Kamala’s Low-Info Appeal

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

I would be amazed and shocked by anybody claiming that they’re intending to vote for Kamala Harris based on her knowledge of the issues, her ability to get things done, or her policy positions, but we’re talking about democrat voters here so…it’s not a surprise.

It’s more than just party-line votes that Harris will be getting in just a matter of weeks however, her voters aren’t just democrats, or perhaps more accurately, far left liberal loons…they are the bottom of the barrel low-information voters.

Kamala Harris, for the edification of the aforementioned loons, has done absolutely nothing during her time in office to lead anyone with a working brain cell to believe she’s qualified for the position. The problem is that the liberal propagandists of the mainstream media have been claiming that she’s brilliant, engaged, and adept…they claim that she’s got a plan, that her policy positions are amazing and that she will “save democracy.”

Let’s start with the whole “saving democracy” thing. How far beneath the bottom of the barrel do her low-info voters have to be to believe that the person who dropped out of the 2020 race before a single primary vote was cast because she was polling near zero percent, and who then, four years later, was simply HANDED her party’s nomination WITHOUT EVER RECEIVING A PRIMARY VOTE ONCE AGAIN…could possibly be the savior of democracy?

Her party, the party that negated their own voters votes when they sent the doddering Joe Biden into exile and thus anointed without so much as a single Kamala Harris vote, Kamala Harris to be their nominee completely violated and discarded our election system to “save democracy” in the biggest sham in our nation’s election history. Yet, those low-info voters who were completely disenfranchised are now gleefully supporting Kamala Harris.

Before the grand disenfranchisement, the mainstream propagandist media was propping up ol’ Joe Biden telling their low-info audiences that Joe was as sharp as a razor and fully capable of everything, but they thought Kamala Harris was a major liability to the liberal/Marxist chances of winning in November. They said Kamala had to be jettisoned from the ticket and replaced…until that debate…after which they said Joe had to go and Kamala was the ONLY person with a chance to beat Trump.

It should come as no surprise that the same low-info voters that once believed Joe was in total control of his faculties because the propagandists had lied to them, would now believe that being disenfranchised as voters was the only way to “save democracy” because that’s what the propagandists told them.

Now let’s look at the Kamala Harris policy position debacle. The nincompoopery there started in early June, when President Trump announced that if elected, he would do away with taxing tips for hospitality workers. Well, the propagandists of the mainstream media acted like their collective hair had been set ablaze. They told their low-info audiences that such a policy would DESTROY the economy and lead to wrack and ruin. The low-info voters believed them.

Then, in mid August, once anointed as the liberal/Marxist nominee, Kamala Harris announced that if elected, she would do away with taxes on tips for hospitality workers. Well, the propagandists of the mainstream media acted like Kamala’s idea was fresh and new, and the greatest policy position they had ever heard…a policy which would bolster the working class like no other…and the low-info voters believed them.


For YEARS, the propagandists called Trump’s border wall, and his border policies everything from racist to draconian, and vilified Trump as the next Hitler, but in last August, when Kamala Harris said she wanted to build a wall, and control the border, those same propagandists gave Kamala Harris rave reviews and called her policy approach bold and necessary.

Once again, the low-info voters bought the flim-flamery.

Remember, these are the exact same propagandists who for the past four years have insisted there was NO crisis at the border, the border was CLOSED, that vile criminals were NOT pouring into our country and tried to censor anyone who said otherwise.

NOW, those very propagandists are telling their low-info audiences that ONLY KAMALA has a plan to restore order at the border…but what’s the plan?

Well, according to Kamala Harris, all that needs be done is implement the proposed border bill. Okay…what’s in the bill? Well, let’s see…that bill would codify “catch and release,” allow more than 1.8 million illegals into our country per year, provide taxpayer funding to sanctuary cities, provide taxpayer funding to non government organizations to shuttle illegal aliens from state to state and city to city, use taxpayer money to hire attorneys  for illegal aliens, provide work permits for those who broke the laws of our country by crossing the border illegally, and provide for a path to citizenship via amnesty for illegal aliens.

There are a few things that the border bill would NOT do however…it would NOT provide any immediate funding for a border wall, it would NOT provide for a way to VET illegal aliens, and it would NOT provide ANY funding for DEPORTING any illegal aliens.

Now correct me if I’m wrong here, but that border bill is an INCENTIVE for MORE illegal aliens to stroll across our border…NOT a deterrent so the plan being championed by the mainstream propagandists and their low-info audiences will actually make the crisis exponentially WORSE than the disaster it is today…not better…but the low-info voters believe the propagandists.

