Government Waste – The Gift That Keeps On Giving

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

We all remember the shrimp on the treadmill…right?

That tiny, tasty crustacean, running his ass off on that little treadmill under water became a You Tube sensation once it was revealed that the U.S. government spent…HOW MUCH…on that particular study?


That’s like a gym membership, a personal trainer, a house full of gym equipment so that you could ignore the gym altogether even though you had the membership, a new car, a boat, and a really nice new house in many parts of this great country…

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Trouble Brewing in the Democratic Party

By Craig Andresen with contributions from Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is finished…or she should be

Last week, her IT officer, one Imran Awan, was arrested as he attempted to flee the United States for Pakistan, with a layover in Qatar…the very country that specializes in being the halfway house for former GITMO terrorist inmates as they reenter their natural workforce in various terrorist fields of endeavor.

Imran Awan had, just a few months ago, wired nearly $300,000 dollars to relatives in Pakistan, and his wife, Hina Alvi, a Congressional aide to New York Democrat Gregory Meeks, soon after that, fled the United States for Pakistan with more than $12,000 in cash stashed in her bag.

Trust me, it get plenty worse.

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A New Low in Public Education

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the politically correct society, which is being shoved down our throats daily by liberals, a few things have become commonplace…like participation trophies.

These are the trophies handed out like candy on Halloween to kids who simply show up at any given competition because we just can’t have only the winners getting some sort of an award…it hurts the feelings of the losers, and yes liberals, in life there are winners, and there are most certainly losers.

As adults, even in jobs that require the wearing of paper hats, one is expected to perform whatever task they’re assigned to a certain level…which means that flipping a burger when it is half done cooking is considered winning, while slapping said slab of meat on a bun half raw, is considered…losing.

Or at least, that should be the case, but…

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Scaramucci – The Best Case Scenario

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Late last week, the White House press room was shaken, not stirred and suddenly Sean Spicer resigned from his dual role as the Press Secretary/Director of White House Communications, and the quick as lightning Sarah Huckabee Sanders was in, as Press Secretary…and Tony Scaramucci was the new Director of White House Communications.

What was, by all appearances, a smooth of a transition in those roles as possible, actually holds deeper meaning in the overall aspects of the Trump administration.

To begin with, let me be candid in my assessment of the outgoing Sean Spicer.

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Right Issues…Wrong Suspects

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Donald Trump Jr. is, apparently, the very first person connected to a presidential campaign, in the history of historic things, to take a meeting with someone who is purported to have information of some interest on the opposition candidate.

Never mind that Ted Kennedy, while making his own run at the White House, took a meeting with the KGB in an effort to get the goods on Ronald Reagan.

It’s not the same thing, and you know it.

This was Donald Trump Jr. taking a meeting with a Russian attorney…Natalia Buyadamnvowelortwowhydon’tya…whom he was led to believe had some dirt on Hillary Clinton. See…completely different from Ted Kennedy meeting with the KGB to gather dirt on Reagan. Completely different…not even close to the same thing.

It’s like comparing apples to… Continue reading

Obama’s Dry Hump 2017 World Tour

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Lou Dobbs, in a recently published piece, has rightfully pointed out that Barack Hussein Obama…that would be private citizen Barack Hussein Obama, has been shadowing President Trump around the world…meeting with the same world leaders as President Trump.

Obviously, Obama is worried that his 8 long years of trying to make America as destitute as the rest of the world is in danger of being erased as Trump has set forth to Make America Great Again.

If it wasn’t so sad…it would be funny…okay…it is funny.

Let’s have a look at the travel itinerary shall we?

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Mainstream Media – Gollum With a Press Pass

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Thanks to Project Veritas, we now have indisputable proof that CNN is everything President Trump has said they are…a fake news organization…because they, themselves, have admitted to it.

With their hidden cameras, Project Veritas has caught CNN blue handed saying that their “coverage” of the whole Trump/Russian collusion fabrication is for ratings, that it is, indeed, a BS story, and that no collusion evidence is to be had anywhere.

Apparently, CNN has all the security of Hillary’s private server and private email account, and they vet the people they actually tell the truth to the way Obama’s regime vetted “refugees” seeking to become an invasion force emanating from Islamist nations.

Last week, during a White House press briefing, Sara Huckabee Sanders more or less went off on the fake news industry which drew a stern rebuke from CNN’s Jim Acosta when he called her statements “inflammatory.”


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Liberals Have But One Core Value

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

To say that the democratic party, the party of liberals hell bent on socialism, has an identity crisis on their hands would be an overreach of epic proportions. To have an identity crisis…one must first have an identity.

This has been the problem for liberals for at least a dozen years, and I suspect it stretches back a good deal further than that.

Basically, I believe that the party of socialists, masquerading as liberals who have been masquerading as democrats since the Johnson administration, has been on autopilot in a rudderless ship since the days of Jimmy Carter’s malaise.

While that situation went for the most part unnoticed for decades, it went completely unspoken of by their party candidates and elected officials. Identity is derived from a set of core values, and that was, and is still, the problem for the party of liberals…they have no core values to speak of. They do have a core vote strategy…but possible only one core value.

As Republicans…

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Georgia on My Mind

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last Tuesday night couldn’t have gone any worse for liberals unless Megyn Kelly had showed up on CNN to try and spin the special House election in Georgia their way.

As it was, the CNN fake news brigade was a bit long of face when it was over and all the votes had been counted. The outcome was not what they had hoped for, and it certainly wasn’t what liberals nationwide had paid through their noses for.

That special election, to fill a House seat from Georgia had become the most expensive campaign in the history of the house by the time all was said and done, as liberals from sea to shining she ponied up more than $24 million dollars to try and buy the seat for their candidate, Jon Ossoff.

They failed.

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It’s Time to Investigate the Investigators

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay…now let me just see if I have this all straight…

Deputy Attorney General, Rod J. Rosenstein penned a memo to President Trump outlining why James Comey should be dismissed from his position as the Director of the FBI.

President Trump acted upon that memo from Rosenstein and fired Comey.

Liberals came unhinged and demanded that Rosenstein appoint a Special Prosecutor to handle the whole “Russian meddling” thing.

Rosenstein, under pressure from the MINORITY members of congress appointed Robert Mueller as that Special Prosecutor.

Mueller and Comey are more than acquaintances…they are old friends.

Mueller has enlisted the assistance of several high dollar attorneys for the purposes of his investigation…and many of those attorneys are directly attached to Hillary Clinton.

Interesting, but it gets better…

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