Kamalanomics…A Socialist Government Power Grab

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

As we all know, Kamala Harris is short on announcing any policy platform, and long on socialist BS, but the only policy platform she HAS announced…her economic policy…received instant blow-back from people who actually know how a free-market, capitalist system works.

Kamala Harris recently unveiled part of her economic policy, and made sure to highlight her socialist dream to “fix prices” because she thinks consumers are being gouged at the cash register. One of the industries she intends to target is grocery stores where she claims the high cost of feeding your family is due to “price gouging” by grocery retailers.

Let’s just take a second to examine the reality.

Grocery stores, big or small, chains or local mom and pop operations operate on a razor’s edge where profit is concerned. On average, a grocery store rakes in roughly anywhere from a 1-3 percent profit. Milk, bread, eggs, pasta, produce…whatever it is you buy has been hit by Bidenomics over the past 4 years, and make no mistake, Harris has been a key accomplice in inflation.

That means that the problem she says she will fix on day 1 next year, is the very problem she’s helped to create for the previous 1,460 days, but what she intends to do will actually make things a whole lot worse.

Government price fixing doesn’t work because government price fixing is a socialist tactic, and socialism has never worked anywhere, or at any time it’s been implemented.

If her version of socialist price fixing were to be implemented, it will accomplish several things, and none of them are good. Businesses will close. People will lose their jobs. Supply will be interrupted and prices will then rise due to shortages.

Consider this…let’s say that your local, neighborhood grocery is, as most do, making a whopping 2 percent profit, and Kamalanomics freezes prices on what they sell, meaning that they are prohibited…by law…from raising prices. What happens when the cost of heating or cooling the store goes up? They’ll have to eat the cost increase. What happens when the cost of making repairs to equipment like fridge units goes up? They’ll have to eat that as well. What happens when the cost of insurance rises, because it is rising and it’s rising because the cost of repairing property and equipment is rising…they’ll just have to eat that too unless Kamalanomics ALSO freezes the price of repair and upgrade costs, the cost of labor, the cost of insurance and the cost of lots of other related things.

Then you have transportation costs. Nothing at the grocery gets beamed in, and it all has to come from somewhere. If the cost of transportation, gas prices, auto insurance, truck driver’s wages and such goes up, trucking companies are going to charge MORE to get a semi full of baked beans TO the store, so what is the store to do but eat that cost too.

Hey, grocery store owners, how’s your staggering, price-gouging 2 percent margin looking now?

Then, there’s the production end of things. Everything sold in a grocery store is produced somewhere. From dairy, to meat, from canned goods to pasta, from wine and beer to organically grown, free-range bananas, every item has a producer. Will Kamalanomics also be freezing their prices and every price for anything that goes into production? I ask because what happens when bird flu wipes out huge chunks of the poultry market, or the cost for the can the baked beans comes in goes up?

What happens when the cost of jars, or meat, or crops goes up for any variety of reasons including disasters, shortages, transportation, feed, labor or anything else related to production rises and the grocers have to pay more for the producer’s costs…are the grocers going to have to eat those costs as well?

Let’s just take those aforementioned organic, free-range bananas as an example. It’s hard to say what bananas cost today, as the price seems to flex, but on average, let’s say a bunch of bananas is selling at your local grocery for $1.49. That’s roughly 3 pounds of nanners, and at the average 2 percent price-gouging mark-up, the grocer is, according to Kamala Harris, getting ready to vacation on a yacht anchored off the coast of Fiji on the greedy 3 cents he or she made because you like monkey food. But what happens when the cost of the nanners goes up 3 percent, and Kamala’s socialism has the price fixed?

One of two things happens….either the grocer sells bananas for less then he or she buys them, or it’s no more monkey food for you because they simply won’t stock them anymore.

