The Secret Service Strikes Again

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

So, on the heels of the absolute failure of the U.S. Secret Service in Butler, Pennsylvania, where President Trump was shot in the ear, we now know that the situation, or culture at the U.S. Secret Service has hit rock bottom.

Just a week ago, we found out that while in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in Berkshire County, the U.S. Secret Service was providing “security” for Kamala Harris at the “Border Czar’s” rally. A local salon owner, Alicia Powers says that the Secret Service literally BROKE INTO her place of business.

Powers says that rather than dealing with the hassle of trying to run her business that day, what with all the so-called “security” measures up and down the street, and the Kamala Harris event taking place right across the street from her shop, she decided it was best to just close the salon for the day and re-open the next. That makes sense. It would have been a fair bet that most people in the area, close to the event, were either going to, or coming from it, trying to negotiate their way through the mess that always accompanies such an event, and had little time, or inclination to have their hair done.

So…Powers locked things up and stayed home that day, only to have her salon’s security going off over and over again, sending her alerts on her phone. You see, Alicia Powers had a Ring Doorbell on her shop. The doorbell has a built-in video camera that sends live images to her phone and that damned thing was lighting up like a Christmas tree.

Apparently, some asshat with the Secret Service waltzed up to the door of Alicia Powers’ salon, PUT A PIECE OF TAPE OVER THE RING DOORBELL CAMERA, and then proceeded to gain entry, even though the door was locked…and for the next 2 HOURS…the Secret Service USED THE BATHROOM in her salon.


Which begs the question…WHAT DID THEY EAT???

Well, we know, because Alicia Powers discovered it, that after to breaking into her salon and using the bathroom FOR 2 HOURS…they ate all the mints in the bowl on the front counter, and left the salon in a complete mess.

Yep…while the application of air freshener remains undetermined, they used the porcelain throne, but eventually left with minty-fresh breath.

It’s also been reported that according to an emergency medical person who was a witness to the situation, the U.S. Secret Service Officer “In Charge” was actually telling others to “come in and use the bathroom.” In fact, a security cam INSIDE the salon recorded 4 other people inside the salon over a one-hour stretch.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, or in this case a law enforcement professional, and for the record…I am neither…to know that laws were broken here. First, breaking and entering is a crime. Second, putting tape over a security camera constitutes tampering with evidence. Third, there’s the whole trespassing aspect to this and I’m reasonably sure a case could also be made for burglary, and theft related to the mints and of course…the toilet paper, but all of this also brings up yet another very important question…where were those Secret Service yahoos SUPPOSED to be?

I believe it should go without saying that the one place they should NOT have been was inside of Alicia Powers’ Four One Three Salon at 54 Wendell Ave. in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

Were they supposed to be at the Harris event venue diligently scanning the tens of people who attended? Were they supposed to be outside monitoring those coming and or going to and from the event? Were they part of a crowd control detail, which in the case of a Kamala Harris event on July 27th in Pittsfield would have required preventing jay-walking?

To be fair, reportedly “thousands” of people showed up to gawk at the then presumptive nominee for the democrat ticket for which none of them actually voted, and the venue held roughly 800 people, but Kamala Harris IS the Vice Resident, and as the Vice Resident she does have a security detail provided by the U.S. Secret Service. Just imagine the chaos should something horrible happen to Kamala Harris, leaving the liberal Marxist ticket, by necessity, not by choice, to reinstate Joe Biden as the nominee thus wiping out a well-orchestrated coup.

None-the-less, the question remains…what in THE hell was the Secret Service doing hanging out in a salon other than using the bathroom and eating mints for two hours? Perhaps the sidewalk outside the salon had a slight slope to it, which we know all-too-well is highly problematic, if not downright dangerous for the Secret Service. Far more dangerous in fact than standing on a patio chair in order to reach a security camera for the purpose of placing a piece of tape over said camera.

