Biden’s Autopen…Truths, Questions and Ramifications

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori– The National Patriot and The Patriot Factor

Let us be clear here. Neither of us are attorneys. While the legalities of the latest Biden scandal will be argued by legal experts, with opinions differing between them, our approach to this is more common sense than common law, but that said, there are absolutes involved in the Biden autopen scandal which are clearly addressed by the Constitution.

RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS doesn’t know at this point what the outcome of all of this will be, but we can say without hesitation that the ramifications of this scandal have the potential to be unlike anything this country has ever experienced.

From the moment Joe Biden announced he was running in 2020, we knew something was very wrong. Sure, the liberal media tried to cover it all up by claiming COVID was preventing Biden from hitting the campaign trail, but when we did see Joe Biden, it was most always on video from his Delaware basement bunker.

Joe Biden was being hidden from public appearances, not because of social distancing as per COVID mandates, but because he was a mental disaster. His handlers were terrified of what he might say, or that his dementia would be so apparent as to tank Obama’s plan to install a puppet in the Oval Office. We believe the plan to rig the 2020 election was already in place, and if Biden’s handlers could just keep him away from unscripted moments, the fix was in.

After the bogus 2020 election, how many times while giving remarks did Joe Biden refer to himself as a senator? How many times did he refer to his VP, Kamala Harris, as “President Harris?” Frankly, way too often for anyone to believe the coverup liberal media when they claimed that Joe was just so busy, and had so many important things on his mind that a simple, inadvertent slip of the tongue was all those glaring red flags were. How many times did the world witness Biden getting lost trying to leave a stage, or wander about aimlessly trying to enter the White House? How many times did Joe Biden shake hands with thin air?

Over the four years of his thankfully only term, both of us, whether in our blogs, The National Patriot or The Patriot Factor, and far too many times to count on our show, Right Side Patriots, we highlighted Joe Biden’s mental train wreck and commented that he most likely had no idea of where he was, what he was doing, or of what he was signing. That’s why, when this autopen scandal came to light a couple of weeks ago, we remembered the story Speaker Mike Johnson revealed in January, 2025. Johnson recalled a meeting he had had with Biden regarding important issues that were weighing on the Speaker’s mind.

Johnson said the meeting was hard to get because, as we now know, Biden’s handlers were intentionally keeping Biden from having such meetings due to the obvious cognitive decline but when Johnson finally got the meeting, he related,  “I show up and I realize it’s actually an ambush ’cause it’s not just me and the president,” Johnson said. “It’s also Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem, you know, The CIA Director.” After some time, Johnson was finally left alone with Biden in the Oval Office and the Speaker asked Biden why he had issued a pause on LNG exports. LNG being Liquefied Natural Gas. “Sir, why did you pause LNG exports to Europe? Liquefied natural gas is in great demand by our allies. Why would you do that? Cause you understand we just talked about Ukraine, you understand you are fueling Vladimir Putin’s war machine, because they gotta get their gas from him.”

Joe Biden’s response? “I didn’t do that.”

The Speaker than reminded Biden that he had indeed signed an executive order and suggested that a staffer  actually print out the order so that they could read it together, and yet Biden reiterated that he had never signed such an order. In recalling the story, Speaker Johnson said, “He genuinely did not know what he had signed. And I walked out of that meeting with fear and loathing because I thought, ‘We are in serious trouble—who is running the country?’ Like, I don’t know who put the paper in front of him, but he didn’t know.”

Naturally, we made jokes about it and wondered at the time how many other things had he signed that he had no awareness of, but now it seems that when Biden told the Speaker, “I didn’t do that,” it may have been a very rare moment of clarity for Joe Biden. It may well be that it was not a case of not remembering that he signed the EO, it now seems clear that he DIDN’T sign it at all.

