On Iran…Obama’s NOT Stupid…He’s LYING!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

yah 1On March 3rd, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu will address a joint session of the United States Congress. It could well be THE most important and dire speech ever presented to such a session by any leader of a foreign nation but several liberals have now made it known that they intend to snub our only true ally in the Middle East.

They simply can’t stand to hear the truth regarding Iran and that Islamic country’s quest to build nuclear weapons.

Here is the list of those who have indicated they will NOT attend the special joint session:

From the House:
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Ore.)
Rep. G.K. Butterfield (N.C.)
Rep. James Clyburn (S.C.)
Rep. Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.)
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (Ill.)
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas)
Rep. Barbara Lee (Calif.)

Rep. John Lewis (Ga.)
Rep. Betty McCollum (Minn.)
Rep. Jim McDermott (Wash.)
Rep. Gregory Meeks (N.Y.)
Rep. Charles Rangel (N.Y.)

In the Senate:
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (I-Vt.)
Vice President Joe Biden

Those are the anti-Israel fools who would much rather buy into whatever snake oil Obama is selling this week and what brand of venom IS that exactly???


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Abdullah…a Mere Figurehead in the Fight Against ISIS

Article Co-Written by Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on cprworldwidemedia.com

abd 1“We are waging this war to protect our faith, our values and human principles and our war for their sake will be relentless and will hit them in their own ground.”

– King Abdullah’s words on Jordanian State Television

The war against ISIS…or Daesh as the Arab’s call them…has been going on for some months now but Abdullah dared to speak these words only after the muslim world joined the rest of the world in gasping in horror as ISIS’ burned alive captured Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. And Abdullah’s’s military pledging to go after ISIS only came after Obama leaked to the press that he would probably seek Congressional authorization for an upgrade in military force against ISIS.

And contrary to the photos being released, Jordan’s King Abdullah II did not take part in the airstrikes against ISIS as witnessed by this official statement issued by his office…“The king is NOT taking part in strikes on ‪#‎ISIS‬, reports were inaccurate.” Inaccurate is an understatement as this king…this Muslim Brotherhood supporting king…is all about photo-ops just like his buddy Obama…and to release photos such as this…to have people think that he, Abdullah, is a hero while Jordanians grieve for their lost pilot and actually blame the palace for not doing enough to secure al-Kaseasbeh’s release…is a stunt right out of the Obama playbook….as in Obama’s insistent bloviations that, “I got bin-Laden.”

So before anyone goes ‘all-in’ with Jordan’s King Abdullah II and starts promoting him as the leader of men that Obama is not…

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Brady’s Balls Pale by Comparison

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

top 1Okay…I was out for a few days last week and am slowly regaining the strength necessary to take on ass hats as a matter of daily routine but I feel the need to tie up a few loose ends so…let me just see if I have this all straight in my head.

ISIS is still beheading anybody who doesn’t take up with them and massacring all who hold to any ACTUAL RELIGION over their pedophile prophet’s ideology of hate and genocide. This week, they burned a man alive and broadcast it.

Is that about correct?

Iran is still in the process of becoming he first 7th century barbaric country on earth to have THE most deadly 21st century weapon and a delivery system capable of reaching halfway around the globe…the nuke and the ICBM and now, more than a dozen petulant 6 year old liberal members of congress say they will NOT be in the chamber when Netanyahu speaks in March.

Is THAT about correct?

Obama, who WON’T meet with Netanyahu because protocol says it’s too close to the Israeli election IS sending a five person staff, including HIS 2012 field campaign manager, Jeremy Bird, to Israel to…run the anti-Netahyahu campaign run the campaign “out of offices taking up the ground floor of a Tel Aviv office building,” according to Haaretz reporter Roi Arad because…that DOESN’T break protocol.

Do I have THAT about right?


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It’s Time to Send Islam Back to Hell

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

sla 1To claim that Islam is a ‘religion’ is as patently absurd as claiming it to be a ‘religion of peace.’ It is, in fact, neither.

