Laws, Codes and Eligibility – A Civics Lesson

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

cru 1After yesterday’s article, “Cruz Makes it Official – The Race is ON!!!” I believe there are more than just a few out there who need a civics lesson.

Ted Cruz, as a matter of LAW and U.S. Codes…IS indeed qualified AND eligible to run for the office of president.

The Constitution, clearly states that to serve as president, one must be 35 years of age, one must have resided in the United States for at least 14 years and that one must be a Natural Born Citizen. Just as clearly, the Constitution never defines Natural Born Citizen nor do any of our founding documents but…later laws and codes DO.

The Supreme Court, which has NEVER entertained a case based on NBC and therefore, never issued any DECISION regarding NBC has, for a very long time, held that a Natural Born Citizen or…NBC…is one who is a Citizen at Birth or…CaB.

Further…the SCOTUS has long held that NBC includes those born in the United States or abroad to parents of a U.S. citizen.

Now don’t go all plural on me here as I will explain this.

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Cruz Makes it Official – The Race is ON!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

tc 1The first hat has been thrown in the ring and it may well be THE most Constitutional hat there is out there.

With a Tweet…Ted Cruz has made his intentions known.

“I’m running for President and I hope to earn your support.”

There are two very important elements of that short tweet…first, that Ted Cruz IS running for the highest office in our great nation and second…that he hopes to EARN our support.

He doesn’t EXPECT it…he doesn’t just WANT it…he hopes to EARN it and THAT is more than just refreshing…it is downright honorable.

But wait…He was born in CANADA wasn’t he? His FATHER wasn’t a U.S. citizen…right?

Yes, there are those who are and already have come out against a Ted Cruz run for the White House based on those things and their talking points are set…


“A ‘natural born citizen’ is a person born of citizen parents.
Ted is not a ‘natural born citizen’ since Ted’s father was not a citizen at the time of Ted’s birth. Our Constitution requires a candidate must be a ‘natural born citizen’. TED IS NOT ELIGIBLE TO THE PRESIDENCY.”

Many such dissenters I believe are liberals wearing Conservative’s clothing but some, as the one who posted the above comments yesterday on Facebook are simply misinformed.


Let’s examine the meat of the talking point against his eligibility shall we?

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The Secret Service Needs to Sober Up!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

It all started with Michaele and Tareq Salahi crashing a formal dinner…AT THE WHITE sec 1HOUSE…as the two reality TV stars made it past not one but TWO Secret Service checkpoints.

Then…there were 13 Secret Service agents who were caught soliciting HOOKERS and brought STRIPPERS back to their hotel rooms in Columbia. Three of them returned to work after an investigation…six either retired or were reassigned and the other 4 lost their security clearance.

Then…Ignacio Zamora…a Secret Service SUPERVISOR was discovered trying to get BACK into the Washington DC hotel room of a woman to whom he had given a BULLET from his SERVICE weapon. Apparently, he had met the woman in the BAR…went to her room and left her the bullet. When the woman REFUSED to allow him back in…Zamora went to the hotel staff and THEY called the White House.

The investigation found that Zamora AND agent Timothy Barraclough…both assigned to the presidential detail had allegedly been involved in misconduct for sending sexually suggestive EMAILS to a female agent.

Next up…remember the fake sign language guy at the Mandela funeral? He got passed the Secret Service with FAKED SECURITY CREDENTIALS and stood just three feet from Obama throughout the entire affair.

After that…THREE Secret Service agents were sent home from the Netherlands after a Saturday night of heavy drinking as one of them was found…PASSED OUT in the hotel hallway…ON SUNDAY MORNING!

Oh…there’s more…

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Netanyahu, NOT Obama…Leader of the Free World

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

bib 1By Wednesday morning, the European Union had congratulated Bibi Netanyahu on his election victory over labor party rival Herzog.

By Thursday morning…Obama had done no such thing.

In fact, according to Reuters, John Kerry who is in Switzerland working on the ‘deal’ with the Islamic Terrorist State of Iran…REFUSED to address the questions posed by reporters regarding Netanyahu and the Likud Party victory.

Little wonder…after all, Obama had sent his top campaign adviser to Israel to mastermind the Herzog bid to get rid of Bibi and, Kerry’s Department of State sent the V15 group some $350,000 of U.S. Taxpayer money for the exact same purpose.

The goal naturally was to rid the world stage of Netahyahu so that the forces if Islam would have a much easier time of things. With Netanyahu out of the way…the path toward the nuclear arming of Iran would have been paved in gold…without Netanyahu…ISIS could actually become ISIL as Obama so optimistically calls them.

