Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary
Technically, it was billed as a speech to a joint session of congress, because State of the Union speeches traditionally aren’t delivered in the first few weeks of a presidential term. To be quite honest…last Tuesday’s event was, without a doubt, a State of the Union speech by President Donald Trump.
President Trump has accomplished more in the first six weeks of his second term, than most Presidents accomplish in four years, and Trump’s vision for the future is clear. That speech was the longest ever, and why not? Just to get through the tip of the accomplishment iceberg, and outline his agenda took better than an hour and a half.
Trump made it crystal clear, from his opening line, “AMERICA IS BACK,” that the free world, for the first time in the past four years, has a true leader. While Trump’s first six weeks have been bold, his agenda for America’s future is bolder still. Trump left no grey areas, no wiggle room, and no doubt that America will be leaner, meaner and stronger than ever before. He wants economic stability, stability on the world stage, the end of the status quo, a return to greatness, and common sense and an end to policies and programs meant to rob Americans blind.
Those on the left side of the aisle also made their position and their feelings regarding America’s future crystal clear. They HATE this country, and they HATE the American people.
The contempt shown by congressional liberals last Tuesday night was unmistakable. It isn’t just contempt for President Trump…it is utter contempt for Americans, and it will not end well for elected liberals, or for their anti-American party.
To start with, when the President of the United States enters the House Chamber for such a speech, tradition, and protocol has it that he is led into the Chamber by a bi-partisan contingent of lawmakers, but that didn’t happen last Tuesday. Each and every liberal that had been selected as part of that contingent ditched their duty and refused to participate like petulant children refusing to eat their vegetables at dinner.
Most of the liberal women in the Chamber…the same liberal women who, just a couple of years ago claimed they were unable to define what a woman is, wore pink…supposedly in solidarity with women. Really? Which women exactly? The women they have contempt for across America who they want to force to compete against biological men in sports? The women they want to force to share bathrooms and locker rooms with biological men? Or were they intending to display their solidarity with biological men who pretend to be women?
The left side of the aisle also came to the speech with their little round paddles with pre-printed slogans on them. “Musk Steals,” “That’s a Lie,” “Save Medicaid,” along with a smattering of small whiteboards on which they could write things to hold up in disgust. The liberals reportedly spent DAYS hashing out how they would disrupt the proceedings at the speech, and that’s what the liberal brain-trust came up with? Pink dresses and paddles with inane slogans? That’s pathetic, but typical.
Congressman Al Green, a liberal who, in 2008, settled a sexual harassment case by dipping into a slush fund of taxpayer dollars to the tune of better than $875,000 dollars, refused to sit down and shut up even after being warned that outbursts would not be tolerated. When Green continued to shake his gold handled cane and shout, Speaker Johnson directed the Sergeant at Arms to remove the tantrum-pitching gas-bag from the Chamber.
Now remember, during the 2024 State of the Union speech, while Biden was blathering, a Gold Star father whose son was killed at Abby Gate in Afghanistan due to Biden’s disastrous surrender to the Taliban, stood and shouted from the gallery, “WHAT ABOUT MY SON?” Well…the liberals had that grieving father removed from the Chamber, and then they had that grieving father ARRESTED. Seems to me that Al Green committed the exact same offense as did that Gold Star father…a direct violation of 18 USC Sec. 1512 (c ) “Obstruction of an Official Proceeding.”
In my opinion. the tantrum-pitching Green should be arrested but there’s more regarding the situation than that. During his speech last Tuesday night, President Trump announced that the mastermind of the Abby Gate bombing that killed 13 U.S. Marines and at least 170 Afghani people had been captured and was on his way to face justice in the U.S. but even that announcement drew no applause from the left.
Why? Because they have more respect for a terrorist murderer than for American Marines.
As for those childish paddles…”Musk Steals?” Really? Look, I understand that the liberals don’t want their taxpayer dollar money laundering agencies audited. If I was on the take, pocketing kickbacks, or sending money to America’s enemies, or pilfering from the coffers I wouldn’t been too keen on an audit either. But “Musk Steals?” Let me explain something to the math-challenged liberal lunatics…If somebody handed you $500,000 dollars each and every day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, and did so since the day Jesus Christ was born until this very day…you STILL wouldn’t have the amount of money Elon Musk has.
I rather doubt he cares about somebody’s bank account, and as for having access to people’s personal information…the guy used o run PayPal…so he had access to truck loads of people’s banking info and never stole a penny.
The very same liberals that supported firing federal workers who refused to get jabbed with an experimental cocktail of DNA altering vaccines now suddenly develop a case of the mad cow when Musk suggests that federal workers who are collecting paychecks but refuse to come into work be fired. The exact same liberals who supported hiring 87,000 more IRS agents to audit the American people suddenly gets slobbering pissed when the American people demand that the IRS be audited.
