Kamala’s Say Anything Strategy

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Just over a week ago, Bernie Sanders said the quiet part out loud during an NBC interview. When asked about Kamala Harris and her obvious policy flip-flopping, Sanders provided an honest assessment that the Trump campaign should pounce upon.

Here’s the question posed by NBC anchor Kristen Welker: “She has previously supported Medicare-For-All, now she does not. She’s previously supported a ban on fracking, now she does not. These, senator, are ideas that you have campaigned on. Do you think she is abandoning her progressive ideals?”

To be perfectly clear, when Welker used the term “progressive ideals,” she was using liberal code for “socialist ideals.” Welker asked the question of Bernie Sanders who is proudly…a socialist.

Here was Bernie’s answer: “No, I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals. I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election.”

Now then, let’s look at how Kamala Harris answered a very similar question during her CNN infomercial a few weeks ago.

“I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed”

That response to why she is flip-flopping on policy positions combined with Bernie’s response speaks volumes. Both are being honest, and simply hoping that democrat voters are just too bone-crushingly stupid to understand the nearly non-existent curtain between being duped and reality.

When one is in a position of power, or trying to attain a position of power, where policies are concerned, policies are shaped by that person’s political values. The two cannot be divorced from one another. They are not separate entities existing in separate universes. They are one and the same. The person’s political policies are driven by the person’s political values.

So there’s the question…can someone change their political policies without changing their political values? The answer is a simple no, but there is a caveat which must be exposed. One can claim that their policies have changed yet their political values remain unchanged, but that’s nothing more than political slight-of-hand combined with smoke and mirrors.

What we have here, and what Bernie Sanders has confirmed is that Kamala Harris remains a staunch socialist who has NOT altered her political values one iota, but she is CLAIMING a flip-flop in her political policies ONLY because she, the DNC and the liberal elite know that allowing Kamala Harris to run on a socialist policy platform shaped and driven by her core socialist values will be ballot box poison.

Here’s how it works according to Bernie Sanders. Kamala will say anything she needs to say to get elected, and then she’ll follow her socialist values IF she gets elected.

As an example, let’s look at her ever changing border policy and then look at her border values.

A few years ago, Kamala Harris was emphatically against the border wall, calling it Trump’s “vanity project,” and she was a staunch advocate for amnesty for illegal aliens, abolishing ICE AND decriminalizing illegal border crossings. NOW, she claims to WANT a border wall, wants to increase funding to ICE and says she’ll prosecute illegal border crossers. That’s the flip-flop on her political policy she needs to appeal to voters BUT…last week Kamala Harris is calling for bipartisan congressional action to restructure immigration policy INCLUDING an “earned pathway to citizenship.”

An “earned pathway to citizenship” is liberal or socialist code for…AMNESTY for illegal aliens, thus making them American citizens so that they will vote for the party that provides them with housing, cash, free education, free healthcare and down payments for their own homes.

Those are her true political values.

With that in mind, let’s look at Kamala Harris’ policy regarding healthcare. For years, she’s been a staunch advocate for Medicare for All, and even co-sponsored the Bernie Sanders bill aimed at exactly that. She has said, on tape, that individual private health insurance should be completely done away with and replaced by “Medicare for All.” She then claimed what she really wants is a slow transition over ten years to a system that includes expanding Medicare access to all Americans and that would automatically enroll newborns and the uninsured, allowing doctors time to enter the system and help employers choose from federally designated programs while ALSO allowing Americans to purchase private healthcare if that’s what they wanted.

Here’s the problem…once Medicare for All is implemented, even as a slow roll out, the cost of private insurance will skyrocket due to decreased demand AND if she were to have her socialist way at the border…from where do you think amnestied illegal aliens will get their healthcare…from private insurance companies that nobody will be able to afford? Nope, newly minted and amnestied “Americans” will be on Medicare for All, and taxes WILL skyrocket to pay for it all.

That’s the socialist dream, that’s Kamala Harris’ true political values front and center. The GOVERNMENT knows better than you, the GOVERNMENT will make your healthcare decisions FOR you, and the GOVERNMENT will relieve you of more and more of YOUR money to pay for new Amnestied “American citizens.”

Remember, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor?” Remember, “If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance?” It sure seems as though Kamala’s true political values are exactly the same as Obama’s core political values, and given that fact, there is absolutely NO reason to believe that IF elected, Kamala Harris will angle toward ANYTHING short of her 100% true socialist values regardless of how she tries to mask those values in the attempt to get elected.