Kamala’s flipping and flopping on policy issues extends well beyond what I’ve mentioned. She’s flipped on the border, flopped on single payer healthcare, flip-flopped on fracking and so many other issues but her low-info voters don’t know about that because the propagandists won’t tell them about the flip-flops.

And how is Kamala’s campaign going?

Not so good. For better than a month and a half, her handlers kept her cloistered away from the press, and she and her handlers did everything they could think of to distance her from Joe Biden’s four year long disaster, but just over a week ago, they sent Kamala out on a string of interviews. It did not go well.

To be clear, every interview was a softball interview with friendly to Kamala hosts like Howard Stern, the View and 60 Minutes, but she was completely lost in all of them. For instance, on 60 Minutes, even though the questions were friendly, and it’s a certainty she knew the questions before the interview, she was Word-Salad Kammi all the way through. In fact, when Face the Nation played a clip on Sunday, it was correspondent Bill Whitaker asking why it seemed like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t listening to the United States. Kamala’s response: “Well Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by, or a result of, many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.”

Okay…whatever that means, but when the interview aired on 60 Minutes on Monday, the same question, why it seemed like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t listening to the United States was answered by Kamala this way: “We are not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end.”

Low-info voters don’t know the difference because they’re as vacuous as is Kamala Harris, but what it means is that the interview was heavily edited and Kamala was given at least a second chance to answer the question. When the glaring difference went public, Kamala’s handlers handled it by saying, “We do not control CBS’s production decisions and refer questions to CBS.” Really? Then why did CBS cut the word salad answer and replace it with something from earlier in the interview? Remember, CBS is Kamala friendly, so it sure seems to me that Kamala’s handlers begged for the edit after realizing how nonsensical the original answer was, and CBS agreed.

Over on The View, a friendlier venue one could not imagine, she was asked by co-host Sunny Hostin, “If anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?” My, oh my, her response was something to behold. “There is not a thing that comes to mind.”

That from the vapid fool that has spent the last couple of months trying to distance herself from Biden, and now claims she will fix everything that’s gone horribly wrong during her tenure as VP.

Let’s start with the Afghanistan surrender to the Taliban. Kamala can’t think of a thing she would have done differently. How about when Biden did away with all of Trump’s border policies? Even though she now says she wants a wall, more money for ICE and deportations…she just can’t think of anything she would have done differently. How about Inflation caused by the Biden’Harris regime printing and spending money like drunken sailors in a whore house? Nope…she can’t think of a thing she would have done differently.

East Palestine, Ohio? Giving away FEMA funds to illegal aliens? Nope. Kamala Harris just can’t think of a single thing she would have done differently…INCLUDING picking an ABJECT IDIOT as a running mate, and her low-info voters don’t see the problem with that because they’ve been told by the propagandists that all of Joe’s policies are spectacular, liquid-gold covered lolliops.

Of course, not all democrat voters are low-info voters, and in a recent interview after Kamala’s disastrous interview blitz, political analyst Mark Halperin said, “In the conversations I’m having with Trump people and Democrats with data, they are extremely bullish on Trump’s chances in the last 48 hours. Extremely bullish.” Hmmm…democrats with data huh? Those would be high-info voters. Voters who make up their own minds based on what they see, and hear for themselves. Voters to whom real-world experiences like crime, border insecurity, world-stage disasters, inflation and the erosion of our rights have more of an impact than anything the propagandists tell them.

Halperin said people on both sides of the political aisle familiar with the polls have told him they’ve seen Vice President Kamala Harris’ electoral prospects slip, and that they’re leaning towards a Trump victory being in the cards.

Kamala Harris is slipping in Wisconsin while Trump is rising. Harris is slipping in Pennsylvania while Trump is rising, and Harris is fading, and might lose Michigan while Trump is rising. How bad is it for Kamala Harris? Well, according to Halprin, “If you want to understand what’s actually happening, we’re here to tell you. I just saw some new private polling today, that’s very robust private polling, she’s in a lot of trouble.” Halprin believes she could end up LOSING every swing state but Nevada at this point…and this point is but three weeks from the election.

Go figure…low-info voters are riding a low-info pony all the way to November 5th while Trump has all the momentum of Secretariat at the 1973 Belmont Stakes.

It’s a horse race, and the giggling nag just can’t understand why she’s losing ground.

That’s the bottom line.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Election 2024…Hopefully Not 2020 Revisited.


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Next, Tuesday, October 1st from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss Election 2024…Hopefully NOT 2020 Revisited’; ‘Kamala’s Low-Info Appeal’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on https://rspradio1.com Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST 

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