Just a few weeks ago, the Heritage Foundation released a statement saying that they had requested a copy of every document signed by Joe Biden during his term. What they discovered is staggering, and has led to many questions. First, it would not seem out of reason to believe that over the course of four years, there would be over a thousand official documents bearing Joe Biden’s “signature.” How many such documents was the Heritage Foundation able to review? We simply don’t know, because they didn’t say. What we do know is that all but one document, the document regarding dropping out of the 2024 race, bore an autopen signature, not Joe Biden’s hand-written signature.

As for the autopen itself, surprisingly it dates back to Thomas Jefferson’s time…albeit in a different guise than today’s autopen device. Patented here in the U.S. in 1803, it was originally called a  “polygraph machine,” and since that time eight U.S. presidents have used it. But none used it as much or as rampantly as did Joe Biden. To understand the ramifications of autopen usage try this as an experiment…get ten note cards and a pen. Sign your name to each card placing each face down once you have signed it so that you cannot look at it again until all ten have been signed. Once you have affixed your signature to all ten cards, turn them over and compare them. You will find that no two are exactly alike. They have slight differences in slant, thickness, shape and perhaps length.

That was not the case with the documents examined by the Heritage Foundation. Those document’s signatures were exactly the same. Each Joe Biden “signature” was exactly, precisely the same as every other Biden “signature” down to the last minute detail. The only way that can happen is through the use of the autopen.

A year ago, in March 2024, Robert Hur issued a report regarding Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents. In that report, Hur included observations regarding Biden’s mental capabilities, and said, Biden struggled to recall major events from his time serving as vice-president, and could not remember when exactly his term in office had begun or when his son Beau died of cancer. Hur also noted that Biden could not remember who packed the boxes found in his garage with classified documents. In perhaps the most damning part of the report, Hur stated, “At trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

Combine the Hur report with what we have learned from Biden White House insiders since January 2025, that from his first days in office, Biden could not be trusted to make unscripted remarks to the press, that Biden often was unable to hold meetings due to having “bad days,” and that Biden required “handlers” to orchestrate every aspect of his “good days” and one thing becomes crystal clear…Joe Biden wasn’t just a diminished president, he was, in all reality, incapable of performing the duties of the office. Obviously, those duties included signing his name on important documents.

Along with the mental collapse of Joe Biden, there were physical effects that were very noticeable. While the media tried to cover-up both the mental and physical decline of Joe Biden, and his handlers did everything they could to shield Biden’s decline from the public, one of the most glaring physical traits was Joe Biden’s inability to walk without difficulty. The stiff gate, his falling on stairs or off his his bike were what most focused on, but we also noticed other traits. Often, when Biden needed to look to the right or left, rather than turning his head, he would stiffly turn his entire body. Joe Biden also often had ahold of a pen in his hand…a pen he would never use for anything other than something to hold onto.

While some in his inner circle dismissed those traits as slight arthritis, those are also traits shown by those who suffer from Parkinson’s Disease. Either way, it could well have been that Joe Biden, due to inflexibility in his hands, or shaking from Parkinson’s, was incapable of legibly signing his name to anything, whether or not he even knew what was being placed in front of him to be signed. Being honest, we believe it was a combination of things both mental and physical that resulted in the rampant use of the autopen, but there is what we believe to be yet another component to the scandal.

Remember, in a meeting with Speaker Johnson, Joe Biden claimed that he never signed the pause on shipping LNG to Europe and we believe it wasn’t that he just couldn’t remember signing it. We believe that that Executive Order, and potentially many, many more, as well as the bulk of the pardons he supposedly issued were done by autopen by those in his inner circle because they were orders or pardons that Biden himself would not have signed had he known about them.

With that, let’s get into the legal end of this with a focus on the constitutionality of autopen signatures and the potential ramifications of this unprecedented scandal.

 “Whoever controlled the autopen controlled the presidency.” – The Heritage Foundation ‘s Oversight Project

So the question now is, does the Constitution allow for the use of the autopen when a president signs a bill into law or when presidential pardons are issued? Remember, an autopen signature is not ones actual “pen to paper” signature in the classical sense, instead it’s but a mechanically manufactured “proxy” signature that is primarily used if the president is unable to physically attend a signing to make sure that his interests are protected, honored, and heard.

