The War Against Cops – Parts 1, 2 and 3

All links to the 3 part series – “The War Against Cops” outlining the new reality of the thin blue line and the thought processes of the thugs, driven by the likes of Obama, Sharpton, Holder and de Blasio, who want to attack, ambush and kill them are posted below.

In this war against our first responders…The National Patriot stands squarely WITH the thin blue line and AGAINST those who would support the attackers.

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The War Against Cops – Part 3 of 3

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

thin 1In Friday’s article, “The War Against Cops – Part 1 of 3” I outlined what I believe to have been the scenario of setting up a police officer in Berkley Missouri for an ambush.

Yesterday, in “The War Against Cops – Part 2 of 3” I provided the probability to believe there have been even MORE police officers set up to be shot and killed and I gave you the reasoning and startling scenario of who is actually backing and supporting these thug’s actions.

Since writing “The War Against Cops – Part 2” more incidents have transpired.

3 shots were fired at 2 sheriff’s deputies in Pasco County Florida and so close were the bullets that both deputies could hear them as they passed by and a $3000.00 reward has been issued for any information pertaining to the suspect, suspects or the vehicle from which the shot were fired.

In Raleigh, North Carolina, a man described as a black male apparently shot out either a window or a sliding glass door at the home of a police officer.

On Christmas day, an officer in Durham NC was writing up a report while sitting in his cruiser when he noticed two men approaching from behind the car. As Officer J.T. West exited his cruiser to speak to the men…

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The War Against Cops – Part 2 of 3

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

UA 1What we have now is a war on police officers being waged by nothing-to-lose street thugs, supported by liberals and being led by thug generals Obama, Holder and Sharpton.

It is nothing less than that.

Street thugs, who have no respect for life, not even their own, stand to gain street creds if they can kill a cop. To them, it’s a game. A disgusting and fatal game. Remember the knock out game? Black punk bastards sucker-punching unsuspecting white people who were minding their own business and rendering them unconscious?

That’s so last year. That was then, this is now and the targets are the cops. No fists…just bullets. Ambush the cops, kill one and you’re the king of the block.

Supported by liberals?


Young liberals, the same pond scum that believes it to be criminal to deprive a terrorist of beauty sleep or pour water over their faces are now marching through our streets hollering “WHAT DO WE WANT? DEAD COPS!!! WHEN DO WE WANT EM? NOW!!!

Murdering cops…fine and dandy to the street liberals. Making a terrorist uncomfortable? CRIMINAL they say.

Led by thug generals…Obama…Holder and Sharpton?

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The War Against Cops – Part 1 of 3

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

COPS 1If you want to get shot and killed by the police, just point a gun at one.

Antonio Martin discovered the harsh truth of that statement a week ago but there’s more to it than just the cold dead truth.

I have watched and watched that video. The one that shows 18 year old Antonio Martin’s last moments on this earth. The one from a surveillance camera outside a convenience store just two miles from the spot where Mike Brown played the ultimate game and lost.

To really understand this, to know where I’m going with this, one must step back and see the bigger picture. One must understand the full totality of what preceded that video and the mindset of an 18 year old thug with a long record of arrests.

To start with…

That night, Tuesday December 23rd, Antonio Martin made some fatal decisions. He put a gun in his pocket. He and his thug friend went down to the Mobil gas station in Berkley Missouri and then, they robbed the place.

A kid with a record including three ARMED assaults…ARMED criminal action and ARMED robbery…all since his 17th birthday…went to a gas station and convenience store, with a gun, and robbed it.

What Antonio Martin and his thug pal did next is astonishing really…

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Poor Al Sharpton – HE’S the Victim Now

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

shar 1Poor Al Sharpton.

He’s received death threats in the wake of the ambush murders of two New York City police officers by a black, Muslim thug and criminal.

Sharpton, who just a week prior led a march through the streets of NYC where “WHAT DO WE WANT? DEAD COPS!! WHEN DO WE WANT THEM? Now!!!” was chanted over and over and over again…is now whining that HE has received death threats.

Well…too bad.

He should call the police and report it.

And what ‘crime’ did Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu commit? They were in uniform, sitting in their patrol car, on a detail to be more visible in a high crime neighborhood…a neighborhood where black on black crime runs rampant…to make that neighborhood safer for the people who live there.

They weren’t doing any more than a 28 year old off duty officer in north St. Louis was doing. That officer is in critical but stable condition after HE was shot by thugs on Friday night.

Nothing different than what officer Charles Kondek, a 17 year police veteran and father of 5 was doing on Sunday when HE was shot…and killed…

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Weekend Edition: Nobody Knows…The Troubles They’ve Seen…

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

The Obami…plural for more than one idiot…apparently are the victims of such overt racism it’s a wonder they can go on with their lives.rac 1

Oh…the humanity…

In a published by People magazine interview, they have recounted some of THE most horrific acts of racism perpetrated against them and we, as a nation, should be ASHAMED of our collective selves.


