The Democrat Party is Revolting…

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

There IS an actual threat to the democratic process, and it’s Not President Trump. It’s the very party that keeps telling us that it IS President Trump.

In 2016, when it sure looked like socialist Bernie Sanders had a clear path to the democrat party nomination, the liberal elite shoved him aside and anointed Hillary Clinton instead, leaving the old, angry socialist out in the cold.

The liberal elite’s propaganda arm, the mainstream media did everything they were told to do to put Hillary into the nomination, but it wasn’t working prompting Hillary to shriek, “WHY AM I NOT 50 POINTS AHEAD???”

That really was the beginning of the end for day-drinking Hillary Clinton, and on election night, as she lost to Donald Trump, she reportedly pitched a drunken fit, and refused to attend what she and the propagandists had pre-determined to be her victory party…and concede.

In 2020, the liberal elite (and their mainstream media propagandists) kept Joe Biden in the basement while telling their voters that all was well, and Joe was fine…but they knew the truth…all was NOT well, and Joe was NOT fine.

By the way…they shoved old Bernie out again in 2020 to make way for old Joe because Obama needed a puppet, and Bernie was nobody’s puppet.

Keeping score, that’s liberal elite anointed nominees two, the democratic process ZERO.

For 2024, the liberal elite and the propagandists told their voters for three years that slow Joe was in tip-top shape, the smartest guy in any room, always on top of things and both vigorous and highly energetic. Never mind that their voters could plainly see what everyone else saw…Joe couldn’t find his way off a stage, was relegated to using the little boy stairs on Air Force One, always seemed confused, or completely checked out of happenings or events, was slurring his words and was only engaged reliably between 10am and 4pm.

Nothing to see here…move along and vote for Joe.

Then came Joe’s Hindenburg moment, the June debate where he crashed and burned on live, national television for all the world to see, Suddenly, the propagandists who had been propping him up for three and a half years acted SHOCKED by his decline into a near coma. Oh, come on, they weren’t shocked, OR surprised. They knew all along, and so to did the liberal elite. That’s why they set up the earliest presidential debate in the history of American presidential debates.

They KNEW Joe was all BUT finished when they shoved Bernie out in 2020, and was completely finished by the time 2024 rolled around. They KNEW Joe was a train wreck from the neck up, and the liberal elite instructed their mainstream media propagandists DURING the debate to ACT shocked, and proclaim all was lost because of it. We know this because anyone who was channel surfing after the debate heard all the talking heads from all the propagandist outlets using the exact same verbage.

Talking points memos are just another term for propaganda.

Now then, leading up to that debate, the propagandists were outright calling for a new VP candidate because Kamala was the albatross around Joe Biden’s neck. They all said she had to go and be replaced if Joe were to have any chance of winning. That was BEFORE the debate, but AFTER the debate, things changed.

All of a sudden, Joe Biden had become the albatross around his OWN neck, and it was Joe than had to go. The propagandists told their voters as much 24/7, and very quickly, elected liberals started weighing in too. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and the ilk and within a matter of a few weeks, Obama and his liberal elite mafia sent in their goon, Nancy Pelosi to do to Biden what Brutus did to the inventor of the salad dressing Kamala uses on her words.

Remember, Joe Biden went through the 2024 primaries as THE candidate for the party of liberal elites, but not without the help OF the liberal elites. They closed down their primaries.

Liberal elite anointed nominees three, the democratic process ZERO.

They didn’t allow democrat debates.

Liberal elite anointed nominees four, the democratic process ZERO.

They shoved Bernie out.

Liberal elite anointed nominees five, the democratic process ZERO.

They shoved RFK Jr. not only out of the primaries, but out of the party.

Liberal elite anointed nominees six, the democratic process ZERO.

They even stopped democrat primaries from happening in several states, like Florida because they said they didn’t need them to make Joe the nominee.

Liberal elite anointed nominees seven, the democratic process ZERO.

At that point, the liberal mainstream media propagandists and the liberal elite teased their voters with the notion that they would hold a series of debates, or townhall events, or something up to and including a “mini-primary” to select a new candidate for their ticket, but alas, that was all gaslighting.

Without winning a single presidential primary in her life, without winning a single delegate in her life, despite being such a piss-poor candidate in 2020 that she dropped OUT of the race BEFORE the first chance for democrats to cast a ballot in the primary season, and in spite of the propagandists demanding that she leave the ticket before Joe’s trolley went off the tracks…Obama and the liberal elite ANOINTED Kamala Harris as their 2024 presidential nominee.

Every single democrat voter who voted for Biden in the primaries, those primaries they actually held, had their votes wiped out in a process that was anything but adhering to the democratic process.

Liberal elite anointed nominees EIGHT, the democratic process ZERO.

It certainly seems that the democrat party is revolting…against their own voters.

And how about this…the democrat party, their elites and propagandists have been desperately trying to kick Trump off of ballots by cooking up phony indictments, twisting some through a ringer in a kangaroo court, and outright paying liberal prosecutors to bar Trump from ballots. Take Colorado for instance. Colorado, as a state, is slightly further to the left than Communist Cuba, and just a few months ago, with neither basis nor merit, Colorado did kick Trump from their ballot. Then the U.S. Supreme Court stepped in and in a UNANIMOUS decision, they struck down anti-democracy move by the Republik of Colorado to strip Trump from the ballot.

So egregious was Colorado’s attempt to subvert the democratic process that not even the liberal Justices on the Supreme Court could see their way clear to attempt to uphold the state’s decision.

Score one for the good guys making the tally now eight to one.

Now then, how does CENSORSHIP fit into a democracy? Not very well. In fact, leading into the 2020 election it was the democrat party, on orders from the liberal elite and with the willing assistance of their media propagandists that CENSORED Americans regarding COVID. Mark Zuckerberg, last week, ADMITTED to being a willing participant in censoring Americans on Facebook who dared to post what we now know to be the TRUTH about COVID, and as part of admitting to his role in it, he outed the Biden/Harris regime.

Zuckerberg said he did what he did because he was “pressured” by the Biden/Harris “administration” to do so. He said is was a chap by the name of Robert Flarhaty who applied the “pressure.” And just who was Robert Flarhaty then? He was a chief advisor to the Biden/Harris regime in the White House. Thankfully, he no longer has than job. So…what is Mr. Flarhaty doing these days?

Why…he’s the chief campaign advisor to one Kamala Harris.

Oh dear, that doesn’t bode well for the democrat party’s claim that they will protect democracy…does it?

Then of course there was the censoring by both mainstream and social media propagandists of anyone who dared to speak or post the truth regarding Hunter Biden, his laptop and Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s business dealings.

By my count, we’re now up to liberal elite anti-democracy actions TEN and the democratic process one.

The liberal elite, their democratic party and assorted propagandists are also conspiring to TELL their voters what sort of cars they can own, what sort of ovens, water heaters, heating and cooling units and toasters they will be allowed to own, and at what temperature they can heat and cool their homes if they are allowed to heat and cool their homes at all.

The score is now at least 16-1 with the democratic process losing.

So, where do we stand today? Well…Kamala Harris is now the appointed, not voted for democrat nominee, and well more than a month into her run, she has yet to post ANY of her policies to her website. What are the propagandists doing about it? Nothing. They are pretending it doesn’t matter, but it should. Shouldn’t voters have the right to know what their candidate’s policies are BEFORE they vote? Nope, not according to the liberal elite and their propagandists. It’s the presidential election version of Nancy Pelosi’s “you have to pass the bill before you can find out what’s in it.”

That just doesn’t seem to follow the democratic process does it? I mean early voting starts in just over a week in the swing state of Pennsylvania, and people there…democrats…will be voting for Kamala Harris NOT because they have a clue what her policy platform is, but because they have been TOLD…by the liberal elite and the propagandists to vote for her.

The score now is 17-1 against the democratic process…and counting.

Democrats, are you getting the point here? Are you even starting to see the truth that’s spitting in your face?

Your party, the party that claims it’s trying to protect “democracy” is actually the very party trying to destroy the democratic process. YOUR party is suppressing the vote. YOUR party is ignoring its own voters. YOUR party is gaslighting its own voters and YOUR party says that the party elite know better than YOU do who should be your nominee. YOUR party is censoring Americans, taking away their right to free speech and trying to throw their political rivals in jail in political trials held in banana republic kangaroo courts.

Democrats…YOUR party says they know better how to spend YOUR money than YOU do. YOUR party wants to tell YOU what you can drive, and what appliances you can own. YOUR party wants to take YOUR money and give it to people who didn’t earn it, and YOUR party wants people who are in our country ILLEGALLY to VOTE because YOUR party doesn’t trust YOU to do as you’re told.

Democrats…YOUR party isn’t trying to save “democracy”…they’re trying to CREATE one. We’re a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

What the democrat party is doing is trying to destroy the American process in order to institute MOB RULE, but thankfully there IS one candidate who is trying to SAVE the process our Founders and Framers were smart enough to put in place, and THAT candidate is Donald Trump.

THAT’S the bottom line.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article The Anointed One’s Disastrous Economic Plan, Part 2


RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS…LIVE!                                           Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 3rd from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The “Anointed” One’s Dangerous Economic Plan…Part 2′; ‘Kamalanomics…’The Democtar Party is Revolting…’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST.

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