College Chaos – We Should NOT Be Surprised

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

I’m willing to bet good money that six months ago, very few if any of the indoctrinated idiots marching about on the campus of Columbia today, could have picked a “Palestinian” flag out of a four flag lineup.

That would have been the easy part. Far more difficult for today’s Ivy-League “scholars” would have been answering questions regarding Hamas, like how they came to power, who they are, who backs them, what is in their charter, or where they hide their weapons and from where do they fire their rockets.

Today, tomorrow’s doctors, attorneys, and future elected “leaders” are showing the world just how butt-stupid they really are, and exactly what their diplomas are worth.

Last week, the NY Times ran a headline that stated, “At Columbia, the Protests Continued, With Dancing and Pizza.”

They seem to have left out the part about thousands of rioters chanting “Death to America,” and “Death to Israel,” and screaming “WE ARE HAMAS,” and demanding that Jews and Israel should be wiped off the Earth.

While the Orthodox Rabbi at both Columbia University and Bernard College told Jewish students to stay away from those campuses for their own safety, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an indoctrinated former bartender now sitting in congress said,It is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping the country today. Of all days as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student-led protests on campuses like Columbia, Yale, Berkeley and many others.”

I guarantee you that had half a dozen pro-Israel protesters stood in silent prayer on the campus of Columbia last week, AOC would not have thought it was “peaceful,” and the NY TIMES would not have run a headline citing “dancing and pizza.”

Should we be at all surprised by what we are seeing play out on college and university campuses? Should we be surprised at all by students screaming jihadi war chants?

No. No we should not be one bit surprised.

Recently, I’ve been asked a number of questions regarding the absurd and vile situations playing out on college and university campuses, so let me now pose the top ten questions I’ve been asked and provide my responses to them.

1)  Who are today’s college students? They are the indoctrinated masses. From one indoctrination center to the next, and now at asylums of higher indoctrination, they have never been taught how to think…they have only been told WHAT to think. They are the useful idiots that the liberal Marxist agenda is counting on.

2)  Where do today’s indoctrinated college and university “students” get their news? The vast majority of them get it from TikTok. TikTok is a platform run by the Chinese communist government, and I know what you’re thinking…”but China doesn’t allow Muslims in their country.” That is true, but they are dependent on Iranian oil, and while they have no great love for Islam, the one thing they are overwhelmingly in favor of, is destabilizing the United States. Here’s an interesting fact…on TikTok, there are 52 pro-Hamas posts to 1 pro-Israel post every day, day in and day out, and you can thanks the communist Chinese developed algorithm for that.

3)  How did all of this crap on our college and university campuses spring up so fast, seemingly out of nowhere? How many jihadis, how many radical Islamic operatives has Biden allowed to stroll into our country across our now non-existent southern border? For months now, the FBI has been saying that they fear sleeper cells…something those on the right have been saying for the past three and a half years. Well…you will find the leaders of those “sleeper cells” wide awake on our college and university campuses right now.

4)  Who is financially backing the campus intfadas? A number of different liberal Marxist organizations, most of which can be directly tied back to George Soros. Groups like The Tides Foundation, A15 Action, Jewish Voice for Peace, CAIR, the Open Society Foundation and something called The People’s Forum. They use liberal Marxist dark money, launder it through various front groups and do everything from orchestrate the Hamas campus intifadas, to collecting monies and paying for legal fees of those arrested at such rallies, to getting liberal Marxist DA’s elected wherever they can.

Mark Levin did the homework on these groups, and I strongly encourage you to watch the following video as he exposes the sources behind the funding.

5)  Are these Hamas, anti Israel riots in anyway organic? Oh, hell no. They all look and sound exactly alike. From the chants, to the pre-printed “protest” signs, to the tents they set up on campus…they are manufactured on a jihadi, Soros-backed assembly line. I guarantee you that a couple of weeks ago, on all of these college and university campuses, box trucks full of signs, tents, and costumes along with talking points memos and most likely cash for the organizers pulled up and started doling out the goods.

6)  Have we seen anything like this before? Oh, hell yes we have. Occupy Wall Street, Fergusson, The Summer of Love “mostly peaceful” riots and now…the asylum of higher indoctrination anti Semitic, jihad rallies. It’s déjà vu all over again.

7)  What’s going to happen to the students who get arrested? Mostly nothing. Soros funded groups will pay their legal fees, if there are any, and Soros funded DA’s won’t prosecute them. At most, they will get a light slap on the wrist and sent back to their respective campuses.

8)  Why don’t the colleges and universities put a stop to it? Well,. our colleges and universities are run by liberal Marxists and all of this is meant to cause as much societal and economic upheaval as possible. It’s a test bigger and more important to the liberal Marxist agenda, than any final exam meant to send the best and brightest into the world to be productive members of society. Besides… the fox that eats the chickens would never chase the snakes that eat the eggs out of the henhouse.

