The Secret Service Dumpster Fire

Let me start with this. No, I do not believe that the attempt on the life of President Trump was some “deep state” plot to take out the next President of the United States. There was no grassy knoll. There was no second shooter.

The little turd that tried to Kill President Trump wasn’t taken out to keep him from talking, and that little turd did NOT out-smart the United States Secret Service.

The Secret Service out-dumbed the little turd.

Not everything is some wild, unprovable conspiracy theory, and if you think this is, you need a check up from the neck up. Our side of the political isle doesn’t trust anything they are told, and to some extent that’s understandable, but seriously…do some research. The same people that are claiming “crisis actors” every time there’s a mass shooting, or that we were all going to be locked up in empty WalMarts and now spreading nonsense about what happened at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

For the love of GAWD, I’ve never even SEEN an empty WalMart.

What happened in Butler, at that rally, was a cascading failure by what is supposed to be the premier protection agency on the planet, and as all cascades, whether failures or otherwise, it starts at the top. The top in this case is Kim Cheadle, the Director of the U.S. Secret Service.

Cheadle is, or should be responsible for everything that happens within that agency. She’s responsible for oversight of training, of protocol, of hiring, job performance, logistics and what to wear on casual Fridays. By that, I mean the people who hire, train, promote and assign Agents report to her. The people that set protocol, do the advance work, coordinate with local and state agencies…answer to her…and her’s is the last word on all of it.

So, what do we know of Kim Cheatle? Well, before she went to work guarding snacks at PepsiCo a couple of years ago, she had a 27 year career with the U.S. Secret Service, and by all accounts, it was a stellar career.

Cheatle had risen all the way to the position of Assistant Director of the Office of Protective Operations. In that position, Ms. Cheatle managed a $133.5M budget and collaborated with ten operational divisions and the Technical Security Division to research, develop and deploy technologies that reduce risks to protectees, protected facilities, and protected events.

Ms. Cheatle was appointed to the Senior Executive Service (SES) in February 2016 as the Special Agent in Charge of the James J. Rowley Training Center (RTC). There she directed and coordinated all aspects of training and career development for the organization, later serving as the Deputy Assistant Director for the Office of Training.

That’s quite a resume, and it seems to be a stellar, merit based career.

Kim Cheatle needs to be fired, and here’s why.

She, more than just about anybody else who has ever worked for the Secret Service should know that the job is to react, to protect, and prevent if the situation demands it, and in that order which did not happen in Butler, Pennsylvania on July, 13th, at the Trump rally. The woman who directed and coordinated all aspects of training and career development for the organization, later serving as the Deputy Assistant Director for the Office of Training, had what sure appeared to be untrained and in some cases, sloppy Agents on that detail.

The buck stops with Kim Cheatle.

There stood a building, only 150 yards from the stage where the protectee, Donald Trump, a former and most likely future President would be. That building provided an elevated position. It was in direct line of site of the podium. The woman who once managed the Technical Security Division to research, develop and deploy technologies that reduce risks to protectees, protected facilities, and protected events had absolutely NO technology in place that could spot a shooter on a roof only 150 yards away from the subject that detail was in charge of protecting, and nobody from the Secret Service did a damned thing to secure that building.

Again, the buck stops with Kim Cheatle.

Spectators saw a man…with a rifle…climbing to the roof, and then crawling to the ridge-line of it. People started yelling to the police that there was a man on the roof with a gun. Nobody in uniform seemed to know what to do. Reports indicate one officer went up a ladder, but the man pointed his gun at the officer and the officer retreated.

The investigation needs to look into that.

Local law enforcement reported, not to the Secret Service, but to the State Patrol that a man had been seen using a range-finder 30 minutes before the shooting. In fact, local law enforcement even took a photo of the man who would turn out to be the shooter. From the time members of the public noticed and alerted law enforcement to a suspicious person, then took the first photo of the man on the roof, to the time the shots rang out, we now know that 26 minutes passed. That’s 26 minutes during which time absolutely nothing was done from a security standpoint.

There SHOULD have been Secret Service Agents WITH the local police AND with the State Patrol so that ANY security information provided to, or by either of those agencies would be immediately in the hands of the Secret Service but apparently, that wasn’t the case. That’s both a logistics AND a communication failure COMPOUNDED by Agents who were untrained in protocol, logistics and communications.

The Buck once again stops with Kim Cheatle.

Why were there no Secret Service Agents atop that building on the roof? Well, according to Cheadle-Dum, it was because the roof was SLOPED, and that would pose a SAFETY RISK to the Agents.

Wait just a damned minute…the roof was SLOPED? Are we to believe that the U.S. Secret Service can only operate on a LEVEL surface? THAT’s Cheatle-Dum’s excuse…the roof was sloped? Ummm…the sniper’s who took out the assassin were on a roof with more of a slope that the one in question. I’ve seen Secret Service atop the much more steeply sloped parts of the roof on the White House, and what about people who put roofs ON buildings or inspect steeply sloped roofs?

What a load of crap.

Her excuse gets even worse when Cheatle-Dum says they secured that building FROM THE INSIDE. Let me get this straight…the Secret Service “secured” the INSIDE of the building that the little turd was on top of because the roof was too sloped for the Secret Service…but not for the little turd?

To be clear, Cheadle is on record as saying that by 2030, at least 30% of Secret Service hires will be women, which makes her the Secret Service equivalent to that idiot that screwed-over Bud Light. DEI has NO place in the Secret Service and what happened at that rally proves it. Naturally, that raises the question…how did flat-Earther, Cheadle-Dum get rehired to lead the Secret Service after spending the past two years carefully guarding snacks for PepsiCo? Well…reports suggest her friendly relationship with Jill Biden, Joe’s assisted living facilitator, led to Joe offering her the position.

Go figure.

So, exactly what sort of Agents has Cheatle-Dum been assigning to protect the future President? Well…how about THIS DEI hire?

I don’t know her name, but seriously? Hiding behind the man she was supposed to protect as shots rang out? And then, there was the moment back at the vehicle where she couldn’t figure out how to re-holster her weapon.

And LOOK at her. She looks like she’s panicked. She looks like she’s in tears, and in a job where Agents must be physically fit, this one looks like she’s about half a biscuit shy of being in a Jardiance commercial.

Once Trump went to the floor of the stage ON HIS OWN, within a second, he was landed upon by Agents like they were trying to recover a fumbled football. They hit President Trump so hard they knocked his shoes off. Trump, as he was getting up from under the pile said he wanted his shoes…oops…too late, as one intrepid Secret Service Agent, apparently believing that Trump’s expensive footwear once belonged to the airplane SHOE BOMBER…had thrown the shoes OFF the stage.

Okay, at that point, the cowardly Agent is trying to look useful, one Agent puts his hand in the air as if to protect Trump from any more shots, the President is shoeless, and they take him to his car. AT the car, it seems that NOBODY knew what their individual role was, while EVERY AGENT seemed to be the one trying to get Trump IN the vehicle.

Special Agent Jardiance is crying and can’t properly holster her weapon, so she tries to look official…and fails…and there are so many people around and in front of Trump’s car, that the exit from the event has to take place in slow motion.

Maybe there was a slight slope to the ground.

So, how will we ever get to the bottom of this cascading failure by the U.S. Secret Service?

Well…the FBI is looking into it, not that we should expect much from that corrupt agency. They helped create the phony Steel dossier, spied on Trump as a candidate and as President, raided Mar-a Lago at gunpoint, covered up the truth of Hunter’s laptop, and had an “insurance policy” in place before Trump was elected in 2016.

Homeland Security is investigating what went wrong, as the Secret Service is a DHS sub-agency, but DHS Secretary, Mayorkas, last Wednesday, was trying to block Kim Cheatle-Dum from testifying before the House Oversight Committee. Mayorkas, of course, is the idiot who, for more than three years, insisted that there was no crisis at the border, that the border was closed, and that millions upon millions of illegal aliens were NOT invading our country.

In response to Mayorkas trying to block Cheatle-Dum’s testimony, House Oversight Committee Chairman, James Comer, issued a formal subpoena to Cheatle-Dum to prevent Mayorkas from blocking said testimony.

And what of Joe Biden? Well, Lester Holt asked Biden if he had spoken to Cheatle since the attempt on Trump’s life, and Biden responded…”Oh, I’ve heard from him…”

Now I realize that liberals find it impossible to define what a woman is, and to be perfectly clear, just two weeks ago, Joe Biden thought he, himself was a black woman, and now he thinks Cheatle-Dum is a DUDE. He’s more confused than Michelle Obama’s gynecologist.

Here’s the bottom line. I don’t care how many law enforcement agencies are on site, when the U.S. Secret Service is there, THEY are in charge, so playing blame game bingo isn’t cutting it. Kimberly Cheatle-Dum is ultimately responsible for every Secret Service Agent, every Agent’s job performance, and every aspect of a team’s ability from advance work, to logistics, from protocol to communications, from coordination with local and state law enforcement and for the protection of the asset.

What happened in Butler, Pennsylvania was a dumpster fire and Cheatle should be fired.

I have one name for President Trump when he gets elected with regard to the U.S. Secret Service…Dan Bongino. Make him the new Secret Service Director, let him clean house, and send a message to other agencies… the woke nincompoops can pack up their crap because the DEI party is over.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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