Commie Kamala’s Campaign is Crumbling

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Now, with less than two months to go before election day, or during election months depending on what blue state in which you dwell, it seems that the honeymoon period for Kamala Harris has come to an end.

Oh sure, the propagandists of the mainstream media are still trying to prop her up, just as they tried to prop up Joe Biden before they were told to no longer bother, but things just aren’t looking real good now for the candidate who was handed her party’s nomination without ever winning so much as a single vote.

Harris has been the Marist party’s nominee for more than 50 days, and she has yet to hold a press conference, she has yet to post her policy positions on her campaign website, and she has yet to do a single interview. Oh, sure…she did that thing on CNN a couple of weeks ago, but let’s just be honest here. If it’s not live, but taped and edited, it’s not an interview…it’s a production level infomercial.

There she sat, next to her emotional support puppy, you know, the one that keeps peeing on the carpet, being peppered with softball questions and little to no follow-up by Dana Bash. Harris was seated further from the camera than was Tampon Tim, and in a seat that sure seemed lower, making Harris look like a kid at the grown-up table. Harris did her level best not to provide any direct answers, and beamed lovingly at Tampon Tim every time he was asked to speak.

She was just thrilled when a question was directed at her puppy so she could take a break from trying to remember what she had been scripted to say.

What we learned regarding Harris’ policies during that infomercial was that while her policy positions have been doing 180’s, her “values” have not changed, but she was neither asked, nor did she volunteer to explain either how that can happen, nor what “values” she has. We found out more about what she had for breakfast with her rent-a-nieces than we did about where she intends to go on the issues.

The Harris campaign was hoping that the democrat farce of a convention would give her a bump, but it didn’t, and they were hoping that the CNN infomercial would give her a boost, but it didn’t. I suspect the infomercial was the end of the honeymoon and things are now sliding down hill.

Harris was handed Tampon Tim Walz as a running mate, and that’s not looking like a very good idea. Walz is a proven liar where his military record is concerned, and his excuse for going AWALZ on his men right before being deployed to a war zone, and his claim that he carried weapons IN a war zone, along with the lies he’s told for decades regarding his DUI arrest, AND his false claim to have received some award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce have all been exposed to the light of day.

And what’s Tampon Tim’s excuse for telling such lies for decades? He says he sometimes uses bad grammar.

In Minnesota, the state Walz allowed to burn during the 2020 riots so that his wife could open the windows and smell the flaming tires and businesses, Tampon Tim’s inclusion on the ticket seems to be backfiring. Before Timmy was on the ticket, Kamala had a 10 point lead in Minnesota over Trump. WITH Walz on the ticket, her lead is down to 5 points, and shrinking.

Harris is just now learning what everybody has known all along, she can’t connect to people. In an obtuse effort to change that fact, Kamala has taken to adopting a southern accent when speaking to people in the south, but that’s not working either. She was born in the socialist republic of Berkley, California, not in Oakland as she and her campaign claims, and she spent a good deal of her childhood growing up in Canada. Neither her father, a Jamacan, nor her mother, from India,  had a southern accent, and Kamala sure as hell didn’t pick it up in California, or in Canada, so it’s a fake.

Last week, while in Detroit, Kamala Harris whipped up her fake southern accent while lying to a small crowd of people. That’s blue collar Detroit, Michigan…and Berkley born, Canada raised Kamala sounded like a southern Baptist revival preacher as she drawled out, “You better thank a union member for the five-day work week,” You better thank a union member for sick leave. You better thank a union member for paid leave. You better thank a union member for vacation time.”

Outside of the clearly obvious, how do we know the accent is as much of a fraud as is Kamala Harris? Because, when she gave the same speech in Pittsburgh…the accent wasn’t there…at all.

So, Tampon Tim isn’t helping Kamala, and the fake southern Baptist preacher routine isn’t working either. What else is falling apart in the Kamala campaign?

Well, her long-held policy planks like being against fracking, hating the idea of a border wall, her cosponsoring of Medicaid for all and her tirades against cops and ICE weren’t getting her any traction so while she claims her “values” haven’t changed, she has taken to adopting Trump’s policies as her own. It started when, two months after Trump said he would do away with taxes on tips, Kamala announced her fresh, new idea…to do away with taxes on tips.

After that, Kamala…again without changing her “values’ decided to change her policy and viola, just like Trump, she’s now in FAVOR of fracking.

After that, and after YEARS of being decidedly AGAINST having a border wall, calling it Trump’s “vanity project,” Kamala’s is now telling small crowds that she WANTS a border wall, and after YEARS of wanting to defund cops, and abolish ICE, Kamala suddenly wants to INCREASE funding to cops, and EXPAND ICE.

For the past 4 years, Kamala Harris has been a vocal champion of her and Joe Biden’s economic policies that have led to sky-high inflation, skyrocketing consumer debt, and interest rates so high no average American can afford to buy a house. NOW, Kamala says, if elected, she’ll FIX the economy…she’ll FIX the economy she help to create, and the economy she has been a vocal champion of for the past 4 years.

Here’s just one clear example of Kamala flip flopping, and trying to cover her ass in the process with regard to her policy of “Medicaid For All.”

Here’s Kamala debating herself regarding the economy…

On the border…then…and NOW…

Once you see the videos, you get the picture.

But just how poorly is the Harris campaign going right now? Well, she has become so desperate that she has invited the crusty old dementia-ridden sand crab, Joe Biden out to campaign with her. That’s correct, she covered for his mental train wreck for three and a half years before she obviously struck a deal to replace him on the ticket when the inside coup against Joe Biden removed him from the ticket, and now, she has the guy that nobody wanted because he was too daft to run campaigning for her.

Last week, in Pennsylvania, Joe, while campaigning for Kamala, told the audience that his great grandfather may have been a Molly McaGuire…a member of an Irish immigrant mob of domestic terrorists who used to beat the hell out of Irish Catholics in the coal mines.

Biden started off by stating, “I remember when my great-grandfather was only the second Catholic elected statewide in the state Senate here in Pennsylvania. And I remember they talked about — when they’d run against him in 1906 — they said, ‘Guess what? He’s a Molly Maguire.’”

Okay, so the crusty crab “REMEMBERS” when…in 1906…and “REMEMBERS” when they talked about it…which would make Joe Biden at least 118 years old, and you can add a few years to that for him to have “REMEMBERED” conversations. This from a guy who can’t remember what day it is.

Then Joe said that his family was “DAMNED DISAPOINTED” when they discovered that great grandpa WASN’T a domestic terrorist. I suppose we should all be grateful that Biden’s great grandpa, Edward F. Blewitt, wasn’t eaten by cannibals like his uncle Bosey was.

Biden will be making “campaign” stops in several swing states like, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, trying to rally support from “core constituencies with whom he has a long relationship”- dead voters…who voted for him in 2020., but that’s not all. Apparently, the Harris campaign is trying to find ways that Joe can help with fundraising over the next few months.

How desperate do you have to be to pin your fundraising hopes on the guy who got his fundraising CUT OFF by big donors because he was too unfit to run?

Here’s the big takeaway…who is riding on Kamala’s coattails?


With every democrat in the House, and key democrat seats up for grabs in the Senate, with all sorts of democrats running for state elections…NOBODY is rushing to ride on Kamala’s coattails…but Kamala is jumping on the coattails of the guy that got himself THROWN off the ticket in a COUP.

That’s like buying a ticket on the Titanic AFTER it hit the iceberg.

While the Trump/Vance ticket has done 36 interviews since Kamala was anointed as the liberal/Marxist candidate, the Kamala/ AWALZ ticket has done just one infomercial.

As the Trump train is gaining both speed and momentum, commie Kamala’s campaign is crumbling.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article “Moving Forward”…A Continuing Disaster


Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 10th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Moving Forward…A Continuing Disaster‘; ‘Commie Kamala’s Campaign is Crumbling’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST.

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