And while “proxy” signatures are Constitutionally allowed on certain White House documents, the Constitution requires that when the president, or whomever signs said document by “proxy,” that both the pen used by the principal signer…in this case Biden in his role as president…and the “proxy” itself… meaning the actual autopen device…must be together at the same time and place of signing.

However, when Biden put pen to paper and pretended to actually be hand signing the documents put before him, the actual autopen device itself was nowhere to publicly be seen nor was the person operating said device present in full view to give the required “official” verbal and written disclosures (as in signed papers) for the autopen to be used. In fact, it’s the disclosure itself that legally outlines both the specific powers and the responsibilities given to what is the “proxy,” while also providing the legal proof of the “proxy’s” autopen authorization, thus ensuring that their actions are legally binding.

In fact, the Constitution has strict words regarding both the use of a “proxy,” and how said “proxy” relates to government officials. As per the Constitution, a “proxy” is either a person who is authorized to stand in place of another or is the legal “instrument”…in this case “instrument” would mean the actual physical autopen device which authority is conferred.

In other words, while today the word “proxy” in political speak is usually used in regards to Congressional voting matters and quorums, the Constitution’s broader sense of the word encompasses purposes which are either general in nature or for purposes under “special limited circumstances.” And while Biden’s signing laws and pardons with the autopen does fall under the latter category, in no way negates the important fact that said autopen and all its users must still follow the rule of law regarding other parties being publicly present at signing along with their needed disclosures.

Simply, what brings Biden’s seemingly constant autopen use into question is not the visible pen held in his hand per se, but it’s the logistics as to where was the autopen device itself, which in turn raises two questions that no one seems willing to answer. First, were the legally required “proxy” documents disclosed and if not why and second, were all the persons and the autopen “instrument” deemed “necessary” to be present at the same time Biden was signing bills into law and/or issuing pardons, actually physically present in the same room as constitutionally required.

Two simple questions pertaining to what’s now legally deemed to be “high-value transactions” that “We the People” demand answers to in an understandable way not in legalized mumbo-jumbo. And it’s these questions being unanswered that does make the most of what Biden signed as president during these past four years possibly being both unconstitutional and outright illegal. Why so…because in addition to his autopen use, there is a strong possibility that due to his declining physical and mental capabilities Biden had no understanding whatsoever of what he was signing, the legalities required for his signing, or even if said “transactions” were officially authorized on his behalf.

And all this is information his handlers were privy to but willingly chose not to publicly disclose..a crime in and of itself in our opinion. And if so…the next question becomes who exactly was feeding the autopen device the documents needing Biden’s signature, and who told Biden to blindly sign what was put in front of him. And lastly, was there someone else actually behind the scenes autopen signing documents without Biden’s permission without his legal “consent” or formal authorization?

In other words, are the laws and pardons Joe Biden autopen signed…with pardons being given to knowingly dangerous criminal types and his highly “questionable” family members…still considered to be legally binding in light of his not having followed the letter of the law regarding “proxy signatures and disclosures?” So what are the possible ramifications…political and otherwise…of Biden’s actions or lack thereof?

Ramifications whose questions and answers could well lead to a true governmental “falling house of cards” effect.

First though, remember again, that thanks to The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Projectwe found out that nearly every document during Biden’s four-year presidency was signed by autopen with the only authentic…in his own hand…signature was his letter announcing his official withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race.

Biden’s “cognitive decline” was obviously visible to all, even those closest to him, but that raises the question as to who really was running our country not just on Joe Biden’s “bad days,” but seemingly everyday. And this then leads to other questions pertaining to not only the probability of “unauthorized” autopen’s usage by others, but could all the autopen signatures on executive orders be considered unconstitutional because Biden did not really know or understand what he was signing.

