A House of Cards On A Foundation of Hoaxes

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

On July 3rd, 2024, the New York Times reported that Joe Biden confided to a “key ally” that he knows he may not be able to win re-election if he cannot convince the American people he is fit to serve after his disastrous debate performance.

How did we get here? We can easily point to the liberal mainstream media as the entity most responsible for the shock in their own voices in the hours after the June 27th debate. How so? Because the liberal mainstream media has been laying a foundation of hoaxes 24/7 going back nearly 16 years.

To fully understand the scope of that foundation, we must step back to see the bigger picture and recognize the hoaxes for what they have been, and remember, that despite what the liberal mainstream media told us, they knew the truth.

Neither Michael Brown nor George Floyd were the heroes who did nothing wrong as the media portrayed them to be. Cops are not systemically racist as the media portrayed them to be. Trayvon Martin wasn’t some nice kid minding his own business as the media portrayed him to be and Kyle Rittenhause wasn’t the white nationalist murderer that the media portrayed HIM to be. The liberal mainstream media portrayals of those people were hoaxes, and they knew it.

Occupy Wall Street was not an organic movement as the media portrayed it to be. Black Lives Matter wasn’t a civil rights movement as the media portrayed it to be. The “summer of love” riots weren’t “mostly peaceful protests” as the media portrayed them to be, and the current pro-Hamas, anti-Israel riots on college campuses aren’t right-wing led events as the media portrays them to be. These are again, more hoaxes of which the liberal mainstream media has always known the truth.

Jeffery Epstein did not kill himself as the media portrayed it, Nicholas Sandman did not harass an Indian on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, people cannot change their gender and they knew those stories were hoaxes as well.

Donald Trump was not a Russian agent, as the media portrayed him to be. Donald Trump did not engage in quid pro quo with Ukraine, as the media portrayed he did. Donald Trump is not racist, as the media portrays him to be. Donald Trump did not lead us into WWIII as the media said he would, his border policies did not break the system as the media said it did, his economic policies created opportunities, brought businesses home from foreign countries, created more jobs, lowered unemployment, and lifted wages for ALL Americans despite media claims to the contrary. The liberal mainstream media knew the truth, but the truth flew in the face of their agenda.

The Steele Dossier was a fake, full of manufactured nonsense contrived by foreign, including Russian agents, bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton, her campaign and the FBI in spite of the media claiming it was real, and the Hunter Biden laptop was REAL, despite the media claiming it was nothing but Russian disinformation.

Joe Biden IS “The Big Guy,” Joe HAS made millions upon millions from his son’s shady business dealings, Joe Biden WAS involved in those shady business deals and Hunter Biden DID lie on his gun application AND did NOT pay his taxes for years in spite of the media telling us he did nothing wrong. More, and more, and more hoaxes perpetrated by the liberal mainstream media.

COVID was a bio-weapon, the gain of function research for it in China WAS funded by Tony Fauci, it DID come from a lab in Wuhan China, masks were useless, the jab was dangerous, and in some cases deadly, social distancing was bogus, hydroxychloroquine worked, and lockdown mandates were draconian. The media knew all of that to be true, but the hoaxes they spread were more dangerous than the virus.

President Trump never called for, nor did anyone participated IN an insurrection on January, 6th, 2021, and neither man-made global warming nor “climate change” are existential threats to humanity, but the liberal mainstream media continues to push both of those hoaxes to this day.

While President Trump was drawing tens of thousands of people to his rallies, Joe was drawing tens of people to his rallies in the 2020 campaign, and he wasn’t being kept in his basement because of COVID.

81 million votes? Give me a break. On election night, “irregularities” kept happening, in key swing states. Crates of ballots were magically “found” in the dead of night. Poll watchers were ushered out of the rooms where votes were being counted by democrat operatives in blue cities, and in blue states. Vote counts for Trump, already on public display suddenly, and inexplicably went down, while numbers for Joe went up, and what did the liberal mainstream media tell us?

There’s nothing to see here…move along. More Hoaxes.

Joe Biden claimed to have been a truck driver, claimed to have had a conversation with an Amtrak Conductor who had died years before the conversation took place, claimed to have had a fight with Corn Pop, and claimed to have watched a bridge collapse…all demonstrable lies the media ignored.

Joe Biden claims to have been in Civil Rights marches he was never in, claims to have been arrested with Nelson Mandella when he never was, claims his son died in a war, when Beau Biden actually died of cancer, and claims that his Uncle Bosey was eaten by cannibals. More demonstrable lies ignored by the liberal mainstream media while laying their foundation of hoaxes.

Joe Biden starts shaking hands with invisible people, can’t find his way off of stages, and claims to have had recent conversations with world leaders who have been dead for, in some cases, decades? The media accused us of making things up.

Joe Biden starts falling down, tripping up the stairs, needs special shoes, looks lost, can’t remember the words to our founding document…”oh you know, the thing,” freezes up on stage, and during speeches, mumbles, bumbles and makes up words. He’s relegated to the short stairs on Air Force One, surrounded by a gaggle of people getting on and off Marine One, walks off the sidewalk and into grass just trying to find his way inside the White House and has to be directed away from people by the EASTER BUNNY and what does the media tell us?

Nothing to see here…move along.

