Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary
“DOGE was in the building. We started — we took down our Pride flags, we took down- I took out any books I felt would be incriminating, No one was talking. We heard they started taking transcripts automatically of all of our Google Meets. They unplugged the news in the little kitchen galleys. It didn’t feel good. And then Saturday, all of the websites went down. And then I lost complete access to my computer.” – Kristina Drye, a speechwriter for USAID
That’s correct. The USAID “worker” said it out loud. She (if that is indeed her chosen pronoun) said that when DOGE came-a-knockin’, USAID staff hid the pride flags and started removing anything that was…INCRIMINATING.
To be clear, USAID is a government agency, and they dole out money to supposedly worthy causes. Putting a finer point on it, they dole out U.S. taxpayer dollars to supposedly worthy causes. That’s our money. The government, and thus government agencies have no money of their own. They earn nothing. The ONLY money they have to spend on ANYTHING is the money they TAKE from hard working American taxpayers.
The fact that this “worker” admitted they were hiding anything INCRIMINATING is the first giant red flag. There SHOULD be nothing to hide, because there should NOT be anything in that building that is INCRIMINATING…but holy crap.
Just a day or two into the audit of USAID, DOGE discovered some pretty UNworthy causes OUR tax dollars are paying for. There’s the $1.5 million program to “advance diversity, equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities.” There’s a $70,000 program for a “DEI musical” in Ireland, because apparently, tall, black transgendered leprechauns aren’t well-represented in the Irish theater community.
By gosh and begorrah…it’s not just the Emerald Isle that’s hurting for such entertainment as another $47,000 of our taxpayer dollars has been doled out for a “transgender opera” in Colombia. It ain’t over till the fat dude in a dress starts singing and he/she is just getting warmed up.
Honestly, I had no idea that such issues plagued the arts. The next thing we know, we’ll be told there aren’t enough gay men in ice skating and there’s been a historical dirth of transgendered women on the Russian Olympic swim teams that ONLY your tax dollars can repair.
How about these…$32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru and $2 MILLION bucks for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala.
That’s right America. YOUR taxpayer dollars are being used to remove Guatermellon balls from Guatermellons and give them to Guaretmellettes. How charming.
The budget for USAID has increased dramatically over the past few years. At the start of President Trump’s first term, their funding was $20.5 billion dollars. Today, USAID has access to $42.4 BILLION of YOUR taxpayer dollars. That’s staggering, but more staggering still are some of the other things, those supposed “worthy causes,” they have been spending your money on.
$50 million to fund condoms in Gaza which we now understand Hamas was using to inflate with helium to float bombs into Israel. USAID gave $37 million to the World Health Organization which worked as a cover-up arm of the Chinese commie government during COVID.
USAID funneled $16 million in funding for institutional contractors in gender development offices, whatever the hell those are, $6 million in non-emergency funding for redundant administrative supports for the Center of Excellence, whatever the hell that is, and $3 million in non-emergency funding to provide evaluation services for planning and learning programs which is likely liberal indoctrination centers.
According to DOGE, USAID was using OUR taxpayer dollars to send Ukrainian clothing designers and models to travel to the Paris, London and NY fashion shows, , and MILLIONS of YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to fund Eco-Health Alliance, which in turn helped to fund the gain of function research that created COVID-19, and $20 MILLION of your taxpayer dollars to create a Sesame Street show…in IRAQ where, no doubt, rather than Dracula teaching kids to count up to ten, they have an Imam teaching kids how to count down to zero…followed by a detonation..
I’m sure there are some things that USAID has done from time to time that are legitimate uses of our taxpayer dollars and related to actual worthy causes, but I also believe that when USAID uses our taxpayer dollars to fund gain of function research, perhaps at the bequest of Tony Fauci…it more than off-sets any good they may have done elsewhere.
A LITTLE OVER A WEEK AGO, Elon Musk and his merry band of DOGErs marched into the USAID building shutting it down and kicking out the money launderers. Not only that, but the DOGE cyber team also locked USAID’s website down so tightly that soon to be former USAID employees couldn’t get to their email accounts, thus preserving the evidence. THAT of course caused liberal heads to explode.
Last TUESDAY, elected liberals and their minions held an “insurrection” outside the building, and frankly, I hadn’t seem liberals THAT mad since last MONDAY. Here’s a smattering of what they had to say…Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., said, “Elon Musk is a Nazi nepo baby, a godless lawless billionaire, who no one elected. We will see you in the court, in Congress, in the streets.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., was shaking her fist and shouting, “We are here to fight back.” Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, said, “We are gonna be in your face, we are gonna be on your asses, and we are going to make sure you understand what democracy looks like, and this ain’t it.” Rep. LaMonica McIver, D-N.J., shouted, “God damnit shut down the Senate! WE ARE AT WAR!”
You can tell a lot about someone’s political ideology by what they defend. Those screaming lunatics outside the USAID building a week ago are the very same people who have defended open borders, COVID jabs, censorship, spying on American citizens, the killing of soon to be born babies, lawfare, the “Summer of Love” riots, defunding the police, abolishing ICE, anti-Semitism, theft from retail business, mandates regarding what you drive or what appliances you can own and drag queen story hour for kids in schools. They have defended the need for tampons in boys bathrooms, letting men into girl’s bathrooms and locker rooms, allowing violent criminals roam the streets and letting drug addicts crap on sidewalks. This mob of morons has defended the Taliban, Hamas, Hexbollah and al Qaida. Hell…they probably even defended Beyonce winning Country Album of the Year at the damned Grammys.
But Elon Musk and DOGE gaining access to the money laundering books and exposing the corruption, graft, waste and most likely the kick-backs related to how the government and government officials steward the American taxpayer’s money? Well, that’s an affront to everything they hold near and dear. It’s flat-out un-American to allow the American people to know how they are being taken to the proverbial cleaners.
I’m pretty sure that if Elon follows the money, and I’m confident that he will, we’re about to learn a whole lot about how things really work in Washington. For instance, and I’m not at this point saying there’s any proof, but when she arrived in DC roughly six years ago, a former bartender was flat broke and couldn’t afford to pay her student loans. Now, she’s reportedly worth tens of millions of dollars while collecting a salary of just $174 thousand a year.
USAID is the liberal golden goose. It is the laundromat they use to shift our taxpayer dollars to NGO’s to fund things the government can’t openly fund, and provide kick-backs to party members who are cloaking the true agenda behind a façade of do-goodedness. Elected liberals are in defcon4 panic mode, and for good reasons. USAID is basically a liberal front organization run by liberals to push the liberal agenda with taxpayer dollars. They can’t get behind the DOGE team because it would be political suicide, and they can’t save USAID because DOGE now has access to the books.
All the liberals can do now is falsely claim that USAID is sacrosanct and that allowing DOGE to pull back the curtain is against the law because Elon Musk wasn’t elected, but there’s a big problem with that, and one that liberals hope you don’t know.
While the Foreign Assistance Act was passed by Congress in 1961, JFK then created USAID by Executive Order…Executive Order 10973 to be exact. THAT means that the agency now used for money laundering by elected and non elected liberals, having been created by a Presidential Executive Order can be eliminated using a Presidential Executive Order. Furthermore, DOGE was created by an Executive Order, and as a non government entity, President Trump can, despite the gnashing of teeth and wadding of panties from liberals, put in charge of it whoever he wants in charge of it.
So…think USAID was all about laundering your money in foreign countries? Think again, and to be brutally honest, USAID IS 97% owned and operated by the party of liberals. Here’s what you need to know…to the tune of $3.1 million, USAID has been funding the NY Times. To the tune of $3.2 million, they have been funding the BBC, and to the fully orchestrated Columbian Trans Gender Opera, USAID has been doling out YOUR taxpayer dollars to POLITICO in the amount of $32 million bucks.. It’s so bad that since Elon and DOGE shut off the USAID money tap last week, Politico has failed to make payroll and their propagandists haven’t been paid.
And finally, just a few more examples of how USAID has been spending our taxpayer dollars.
USAID has spent $2 million U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund “Moroccan pottery classes and promotion.” To be clear, Morocco has 8,000 years of experience making pottery and as pottery classes probably aren’t of much use there. Making matters even worse, the American hired to teach those classes didn’t speak the language, and the translator hired didn’t speak English. One has to wonder where the money actually went.
USAID spent $2 million U.S. Taxpayer dollars to promote TOURISM…to LEBANON…which the U.S. Department of State has harshly warned against traveling to due to their close association with Hezbollah, ISIS, Hamas, and the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, international terrorist organizations all which operate OUT of Lebanon. Trust me…nobody is spending their vacation in Lebanon. Not even the Lebanese want to vacation in Lebanon…so what was THAT money REALLY meant for?
And…USAID funneled millions upon millions of dollars to farmers in Afghanistan during the war there supposedly in an effort to get them to use miles of newly built, or rehabbed water canals to grow fruit and vegetable crops rather than poppies for opium, but Afghan farmers being what Afghan farmers are, opium poppy cultivation across the country nearly doubled during the Obama regime. That’s right, we as American taxpayers facilitated the DOUBLING of the OPIUM trade in Afghanistan, and we’re supposed to believe nobody saw that coming?
Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., said a week ago, regarding Elon Musk and DOGE exposing the corruption that is USAID, “It is a really, really sad day in America. We are witnessing a constitutional crisis.”
THAT from a person that thinks is a dating app.
DOGE away Elon…DOGE like the wind.
Copyright © 2025 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved
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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article: Turning The Economic Page On War
Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed…Part 2
Bias is a systematic error in thinking that deviates from rational judgment, occurring when the brain attempts to simplify information processing and interpretation. While bias frequently leads to discrimination and poor decision-making, on that subject: you’re such a bias bastard, you could literally see your forehead seeping with insults and lies. How could you type it out without your fingers being curled up like eagle’s claws.