Hillary’s Frustration Is…Understandable

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

According to liberals like Felicia Duncan of Sharonville, Ohio, a donor to Sherrod Brown who is running for an Ohio senate seat, Trump is the reason people are trying to shoot Trump. “The former president, Donald Trump, brings a lot of this stuff on himself,” Duncan wrote in a letter a day after the second attempt on Trump’s life. Duncan said, “…why should the American people continue to put out extra millions for protection that is only needed because the former president can’t keep from lying and bringing these issues on himself?” It’s the same crap we hear from the mainstream propagandist media.

That’s known as “projection,” which is where those actually egging on the violence with their rhetoric try to shift their own misdeeds to the target of their hatred.

It’s been more than eight years that throughout the 24/7 news cycle, the mainstream propagandists and elected liberals have been laser-focused on hating Donald Trump, and using their propaganda to urge others to hate him as well. It’s been non-stop. It’s fake news…propaganda…and people on the fringe of society, people like Thomas Matthew Crooks, or Ryan Wesley Routh who are vacuous where common sense and strength of character are concerned and highly prone to suggestion, can be easily manipulated and thus brainwashed into believing they are chosen to rid the world of the target of the propagandists.

Directly after news of the second attempt on Trump’s life broke, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries posted a message to X demanding supporters “stop” the “extreme MAGA Republicans.” It’s nothing new, liberal/Marxists have been calling for violence since the day Donald Trump announced he was running back in 2015.

Just two days after the latest attempt to kill President Trump, Fox News’ Peter Doocy ask White House propagandist Karine Jean Pierre, “How many more assassination attempts on Donald Trump until the president and vice president and you pick a different word to describe Trump, other than ‘threat?’” KJP responded by telling Doocy that the question was “incredibly dangerous” because Americans were watching. So…it’s incredibly dangerous to ask the question, but it’s NOT incredibly dangerous to keep telling Americans that Trump is an existential danger?

KJP wasn’t done however, and she went on to state, “I mean, and we have at the same time denounced political violence over and over, denounce political rhetoric over and over and over again. Over and over again!”

Oh, really?

And what of the time that Joe Biden told donors that it was “time to put Trump in the bulls-eye.” How about the time when House liberal/Marxist, Dan Goldman said THIS…

It’s sure is good to know that calling for Trump to “be eliminated” isn’t dangerous. And how about Kamala Harris, during the 2020 summer of love, “mostly peaceful” riots where cities were burning, cops were under attack, businesses were being looted and destroyed and people were being killed, when she called for MORE such riots?

And then, there was this…Kamala Harris on the Ellen show, cackling and laughing about killing Trump.

Trust me, I’m just scratching the surface, and were I to try and add videos from the past 9 years regarding the hateful and dangerous rhetoric spewed by talking heads in the mainstream liberal, propagandist media, we might be here for years.

So, are the liberal Marxists aware that their hateful rhetoric towards President Trump can incite those who they have indoctrinated to take action? I believe they are, and that’s why they do it. Remember, we’re talking about the very people who insist that when President Trump told people at a rally on January, 6th, 2021 to “peacefully and patriotically” march to the capitol and let their voices be heard, he was INCITING an INSURRECTION. Yet they claim that a nine year long barrage of rhetoric calling Trump everything from Hitler to the devil, and pounding into the narrative 24/7 through their propagandist news cycle that Trump is an existential threat to “democracy” America and the entire world has no effect on their brain-numbed masses is laughable.

The day after the 2nd attempt on Trump’s life, Hillary Clinton told Rachel Maddow this: “The press is still not able to cover Trump the way that they should. They careen from one outrage to the next … I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is. You know, the late great journalist Harry Evans, one time said that journalists should, you know, really try to achieve objectivity, and by that, he said, I mean they should cover the object.Well, the object in this case is Donald Trump. His demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world. And stick with it.”

