Emails, Servers, Leaks, and Cover-Ups…Part 1

By: Diane Sori and Craig Andresen / Right Side Patriots on

We all know Hillary’s presidential aspirations are in trouble because emails are dogging her every move. So, we have decided to tackle that issue in this two-part investigative report and hopefully we have tied it all together in a neat little package from which she can continue to run but not hide.

Like we said Hillary Clinton is in trouble…big trouble…with questions that demand answers…answers that should be given under oath…as the outrage continues to build momentum over the ‘suddenly’ gone missing ‘top secret’ messages that indeed once were on her private email server…a server initiating out of a small private Denver based internet company…Platte River Networks…hired by the Clintons in 2013 to provide ‘better security, durability, and a more professional setup.’ And Platte River Networks is a company who boasts on their website as having “connections in all the right places” yet is a company not cleared to handle sensitive or classified information…and know that 13,000 other private internet companies do have facility-wide clearance but Hillary ‘just happened’ to pick one that did not and still does not.

Interesting huh…well there’s more…much more.

After Hillary left the State Department in 2013, she hired Platte River Networks to upgrade and maintain her private email server at her Chappaqua NY home, and only after all was up and running smoothly did she give actual control of her email domain over to Platte River. Then and only then did Hillary send the original server’s hardware that was used to host her government communications to a data center facility in New Jersey, where it was erased, and where the FBI picked-up the blank server last Wednesday afternoon.


Remember When…Obama Was the Biggest Problem?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

remem 1Ummmm…Hello???

Remember Isis? You know…that merry band of 7th century barbarians with 21st century weapons that has been marauding their way across the Middle East and North Africa on their mission to form a caliphate?

Remember them?

How about Iran…the Islamic Republic headed up by the Ayatollah Ass-a-Hola that wants to wipe Israel from the map? You know…where they prance through the streets chanting DEATH TO AMERICA and WITH whom Obama capitulated so the ever-so-peaceful tribe could obtain nuclear weapons?

You DO remember THEM…don’t you?

Al-Qaeda…surely you remember al-Qaeda.

They didn’t REALLY go away the way Obama claimed in 2012 you know. They’re still out there, gaining strength.

Syria…THERE’S a little happy place for you what with their “rebels” armed with American weapons they got from Libyan “rebels” in Hillary Clinton and Obama’s Islamic version of Fast and Furious.

What about Benghazi?

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America’s Economic Nightmare, Obama’s Liberal/Socialist Dream

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

JOB 1According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the latest unemployment rate is at 5.3%…a figure ballyhooed by Obama, his regime and liberal/socialists from the left to the right coast.

While far too many Conservatives were busy sniping at Megyn Kelly and Fox News over last week’s debate and calling any and all who were not, as they were, blindly adhering themselves to Donald Trump just as the liberal/socialist sheep adhered to Obama in 2008 and again in 2012, a bunch of idiots…something very important took place.

On Friday…late Friday afternoon last, when all things the Obama regime doesn’t want you to know and amid the latest Trumped up distraction…the Bureau of Labor Statistics ALSO released another figure…that being the number of Americans unemployed and/or out of the workforce altogether and that number is…staggering.

Of Americans 16 years old and up…of working age…93,777,000 were unemployed and had made absolutely no verifiable attempt to find employment. Those are Americans…of working age…that have, because of the Obama economy…dropped out of the workforce.

That figure of 5.3%…that is the “official” unemployment rate which does NOT take into account those who have dropped out of the workforce. That 5.3% are those who DID look for work but remain unemployed.

The OUT of the workforce numbers…

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Emails and Espionage – Hillary’s Troubles Get Even Worse

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

emails 1Last Wednesday, I wrote and published an article here in The National Patriot, “Hillary’s Mess…First Treason and Now Espionage” regarding the further woes of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and put forth that she, Hillary Clinton, has violated the Espionage Act of 1917.

Now, that scandal both deepens and become more egregious.

In my previous article, I reported that “U.S. District Court judge Emmett Sullivan ORDERED 2 of Hillary’s top aides…one being Huma Abedin and the other being Cheryl Mills to attest…under penalty of PERJURY…that they have turned over ALL official government records and documents…including emails…that they had in their possession. Judge Sullivan ALSO ordered the Department of State to “identify any and all servers, accounts, hard drives, or other devices currently in the possession or control of the State Department or otherwise that may contain responsive information,” and that that court order was to have been followed by last Friday, August 7th.

Well…we have now heard from Cheryl Mills and what she has done is beyond contempt, beyond rational and flies directly in the face of Judge Sullivan’s direct order.

Cheryl Mills sent a letter to the Department of State and it has been filed with Judge Sullivan stating that…

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We, As Conservatives, Deserve Better Than Trump

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

tru 2If Donald Trump is the best we, as Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers or Teapublicans can up with as a candidate for the presidency…we have set the bar far, FAR too low…in fact…we have made that bar subterranean as that is where moles reside.

As Conservatives, we have for years demanded a candidate that has a long record OF conservatism but does Trump possess such a record?

No, he does not.

Donald Trump has changed his voter registration, from one political party to another, over and over again. When asked, point blank in last Thursday’s prime time debate, “When exactly did you become a Republican?” Trump responded by NOT responding at all. He gave a shrug and a smirk and changed the subject, refusing to answer a direct question.