What Islam is has been evidenced for the world to see, front and center, since 9/11 for before that, it seemed nothing more than a pesky gnat…something from far away that didn’t affect us here. That of course was wrong and that was never made clearer than on that September morning when 3000 of us…over here…were murdered by what we all thought was…over there.

It has been nearly 14 years since then and Islam hasn’t diminished. Not at all.

We were lied to in 2012 when we were told that Islam was on the run. We were lied to when we were told that Islam had been decimated.

We were lied to by one who is one of them.

Obama has created vacuums of power over there, to be filled by Islam. He has turned his back on our allies over there, to appease Islam. Obama has hired Islam to guard our best diplomats and disappeared when all Islamic hell broke loose. Obama has armed Islam, financially supported Islam and is currently trying to stall while Islam develops nuclear weapons and delivery systems.

Delivery systems meant not to strike over there but…

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Jordanian Pilot BURNED ALIVE – Horrific Video

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

Earlier today, my Right Side Patriots partner and friend Diane Sori and I broke fab 1the news that the Jordanian Pilot, held by ISIS since December had been brutally murdered…not by beheading but by being burned alive.

The barbarians of Islam filmed that murder exactly one month ago on January 3rd and then pretended to “negotiate” with the country of Jordan for more than 30 days until releasing the horrific video today.

THESE are the barbarians Obama can’t bring himself to call Islamic TERRORISTS.

THESE are the barbarians of the 7th century who Obama allows to gain in strength, size and wealth while he tells US that their progress has been halted.

HE, Obama…is lying. He supports these barbarians at every turn.

Obama once said that “Muslims built the very fabric of our nation.”

He was lying…trying to get us to ACCEPT the Islamic agenda of hate, genocide and domination.

The video is hard to watch. In fact, one of THE toughest things to watch I have even seen and believe me, doing what we do, Diane and I have seen some VERY hard to watch videos so the question becomes…fire 4why post a link to this video at all?

The answer is simple and stark…we can’t allow the forces of political correctness to determine what we see and what we know. This extremely graphic and horrific video must be seen. We must know exactly what these sub-human Islamic barbarians are and what they intend to bring to our allies around the world and to our own shores unless we stop them over there.

If we turn away in horror from the evil that is Islam, we can never hope to defeat Islam. If we are terrorized by what we see or refuse to see…the barbarian swine of Islam have won but…if we dare to look upon it and get angry rather than scared…THEY…LOSE!!!

To watch this video…CLICK HERE…as we now have it on our Right Side Patriots site.

Dear Michael Moore – A Letter to an Idiot

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

BAG 1Michael Moore,

A couple of weeks ago, on January 20th, I published an article, American Sniper, Chris Kyle and Liberal Loathing in which I had the following to say about you:

“Then…there is the slob, Michael Moore who, over the weekend crawled out from under some rock and tweeted…”

“Moore just can’t wrap his head around Chris Kyle’s morality. Moore just can’t accept that there are people in our military like Kyle who are not driven by a thirst for blood but compelled to do a job they find horrific to protect his fellow soldiers.”

“Michael Moore’s loathing of America and our military is only equaled by his self-loathing as the ever so courageous Moore pats himself on the back for calling out a deceased hero who will never be able to challenge the accusation as a coward while he makes heroes of 7th century barbarians.”

YOU, in return, have now had THIS to say about ME…and although you didn’t mention me by name, I accept the mantel:

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Weekend Edition: Obama’s SOTU?? STFU!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

sn 1Ok.

I was going to try my damnedest NOT to go all ‘snark-fest’ on Obama’s SOTU. I even wrote a very serious review of all the jobs killing tax crap in it last week but seriously…who am I kidding?

That speech had a “KICK ME” sign on its back that could be seen from SPACE!!!

Snark cannon locked and loaded…




First…the Keystone XL Pipeline. The Dictator doesn’t want it and said he will veto any bill authorizing it.