Hillary’s frustration is…understandable… she’s never had this much trouble having somebody killed before, but to claim that the liberal, propaganda media hasn’t stepped up to the plate and been consistent in trying to incite violence against President Trump shows the depth of the left’s Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It’s staggering. So, how does this play out?

Let’s take Thomas Matthew Crooks, and Ryan Routh as our examples. Crooks was a 20 year old moron who hated Donald Trump, and was shot by a sniper for his efforts with the bullet entering the left side of his mouth, and exiting through his right ear. The bad news was there was no opportunity to interrogate the moron. The good news was that the waxy buildup in his right ear was dislodged.

Routh on the other hand is still able to fog a mirror and why he tried to do what he tried to do is pretty clear. He too is a liberal moron, and hates Donald Trump. How do we know he’s a liberal moron? Because he had a Biden/Harris bumper sticker on the back of his work truck.

That’s more than a red flag…that’s a cry for help.

If there’s one thing we know about liberal morons, it’s that they seem to be highly susceptible to suggestion. I suspect that if you were to tell 10 liberal morons that it’s a good idea to drive drunk at 100mph, at a minimum, 8 of them would do it, which accounts for why our nation’s cemeteries are littered with liberal morons who still vote democrat, and strewn with intelligent Republicans who became their victims…who are also now voting democrat.

This guy, Ryan Wesley Routh seems to have other things in common with the Butler, Pennsylvania shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks. Both seem to have existed on the fringes of society, both seem to have been at least a half a bubble off plumb, and there’s something else…both seem to have been self-radicalized in some way. Both believed that Trump needed to be killed, but the question is why?

It’s because they are taking their marching orders from elected liberals, and their propagandists in the media. They hear it day and night. They’ve heard it non-stop for the past 9 years, and fringe-dwelling liberal morons are simply acting on what they hear as a call to duty.

As Karine Jean Pierre said, “It’s dangerous, because Americans are watching,” and let’s be completely honest here, only liberal morons are watching the 24/7/365 propaganda spewed by the liberal mainstream media. To put a finer point on it, not only are garden variety liberal morons watching…so too are the fringe-dwelling liberal morons like Crooks and Routh. When they hear the talking heads of the liberal propaganda spreaders, and the pie-holes of the liberal/Marxists for who they vote calling Trump Hitler, an existential threat, a dictator, a racist and pure evil…when they hear their heroes advocating violence, saying that Trump should be beaten up, or ELIMINATED…they quickly begin to see themselves as the answer to their hero’s problems.

The proof that the ilk of Crooks and Routh are abject fringe-dwelling liberal morons is a lesson taught by history. John Wilkes thought he would be regarded as a hero, and so too did Lee Harvey Oswald, and Sirhan B. Sirhan. I’m not interested in any conspiracy theories here so can it before you start, but things didn’t work out for them, it clearly didn’t work out very well for Matthew Crooks (except for the ear wax removal) and it’s not going to go very well for Routh either.

So, here’s the real question…do the libral/Marxists really believe that Trump’s call for people to march “peacefully and patriotically” to the capitol was incitement to an insurrection, but their calls to “eliminate” Trump, and their non-stop propaganda chants that he’s Hitler and an existential threat to the world are benign?


They absolutely know that Trump did nothing to call for an “insurrection” AND they absolutely know that their own hateful rhetoric and calls FOR violence ARE extremely dangerous, but just haven’t yet produced the desired outcome. That’s why they’re not letting up, but RAMPING up their hate-filled rhetoric while denying they have anything to do with it.

Not every democrat is a liberal moron, and not every liberal moron is a fringe-dweller, but they’re playing the odds while claiming that they are opposed to violence and especially to political violence because they 100% believe that voters are stupid and won’t catch on to what they’re trying to accomplish.

The only thing to which Donald Trump is an existential danger, is to Obama’s “Fundamental transformation of America” into a Marxist authoritarian third world country.

That’s the bottom line.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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