These are the exact same liberals who want you to believe that the only way to protect America’s financial interests is to protect the very bureaucratic state that engages in waste, fraud, abuse and corruption on a daily basis. They are condemning Elon Musk and President Trump for rooting out government corruption and the theft of taxpayer dollars because without stealing from the American taxpayer to fund sex changes in Guatemala, the human race will collapse.
That’s beyond insane, but it gets worse.
During the speech, when President Trump voiced his support for police and firefighters, the liberals in the Chamber refused to applaud. When the President recognized the families of those murdered by illegal aliens, the liberals in the Chamber refused to applaud. When the President said he wanted to get to the bottom of why so many kids are being diagnosed with autism, the liberals in the Chamber refused to applaud. When President Trump recognized the American workforce, the hard working men and women who are the backbone of this great country, the liberals in the Chamber refused to applaud.
Peace on the world stage? No liberal applause. In fact, that was one of last Tuesday night’s most transparent moments regarding the liberal agenda. When President Trump spoke about the prospect for peace between Ukraine and Russia, the right side of the aisle showed their support with cheers and applause, but over on the left side of the aisle? Nope. After a pregnant pause, President Trump asked rhetorically, “do you want to keep it going for another five years?” At that point, he glanced to the liberal side of the Chamber and said, “ Pocahontas says yes,” and the camera showed liberal and fake Indian, Liz Warren, applauding the notion of the Ukraine/Russia war lasting another half a decade.
Getting to the bottom of bureaucratic messes like the Social Security Administration that has nearly 18 million Americans over the age of 100, and many of whom are older than 150…with one being 360 years old listed on their database with no death date? Nope. No applause from the liberal left. Getting the Panama Canal back under our control? No applause from the left. An even playing field for international trade? Nope. No left side of the aisle applause.
How about a secure border? Did that garner even a smattering of applause from the left? Nope. The silence from the left of the Chamber would have been deafening had President Trump not piped up with the mic drop moment of the whole speech. President Trump, in response to the liberal silence said, “The media and our friends in the democrat party kept saying we needed new legislation to secure the border – but it turned out that all we really needed was…a new President.”
Neither the return of a political prisoner, Mark Fogle who was recognized in the gallery with his 95 year old mother, nor a young man’s dream of attending West Point becoming a reality drew any applause from the left side of the Chamber either.
When President Trump recognized a 13 year old boy, D.J. Daniel, who six years ago was told by doctors that he only had five months left to live…a kid who has a dream of being a police officer who was sitting in the gallery with his proud dad…the liberals in the Chamber refused to applaud…and when President Trump appointed D.J. as a U.S. Secret Service Agent replete with his own ID badge, making that young man’s dream come true…the liberals in the Chamber could not find it within themselves to applaud D.J.’s courage, or the inspiration he provided to others.
Oh, but it gets even worse…much worse.
After the speech, on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow tried to claim that Trump was taking credit for D.J. Daniel surviving brain cancer. “For the record, and this is disgusting, the president made a spectacle out of praising a young man who thus far survived pediatric cancer, as if the president had something to do with that,” but then Nicolle Wallace opened her mouth and said, “I hope he has a long life as a law enforcement officer. But I hope he never has to defend the United States Capitol against Donald Trump’s supporters, and if he does, I hope he isn’t one of the six who loses his life to suicide.”
Not only are comments like those beneath contempt and sickening, but they are also a giant red waving flag signaling that those uttering such statements are sociopaths. To be clear, the red flags of sociopathy include a lack of empathy, impulsiveness, and manipulation. A sociopath is indifferent to the suffering of others, and may not care about the consequences of their actions on others. Sociopaths also employ deceit and controlling behavior to steer the opinions of others. Sociopathy is a mental disorder, and sociopaths become upset when they feel slighted, offended, or when they don’t get what they want. They may also be triggered when they lose control of others or when they are seen for who they are.
Not only do Rachel Maddow and Nicolle Wallace fit the classic clinical definition of sociopaths, but I contend that each and every elected liberal in the House Chamber last Tuesday night, by their actions, outbursts, and seething displays of abject hatred not only for President Trump, but toward Americans and America also fit the classic, clinical definition of sociopaths.
It would be easy to dismiss such a notion based on one night’s obtuse behavior, but I contend we have been misreading the red flags for nearly a decade by attaching to them the label of “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”
I’ll have more on this next week in Part 2 of The Danger Of The Liberal Psyche Exposed.
Copyright © 2025 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved
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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article: Israel v. Hamas and the U.N.
Tuesday, January 28th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Israel v. Hamas and the U.N.‘ and “The Danger Of The Liberal Psyche Exposed” on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST.