The Incapable, Incompetent Incumbent

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

The DNC and a willing propagandist media set the bar so low for Joe Biden at the June 27th debate that there shouldn’t have been any way for Joe not to clear it, but this is Joe Biden we’re talking about.

That debate was in a friendly arena, CNN, and hosted by two anti-Trump moderators, Jake Tapper, and Dana Bash. There was no audience, and mics had mute switches so that Trump would not be able to interrupt.

The rules were all slanted so as to provide Joe Biden with the most comfortable setting possible, and against Donald Trump. It was three against one and yet…this IS Joe Biden we’re talking about here.

Donald Trump spent each and every day leading up to that debate on the campaign trail, holding rallies, doing interviews, meeting people, and criss-crossing the country.

Joe Biden spent nearly ten days holed up at Camp David with sixteen people being prepped for the debate. Joe Biden held mock debates in a room the size of an airplane hanger to simulate the empty stage where the debate would take place in Atlanta, and reports leaked that they were also prepping Biden, and he was practicing STANDING UP for 90 minutes…the length of the debate.

That means that Joe Biden was THE most prepped candidate EVER for a debate, and it also means that the version of Joe Biden on that debate stage, in that friendly, Trump-hating atmosphere, most likely pre-supplied with the questions in order, (more on that in a bit) was the absolute BEST possible version OF Joe Biden that the liberal machine could produce.

The bar was set insanely low, and the absolute BEST possible version OF Joe Biden that the liberal machine could produce…dug a trench and crawled under it.

After the debate, and Biden’s disastrous performance, he had to be helped down the tiny step from the stage to where the moderators sat by “Dr.” Jill Biden who had been waiting in the wings, which one can accurately presume is why Joe kept looking off to his left during the debate, as if to check in with his primary handler, care-giver and enabler to see if it was time to go home yet.

Once out of the debate arena, Joe and “Dr.” Jill made a quick stop at a Waffle House because it was well passed Joe’s feeding time, and for that matter, his bed time, and stunningly, when the resident of the White House shuffled in, NOBODY stood up, NOBODY cheered, and NOBODY wanted to take a picture with him.


After that, It was off to a watch after-party where “Dr.” Jill, as a mother would with a kindergartener after a screeching, squawking, off-key singing performance where the child had forgotten half the words to the transgender national anthem, proclaimed TO Joe…”Joe, you did such a GREAT job…You answered ALL the questions.”

All Joe Biden had to do in that debate was be coherent for 90 minutes, but he showed the world that he couldn’t answer a single question without mumbling, bumbling and stumbling over his words, and he couldn’t even manage to maintain a sense of coherency for an entire two minute answer, or a one minute rebuttal.

The situation become even more startling when one considers that Joe Biden knew all the questions that were to be posed ahead of time, and to that, I point to a few tell-tale signs. None of the questions asked were based on either candidates previous answers. That means a list of pre-approved questions were in place, and there would be no deviating from it. At one point, Joe Biden flipped the page on a legal pad he picked up from his podium…just as the next question was read to him. Biden also, time and time again, when struggling to start an answer, was looking down at his podium, where his legal pad was sitting.

And then, there was this comment from Erin Burnett after the debate…

Erin Burnett, from CNN said after the debate, while discussing Biden’s horrible performance, “He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming, and yet he couldn’t fill the time.”

Remember, this debate was on CNN, and leading up to the 2016 debates between Trump and Hillary Clinton, it came out that while Donna Brazile, co-chair of the DNC and a CNN contributor, she got the debate questions ahead of time and gave them to Hillary…not once, but twice, and that’s not speculation, it’s a matter of fact backed up by Brazile’s own emails.

For the past three and a half years, the liberal propagandists in the media insisted that Joe Biden is as sharp as a tack, That he runs circles around everybody, that his energy level is unbelievably high, and that he’s always the brightest guy in any room. In the week leading up to the debate, Karine Jean Propagandist exclaimed from the White House Press Room that the videos we have all seen of Joe Biden being a cognitive train wreck were part of some vast right wing conspiracy she called “cheap-fake” videos that had been manipulated and edited to make Joe look bad.

ALL of that went out the window from the first moments of the June 27th debate, from the moment Joe Biden opened his mouth.

Joe Biden’s debate performance was so bad, so pathetic, that not one of those liberal media propagandists who had been telling us that behind closed doors, Joe is always on his game and cognitively sound could cover for him anymore. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and liberal print media like AXIOS, the NY Times and Politico were all forced to admit what we all knew to be true…Joe Biden is a cognitive mess, his debate performance was a bald-faced disaster, and he’s incapable of serving in that office.

CNN, which hosted the debate and has been a primary water-carrier for Joe Biden for the past four years had to admit that there is now panic at the DNC, and that highly placed sources within the DNC are talking about replacing Joe on the ticket.