Kim Cheatle, who guarded Cheetos for PepsiCo before becoming the Director of the U.S. Secret Service had already resigned in disgrace by the time potty-gate took place, but it was her hires, or at the very least, agents she supposedly had control of that broke into that salon on the 27th of July. Either the now Acting Director, Ronald L. Rowe, Jr. was in charge that day, or the ship was rudderless, but still…what in THE hell was going on.

Had DEI so taken over the Secret Service that they believed it to be a matter of equity and diversity to hire, or promote agents with weak bladders, irritable bowel syndrome and halitosis to positions of guarding high-level protectees over agents, who via merit and hard work had shown themselves to not need to pee, poop and partake of breath mints belonging to others for the duration of a 2-3 hours post on duty?

Trump, in Butler, Pennsylvania had the C or D team that couldn’t find a guy with a gun on a roof 150 yards from the podium even after being told about the shooter more than an hour before the attempt on President Trump’s life. One would think that Kamala Harris, being the Vice Resident, would have had the B team in Pittsfield, Massachusetts…a team that would have been smart enough to take a leak BEFORE being sent into the field, and smart enough to have stayed away from the Dr. Pepper…which by the way is just as accredited as a Doctor as is Dr. Jill.

Joe Biden of course gets the A team from the United States Secret Service, and we know this because to date, despite spending more time on beaches in Delaware than in the White House, not a single sand crab has crawled up his Bermuda shorts and pinched him on the balls.

The event in question took place on July 27th, but didn’t become public knowledge until August 10th, so too much time had elapsed for liberals to try and claim it wasn’t just Trump in danger to try and shift focus away from the assassination attempt in Butler. Naturally, the first inclination of the Secret Service on August 11th, the day after the story went public, was to deny they had anything to do with the break-in at the salon. USSS spokeswoman Melissa McKenzie said in a statement, “The U.S. Secret Service works closely with our partners in the business community to carry out our protective and investigative missions. We hold these relationships in the highest regard and our personnel would not enter, or instruct our partners to enter, a business without the owner’s permission.”

That’s the U.S. Secret Service lying again, and we know this because, according to the salon owner, Alicia Powers, the Secret Service’s Boston office has apologized on behalf of the agency. Powers has also stated that the person she spoke with at the Secret Service confirmed that the woman who taped over the Ring camera at about 8:12 a.m. July 27 WAS WITH THE SECRET SERVICE AGENCY.. Powers has also related that the Secret Service has offered to pay to have the salon cleaned AND pay for any damages, and also pay for the business’ private alarm bill “because it was going off for so long.” 

The next thing you know, the Secret Service will be taking naps while on duty, or leaving their post to breastfeed their baby. Oh wait…we’ve discovered that they’ve done BOTH those things already.

It’s now been more than a month since the attempt on the life of President Trump and the lack of answers, compounded by obvious lies and nonsense finger-pointing by the U.S. Secret Service has given rise to any number of conspiracy theories, many centered on the question of how a 20 year old punk could have possibly outsmarted the Secret Service. I’ll go back to my commentary on July, 20th, under the title of “The Secret Service Dumpster Fire,” where I stated, that little turd did NOT out-smart the United States Secret Service. The Secret Service out-dumbed the little turd.”

Here’s the thing…you can’t both deny your agency was involved AND apologize FOR being involved, especially when there’s VIDEO of your agency being involved. We’re talking about what is SUPPOSED to be THE most well-funded and elite security agency on the PLANET, and apparently they have no idea how a consumer-level video doorbell works.

Here’s a hint…by the time you climb onto a patio chair to put tape over the camera…IT’S TOO LATE…your image has already been captured.

In my opinion, the Ring Doorbell company ought to use what happened at the Four One Three Salon in Pittsfield, Massachusetts…Alicia Powers’ salon, in their next advertising campaign.

“Not even the Secret Service can evade the security provided by Ring Doorbells…get one today.”

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 13th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discussTim Walz…A Dystopian VP Nightmare’; ‘The Secret Service Strikes Again’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST.

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