All of these hoaxes, and so many more have been contrived and obediently pushed by the liberal mainstream media for years on behalf of the Puppet Master, Barack Hussein Obama, and the DNC for no reason other than to further Obama’s agenda of the “fundamental transformation of America,” but most recently, that same liberal mainstream media has turned Obama’s puppet, Joe Biden, into a house or cards.

The liberal media claims that the Hur Report was just conjecture on the part of Robert Hur, but they refuse to demand that the audio tape that would show the truth, the truth they KNOW to be the truth, be made public.

Biden starts telling us that inflation was 9% when he took office, when it’s easily provable that it was a 1.4%, and the media excuses it…3 times in one week…as a simple mis-speak.

Eventually, Joe Biden became unable to even read what was in his teleprompter without also reading the stage directions out loud, but according to the media…he’s just fine.

Just a week prior to the debate, as Joe Biden’s mental melt-down became more and more readily apparent, and direct evidence of his steep cognitive decline was on video on a near daily basis…how did the liberal mainstream media react? They trotted White House Press Propagandist, Karine Jean Pierre out to tell the whole world that all of those videos were “cheap fake” videos, manipulated and edited by right wing operatives in an attempt to make Joe Biden look bad. She and the liberal mainstream media told the world that behind closed doors, behind the scenes, Joe Biden is the sharpest guy in any room. They told us that Joe Biden gets more done in an hour than most people can do in a day. They told us all that Joe Biden is NOT in cognitive decline, that he’s in full control, that he’s can out think, out-perform and out do anyone with his razor-sharp, and acute intellect.

That was while Biden was sequestered at Camp David, with 16 aides being prepped for that debate. It took nearly 10 days of being coached by 16 people as to how to talk about the job he had supposedly been doing for the past 3 and a half years? It requires 16 people, 10 days to prepare Joe Biden to talk about what his plans are the next 4 years? To be clear, we learned that part of the job of those 16 people, for 10 days, was to prepare Joe Biden to stay up past his bedtime, and how to STAND UP for 90 minutes.

All the while, the liberal mainstream media regaled us with tales of Joe’s prowess, his stamina, his agility and his mental acuity. Just wait, they said…just wait until the debate and you will all see just how on his game Joe Biden really is.

Just wait…

The Joe Biden created by the liberal mainstream media has been a house of cards built on a foundation of hoaxes.

We waited, and we saw.

Directly after that debate, we saw, and heard the liberal media melt down. They sounded shocked, but they really weren’t…they pretended to be upset over Biden’s debate performance, but that’s not really what had them upset. They were upset…not over what they just saw…they were upset because EVERYBODY saw it, and they knew instantly that their own cover had been blown, and they had been exposed as frauds, and propagandists.

Every one of them, without the permission of the liberal elite, declared Joe Biden shockingly unfit to serve. They had to do that because they all knew the truth all along, and they had to pretend that they were just as shocked as were the viewers they had been duping with their hoaxes for years.

24 hours later, the media told us Joe had a cold the night of the debate. Nearly a week later, Karine Jean Pierre told us he was also jet-lagged.

Monday night after the debate, they pushed Joe out to attack the Supreme Court, and he looked orange. The White House said the room was too brown, but if that caused Joe to look orange, would not he have looked blue, rather than a pallid grey at the debate?

Reports leaked stating that Biden is only “dependably functional” between the hours of 10am, and 4pm., and suddenly 25 congressional democrats were ready to sign  letters demanding Joe drop out of the race.

On July 3rd, in an effort to breathe more life into his campaign than he has in himself. Biden did an interview on a Philadelphia, radio show, HE said HE was “proud” to be “the first black woman to serve with a black president.”

The DNC is in panic mode, and they starting railing against the very liberal mainstream media that helped build the foundation of hoaxes, and built the house of cards that is Joe Biden, with Biden advisor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, accusing liberal editorial boards of “election interference” for telling the truth about Joe Biden and his severe cognitive issues. In other words, if the liberal mainstream media doesn’t willingly continue to participate in the hoaxes, and support the house of cards built upon those hoaxes…they are guilty of election interference.

The liberal media accuses any who question whether or not Biden is in charge, or who is, and my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner and friend, Diane Sori and I have stated clearly from the jump, that Obama is in his 3rd term, that the policies that are destroying the country are Obama’s, and that Biden is Obama’s puppet in a quest for a 4th term are perpetrating a hoax, but on July 5th, Van Jones, a former OBAMA official and now a talking head on CNN said, “I’m just going to be honest. Everybody comes on the air and says all this great stuff, but behind the scenes, it’s full-scale panic. People are passing around legal memos…trying to figure out what are the options? How can you replace Biden? How do you get him to do it in a way where he feels respected? Who should Kamala Harris’ vice president be? The conversation on-air and the conversation off-air are completely different. There is a big conversation happening right now about how this happens, not whether.”

Here’s the bottom line…an earthquake is causing the liberal’s manufactured foundation of hoaxes to crumble, and the house of cards that IS Joe Biden is about to tumble.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Trump v. O’Harris…A Ticket In The Making


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 9th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Trump v. O’Harris…A Ticket In The Making’; ‘A House of Cards On A Foundation Of Hoaxes’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on https://rspradio1.com Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

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