Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary
Last week, in my commentary, “The Danger Of The Liberal Psyche Exposed Part 1,” I focused on President Trump’s State of the Union speech and the abhorrent behavior of those sitting on the left side of the House Chamber.
In that commentary, I said that we have all been mislabeling such behavior as TDS, or Trump Derangement Syndrome. While that has more or less become the catch phrase, it ignore a much deeper, much darker reality.
That sort of behavior has a clinical name…sociopathy…and some of the red flags shown by those whose psyche is so disposed include “a lack of empathy, impulsiveness, and manipulation. A sociopath is indifferent to the suffering of others, and may not care about the consequences of their actions on others. Sociopaths also employ deceit and controlling behavior to steer the opinions of others. Sociopathy is a mental disorder, and sociopaths become upset when they feel slighted, offended, or when they don’t get what they want. They may also be triggered when they lose control of others or when they are seen for who they are.”
Looking back over the past better part of a decade, I suspect we’ve been missing those red flags all along.
Indeed, if we go back to Obama’s stint in the Oval Office, we see those red flags being presented. Under the Obama regime we saw common street thugs and criminals being elevated to hero status. Michael Brown in Ferguson is a prime example. “Hand up, don’t shoot” was a false claim but parroted by the mainstream media. Brown had just assaulted a store owner, and when approached by police, he charged at the cop. That cop shot and killed Brown.
That’s where the whole BLM thing got started, and before you could blink, the streets of Ferguson became a battleground with looting, riots, and case after case of arson.
Later, Obama invited members of the sociopathic mob to the White House and told them they were doing a good job. Who tells rioters, looters, arsonists and the purveyors of anti-police violence that they’re doing a good job?
A sociopath who is manipulating thugs for the sake of control…that’s who.
Occupy Wall Street? Same thing…manipulation of a bought and paid for mob to create mayhem for control, and that too came from Obama and the liberal elite’s sociopathic psyche. Those mobs consisted of thugs and criminals who lacked empathy, showed impulsiveness and did not care a lick about the consequences of their actions all while being manipulated to commit their various acts of violent criminal behavior.
Obama, and the sociopathic liberal elite also used deceit and controlling behavior to steer the opinions of others, and dare I say the mainstream media propaganda arm of the liberal elites was in on all of it.
Consider yet another hallmark of the Obama regime…cancel culture. How dare anyone say something that someone else might find offensive, or stand for something deemed offensive. If you did, you were cancelled. Ask Rosanne Barr. Suddenly anything remotely considered patriotic, like standing for our National Anthem was deemed offensive, and if you didn’t take a knee…you would be cancelled or at the very least, socially ostracized. The idea was to employ deceit to sway an angry mob into not only controlling the behavior of others, but to also force others into compliance.
The sociopathic red flags present throughout the Obama regime is much longer, but what it led to was, I suggest, even worse, and while sociopathy is generally considered a trait, or mental illness in individuals often leading to or culminating in heinous criminal behavior, what we have here is on a whole different level.
Donald Trump’s 2016 candidacy was at first treated as a joke by liberals, the liberal elite and their media propagandists, but that all changed when Trump won that election. At that point, what we have mislabeled as TDS became the full-on projection of sociopathy. Trump’s victory had taken away their control over Americans, but perhaps more importantly, it had relieved the liberal psyche of it’s last element of self-control.
Remember, sociopaths are “triggered when they lose control of others or when they are seen for who they are,” and to be perfectly clear, liberals had lost their control, and Trump was exposing them for who, and what they really were, and are.
The liberal agenda went from policies to identity politics. Cancel culture went woke, and disagreements with those holding opposing views turned to seething hatred. Not only did the sociopathic liberal psyche demand the demonization of President Trump, they also demanded the demonization of any who agreed with Trump’s policies. Trump became public enemy number one, and his supporters were, in the view of liberal sociopaths, Hitler’s minions.
President Trump saw it for what it was. He said, “They want to get to you…I’m just in their way.” Over the next eight years, the four when Trump held the office, and the next four when he didn’t, the goal was to destroy him, and destroy anyone who supported him. From the bogus impeachment scams, to censoring and deplatforming supporters from social media, it was in high gear, and non-stop. The BLM morphed into the more militant ANTIFA, the 2020 “summer of love” riots spread the damage, lawlessness, criminal activity and intimidation from coast to coast. Random acts of violence in the streets became common and the sociopaths from the left side of the political aisle egged it all on.
