The Internal Insurrection

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

The internal insurrection has been achieved. The same party of liberal Marxists who have for years been falsely claiming that President Trump led an insurrection on January 6th, 2021, who has for years falsely claimed that Republicans want to suppress the voters and disenfranchise voters has done exactly that…to their OWN voters

With Joe Biden’s statement, on the social media platform “X” announcing that he was ending his bid for re-election and ending his 2024 campaign, The liberal elite, and the liberal donor class coupled with a growing number of elected liberals became successful in a coup against their own voters.

Supposedly, Joe Biden got 81 million votes in 2020, although in the 2024 primary, he only got 14 million votes and ended his campaign at the insistence of those being led by his puppet master, Barack Hussein Obama. Was it Biden’s piss-poor showing in the June 27th debate? Remember, we were all told BEFORE that debate just how vibrant, vital and mentally sharp Biden was. While that surely played a part in the culmination of the internal insurrection, I suggest it was something else that capped it off.

Joe Biden’s job approval ratings are in the low to mid 30 percent range, and national polls showed him losing…BIG…to President Trump in November. This wasn’t just about Joe Biden’s cognitive decline…this was orchestrated because Joe Biden had become election night poison. He couldn’t…wouldn’t win on November 5th, and the internal insurrection was about power…nothing but maintaining power for the puppet master.

So…14 million democrat voters have had their votes nullified. Their votes simply don’t matter to the liberal elite, or to Barack Hussein Obama, and I believe that the June 27th debate was a set-up. Never before had a presidential debate been held so early in the process. It was unprecedented, but I believe that Obama and the liberal elite, along with the mainstream liberal media knew full-well that Biden would crash and burn in that debate. They ALL knew Biden couldn’t handle it, and they intentionally set the date to provide a visible excuse for their pre-planned, orchestrated internal insurrection.

The liberal machine teased their voters with the possibility of a “mini primary,” which would have consisted of a couple of pretend debates or townhall events from which a nominee would be chosen, but that didn’t happen. Several names were floated through the liberal media, but none of them stepped forward. Then, within 24 hours of Biden’s “X” notice that he would no longer be running…Kamala Harris had locked up all the delegate necessary for her to be anointed as the new Obama puppet.

Are you getting it yet democrat voters? You’re not being ASKED to vote for Kamala Harris…you’re being TOLD to vote for Kamala Harris.

Let me put a finer point on it for democrat voters…YOU can’t be trusted to select an appropriate candidate. YOU can’t be TRUSTED to pick your party’s nominee because YOU might pick someone who doesn’t want to be Obama’s puppet.

The liberal mainstream media which just six months ago, was questioning Kamala’s ability to remain on the ticket, and saying she was a drag on the party, is now heaping their praises upon Kamala, and telling you that she will be an exceptional leader.

The liberal media is gaslighting democrat voters at the direction of the puppet master.

Let’s not forget that Kamala Harris was a willing and gleeful participant in the internal insurrection. Kamala Harris, who worked with and saw Joe Biden nearly every day…KNEW he was a cognitive disaster, but she trotted up to mics and cameras time and time again to tell the world that Joe Biden was razor sharp, energetic, and could run circles around everyone.

Kamala Harris was the highest ranking member of the coup that took part in covering up the reality of Joe Biden for nearly four years, but what else has she done? She was the border czar…how did that go? She is now the AI czar, and she probably can’t even spell AI.

When the Biden 2024 campaign went dead from the neck up, Joe had a dismal 36% job approval rating, and Kamala’s job approval rating was a dismal 38%. Putting a finer point on it is the fact that in the 2020 race, Kamala was forced to drop out before the first primary or caucus having absolutely ZERO support, and not garnering even a single delegate.

Now, four years on, she is seen as a do and done nothing Vice President. She speaks in word salads, she cackles uncontrollably at things that aren’t funny, and she owns each and every Obama policy attributed to Joe Biden. She’s a green energy hoax supporter, she’s an open border supporter, she’s a higher and higher taxation supporter, she hates the cops, she favors the criminals, and she was such a supporter of ANTIFA and BLM riots that she endorsed a bail fund to get them out of jail.

During those riots in 2020, there was more than $2 BILLION dollars in damage done. During those 2020 riots, at least 25 Americans were killed. And because of those riots and the anti-cop sentiment that drove them, in 2020, more than 60,000 police officers were assaulted with at least 33% of them being injured, and in 2020, 46 police officers were killed in the line of duty, many being ambushed by those who ascribed to the same ideals of Kamala Harris.

Yet there sat the now freshly anointed by the liberal elite, Kamala Harris, with a smile on her face saying that those riots would not, and SHOULD not stop.

Indeed, Kamala Harris is not the brightest bulb in politics, but it would be a BIG mistake to make that the centerpiece of talking points against her whether it be for the White House OR the down ticket races. Last week, Townhall’s Guy Benson penned a brilliant piece regarding Kamala Harris’ POLICY stances, and in it, Benson provided links to prove that policies matter.

Here’s part of Benson’t piece: “But thanks to that race, she’s on the record in favor of the defunding police and empowering criminals (a reckless pander that contradicted her only-partially-deserved ‘tough prosecutor’ image), ending private health insurance for 100 million Americans, forcing taxpayers to fund illegal immigrants’ healthcare plans, de-criminalizing illegal immigration, destroying the Senate filibuster to pass the radical $93 trillion ‘Green New Deal,’ and requiring taxpayers to fund elective abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy.  She demanded a conversation about whether terrorists like the Boston Marathon bomber should have the right to vote.  If there was a hardcore left-wing idea in her base’s bloodstream, she ingested it.  She is far to Biden’s left.  His failed policies would have been even worse if she’d gotten her way.  Their administration would have been more openly hostile to Israel.”

That’s just part of it, and to read Guy Benson’s full piece, just click here.

What’s yet to be seen is whether or not Harris will debate Trump in September, and I suspect she will. After Biden’s debate disaster, the liberals will have to have a showing against Trump, face to face, that comes off better, but expect the bar for Harris to set pretty low. If she doesn’t freeze up like Joe did, the liberal media will declare her the winner.

For Trump’s part, he’ll have to keep Harris’ support for the aforementioned policies front and center regardless of the questions he’s asked.

The downside for liberals in a debate, and also throughout what will be a short campaign by Harris, is that voters know they were better off under Trump’s policies that they are in their current situation, and the liberal elite know that there no way for Harris to distance herself from the current policies that have left our economy, our energy independence, and our standing on the world stage in ruin.

On the whole, Harris and liberals face an uphill road, as Harris has no leadership ability, or experience. She was selected, most likely by Obama because she put check marks in a couple of social identity boxes. She’ll dutifully lie about the “Biden/Harris” policies being successful, but voters already see through that charade, and she can’t portray herself as a uniting moderate because that train has long since left the station. People already know they were better off four years ago than they are today, so the prospect of doubling down on already disastrous policies isn’t going to win Harris any friends either.

While President Trump can, and should now make the rest of his campaign all about policies, Harris and the liberals can only focus on Trump, and continue to level false allegations against him. The only other arrows in their quiver are race, and gender, and we’re already seeing that tactic being employed.

We were told by the liberal media last week that mispronouncing Kamala’s name is “racist,” and MSNBC’s Joy Reid chimed in saying that people of color who don’t vote Kamala will ‘look crazy.’ According to Reid, ‘You really going to look crazy being on that side given the cultural phenomenon of Vice President Kamala Devi Harris. She’s about to make history. She’s about to become the first woman president.”

Cultural phenomenon? Really? Notice…nothing about accomplishments, nothing about policies, nothing about leadership abilities, nothing about her positions on any of the radical liberal agenda. Culture…that’s it. Harris checks the “culture” box, and I predict there will be a steady vomiting of that reasoning until November 5th from the left.

Do your own research, and you will find that as a senator, Kamala Harris was further to the left than socialist Bernie Sanders. While she does check certain “culture” boxes, like race and gender, she clearly does NOT check the box marked, “AMERICAN CULTURE.”

The quite possible inclusion of someone like Pete Buttigieg on her ticket, as the new VP candidate would also tick another “culture” box making for a complete DEI ticket for liberals in 2024…merit be damned.

Anyone who votes for Kamala Harris must want more of the same policies, perhaps on steroids that have earned both her, and Joe Biden approval ratings in the 30’s, and for those who claim to be Republicans, who stand against President Trump in 2024, know that your willingness to vote for anyone besides Trump, or not vote for president at all…YOU are HELPING Kamala Harris in November. That’s the bottom line.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article The Statesman’s Address to Congress


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 30th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The Statesman’s Address To Congress’; ‘The Internal Insurrection’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST.

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