of Word Tabernacle in Rocky Mount, North Carolina a couple of weeks ago from his pulpit.

I put “pastor” in quotes because I believe a more accurate title for this clown would be “Senior Race-Baiter and Shake-Down Hustler.”

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The Art of Grand Distraction

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

What happened to the Joe Biden classified document scandal? It was there, it was heating up, new information was coming out and then, all of a sudden…poof. The story went from daily breaking news to…nothing.

Abject silence.

What happened?

Distractions happened.

There was perhaps the biggest breaking news yet regarding Joe Biden’s classified documents on January 25th. It was a bombshell revelation that should have been THE top news story for at least the next two weeks but…it vanished.

Also on the 25th of January came the news that the Paul Pelosi attack body cam footage was about to be released after three months of keeping it under wraps and away from the public. On January, 26th, the DA in San Francisco said anyone who wanted the Paul Pelosi footage would have to come to San Francisco to get it and the media, including Fox News started drooling like Pavlov’s dogs.

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TV Ads, Oppressed Black People and Omelettes

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Recently, Dr. Phil did a show entitled, “Defunding the Police: A Failure or a Fallacy?,” and he did what he usually does…he tried to air both sides of the issue and give the people involved squishy treatment by agreeing with them…up to a point.

One of the people on that show was a fellow by the name of, Mychal Denzel Smith. Smith is a podcaster who is decidedly anti-police and told Dr. Phil and the audience that he doesn’t see any need FOR the police.

Naturally, Dr. Phil questioned Smith regarding that stance and Smith said, “When I say, ‘Oh I don’t believe that there’s a need for police,’ what I’m saying is that there has been so little investment in creating the conditions under which police would not be necessary.”

I have no idea what that means, but Smith wasn’t finished.

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The Gambit For the Gavel

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The U.S. House of Representatives seemed to have turned into a shit-show.

While there are more eloquent ways to express that sentiment, I rather doubt there any more accurate ways to express it but to be honest, things aren’t always as they seem.

On Thursday, January 5th, Kevin McCarthy lost his seventh ballot to become the Speaker of the House. Consistently, he had gotten in the neighborhood of 200-201 votes where he needed 218 to win the gavel. Consistently, there were in the neighborhood of 20 House republicans who simply would not vote for McCarthy…PERIOD.

Here’s the deal…

Nobody could be sworn in as a Member of the House until there is a Speaker of the House, and at that point, we did not have a Speaker of the House. None of the people’s business could be done until House Members elect are sworn in, and without a Speaker, nobody could be sworn in.

By early Friday, January 6th, there had been 12 votes.

Same result each time.

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The Democrat Party’s Tyranny Exposed

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Suddenly, our government has come to the conclusion that China is using TikTok to spy on Americans and they are also using the platform to corrupt our elections and indoctrinate our youth. They want to ban TikTok from all government devises.

Bear in mind that at the federal level, this is the same government that has been using social media to spy on, indoctrinate, propagandize and censor Americans for years.

At best, their concern regarding TikTok is disingenuous.

Thanks to Elon Musk, we now know that transparency and the disinfectant known as sunshine comes at the cost of $44.5 billion dollars. Musk has been dumping truth bombs for the past several weeks with the “Twitter Files” and while we haven’t learned much that we didn’t already suspect, we now have confirmation that those of us who had been for years labeled as “conspiracy theorists” have been 100% correct all along.

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The Tyranny of the Twitterati

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

For a couple of weeks now, Elon Musk has opened the floodgates of the liberal hell that was Twitter by dumping their inner-most secrets into the public square. It’s been too long in coming, it is exactly what we thought it was, and it has only just begun.

What we thought it was, was a massive effort to suppress the conversation, keeping out of the public square topics and conversations that would shed the light of truth on the tactics of the liberal elites. Twitter existed to propagandize the information disseminated in the public square and sterilize any attempt to get the truth into the conversation.

Propaganda is so much more than inventing false information, it is also and just as importantly the act of silencing the critics.

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Oh, The Wonders of Technology

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

We can trace technology back to before there were humans. It doesn’t seem like much today, but back then, it was literally cutting edge. Pre-humans, maybe as far back as 3 million years ago developed the technology to make stone tools that they could use to cut, scrape and pound on things.

The fact that we find such ancient tools from time to time means that back then, you didn’t need to buy the extended warranty…they were built to last.

Evidence of burnt material can be found inside of caves used by Homoerectus as far back as 1.5 million years ago which tells us that pre-humans had developed the technology to start fires. That of course eventually led to the Neanderthal Lives Matter movement which was replete with arson and looting and general mayhem.

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The ONLY DePape Theory That Makes Sense…So Far

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Last Friday, October 28th, somewhere between 2:00 and 2:30 in the morning, Paul Pelosi was attacked by a man with a hammer inside the Pelosi home in San Francisco. It was a shocking, totally undeserved attack against an 82 year old man in his own home.

Immediately, after the news of that attack broke, wild conspiracy theories began to emerge, mostly from Conservatives, and they spread like a wind-driven wildfire on social media. I resisted and even tried to quell those rumor mill posts as there simply wasn’t any evidence to support them, and dare I say in those early hours of the story going public, the investigation into it was just beginning.

San Francisco police said they had the suspect in custody, Paul Pelosi had been injured and taken to the hospital, and that the weapon used was a hammer. That was all we knew before the conspiracy theories started, and I was cautioning people, including my Right Side Patriot partner, Diane Sori, to not jump to conclusions and wait for the evidence and police reports to come out. Granted, she wasn’t engaging in the wild conspiracy theories we’ve all seen on social media, but she was quick to say the attack wasn’t what it was being made out to be.

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San Fran Super Poopers and Drag Queens in Ecuador

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

$1.7 million dollars.

California Assemblyman Matt Haney says he now considers the price of it “inexplicable.” Haney went on to say, “When Rec and Park first told us the number, it sounded shockingly high to me.”

He was talking about the planned public toilet, a single toilet in the Noe Valley, San Francisco Town Square where apparently, in lieu of having a loo, (loo being a British word for toilet, but actually derived from the French phrase ‘guardez l’eau’, which means ‘watch out for the water’) locals have been crapping and peeing in the streets for years.

The new single toilet is set to set back local taxpayers a whopping $1.7 million bucks.

Holy crap.

And it isn’t scheduled to be completed until 2025.

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Ukraine vs Russia…The Bigger Picture

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Like it or not, we’re involved in the war between Ukraine and Russia. Right now, we’re supplying Ukraine with arms and cash to the point we’re actually supporting Ukraine’s national budget, and while arguments can certainly be made that we have our own financial issues to deal with aside from propping up another country, we believe that may be a bit short-sighted.

There are those out there who don’t like Ukraine, and think Zelinsky isn’t worth the effort. They think Ukraine is corrupt. It was, and maybe to some extent still is, but when looking at the bigger picture, we don’t believe that should be the top priority when it comes to our involvement in their war against Russia. Before the war, Zelinsky had been taking positive steps towards ending his country’s corruption, and he was making progress in that direction. He was elected by the people of Ukraine to change the direction of his country, and as we well know from our recent history, draining the swamp is not an easy task.

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