How about Kamala vs. Kamala on energy?

For years, Kamala Harris has been a staunch advocate for the green new deal, a staunch advocate for electric vehicle mandates, and a staunch advocate for banning fracking. She’s on video being very firm on all of those things as those are directly in line with her socialist values. Her POLICIES on the other hand, are flipping and flopping. NOW Kamala claims she does NOT want a ban on fracking. Why, because Pennsylvania is a big fracking state and she knows if she fails to carry Pennsylvania, she fails to get elected. Now she claims she doesn’t want an electric vehicle mandate. Why? Because such a mandate will destroy jobs in Michigan, and she needs Michigan.

Remember, the stated policies are fungible, but her core socialist or Marxist values have not changed, so she’ll say anything to get the votes, and then she’ll simply pivot back to her unchanged socialist or Marxist values IF she’s elected.

So, how does the Kamala flip-flop  play out when she’s directly confronted with her own policies? It depends on who you ask. In last week’s debate, the ABC moderators were decidedly pro Kamala, and that’s no surprise. It was also no surprise that they never bothered to press Kamala on either her flipping, or flopping. Yes, they asked her about it, and Kamala began her answer with, “I’ll go through the whole list…” and then…she didn’t.

The mainstream media propagandists were going to declare Kamala Harris as the winner of the debate no matter what, so long as she didn’t freeze up like old Joe Biden did, and they did, because she didn’t. For a more objective view, a tougher, harder to win opinion was needed, and Bret Hume from Fox News always fits that description. Hume also declared Harris as the debate winner, but remember, so-called “political experts” are always quite fond of their own opinions and rarely ever look at things through the lens of non-experts.

During the debate, a Fox News focus group consisting of seven Democrats, five independents and five Republicans…VOTERS, not experts, used their dials to score the candidates in real time, and to be quite blunt about it, they weren’t buying the crap Kamala was selling. Every time Trump talked about the situation at the border, the independent voters went with Trump over Kamala. Every time Trump talked about crime, the independents went with Trump, not Kamala. On the economy, the independent voters went with Trump…not Kamala. In fact, Lee Carter, pollster and president of Maslansky + Partners, said, “Independents are tracking very much with Republicans. They’re looking for a couple of things. They’re looking for answers on immigration, they’re looking for answers on the economy. They want to hear that things will get better for them and they also want change from what is happening right now. One of the most important things they were looking for last night from Kamala Harris is how are you going to make it different?”

And there’s the rub. Kamala Harris SAYS she’s going to make things different…different from the way things are now, which follows her Marxist values, by flip-flopping her policy positions to more moderate or in some cases, to Trump’s policies, but the all-important independent voters simply do NOT believe her. Further evidence that voters don’t trust Kamala, and for good reason, came from another notoriously liberal outlet, Reuters, who stated after the debate that 6 out of 10 undecided voters from their focus group were going with Trump, 3 with Harris and 1 remained undecided.

Now then, you can’t get too much more left wing than CNN, and they ran an instant poll right after the debate. Now, before the debate, on the economy, Kamala’s flip-flops had Trump up over Kamala by 53%-37%, but AFTER the debate, once CNN viewers had a chance to hear Kamala in her own words, those same folks being polled INCREASED Trump’s lead on the topic to Trump 55%, Kamala Harris 35%. That’s a four point shift in Trump’s favor on arguably the most important issue to voters…who is better at handling the economy.

Finally, if Kamala Harris lost the debate, and she did, where did she lose it? On the very first question, “Do you believe people are better off today than they were four years ago?” Harris had to ignore the question, and pivot to her pretend biography because an honest answer would have exposed her true, core values. It was when she dodged that question that she lost the debate, because it was at that point…she lost the independent and undecided voters.

She followed that obvious dodge by dodging on border questions, inflation questions, foreign policy questions and every policy question put to her, and those who will decide this election, the independent and undecided voters weren’t buying the crap Harris was selling. Those important voters went into that debate knowing exactly what to expect from Donald Trump, and came out of it knowing exactly what to expect from Kamala Harris because they have lived through four years of both candidate’s policies.

Regardless of what Kamala Harris claims as policy positions today, as both she and Bernie Sanders have said, her values haven’t changed and voters know that values are the foundation of political policies and Kamala Harris has decidedly Marxist values.

That’s the bottom line.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Misplaced Anger.


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 17th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Misplaced Anger’; ‘Kamela’s Say Anything Strategy’and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on https://rspradio1.com Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST.

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