To Storm, or Not to Storm

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the southern part of Nevada, roughly 83 miles north, northwest of Las Vegas sits an old, dried up salt-flat lake surrounded by mountains.

It’s desolate out there..It’s hot, dry, and a long ways from pretty much everything and a fair distance from the little town of Rachel.

Back around 1864, lead and silver were discovered in that area, and the mining of it continued until about 1918. After WWII, with new equipment and extraction methods, the mining resumed, but that wasn’t the only thing going on out there in the middle of nowhere.

In 1942, the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field was created with a pair of 5,000  foot salt-flat runways because the military figured it would be as good a spot as anywhere where new planes could be flown, tested, and possibly crashed without having to worry much about hitting populated places. It was also fairly close to where other military testing was happening, like bombing run practices, and soon, atomic testing would take place.

The original base operated off of an area that measured about 6 by 10 miles on what was called…

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Liberals Say the Dumbest Things

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has long been said that kids say the darndest things, and while that may well be true, it can also be said with certainty, that liberals say the dumbest things.

When it comes to the dumb things liberals say, one particular liberal just can’t help herself, and despite being called out over her abjectly stupid musings time and time again, Alexandria Common Core-tez just won’t shut up.

It seems that she is blissfully unaware of just how moronic she sounds nearly every time she opens her yap and spews forth her nonsense, but in the grand scheme of things, we need to let her continue unabated because with every utterance, she is galvanizing Republicans to vote against liberals in 2020.

Over the past couple of weeks, AOC has made a series of inane and idiotic comments, some of which have even left the left doing face-palms.

Common Core-tez, who has often taken to video selfies to air her deepest thoughts to liberal idiots who follow her social media accounts the way that blue bottle flies follow the aroma of horse apples, did so again last week with this stunningly absurd bit of liberal wisdom…

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Autopsy of a Failed Coup

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“Investigate the investigators if you must. When those investigations are over, they will find the work was done appropriately and focused only on discerning the truth of very serious allegations. There was no corruption. There was no treason. There was no attempted coup. Those are lies, and dumb lies at that.”

That was the latest statement put out as part of an op-ed last week by former FBI Director, James Comey regarding bias in his FBI related to the investigation into the Russian collusion fabrication during the 2016 campaign.

As a result of that investigation, which, let’s face it, was a choreographed, orchestrated witch hunt based on a fraudulent, and manufactured dossier compiled from Russian agents, assembled by a former British spy, and paid for in part by Hillary Clinton, and in part by the FBI itself under James Comey, has caused the majority of the American people to lose faith, and trust in our nation’s top law enforcement agency.

Let me be clear here. There are plenty of good, solid FBI agents working in that agency today, just as there were in 2016, and those good agents should not be held accountable for what a few did, but…

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One Man Alone is Jordan’s Future

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

What if I told you there was no “Palestinian/Israeli conflict?”

Would you believe me?

What if I told you that it isn’t the Jews or Israel that are oppressing the so-called “Palestinian” people?

Would you believe me?

What if I told you that historically there wasn’t any animosity between the “Palestinian” Arabs and the Jews…that it was invented, and orchestrated over a period of decades by bad actors…not from Israel, but from Arab states?

Would you believe that?

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Hidden From History…Patton’s Greatest Achievement

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

History records that on May 7th, 1945, WWII officially ended in Europe when Germany’s General Alfred Jodl,  surrendered unconditionally to General Dwight D. Eisenhower at Reims, in northwestern France.

The beginning of the end for Nazi Germany came a week before the official unconditional surrender with the death of Adolph Hitler in Berlin on April 30, 1945 as the Russian army swarmed the city and cut off any attempted escape by Hitler.

Those are both things well documented in history, but history is also replete with stories of how General George S. Patton had wanted to be the first to march into Berlin and take it from Hitler, and how Patton felt betrayed over the fact that he was kept from the prize.

Most, including myself, have always accepted Patton’s disappointment as fact, and wondered why, after all that Patton had done, was he prevented from making that final push into Berlin in 1945.

I no longer believe Patton was disappointed…

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Holy Guacamole, Cow Farts and Reparations

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It is now early April, 2019, and while the calendar says we’re 19 months away from the 2020 election, I can assure you we are both a whole lot closer than that to the campaigns in earnest, and it’s going to seem like an eternity before Election Day.

It seems like every few days, some other democrat crawls out of their hole, sees their shadow and announces that they too are running for the presidency in 2020.

At this point, it bears a striking resemblance to one of those little cars at the circus that stops at center ring and about a hundred clowns come pouring out of it. Politics in this metaphor would represent the circus, the 2020 election would be the center ring, and…

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Last Week’s News in Its Proper Perspective

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week was a very interesting week, and one that I believe needs to be put in its proper, snarky perspective.

Ready or not…here we go…

Okay…Syria is all bent out of shape because, last week, President Trump officially recognized Israel’s sovereignty in the Golan Heights. Syria has, since 1967 accused Israel of occupying what belongs to Syria.

Ummmm…excuse me Syria…but perhaps you should have thought about the consequences of trying to invade Israel before you invaded Israel in 1967…and perhaps you should have considered the ramifications of getting your asses kicked in what has to have been one of the absolute shortest wars in the history of wars.

Sure…you figured…hey, new country, how ready could Israel possibly be to wage a war…right? Well, it took Israel just 6 days to whoop ya, and after doing so, Israel had every right to the Golan Heights…so get over it, and get over yourselves.


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A Change in the Weather, Not the Climate

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I’d like to take a bit of your time to talk to you today about the weather.

Sorry…I mean global warming.

Sorry…I meant to say…climate change.

Here in Nebraska, where I live, and you may not know where exactly that is so let me explain it this way…you know how, when you’re watching some weather lady give the national forecast on TV…well…we’re located directly behind where she stands while lying the rest of you about what it’s going to be like where you live.

Anyway, here in Nebraska last week…we had quite the weather…global warming/climate change event. We’re used to the climate changing here about every five minutes but last week was a doozy. Last Tuesday, it was beautiful, 50 degrees and sunny. Then last Wednesday, it started raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock from 2 in the freakin’ morning until it turned to snow at around 4 in the afternoon. The wind came up to about 60 mph and it snowed and blowed (a Nebraska saying) or snew and blew for the rest of you until about 2 in the afternoon on Thursday.


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Navratilova Serves an Ace Against Transgender Athletes

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It doesn’t happen very often at all, that I delve into the world of sports. The National Patriot is a political site, but more and more often these days, the worlds of sports and politics are colliding.

They shouldn’t, but they do, and that is why I now feel compelled to raise a bit of a racket…or to be more precise…a tennis racquet.

I started playing tennis in the early 1970’s as a kid, and by the late 70’s, I was watching major tennis tournaments and marveling at the ability of the pros in the sport. Conners, Borg, Laver, Năstase, Ashe…Evert, and Goolagong.

In a whole separate category, at a whole different level…

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Hey Liberals…Neener Neener

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the past several articles here in The National Patriot, I have outlined the pitfalls of socialism…not that conservatives aren’t already aware of such things…and not that liberals would read those articles even if they could read.

The overwhelming history of socialism is that, everywhere it has ever been implemented, and every time it has been implemented, it eventually collapses in failure.

Last week, in several primary races leading up to the 2018 midterm elections this November, liberals need look no further than their own candidates to witness such a collapse.

In the weeks and days leading up to several key primaries, liberals sent their socialist collective darlings…Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cynthia Nixon and Bernie Sanders, otherwise known as the Marxist Sisters and the namesake of Weekend at Bernie’s…on an extended road trip to whip up support for their fellow socialist candidates.

It didn’t end well….

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