Those 2020 riots were the sociopathic response to the death of George Floyd, yet another street thug, common criminal and drug addict. Remember, it was Kamala Harris who , during those riots, said “The idea that putting more cops on the street makes us safer, is wrong.” She also said, “People are rightfully angry and exhausted…it’s no wonder people are taking to the streets. And I support them.”
Harris said, “They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not going to stop and everyone beware, because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before Election Day in November and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that on both levels. They’re not going to let up and they should not and we should not.”
Nothing was working. Two impeachment attempts had failed, the censorship and woke agenda had failed to keep people in their places, and the riots were backfiring, but then came the opportunity for the liberal sociopaths to see if they could regain what they had lost…control over the American people.
Bearing in mind what I stated before, that “while sociopathy is generally considered a trait, or mental illness in individuals often leading to or culminating in heinous criminal behavior, what we have here is on a whole different level,” what happened with COVID-19? They had for years funneled taxpayer dollars into gain of function research in China to develop what can only be considered a bio-weapon to be unleashed on the world. The sociopathic psyche of liberals in our country used that to seize control.
They said if you didn’t get jabbed with a DNA altering experimental drug, you were going to die. If you didn’t wear ineffective masks you were going to die. If you didn’t follow the arrows on the floor at the grocery store you were going to die, and if you went to a wedding, or a funeral, or to church or any other type of event OTHER than an ANTIFA riot…you were going to die.
They mandated the jab, mandated the closing of businesses, and mandated the firing of government workers who refused the jab be fired. They closed our schools and sent COVID patients into nursing homes, and if you DARED to speak out on social media…busted…you were kicked off of social media.
Between allocating funding to Fauci for gain of research in China, to draconian mandates that served no purpose other than to create division and chaos, to intentionally placing COVID patients into close proximity to the most vulnerable populations, they destroyed businesses and jobs, stagnated education and killed people. If that’s not sociopathic, I don’t know what is.
Fearing a further loss of control, and further exposure regarding what they really are, in 2020 the party of sociopaths rigged and stole the election to place Obama’s puppet in the Oval Office, ramped up DEI forcing Americans to either bow to intimidation and play the pronoun game or face banishment from society, intentionally created inflation to force hardships on all Americans and with malice, created vacuums of power on the world stage to be filled by international sociopathic terrorist organizations while turning blind eyes to aggression from our own nation’s enemies.
Like most individual sociopaths, the party of sociopaths tripped themselves up with their own arrogance and overt yet false sense of superiority. Trump’s political comeback was epic, having turned the sociopathy of the left transparent during the campaign. Trump used himself as the bait and the sociopaths bit…exposing their true, warped nature for all to see. In fact, their only reaction to a failed assassination attempt against Trump was disappointment.
Trump won 2024 big. The electoral college landslide, all seven swing states, the popular vote and Republicans, riding the MAGA wave and Trump’s coattails took both the House and the Senate.
Again remember, sociopaths are most triggered when they lose control, and when they are exposed. Well, they have lost control, and they are being further exposed now on a daily basis. So…what are the sociopaths doing now? Screaming, shrieking, disrupting government, lashing out at any who disagree with them, backing vile anti-Semitic violence and issuing threats. They are doing what sociopaths always do. They are trying to manipulate the public by lying and the use of intimidation, and they are attempting to project their own actions on others.
I’m sure there will be those who read this commentary and say I’ve gone too far, that calling liberals the party of sociopaths is too much of a stretch, or an attempt to start a conspiracy theory, but I have a question for those folks.
What ilk, their elite, their elected members and their voters would openly, and unhingedly advocate for the murders of soon to be born babies via abortion up to the moment of birth, and openly and unhingedly advocate for the sexual mutilation of our nation’s children without parental consent if not sociopaths?
That’s the bottom line.
Copyright © 2025 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved
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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article: The Business of Cancer…Political and Otherwise.
Tuesday, January 28th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The Business of Cancer…Political and Otherwise.‘ and “The Danger Of The Liberal Psyche Exposed Part 2” on https://rspradio1.comClick ‘LISTEN LIVE’starting at 6:50pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST.