Tampon Tim’s Friends in Low Places

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

It’s been a week since the great VP debate between J.D. Vance, and Tampon Tim and there are a few things which I believe need to be highlighted.

Given all the clap-trap, falderal, cow-cookies and outright lies spewed by liberals over the years regarding what Donald Trump said about “good people on both sides,” which has been completely debunked even by liberal “fact-checkers” because the spin put on it by the propagandist media had to rely on editing the comment taken out of context. Imagine, if you will, how the propagandists would have exploded had Trump said what Tampon Tim said last Tuesday night.

Timmy was asked about his flip-flopping position regarding banning assault weapons, which he previously opposed but now supports. Timmy launched into a long-winded response, but that bloviation began with these words – “Yeah. I sat in that office with those Sandy Hook parents. I’ve become friends with school shooters. I’ve seen it.”

Now, before I go further, allow me to digress just a bit. The first question out of the box to Tampon Tim during that debate was a query regarding his lie about being in China during the Tiananmen Square event back in 1989. He claims to have been there. He wasn’t. He’s been outed by a recent newspaper article after saying in a 2009 hearing of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China to commemorate the Tiananmen Square protests, Walz claimed that he was in Hong Kong at the time, preparing to go teach in China.

“Twenty years ago today, I was in Hong Kong preparing to go to Foshan to teach at Foshan No. 1 Middle School. To watch what happened at the end of the day on June 4 was something that many of us will never forget, we pledge to never forget, and bearing witness and accurate telling of history is absolutely crucial for any nation to move forward.”

That’s a pretty damned specific recalling of the events I’d say.

Walz again, in 2014, said that he was there at the moment in question, stating again in a June 2019 radio interview that he was in Hong Kong on June 4, 1989 – the very day of the Tiananmen Square massacre.

“I was in Hong Kong on June 4, 1989, when, of course, Tiananmen Square happened. And I was in China after that. It was very strange ‘cause, of course, all outside transmissions were, were blocked – Voice of America – and, of course, there was no, no phones or email or anything. So I was kind of out of touch. It took me a month to know the Berlin Wall had fallen when I was living there.”

Again, that’s pretty damned specific in its details I’d say.

So, was Walz in China to witness the Tiananmen Square uprising and massacre?

Nope. According to the Alliance Times-Herald dated May 16, 1989, (That’s Alliance Nebraska) ol’ Timmy Boy was preparing to move to  ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, and would be in China in AUGUST of that year…NOT in June, 1989. The contradiction was first reported a couple of weeks ago by Minnesota Public Radio News and APM Reports.

Asked to explain the geographical lie at the top of the debate, Tim Walz looked as nervous as Kamala Harris on Jeopardy, and launched into something about having grown up as a middle class kid riding his bike in small town Nebraska until the street lights came on…completely dodging the question, and his lies. Then the moderator asked again, at which point Timmy froze up and sputtered something about being confused.

“All I said on this was, I got there that summer and misspoke on this, so I will just – that’s what I’ve said.”

To be clear, those are NOT “misspeaks,” those are out and out LIES. He made the claim that he was there for the Tiananmen Square uprising over, and over, and over again. He recalled the events in detail over, and over and over again. A “misspeak” is when you incorrectly make the statement once, and then get it right over, and over and over again, but it’s not the first time Tampon Tim has been caught lying is it?

There was his lie that he had received some economic award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, of which no record exists and the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce has outed him for, and of course there is the now infamous lies Timmy has made regarding his National Guard service where he claims…over and over and over again that he held the rank of  Retired Command Sergeant Major…a rank he NEVER held. When he was asked to explain those LIES in a CNN interview, Timmy said, “My grammar is not always correct.”

Again, to be clear, Tampon Tim AWALZ claims of a rank he never held, claims he made over, and over and over again for years, and years, and years are LIES…not a matter of poor grammar, and he damned well knows it.

Okay, so back to Timmy’s declarative statement from the debate that, “I’ve become friends with school shooters.”

The moderators unsurprisingly did not ask Timmy for a clarification regarding his friendship with school shooters because they couldn’t risk exposing him further at that point, but AFTER the debate, reporters caught up with Timmy and his wife while they were ordering pizza. A reporter asked what his strongest moment from the night was, and Timmy responded, “I think it was a good debate, the public got to see a contrast and I think the ending sums it up, the democracy issue is important.” Immediately, another reporter then asked Timmy, “Can you clarify what you meant when you said you befriended school shooters?”

There it was, an opportunity for Timmy to set the record straight, if indeed it needed to be straightened out, and how did Timmy respond? He kept his back turned to the reporters while looking at which pizza to order, and completely ignored the question, refusing to set the record straight because, one can only guess…Timmy didn’t believe it needed to be straightened out.

So, along with being a noted liar, and guilty of stolen valor, Tampon, or Tiananmen Tim has made friends in the school shooter community.

That’s good to know.

Last Wednesday, a day after the debate, Tampon Tim was again asked by a reporter to clarify his “I’ve become friends with school shooters.” statement and oh, my…his response was priceless. “I’m super passionate about this. The question came up about the school shooting. We’re talking about everything except school shootings. And I sat as a member of Congress with the Sandy Hook parents, and it was a profound movement. David Hogg [a leading gun control activist and school shooting survivor] is a good friend of mine.”

David Hogg, you might remember, claimed to have been inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida when a school shooting took place. Hogg claimed to have been inside his AP Environmental Sciences classroom when he heard the first shots fired…just like Timmy claimed to be in China when the Tiananmen Square uprising took place. Here’s the rub…just like Timmy wasn’t in China on June 4th, 1989, Davy Hogg wasn’t in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School building on February 14th, 2018 when that horrible shooting started.

In a later interview, Hogg stated, “On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.” Now then, correct me if I’m wrong, but one would have no reason to get on one’s bike and ride three miles to the school to get video and invervies were one ALREADY inside the building when the shooting started…would one?

It’s easy to see how Walz considers Hogg to be a close friend as the two sure do seem to share a rather astonishing character flaw.

Now, I suppose eventually, Timmy will claim he never heard the question posed by the reporter, but that too is a lie because he clearly had no issue hearing the first question asked of him while he was standing at the pizza counter.

In his closing statement, Timmy quoted Maya Angelou while trying to demonize Donald Trump, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Okay, let’s apply that to Timmy and Kamala shall we?

In spite of her flip-flopping on policies, let’s remember that Kamala has said over, and over and over again…for years, and years, and years…that she wants mandatory gun confiscation, that she wants do away with private healthcare, that she wants an open border, that she wants abortion without restrictions, that she wants to defund the police, wants to abolish ICE, wants to decriminalize illegal border crossers, mandate electric vehicles, and end fracking, She now claims none of those policy positions are what she wants, but according to her running mate…“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

For Kamala Harris, that works because we have her on video telling us all the policies she believes in over, and over, and over again. She can deny it all she wants now, but the proof is on tape for all to see. On the other hand, it doesn’t really apply, at least at face value for Timmy. He’s claimed a string of lies as fact over, and over, and over again and to believe what he’s said would be accepting his lies as truth. But there is a bit of a caveat since he refuses to fess up to the myriad of lies. Source after trusted source, along with official records prove that Tampon Tim is a habitual liar.

Because he’s been widely exposed, and yet makes up nonsense excuses in an attempt to weasel out of being held accountable…he’s actually told us he’s a liar, and we should believe him.

What the liberal/Marxists have for their 2024 ticket is a Marxist, word-salad puppet at the top, and a pathological liar at the bottom. She’s as sharp as a box of door knobs, and he’s worse. Neither are fit to serve, and their policies would be an economic, energy, border, national security and foreign policy disaster.

It’s Trump/Vance or Dumb and Dumber.

I’ll take the guy with the proven record thank you very much, and that’s the bottom line.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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Next, Tuesday, October 1st from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss Appeasement No More’; ‘ Tampon Tim’s Friends in Low Places’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on https://rspradio1.com Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST. 

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