A Fundamentally Different Transformation

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

That’s what Obama said in the final days of the 2008 campaign. “Fundamentally transforming the United States of America” into what…he didn’t say, but we found out. Obama wanted a Marxist America. He wanted an America that took a back seat on the world stage, and an America that employed a divide and conquer strategy from within to separate Americans into niche groups.

It was the dawn of identity politics to create turmoil within the nation.

It started with race-baiting and instituted a false sense of systemic racism where one no longer existed, and included a world tour where Obama himself went from country to country to “apologize” for American exceptionalism, strength and leadership. Race vs. race led to gender vs. gender, and class vs. class. The liberal media went all-in, Hollywood went all-in, and so too did the liberal elite and their cash cow George Soros.

It took eight years of all of those entities to turn American culture on its head, to make up into down, good guys into bad guys, criminals into heroes and the rule of law into something to be reviled. If you didn’t fall into lockstep, you became public enemies and the cancel culture of those Obama years later became the woke and DEI nonsense under Obama’s puppet, Joe Biden.

The only interruption in the “fundamental transformation” was the first four years of President Donald Trump, and afraid of what Trump could do to undo everything Obama had done, they engineered a rigged election in 2020 to install a mentally diminished sock puppet for Obama to control from behind the Marxist curtain. So afraid of the possibility of a possible Trump comeback, the aforementioned liberal elite, liberal propagandists and liberal cash cows used what they had gained…liberal judges and liberal DA’s backed by Soros, to wage war, in the form of lawfare against 2024 candidate Donald Trump.

They raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, rifled through the underwear drawers of Trump’s wife, sued him, ginned up phony charges, indicted the man and hauled him into court thinking they finally had him. They called him a Nazi, a fascist, a criminal and a dictator. Then, they took a mug shot that they intended to display everywhere to demonize the man they so feared, but Trump beat them to it.

TRUMP not only publicized that mug shot…he monetized it, raised millions in campaign donations from it, and with his daily pressers outside the courtroom, even after a liberal judge ordered him gagged, the truth turned the liberal deception into a transparent fraud. In ffact, a framed copy of that mug shot now hangs in the entry to the Oval Office.

As the Trump Train barreled down the tracks obliterating every barricade the liberals built to derail it, Obama’s sock puppet, Joe Biden was hidden away from public view. The liberal elite used their propagandists in the media as a smokescreen. They tried to gaslight the American people, telling them that Joe was fine, sharp as a razor the only person capable of defeating Donald Trump. They ramped up the woke and DEI BS. They ramped up the censorship of any who disagreed, and they even spoke out loud of dumping Kamala Harris from the ticket because she was an anchor on a heavy chain around the neck of their floundering candidate.

Then came that debate, and on stage, the puppet fell apart.

The liberal collective had been exposed. Their gas-lighting had utterly failed and the whole world knew that Trump, and his supporters had been right about Joe Biden all along.

In desperation, the liberal elite launched a coup against their own candidate, and their media propagandists were once again all in. They said Biden was finished and had to go. Then the liberal elite did something so transparently hypocritical, so transparently, unabashedly stupid it was hard to believe. After spending an entire year claiming that Trump was an “existential threat to democracy,” they removed Joe Biden from the ticket and replaced him with Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris…the candidate who dropped out of the 2020 race before the first primary ballots were ever cast because democrats couldn’t stand her…Kamala Harris who was given the VP slot in a blatant act of DEI hiring thus subverting the will of their own registered voters because Obama needed a different puppet.

While their new liberal puppet seemingly talked at the people in a word salads code, making no sense and impressing no one, Trump went to the people, sat down with them in their communities, in their businesses and in their towns and listened to what they needed. Trump went to places Republicans hadn’t gone since Ronald Reagan ran. Trump addressed the unfriendly press nearly every day. Trump spoke openly, and in detail about his policies, about his agenda, and about how he would not only Make America Great Again, but how he would make individual Americans his top priority.

For a good number of people, what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania was the defining moment of the 2024 election cycle. That moment when a series of shots rang out. That moment when from beneath a pile of Secret Service Agents, Trump rose up with his fist pumping the air, and his voice shouting “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT,” that cemented his return, and while that is certainly a key moment, I don’t think it was THE moment. That came a few weeks later.