Now, add to all of this, the payroll at a grocery store, and remember, the socialist left is trying to mandate a $15 per hour minimum wage, even for entry-level workers. What is bound to happen is that your neighborhood grocery store is going to start laying off their staff because they have to, or face closing their doors. Unemployment will rise, there won’t be as many jobs available, and shuttered stores reduce property tax collections for local and county governments, not to mention the decrease in income tax collections by state and federal governments.

You don’t need to be an economist to realize this won’t work, nor do you need to have a degree in political science to understand what this is…it’s socialism at best, and a stepping stone from communism. When the government decides the price of an item rather than the free market, the government controls the livelihood of the retailer. As soon as the government controls the livelihood of the retailer, they are also in control of the lives of the employees.

To be fair, I have only focused on the grocery industry up to this point, but you would have to be blind to reality not to understand how this model would destroy ANY retail industry it touches. Should Kamala Harris be elected and have her way, the exact same scenario will be playing out across the board. To “fix” inflation, Harris intends to “fix” costs to consumers, but the ONLY way to do that is to “fix” the costs from one end of the supply chain to the other.

To be clear, this isn’t about “fixing” inflation…this is ALL about government control.

We are a capitalist nation, and a capitalist society, and in such a nation and society, prices are primarily determined by the free-market which includes supply and demand. Yes, there are other factors which bear weight on the prices of goods or services and in the grocery business, those external factors can be anything from shortages due to natural disasters to supply chain issues, but when the government steps in and mandates prices, the entire system begins to crumble.

Notice that in “fixing” inflation, neither Kamala Harris not the liberal elite include things like lowering energy costs by producing more oil, putting stiff tariffs on foreign goods coming from countries intent on wrecking our economy, or lowering corporate taxes to make “Made In America” a more attractive option for manufacturers. The reason none of those things are part of the Kamala Harris economic policy platform is because those things empower the PEOPLE…rather than the GOVERNMENT.

Don’t think so?

Remember, this is Kamala’s plan for “day one” if she gets elected, so let me just ask the obvious question here…WHY?

Last week, in his latest but surely not his last farewell speech, Joe Biden shook his fists and yelled at America, “We gone from economic crisis to the strongest economy in the entire world.” He shouted about his job creation figures, economic growth, higher wages, and “inflation down, way down, and continuing to go down.”

One by one, liberals took to that stage and thanked Biden for all he’s done. Hell, they want to put him on Mount Rushmore once they’re done shoving him out the door. They, and Kamala herself have CHAMPIONED Joe Biden as the saving grace who has resurrected our economy, and Kamala, for nearly 4 years, has been his accomplice.

So WHY does Kamala Harris, should she get elected in November, need to “FIX” what Joe, and the liberal elite claim has already been “fixed?”

Two reasons. 1) it’s a disaster because NOTHING has been fixed, and 2) because we’re still, at least for the time being, a capitalist nation and society.

And finally…if you need any more proof that Kamala Harris and her so-called “economic policy” is nothing by a masked government power grab, there is this little fact that neither Harris not the liberal elite want you to know…price gouging, and that is exactly what Harris says is being the high prices…price gouging is a crime prosecuted BY INDIVIDUAL STATES…not the federal government. Yet there she is, trying to take the power to prosecute AWAY from individual states, and empower the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to “fix” prices as a way to stop claimed “price gouging.”

President Trump’s economic policy is focused on 7 basic strategies, and we know they will work because they have worked before. Unleash American energy, Rein In Wasteful Federal Spending, Regulation Cuts, Tax Cuts, Rebalance Trade, Stop Illegal Aliens at the Border, and End Destabilizing Wars. When Trump’s policies were in place during his time in office, our economy grew, and grew quickly.

Kamalanomics, on the other hand, could not be more well designed to drive our economy into the ground, and is nothing but a poorly disguised government power grab.

That’s the bottom line.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article The Anointed One’s Disastrous Economic Plan, Part 1


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 27th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The “Anointed” One’s Dangerous Economic Plan…Part 1‘; ‘Kamalanomics…A Socialist Government Power Grab’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on https://rspradio1.com Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST.


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