The interview, racistly printed in dirty black ink on crisp, clean white pages in the nation’s leading cultural investigative journal is so fraught man’s inhumanity toward man that it’s a wonder either of them hasn’t simply gone on to engage in a lifestyle of high crimes and misdemeanors…

Oh wait…never mind.

Trust me…when you hear what happened to the Obami…you will have a whole new understanding of why it was necessary to burn that Ferguson BITCH to da GROUND!!!

Liberals and liberal race baiters…sit down and hold onto something more substantial than your lies ‘cause THIS is about to get REAL…know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout?

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Pakistani School Massacre – The Obama Connection!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

pak 1We should cozy up to terrorists huh? We should empathize with them or offer to them some apology?


Only barbarians can empathize with such vile scum as terrorists and only liberal garbage could ever advocate getting cozy with the world’s diseased swine.

Cozy up to this liberals…

SPOON with THIS Hillary and the rest of the liberal makers of nice-nice…

The death toll, mostly of CHILDREN now stands at more than 140 after a massacre in a Pakistani school. A massacre carried out by terrorists…carried out by the Obama supported Taliban.

You know I do not believe in coincidences when it comes to the political or foreign policy world and I do not for one brief blink of an eye believe that this horrific mass murder was a coincidence in its timing.

Just barely a week ago, Obama ordered the release of 6 more GITMO terrorist prisoners…captured more than a decade ago in Afghanistan and in…PAKISTAN. He sent them to Uruguay where that country’s president stated that…“We have offered our hospitality for human beings who suffered an atrocious kidnapping in Guantanamo,” and further stated that those terrorists would be considered REFUGEES and that his government had NO INTENTION OF MONITORING THEM!!!

According to Clifford Sloan, a State Department’s special envoy in the Obama regime…

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“Torture Report” is ALL About Liberalism – Part 2

Part 2 of 2 By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

In yesterday’s article, “Torture Report” is ALL About Liberalism”…I outlined the fundamentals of REAL torture, who commits REAL torture and who the REAL victims of torture ARE…all theCHEN 1 while excoriating those whining liberal bottom-feeders who are now advocating everything from empathizing with terrorists to apologizing to the bastard vermin.

I fully agree with the assessment of former Vice President Dick Cheney: “The only thing I would have done differently than the Bush Administration was to kill them once we had gotten all the information we could get out of them.”

THAT end result seems to me to be FAR more civilized than this current Muslim regime’s insipid and inhumane practice of releasing the world’s pig vomit back into society where they can take up where they left off…committing authentic acts of torture against the innocent peoples of the world as they rush down the path toward genocide.

If any apology is owed by America to anyone regarding the terrorists detained and questioned at GITMO…it is for this regime’s insistence that they be set free to prey upon others and it is this regime and it’s minions to issue that apology.

Yesterday, I concluded my article by promising to reveal why, in my opinion, liberals are now pouring gas on the fires of jihad and so, here it is…

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“Torture Report” is ALL About Liberalism

Part 1 of 2 By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

apol 1The mere thought of it so disgusts me, so repulses me that my blood boils.

A California liberal/socialist member of what must be the Islamic caucus in the House of Representatives said something SO vile it nearly made me puke.

During an MSNBC interview, Jackie Speier told Craig Melvin that the CIA should APOLOGIZE to…TERRORISTS…over the treatment a few received during questioning as outlined in the 500 page Finestein “TERRORISTS ARE THE REAL VICTIMS” summary of the 6300 page “ALLAH BE PRAISED” report compiled by liberals over the past 5 years regarding enhanced interrogation techniques that ended 6 years ago.

According to this Speier piece of trash…”The agency (the CIA) needs to do some soul searching.”


The CIA needs to do some soul searching. NOT ISLAM mind you but…it’s the CIA that needs to “do some soul searching.”

Listen Speier, you sorry excuse for a human being…

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Common Sense and Politics – Don’t Fart in a Space Suit

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

com 1What this nation needs is some common damn sense.

Enough with the absurd liberal pandering and self-victimization propaganda. We’ve got people in the streets raising hell because the leaders they have chosen to follow SHOULD be in a MENTAL institution but AREN’T.

If you are a liberal…you are following the lead of the mentally disturbed.

Liberal intellectuals (self-proclaimed) are the worst. These are the people who would allow Jeffery Dahmer choose their restaurant for them and then sit around after dinner and slobber on endlessly about how good the finger food was.

There are some on the right that are just as bad.

I’m talking about the HTT Christian right. HTT…Holier Than Thou…who just can’t get themselves far ENOUGH to the right and believe that the ONLY way to save this country is to elect THE most HTT candidate they can find. The trouble is…no two HTT groups can settle on the same HTT candidate and they split the vote twelve ways from Sunday.

Here is their mindset in a nutshell…

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