Between the day Donald Trump took that bullet, and October 6th, Trump had done the seemingly impossible. Rather than keeping a low profile, he defied all predictions. While he was quietly vetting possible cabinet choices, he was building a coalition of political pirates. By the time he returned to Butler on October 6th, Donald Trump had not only thrown the Republican Party tent flaps open, he had torn the tent down. Donald Trump had invited anyone with common sense to stand with him, and Make America Great Again had gone from a slogan on a red hat, to a movement.

Donald Trump was no longer running as a Republican. He was running as a Populist candidate.

Trump had invited into his inner circle, his former rivals from BOTH sides of the aisle. Robert F. Kennedy JR, a former democratic presidential candidate was with him, as was Tulsi Gabbard, another former democratic presidential candidate. Marco Rubio, who ran against Trump in 2016 was onboard. Doug Burgum, who had run against Trump earlier in 2024 was on the Trump Train. And there was Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, the greatest innovator of our time, and an outside the box thinker who had voted for Obama was there too.

And let’s not forget J.D. Vance, Trump’s selection as his running mate. Vance, early in his political career had little if any use for Donald Trump, but he too had seen the light. Vance wasn’t just a convert to the Trump Train, he was a solid representative of the next generation, a strong VP candidate, but also a strong contender for the heir-apparent in 2028.

More would come later, but the handwriting was on the wall for all to see. Kash Patel, Kristi Noem, Pam Bondi, Tom Homan…it’s a longer list than that, but it is a list of people with a singular goal…put American and Americans first.

The four years between President Trump’s first term, and now his second term were transitional in many ways. I believe it took those four years for American voters not to take our freedoms, or our American culture for granted. I believe those four years exposed the true agenda of the liberal elite, and what Obama’s hoped for “fundamental transformation” really was. After Obama’s third term with the façade of his puppet, Joe Biden stumbling, bumbling and disintegrating before the world’s eyes, voters were looking for a quantum shift, rather than the status quo.

Despite made up polls and liberal media propaganda, Trump beat the odds, beat the lawfare, beat the expectations and beat the status quo by taking his case not to the Republican Party, but to the people. From barber shops to parks, from town halls to massive arenas, Donald Trump told voters exactly what his agenda was, what his plans were, and who would on the team to cut taxes, shut the border, regain our rightful position front and center on the world stage. He was transparent about our nation’s weaknesses, and equally transparent about his solutions. Trump brought common sense into the political theater, and vowed an end to business as usual.

Rather than standing for identity politics by pandering to individual special interest groups, he appealed to all Americans on 80-20 issues. No biological men in women’s sports, bathrooms or locker rooms. Lower taxes. Less regulations. Peace through strength, Unwavering commitment to our allies. Strong and meaningful opposition to our advisories. Smaller less intrusive government. More power to the states. The restoration of law and order. Cutting waste, fraud, abuse and corruption from government. Energy dominance. An even playing field for international trade and an end to the bureaucratic state. These are the issues that at least 80 percent of Americans agree on, and these are the issues Trump was elected to fix.

Meanwhile, what’s left? Defending the bureaucratic state. Identity politics, Support for our adversaries. Defending the waste, fraud, abuse and corruption in our government. MORE government intrusion. HIGHER taxes. America leading from behind. BIGGER government. MORE mandates. Defending censorship. Allowing the world to take and hold a trade advantage. America and Americans last. Higher and more unreliable energy costs and supplies. MORE lawfare and an open border with less national security. More freebies to illegal aliens. More instability on the world stage and more making heroes out of criminals while vilifying victims of crime. Those, at best, are the issues that at most, 20 percent of Americans agree with, the very issues liberals champion and the exact issues they lost running on in 2024.

The liberal collective, those who are willing to die on the 20 percent hill are terrified that with the 2024 mandate for common sense, Trump will succeed and they know they now have nowhere to hide. Daily doses of DOGE and with RINO’s going extinct in the halls of congress, the American people are winning and Trump is leading the way.

President Trump has forced the Republican party establishment to either evolve into a populist party, or be run out on a rail while the liberal elite and their agenda goes down in America First flames.

This isn’t the “fundamental transformation” that the liberals, their elite and their propagandist went all in on, and it certainly isn’t the “fundamental transformation” Obama had in mind.

This is a fundamentally different transformation…and it’s about damned time.

Copyright © 2025 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article: The Article I Wish I Never Had to Write


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Tuesday, January 28th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss The Article I Wish I Never Had to Write‘ and “A Fundamentally Different Transformation” on https://rspradio1.com Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST

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