Hey Hillary…Kiss My Diverse Ass

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

div-1Last Sunday night’s debate was interesting and for the easily offended, which means liberals and the holier-than-thou crowd…by all means, read on.

I’ve heard just about all I care to hear regarding what Donald Trump said 11 years ago that every man in America, and dare I say just about anywhere else has said at some point in their lives.

And for those who think such crass sexual language is somehow limited to the male of the species…get over yourselves ladies…you make the same sorts of comments and you know it.

Let me be perfectly honest and painfully blunt…

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You’re Not Oppressed…You’re an Idiot

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Are you feeling oppressed?mat-1

There’s a pretty good chance that if, when you went to bed last night, the primary thing on your mind was that you’re black…and when you woke up this morning, the first thing you thought of was that you’re black…

You think you’re oppressed.

Let’s be honest here…you’re not oppressed…

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Hillary’s ‘Episode’…The Truth Exposed

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots

epi-1In trying to decipher Hillary Clinton’s medical issues, and she obviously has medical issues, there are two codes, if you will, that must be cracked.

First, there is the matter of the official Hillary team explanation regarding what transpired over the weekend at Sunday’s 9/11 event. By now everybody knows about Hillary leaving the event early, being helped from the venue to a spot near the curb while she and her handlers…or spotters as the case may be…waited for Hillary’s custom van/ambulance to arrive and second, there was the whole aspect of Hillary’s spotters catching her as she went limp and then was literally dragged and loaded into that van.

As to the official story…

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Wind Farms in the Sandhills? Oh, No You Don’t!!

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots

As you Patriot readers of The National Patriot well know, I deal with the political landscape ls 1of national and international news but today, I’d like to take a departure from those issues of the day to let you all know about an issue that is not getting any national or international coverage.

I have always said that if you want to have an effect on national politics, the place to start is in your own corner of the world so in that light, I want to let you all in on what this Patriot has been up to on a local level.

In order to do that, I must first remove the “political” from the landscape and provide you with a bit of background on our actual landscape here in north central Nebraska.

To be specific…we live in the Nebraska Sandhills.

And what exactly are the Nebraska Sandhills, for those who have never heard of them before? Well…I’m glad you asked…

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The Proper Perspective in Black and White

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

It’s high time that the leaders of the black community, if they have any who actually qualify mil 1in that regard, step up to tell the truth about those who have usurped and hijacked their community, and it’s more than time for the race-baiters of the black community, who purport to be leaders, to sit down and shut up.

The ilk of Obama, Jackson and Sharpton along with the ilk of Loretta Lynch, Elijah Cummings and others have done enough damage, they have done nothing to strengthen their so called community, and their actions, words and intonations regarding high-profile cases have, in fact, been nothing less than gas on the fire.

Over this past weekend, a cop in Milwaukee Wisconsin shot and killed a thug, Sylville Smith, and predictably, all hell broke loose.

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Hillary’s Connection to the Iran “Deal”

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Hillary Clinton, who had more than a hand in the murders of 4 Americans in Benghazi, as trea 1she and Obama were running weapons illegally from al Qaeda linked “rebels” in Libya to al Qaeda linked “rebels” in Syria, and who cleared the way for al Qaeda linked Libyan “rebels” to provide security in Benghazi when she drew down and removed our own security teams there, can now add another name to her death toll.

Shahram Amiri.

Mr. Amiri was the inside man in Iran who had been providing that Islamic country’s nuclear data to the United States.

Mr. Amiri had made the horrible mistake of placing his trust in the Obama regime which, of course, included one Hillary Clinton.

Hillary, as we are all well aware of, had her own secret server and her own private email account on that server which for most of her reign of espionage and treason at Foggy Bottom was kept in her home in Chappaqua but later resided in a bathroom at the offices of her own private IT guy, Bryan Pagliano.

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A Matter of Conscience and Principle

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Over the past couple of weeks, since the GOP convention, I…along with others from the why 1#NEVERTRUMP camp, including my friend and colleague Diane Sori…have been regaled with charges of abandoning our principles for stating that we will now be voting for Trump in November.

We have been told, primarily by Cruz supporters, that we have become traitors and that we have become Trumpers.

I believe it is time to clear the air and put our position into its proper perspective related to the reality of the big picture, and I hope many of those who have taken to social media, acting just as the true Trumpers did leading up to the convention, hurling vile insults at us will take the time to read this article through to the end and reevaluate their position.

Here we go…

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Kerry Said It, He Believes It, and He’s an Idiot

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

ser 1My fellow Patriots…

Today, I would like to insert a bit of common sense into two seemingly divergent topics recently brought to our attention in the oddest of ways.

Trust me, this needs to be addressed in the most serious way I know how and address it I will.

The topics at hand are the religion of global warming, its splinter sect, the religion of climate change and the ever-so-popular religion of peace.

While these two cults wouldn’t seem to have anything to do with one another, I assure you all that the two do indeed intersect and that intersection can be found somewhere between the empty head of one, John Kerry and his southernmost orifice in which the former resides.

According to John “Lurch” Kerry…

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NOT “The People’s Choice”

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

To those who continue to harp about Donald Trump being “the people’s choitf 1ce,” I’m not really sure they possess a clear understanding of what that means.

They say it because Trump is the presumptive nominee but there is much more to the facts than there is to the myth That trump is ‘the people’s choice.

Oh, sure, we all hear the crowing that Trump received more primary votes than any other candidate in history but that’s a lot like saying that the unemployment rate is 4.5% and believing it. Trump got more votes…because there are more people of voting age but the reality of it is that Trump got 42% of the primary votes…which include those liberals who crossed the aisle to vote for HIM…before strolling BACK to the left to vote for Hillary.

That also plays into the whole myth that Trump is “the people’s choice,” because if 42% of Republican voters voted FOR Trump…that means that 58% of Republican voters did NOT vote for Trump and as that is a double digit difference…not in Trump’s favor…he can’t possibly be “the people’s choice.”

Then there are Donald Trump’s favorability ratings…

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No Fly No Buy? 100% Unconstitutional

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

It comes as no surprise at all, that in the aftermath of the Orlando Islamic terrorist nf 1attack…all liberals can talk about is taking guns away from law abiding citizens or making it hard, if not impossible in some cases, to even purchase a gun.

THAT, say the liberals, is the best way to defeat terrorism.

Ted Cruz had a slightly different perspective on the situation…

“You don’t defeat terrorism by taking away our guns. You defeat terrorism by using our guns,” – Ted Cruz.

All the liberals need, is an inch in order to take ten thousand miles and they are using the Islamic terrorism murders of 49 innocent civilians to push their insipid agenda.

Here’s how they intend to start…

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