I suggest the problem is much deeper than just the DNC’s or the media’s reaction.

That debate, and Joe Biden’s awful performance was watched around the world. Our allies watched it, and that’s bad enough even though they already were well-aware of Joe’s train-wreck mental status, but worse than that, our advisories were also watching. That debate was watched in Russia by Putin, in Iran by the mullahs, in China by Chairman Xi and in North Korea by Kim Jong Un and his diabolical sister. Not only did they see and hear Joe Biden’s performance, they also heard and saw Donald Trump’s performance.

They dealt with Trump for four years, and they know they can’t mess with Trump. They have dealt with Biden for nearly four years, and they know that Biden is nothing but Barack Obama’s failing puppet and they CAN mess with Biden. I suspect by the time Joe Biden shuffles away on his own, or gets replaced or loses in November, our advisories will make major moves against Ukraine, against Taiwan, and against Israel, and I further suspect Iran will unveil a nuclear weapon whether or not they have the capability to deliver it to a target.

Russia, Iran, China and North Korea know that time of the essence where there designs of terror and conquest are concerned because they can see the handwriting on the wall as plain as day. If Joe Biden doesn’t win in November, their plans get scuttled under a second term for President Trump.

Other Takeaways

While Joe Biden imploded, President Trump raised the debate bar, maintained his cool, stayed on point and delivered a masterful performance. Trump had facts and figures top of mind, delivered tough responses not only to the moderators, but to Joe Biden’s lies, and connected with undecided voters as was shown in focus groups after the debate.

In fact, 67% of undecided voters in those groups said Trump was more capable of running the country.

Every time Trump answered a question regarding the economy, inflation, or the border, Joe Biden broke out a fake grin or a fake chuckle. That was clearly by design and meant to signal that he thought Trump’s responses were laughable, but Trump was shooting straight, and Biden’s grinning and chuckling actually signaled to voters that he thinks the things they care most about…inflation, soaring costs of living and the invasion of illegal aliens pouring across our border is funny to him.

That was a massive disconnect between Biden and American citizens regardless of party affiliation.

Then there were Biden’s lies. Joe Biden, during the debate, claimed that Trump left him an economy in “free fall,” which simply isn’t true. Trump’s economy was booming, growing at 6% in the first quarter of 2021, and unemployment caused by the pandemic was dropping like a stone. Biden claimed Trump caused the inflation spike a year after Biden himself had been in charge, and he claimed that the border patrol has endorsed him…a claim both Trump AND the Border Patrol quickly and forcefully set straight.

Biden claimed that Trump wants to cut the number of cops on the streets, which is absolutely insane, and it’s Biden’s OWN party which has, for years, wanted to “defund the police.”

Joe Biden even went so far as to claim that ZERO members of our military have died on his watch…a shockingly transparent lie when one needs to think back no further than Biden’s insane, and deadly surrender in Afghanistan.

There were so many other lies told by Joe Biden during the debate, but I bring this up because I believe that the DNC is getting ready to pull the plug on the September debate due to the fact that the one talking point parroted by the liberal media after this debate was that Trump lied. That too was by design. Throughout the debate, Biden continually accused Trump of lying. After the debate, at that watch party, the entire crowd had been coached to respond to “Dr.” Jill’s question regarding “what did Trump do?” All together now…”HE LIED.”

And just to be crystal clear, Joe himself, at the lack-luster Waffle House staged drop-in said, “It’s hard to debate a guy who lies like that.”

I believe the DNC is setting up to pull out of the September debate because they “won’t debate a liar,” as cover for Joe can’t go through another Hindenburg moment like that again.

And finally, the prospect of pulling Biden off the ticket in favor of a replacement. I honestly do not believe that’s the plan. I believe the DNC will medicate Biden as much as is necessary to push him through November 5th, but even they realize that election night tampering isn’t going to cut it this time around. Joe Biden’s poll numbers are as dismal as was his debate performance, and nobody will believe that with those numbers, and his vapid mental capacity he could pull off another supposed 81 million votes.

I believe the plan now, is to somehow hope beyond hope for a 2024 victory, and THEN Obama will tell Joe and “Dr.” Jill that the time has come to send Joe back to Delaware. At that point, both Obama’s “fundamental transformation,” and Obama himself require a useful idiot to step in as Obama’s fourth term puppet, and Kamala Harris will be that useful idiot.

She will do whatever Obama tells her to do because she’s not smart enough to think for herself, and the DNC knowing she could never win an election at the top of the ticket will use her as a four year place-holder until they can engineer a suitable, socialist, anti-America candidate for 2028.

The bottom line is this…Joe Biden has exposed himself as an incapable incumbent. We know it, the whole world knows it, and the DNC has known it all along.

Turn the page, Joe…turn the page.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 1st from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘A Replacement Dress Rehearsal‘: ‘The Incapable, Incompetent Incumbent’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

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