The Curious Case of Douglass Mackey

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

So…Douglass Mackey, 31, from Delray Beach, Florida was arrested by the FBI for his use of Twitter during the run up to the 2016 presidential election.

His crime?

He created a meme that said, “Avoid the Line. Vote from Home,” and asked people to vote for Hillary using a hashtag on Twitter or Facebook or by texting to a certain phone number. That, according to the FBI constituted election interference and a violation of a federal law that makes it illegal for people to threaten or intimidate others from exercising any right secured to them by the Constitution, such as the right to vote.

To be clear here, Mackey threatened nobody. Mackey intimidated nobody. By the rule of law under which Mackey has been charged, he did nothing wrong, and yet, he was arrested and if found guilty he faces up to 10 years in a federal prison.

Did he mislead people by his meme? Yes, but the law says nothing whatsoever about simply misleading people into being butt stupid. In all, 4,900 people, Hillary supporters were butt stupid and sent Hillary’s name via text to the number shown on the meme so essentially, Mackey has been arrested for other people’s abject stupidity.

For the sake of argument, let’s say that misleading people into casting their votes in any certain way was illegal, even if there wasn’t any intimidation or threats involved as the FBI is saying that Mackey used misinformation spread on social media to get 4,900 Hillary supporting morons to vote via text message…how exactly is his spreading of misinformation any different than what the FBI did leading up to the 2016 election…and beyond?

Remember, the very same FBI that arrested Mackey for spreading misinformation is the same FBI that helped to pay for and spread misinformation masquerading as the Steele dossier. In fact, the FBI rode that unicorn for years, as did the mainstream media and every last elected democrat in the halls of congress. Oh, they knew the dossier was a fraud from the word giddy-up just as Mackey knew that there was no such thing as voting via text message.

And how about the ginned up, phony misinformation campaign waged by Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler and so many other elected liberals, also championed by the mainstream media called quid-pro-quo that led to President Trump’s first impeachment? Both the Russian Collusion and Quid Pro Quo misinformation campaigns were designed to remove a sitting President from office.

Was social media involved in either of those blatantly deceptive efforts? You’re damned skippy they were. Social media busied themselves censoring people who pointed out the abject lies involved in both of those coup efforts, while allowing what they knew damned-well were lies to be spread far and wide.

If spreading disinformation related to an election which is what Mackey did violates federal law, then the FBI should be arresting every member of the mainstream media, social media, every elected liberal official and themselves for what they engaged in for the entire 4 years of the Trump presidency, but Mackey is the only one facing 10 years in a federal prison.

Oh, the hypocrisy.

Personally, I know nothing about Douglass Mackey. I never heard of the guy until he was arrested, and I know nothing of any of his personal, or political views. Furthermore, I don’t really care because none of that really matters in the context of his arrest. What matters is that he did nothing illegal. Wrong? Yes. Illegal? No. Regarding what Mackey was arrested for, he threatened no one, intimidated no one, urged violence toward no one, and failed to violate any existing law.

That’s what matters.

Sure, there are those who will say that his actions disenfranchised 4,900 voters…but did they…really?

In his case, 4,900 morons weren’t smart enough to realize you couldn’t vote via text message, but did any of them wise up enough to realize their own stupidity before November 8th, 2016? Frankly, nobody really knows, and it’s a fair bet that a good many of them went to the polls anyway either because they discovered their text vote wasn’t going to count, or because they thought they could game the system by voting twice.

While many believe that Mackey’s arrest and the hypocrisy I’ve outlined here are the whole story, I can assure it isn’t, or at least it shouldn’t be. Let me explain…

Right now, social media is busy ejecting anyone from their platforms that dares to put forth comments, opinions or information that supports massive voter fraud aiding Biden in the 2020 election. Social media, the mainstream media, and yes, elected liberals are all advocating for mass censorship, expulsion and even trying to end people’s livelihoods for supporting Trump. Elected liberals and their various counterparts in all forms of media are even floating the notion of “deprograming” Conservatives because they claim those comments, opinions or information are all “disinformation.”

Will they, the FBI be arresting all of us for having, or sharing such? Specifically, will they be arresting the over 1,000 people who have sworn affidavits attesting to the massive voter fraud they, themselves witnessed in the 2020 election?

Of course not, and here’s why…if any of those more than 1,000 sworn affidavit signers were to be arrested, their information, their facts, their evidence would become exhibits A to Z in cases heard in federal courts…and that is absolutely the LAST thing the FBI under what is the 3rd Obama term want in a court of law.

How about all those elected liberals in the House, and those in the Senate along with the RINO’s who voted, or are about to vote in favor of impeaching or censuring Trump for allegedly “inciting” the “riot” at the Capitol on January 6th, which they know very well he didn’t do…will they be arrested for spreading disinformation via social and mainstream media?


Will their social and mainstream media co-conspirators be arrested?


Susan Rice, now Obama’s…I mean Biden’s Director of the United States Domestic Policy Council clearly told lies regarding Benghazi in 2012. In fact, emails obtained through the freedom of information Act clearly show she was prepped by the White House, i.e. Obama to lie about the disaster in Benghazi being caused by some goofy film director which it obviously wasn’t…and that was right before the 2012 election. That was clearly meant to hide Obama and Hillary’s roles in the attack that claimed the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty so as not to damage Obama’s re-election bid.

Will Susan Rice will be arrested for her spreading of disinformation in the mainstream media.No…but a YouTube filmmaker by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula WAS arrested and jailed for Susan Rice’s lies.

And what of social media’s absurd censorship of Conservatives and anything they deem to be “harmful” or against their standards? Shouldn’t their subjective liberal controlled opinions of what is worthy of being posted and banning things they don’t agree with politically also a form of disinformation? Let me provide a perverse example of what I’m talking about.