9)  A college education, especially at Ivy League schools costs a fortune…why would these “students” want to waste their money like this? Oh, come now. It’s not THEIR money they’re wasting…most of it belongs to their mommies and daddies, and let’s just be honest here…those paying out of their own pockets, as long as Biden remains in the Oval, and liberals still control the halls of congress, won’t be the ones paying off their student loans…the REST OF US are doing that for them.

10)   When will this vile behavior come to an end? Basically, there are two factors that will determine when the campus intifadas end. The semester ends next month and many “students” will go home for the summer. Won’t mom and dad be surprised when Johnny and Jane Jihad, their happy-go-lucky, all-American kids come home wearing Shemaghs and hijabs. The other factor dictating the timing of this crap to end is the money. When the money runs out, just as it did with Occupy Wall Street, Fergusson, and the Summer of Love, this too shall end.

Eight years ago, the inmates at asylums of higher indoctrination were shrinking violates seeking “safe spaces” with their therapy puppies, Crayons and coloring books and bottle of bubbles. Seven months ago, they were all about pronouns and being irreparably offended by anyone who wouldn’t engage in their world of make-believe.

Four years ago, Columbia Business School Assistant Professor, Shai Davidai, was a faculty voice screaming to defund the police accusing law enforcement of using their weapons “disproportionately on black men,” when that was all the rage, but it’s different for Davidai now. He’s Jewish, and he’s DEMANDING that Columbia University provide him with an NYPD police escort every time he has to walk across campus, and he doesn’t want just one cop…he wants at least a DOZEN of what he, just a few years ago, referred to as evil, systemically racist cops to protect his sorry ass.

But the hypocrisy doesn’t end there.

Let’s step back in time to January 6th, 2021. In the hours following what the liberal Marxist left insists was an insurrection (it was really just people being let into the Capital by Capital Police and then strolling around) AOC said, “I did not know if I was going to make it to the end of that day alive, and not just in a general sense but also in a very, very specific sense.” AOC was in the Cannon Building that day, and while the Cannon Building is considered part of the Capitol Complex, the Cannon Building, where AOC’s office is located, was not breached by protesters and yet, AOC feared for her life..

However, on October 18th, 2023, hundreds of pro-Hamas DID breach the Cannon House Building where AOC’s office is located. Those pro-Hamas goons, HUNDREDS of them, started on the Capitol Mall…just like what happened on Jan. 6th, 2021, and then made their way to the Cannon Building where it took police HOURS to clear them out, but of the more than 300 pro-Hamas protesters involved, only 50 were arrested.

Did AOC fear for her life last October, 18th? Nope.

The liberal Marxists bloviate about our “democracy” being under attack, but we’re a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. Democracy is mob rule, but it seems that whether you’re an indoctrinator, or a former bartender, mob rule is only what you want when you’re on the same side as the mob and to be clear, it seems as though there aren’t enough actual “students” on these campuses that want to join the mob because the majority of those arrested so far from campus to campus are in their late 20’s or early 30’s…not the typical ages for college students, but the perfect age for bussed in protesters and community organizers.

And finally, last week AOC got her panties in a wad when the NYPD sent a special unit to Columbia University to break up the intifada. She posted to X, Not only did Columbia make the horrific decision to mobilize NYPD on their own students, but the units called in have some of the most violent reputations on the force. NYPD had promised the city they wouldn’t deploy SRG to protests. So why are these counterterror units here?”

Only a bartender masquerading as a member of congress would ask such a bone-crushingly stupid question, but since she did, allow me to provide the answer.

If those engaged in the intifada are screaming radical islamic war chants, screaming “Death to America, Death to Israel,” and calling for the death of all Jews everywhere while also screaming “WE ARE HAMAS” – Hamas being a recognized TERRORIST organization – the COUNTERTERRORISM UNIT is EXACTLY who SHOULD be called in.

If these idiots are going to self-identify as jihadis…let’s sent them to the University of Gitmo.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Obama and Biden…No Friends of Israel


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 30th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Obama ‘; ‘College Chaos – We Should NOT Be Surprised’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

One thought on “College Chaos – We Should NOT Be Surprised

  1. Back in ’11, I think it was, I wrote an article at about Obama being an enemy agent of Islam who practices taqqiya. I saw you wrote on that same subject. To be perfectly honest, what I wrote was largely an excerpt from the book ‘Eurabia: The Euro/Arab Axis’ by the woman who goes by the nom de guerre Bat Ye’or.
    After being interrogated by the Secret Service where I was working here in New Orleans, I decided to write something.
    Lately, I’ve been watching the ‘New Discourses’ videos on YouTube by James Lindsay. Great stuff. Hope you will check it out. I believe it will only sharpen your commentary like steel on steel.
    All God’s richest blessings in Christ Jesus, Chris Farrell (aka Legionnaire du 1er ClasseJames Foster, but that’s another story!)

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