It’s fair to speculate that there was a meeting in the Situation Room at the White House on Tuesday night and that Valerie Jarrett was NOT at all happy.

I mean…they thought they had that election bought and paid for but things just didn’t work out the way they THOUGHT they would.

So sure were the liberals of the mainstream media that Netanyahu would LOSE that they geared up for it all day long on Tuesday just giddy over the opportunity to be the first to utter the phrase: “Netanyahu LOSES!!!”

Lester Holt who has replaced the lying Brian Williams over at NBC put it this way…

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Cop Shooter Jeffery Williams…Who’s Your Daddy???

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

It’s been nearly three years, March 23rd, 2012…since Obama played ‘Who’s your daddy?’ and it has stuck with him ever since.ROLE 1

“You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

He was, of course, speaking of Trayvon Martin…the punk who attacked George Zimmerman and wound up dead for his efforts.

Trayvon Martin…a thug, gang wannabe who was into drugs, had a violent attitude and an apparent history of stealing things from other people’s homes. That is who Obama pictured as HIS son…not some upstanding member of society…not some straight A student…not somebody with potential…Trayvon Martin…punk…thug…drug user and thief.

I think Obama set the bar far too high.

Fast forward…nearly three years to the early morning hours of March 12th, 2015…Ferguson Missouri…that’s when and where two police officers were shot…standing in front of the courthouse while watching over yet another inane protest on the street.

Two shots rang out…two officers fell…one shot in the face…the other shot in the shoulder. Both will survive but the shooting set off a manhunt and after several days…an arrest was made.

Those who adhere to political correctness will call him a suspect or the alleged shooter, but…

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Weekend Edition: Our Flag OFFENDS You? TOUGH!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

tnp eagleJust A couple of weeks ago, on March 3rd, the University of California Irvine student government voted. The tally was 6-4-2 in favor of banning the American flag from a lobby on campus all in the name of “cultural inclusivity.”

These students, in an asylum of higher indoctrination claimed it was offensive to illegal aliens.

“The American flag has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism. There were people who were like, ‘the flag triggers me’ – that was their exact wording, too.”

The Executive Leadership of that student government body vetoed the ban but that wasn’t the last word on the topic.

According to the Chancellor of U.C. Irvine…Howard Gillma…“Regardless of your opinion on the display of the American flag, we must be united in protecting the people who make this university a premier institution of higher learning.”

And what of those who are paid by taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate tomorrow’s leaders today? What did the professors, steeped in liberal/socialism for generations have to say regarding this matter???

How did the professors at U.C. Irvine respond to those who voted to BAN our American flag from that campus lobby???

Oh my…

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Ferguson’s REAL Racists Take Aim at Cops

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

cop 1In the early morning hours on Thursday, in Ferguson Missouri, two cops were shot. One in the shoulder the other in the face.

It was revenge for what happened on an August afternoon.

That’s when Mike Brown and his weasel, Dorian Johnson, strode into a convenience store and took what wasn’t theirs to take. Brown roughed up the store owner who dared to stand in his way before walking out into the street.

Officer Darren Wilson attempted to get the two thugs out of the street and onto the sidewalk and that is when Brown attacked the cop…tried to take the cop’s weapon and then started to walk away. Upon being told to stop and surrender, Brown then charged right at the cop who opened fire and moments later, the thief and thug…Mike Brown…was dead.

The community of Al Sharpton…the community of Jesse Jackson…of Eric Holder, the New Black Panthers and the community of Barack Hussein Obama first sought their revenge by burning and looting the businesses of Ferguson Missouri but when the weather turned cold and the fires died down, the thugs and thieves of the Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, Panther and Obama community put their collective liberal/socialist hands in the air and crawled back under their rocks.

Hands Up…Don’t Shoot…

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Lost and Found – The IRS Email Scandal is BACK!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

ema 1Remember when Lois Lerner claimed that more than 2 years’ worth of her IRS emails had been lost because her hard drive crashed?

Of course you do.

Remember when it was reported that 6 MORE IRS employees, in Lerner’s division, couldn’t access THEIR emails because…THEIR hard drives had ALSO crashed?

Remember when we were all told that there had been NO electronic backup of ANY of those emails?

Sure you do.

Remember when we discovered that all IRS emails are backed up on TAPE and that unfortunately, while YOU and I have to keep YEARS worth of OUR records should the IRS demand to see them…the IRS itself only holds onto their backup tapes for a scant 6 months?

Yeah…you remember.

Remember when the IRS Commissioner sat before the House Oversight Committee and told us all that those emails were unrecoverable?

Remember when Congressman Paul Ryan said THIS to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen’s face?

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