Is that what we want from a candidate for president?

No…no it is not.

As Conservatives, we have always vetted a candidate’s voting record. We have always looked for a candidate who consistently votes Conservative.

Is THAT what we find in Donald Trump’s voting record?

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Debbie What’s-Her-Name Schultz vs The Truth

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

whn 1A most astonishing thing happened at the end of July and while it did get some play in social media, it died out quickly and I believe it needs to be revisited.

It took place on, of all places, MSNBC…the lowest rated cable so-called news network out there and it was an exchange between Chris “Tingles” Matthews and Debbie What’s-Her-Name Schultz. While I’m sure Tingles the clown didn’t mean it to be a gotcha question…that is exactly what it turned out to be.

Tingles asked What’s-Her-Name Shultz…

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?”

As What’s-Her-Name Shultz began to resemble a deer in the headlights, Tingles tried to stall for enough time for her to gather herself by stating…“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?”

What’s-Her-Name Schultz was STILL frozen so the Host of Softball tried a different tact by trying to clarify his question…“A Democrat like Hillary and a socialist like Bernie Sanders.”

Obviously, this didn’t help because Hillary, as a democrat, is just as much a socialist as is Bernie Sanders and while ol’ Tingles didn’t recognize that fact…What’s-Her-Name Schultz most certainly DID and it was at that point that she attempted…not to answer the question but to respond by trying to SPIN it in a more favorable direction for the liberals/socialist voters. What’s-Her-Name Schultz, spinning like a lathe said…

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Hillary’s Mess…First Treason and Now, Espionage?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

hil 1In this day and age, laws change quickly…what is law today may not be so tomorrow and what isn’t law today could well become law by tomorrow morning but some laws, on the books for nearly a century, remain as pointed and relevant now as they were then.

Case in point…the Espionage Act of 1917.

In that act, it clearly states that…“gross negligence” as per the handling of any information regarding our national defense is a punishable offense…a crime…and as such, should national defense information be removed from or not stored properly…not stored in its “proper place of custody,” the responsible government official would face a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment.

Hello Hillary Clinton.

While one certainly knows that in 1917, the “proper place of custody” was a file cabinet or a safe and that those who wrote and enacted the Act never in their wildest dreams considered the advent of email…government servers, not one’s private servers located in one’s home in Chappaqua N.Y. are the “proper places of custody” today and in that regard…Hillary Clinton and her use of private email addresses and said servers is in breach of the 1917 Act.

Just a few weeks ago…

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The Truth About Planned Parenthood

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

abo 1“As long as we’ve got to fight to make sure women have access to quality, affordable health care, and as long as we’ve got to fight to protect a woman’s right to make her own choices about her own health, I want you to know that you’ve also got a president who’s going to be right there with you, fighting every step of the way…Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.” – Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s 2013 words said during a speech at a Planned Parenthood event.

Abortion is legal in this country with the right of a woman to have an abortion being upheld by the courts on the local, state, and federal levels. And that must be kept in mind by those on both sides of the abortion issue for while this is not an article on the moral or religious rights and wrongs of abortion, it is an article about how what should have remained a states issue now has become a federal issue as our taxpayer dollars are being used…and have been used since 1970…to aid Planned Parenthood in their performing of almost half a million abortions a year…of performing one-third of all U.S. abortions.

Planned Parenthood…America’s premier abortion mill…and the very group that actively lobbies against abstinence-only education in our nations public schools…has always had a somewhat dubious reputation as its founder, Margret Sanger, believed that blacks and the poor were “unfit” to reproduce…and basically founded it as a way to ‘eliminate’…if you will…the black race in America. Now bringing the word ‘dubious’ to a new level, Planned Parenthood is under the microscope…they claim…for just trying to help women who want to ‘donate’ fetal tissue for legitimate medical research. But nothing could be further from the truth as Planned Parenthood is being paid monies for the organs it takes from aborted babies…directly contradicting the very word they use…’donated’…meaning given for free.

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McConnell’s Sellout

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

“Squabbling and sanctimony may be tolerated in other venues and perhaps on the campaign trail, but they hmitch 1ave no place among colleagues in the United States Senate. The Senate floor has even become a place where senators have singled out colleagues by name to attack them in personal terms, to impugn their character, in blatant disregard for Senate rules.”

Those were the words of Senator Orin Hatch, spoken on the floor of the Senate last Sunday in response to Senator Ted Cruz’s truth to power speech last week regarding Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

In that speech, Cruz pointedly made the case that McConnell had lied to each and every member of the Republican Senate when he looked them in the eye and made the promise that there would be no further votes regarding the reviving of the federal Export-Import Bank.

In the words of Senator Cruz…

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Beware the False Diversionary Tactic

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

azee 1I have looked and looked…I just can’t seem to be able to find the clause, the section or the wording anywhere in our 2nd Amendment that states…

“One cannot own or bear arms if they are collecting social security and have someone else managing their money.”

But that is what Obama the Insipid is now touting and something that has we Conservatives all tied up in knots. So…why then IS he making THIS his LATEST attempt to render the 2nd Amendment null and void?

Simple…I believe he knows this is insane…I believe he knows he can’t get away with it and further more…I believe he has no intention OF making this a reality. Instead…I believe he’s using this as yet another distraction FROM reality.

What reality?

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