Author John Cribb has a new novel out entitled “Old Abe” which is a historical look at Abraham Lincoln. Recently, the author’s publisher tried to buy some ads for the book on Facebook and they were turned down. According to Cribbs, Facebook told them, “Rejected – This ad doesn’t comply with our Advertising Policies.” Hmmm…well, they appealed that decision by Facebook and they got a second reply from the fascist tech giant that stated, “Following another review, this ad won’t run.”

Why? Because, apparently the “Old Abe” ads violate a ban on advertising about “social issues, elections, or politics.” What Facebook is saying is that they have determined that there is something wrong with Lincoln historically and therefore, they won’t allow ads promoting the book, and if you ask me, that is, in and of itself…disinformation.

Will Facebook be facing criminal charges over that?

No way.

Finally, what about all the lies told by the mainstream media and social media’s campaign to eliminate the truth regarding COVID-19? As just one example, we were all told by social media, and by the mainstream media that any promotion of hydroxychloroquine as a reliable treatment was…”disinformation” and any posts regarding such were removed from platforms as were some people who posted positive things about the treatment. Now, we’re being told by the very people who claimed that hydroxychloroquine was bad medicine, that it is, in fact…GOOD medicine…a change in stance that took place as soon as Biden was elected.

How many people could have been helped, if not saved had the disinformation campaign against hydroxychloroquine never happened? I’m willing to bet the number would be substantially higher than the 4,900 idiots who voted for Hillary via text message.

And what of the lies told by New York’s Governor Cuomo? He said during the 2020 campaigns that the CDC guidelines gave him no other option but to put COVID-19 positive patients into nursing facilities. That was a lie. He later claimed that “it never happened.” That too was a lie. Later still, he blamed COVID-19 nursing facility deaths on the Trump administration…a lie…and released numbers of such deaths that were also lies. Those numbers were underreported by a margin of 53 percent and all of them are on Cuomo himself.

Obviously, all those lies were designed to throw shade on President Trump leading up to the November 2020 elections and all were heralded by the mainstream media as THEY misled the American people into believing Trump was responsible for those deaths. He wasn’t, and they all knew it.

Has Cuomo been arrested? No. Will Cuomo be arrested? No. In fact, Cuomo was celebrated for his lies and misinformation by being given 2 Emmy Awards.

You see…neither Cuomo, nor any of the others I have cited in this commentary who lied or spread misinformation in order to sway elections results, or overturn election results share a certain key trait with Douglass Mackey…

They are not Conservatives.

As for Douglass Mackey, by the letter of the law under which he’s been charged, he’s done nothing illegal, but he is a Conservative who played on liberal stupidity by presenting an absurd scenario by which said liberals could expose their idiocy and they happily took the bait.

The last time I checked, being a smartass on social media is not a federal crime, but to be clear, I haven’t checked since Biden was installed as the front puppet for Obama’s 3rd term. It seems a good many things that aren’t real crimes are now going to be prosecutable under the new Obama regime but let’s all be clear on one major point here…

In the curious case of Douglas Mackey, “prosecution” is the new Obama regime’s code word for “PERSECUTION” and as Conservatives…we are all targets of the tyranny.

Liberals will call that “conspiracy theory” in an effort to cancel me but facts are stubborn things, and the fact of the matter here is that the FBI and DOJ were well aware of Mackey and his bending of election protocol ever since he created that meme in 2016…but they waited to arrest and falsely charge him until liberals has seized power in a fraudulent election. IF it is illegal now, it would have been illegal then so why wait 4 years to make their move?

Because NOW…you dare not question Emperor Obama’s regime lest you be PERSECUTED under threat of imprisonment…THAT’s why.

Wouldn’t it be something of the next “shot heard ‘round the world” was…in fact…a meme?

Copyright © 2021 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article A Unifier in the Making…Perhaps



Tomorrow, Friday, February 5th, from 7 to 9pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘A Unifier in the Making…Perhaps’; ‘The Curious Case of Douglass Mackey’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.

5 thoughts on “The Curious Case of Douglass Mackey

  1. Way to go, Craig!!!! Another great piece of information for people with brains. Now if we could just find some open minded liberals to educate!!! LOLLLLLLLLL

  2. I don’t know if you heard it or not but I did, Obama on TV, a talk show I think… was asked if he would like to be president again, he laughed and gave that famous smug look of his and said, well yes I would like to be, behind the curtains… now this I am sure is not word for word and maybe not in the right sequence, but he clearly indicated a behind the curtains president would be okay with him… and I believe that is exactly what happened, now the real lies begin!

  3. Excellant Information. Thank you Sir Craig!
    They all need arrested and tried!
    I have broken the law I have went to jail for my crimes and I was rebirth into society I cleaned my head my soul my heart and I found God and that’s what we either got to do to these people is take them out; or we must try them and see if they are functional enough to go back into society but that will never happen.
    it’s b******* that these people at the top these Elites in Hollywood politicians that look down on us killing our children trying to brainwash our children they all need to go whatever way have mercy on their souls for what they are doing to us God bless you all be safe be smart love all take care of yourself

  4. Good analysis. Dems will now not only get a pass, they will once again seek to rule and silence all dissent. It is Obama 3.0, for sure, and the very rich are scrambling for their piece of the power.

  5. As always, great information Craig. I’m proud to have a person like you among my friends on Facebook. Its nice to know that there are still people that truly love America on the original basis for which it was founded, and not the communist country, for which some strive to make it into.Thank you sir!🇺🇸🤠🇺🇸

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