Why? Because we don’t WANT oil from our FRIENDS in Canada. WE only want to get oil from countries THAT WANT TO KILL US!!! Makes all the sense in the world and we certainly don’t need the 42,000 jobs a pipeline like that would create do we? NOOOOOOOOO…

And liberals…don’t regale me with all that crap that I’m making that number up either because I’M not the one who came UP with it…

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SOTU – More of the Same Ol’ Socialist Song and Dance

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

coll 1In his State of the Disunion speech, Obama laid out his plan to further wreck the economy while trying to make us all believe that because of his policies, roundly slammed in the midterm election, our economy is so bright we have to wear shades.

Obama’s plan is to further the fundamental transformation of America into a socialist state and whatt he is promoting is abysmal and decidedly un-American.

Obama wants 7 days of paid sick leave for every employee. That SOUNDS reasonable until one gets to the reality faced by business owners who have to pay it. What any savvy business owner will do is simply make an adjustment in their pay scale. 7 days of paid sick leave adjusts to the equivalent of 7 days less pay per employee because business owners, at least those who intend on staying in business, won’t eat it…they will adjust FOR it and the workers will pay the price…not the business owners.

Obama wants to expand overtime.

Again…savvy business owners, should such a mandate be presented, will cut pay to compensate and once again, the workers lose.

Obama AGAIN went on the warpath for a hike in the minimum wage and again, until one recognizes the truth, it sounds good but…when the minimum wage gets hiked, it results in LOWER pay because business owners cut workers hours and hire fewer workers to keep their bottom line even.

Don’t think so?

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American Sniper, Chris Kyle and Liberal Loathing

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

chris 1On December 2nd, 2013, Eddie Ray Routh reportedly told his sister and brother in law that he had sold his soul for a new truck.

Those were his words apparently…”I sold my soul for a new truck.”

The pickup he was driving wasn’t his. It belonged to someone else and Routh’s sister and brother in law called the police.

The trial of Eddie Ray Routh begins next month and he’s on trial for murder.

It’s not going to be one of those ‘IF’ trials…it’s a ‘WHY’ trial as Routh has admitted what he did…we just don’t know why he did it. We all want to know…why?

Why did a troubled Marine who had brushed in and out of mental care shoot and kill Chad Littlefield and Chris Kyle? They were trying to help Routh. They were there for him to talk, work things out, ease Routh back into the world and provide him with friendship he could lean on.

But that’s not how it ended up.

It ended on that early December day when Routh, at a gun range near Chalk Texas, shot and killed Littlefield and Chris Kyle and then took Kyle’s truck and drove to his sister’s home. She asked about the pickup according to reports. Where did he get it? WHEN did he get it. How…did he get it?

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The March in Paris Was Better Without Obama Anyway

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

jarr 1Well, well, well…

It seems the mosque on the hill has sent their Imam out to beat the media about the head and collective shoulders with a drop it and desist order.

Regime Imam Valerie Jarrett has been presented to the cameras to try and put an end to the “why didn’t you send someone to Paris for the Unity March last weekend” questions because the town liar, Josh (anything BUT) Earnest can’t weasel his Muslim boss out of this regardless of the lathe-like rate of spin he’s employed over the last few days.

According to the Imam:“I think as we saw, certainly we would have loved to participate in the parade, I remind you that Atty. Gen. Holder was in Paris for a very important meeting…I think we certainly got the substance right but it would have been great joy to participate in the parade, and we’re glad that Secretary Kerry is there now.”

So…turning your back on our oldest ally is…’getting the substance right?’

Only if you’re an Islamist.

Here’s the basis for the Imam’s appearance.

Last Sunday, in Paris, world leaders or their close counterparts met to stand against our regime’s ideology…Islam…in the wake of the terrorist attack and assassinations of members of the Charlie Hebdo staff and two police officers.

Glaringly absent from the courageous stand was one Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

Ever since…the lies from the white house have been coming at a fast and furious rate.

Speaking of Fast and Furious…

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