Everyone, especially those in daily contact with him, knew Biden’s mental and physical health was failing as the visuals he showed were quite obvious. And yet those closest to him ignored or covered up for that fact leading to yet another two questions , First, why wasn’t Joe Biden 25thAmendmented out and second, could the issue regarding Biden’s cognitive decline…which in this case is more important then his physical decline… and its still ongoing cover-up scenario actually pose a constitutional crises regarding said 25th Amendment not being used and why?

So while all the aforementioned questions have yet to be answered, maybe its time that AG Pam Bondi and the DOJ start an official investigation into what or what might not be both a criminal and constitutional matter. And if either is proven true you would think that every document Biden signed by autopen would be negated in full.

But even if such an official investigation were to take place it might run up against the proverbial “brick wall,” because the fact is that in 2005 the DOJ itself issued a ruling stating that, “The President need not personally perform the physical act of affixing his signature to a bill he approves and decides to sign in order for the bill to become law.” Simply, it would be hard for anyone to prove that each and every document Biden signed with an autopen was done so under either mental or physical duress or without his knowing what he was signing.

So here let’s look at some possibilities as to who might actually have put the autopen to paper and did sign Biden’s name on official documents. And let’s start with a New York Post report stating that a key “aide” to Joe Biden might be the culprit. And while that is indeed possible, we seriously doubt it. Why so…because while an “aide” might have used the autopen to sign a few documents while in the presence of Biden, especially if he had given said person legally required “consent” to do so…or if Biden was physically or mentally unable to sign on one of his many “bad days”... the point worth remembering is that during his four-year term as president, Joe Biden signed 162 executive orders, 242 presidential memorandum, 725 proclamations, 152 notices, and 46 bills into law while vetoing 13 others which still did need his presidential signature, equaling 1.340 times Joe Biden had to sign a document. We seriously doubt that a lowly “aide” alone would have been in Biden’s presence each and every time his signature was required.

However, that doesn’t mean that an “aide” was not part of a small group of persons who did take turns autopen signing for Biden when needed. In fact, there is only one person who not only defines the word “aide” even in the most broad of senses…only one person who had unfettered access to both Joe Biden himself and his office proper…and that is his former White House Staff Secretary Neera Tanden, the woman who helped craft ObamaCare, and who we know did use the autopen at least once. And when and why did she use it? Back in December 2022 Tanden used it to sign pardons when Biden was out of the country golfing. Simply, if Tanden autopen signed for Biden once that we know of, she easily could have signed more times that we don’t know of.

But looking at the big picture, it’s highly unlikely that one person alone had unquestionable access to Joe Biden and therefore his autopen. And with that said it seems more likely that a small group of folks…a group loyal not only to Biden but to his puppet master Obama as well…took turns using the autopen when need be.

Why so…because such a group collectively would know how to deal with the ramifications if they were caught signing…including how to cover for or deflect their involvement…but one person acting alone most probably would not. Safety in numbers if you will. And if those persons were to be available when needed, each person then becomes a valuable asset courtesy of their having unfettered access to Biden, his office, and the autopen itself.

So who meets the above stated small group criteria? Remember, Joe Biden’s inner circle, for the most part, was comprised of Obama holdovers and loyalists who had daily access to both presidents and their offices. How about Biden’s Secretary of State Anthony Blinken who was not only Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor and his deputy Secretary of State, but was also National Security Advisor to who was then Vice President Biden. Or how about Biden’s Chief of Staff Jeff Zients who was Obama’s National Economic Council’s director and acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and who also had direct access to both Biden and his office…the very place where the actual autopen device was likely kept.

But the bottom line is threefold in that whomever besides Joe Biden used the autopen to sign his name might have set the stage for not only a constitutional crisis or criminal action to be taken, but for what would be the most serious presidential scandal in our nation’s history. And why…because it’s very possible that the man elected president was not the man running the country…something we have suspected since day one. And if proven to be true can the real truth about the 2020 election be far behind. And with that we say, case closed.

Copyright © 2025 Diane Sori and Craig Andresen / Right Side Patriots / Investigative Reports / All rights reserved.

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