The Final Nail

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

It was a clear, sunny afternoon in Butler, Pennsylvania last Saturday, and yet another large crowd of supporters, Patriots had gathered for yet another Donald Trump rally to hear and to see the candidate they support deliver yet another rousing speech regarding the future of our country.

Trump took the stage, as he always does to music, and thunderous applause and enthusiastic cheers. As is usually the case, Trump soon went off script, and started riffing, much to the delight of those in the crowd.

Roughly ten minutes into what should have been a ninety minute rally…everything changed.


Trump’s right hand went to his right ear and he quickly got to the floor of the stage. More bangs…and then louder bangs. Within a second, he was covered by Secret Service Agents…people were screaming and within a few seconds, which seemed much longer than reality proved them to be…in the middle of that swarm of Agents…Trump got up.

Blood was streaming across his face, his hair was uncharacteristically tussled, and with the Secret Service forming a human shield, glued to him…Trump raised his fist into the air, pumped it and shouted, “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!”

The assassination attempt was over. Trump was bloodied, but defiant, one attendee was dead, one or two were critically injured, and the piece of garbage that tried to kill President Trump lay dead on a rooftop some 150 yards away.

There will be a deep investigation, The Secret Service should not take a victory lap because, while they did get Trump off the stage and away from the venue…they failed to lock-down the site and prevent what was a millimeter from tragedy. The investigation will discover the reason for that epic failure, but I suspect the root cause of the assassination attempt goes back much further than last Saturday.

The would-be assassin was but 20 years old and that should be cause for great concern. That piece of garbage drew his last breath last Saturday, but where was he in 2016?

He would have been an 11 year old kid when Donald Trump became President Trump. A kid in a grade school, or more accurately, in an indoctrination center. All of his most formative years would have been spent being regaled by liberal indoctrinators with hatred of Donald Trump.

It wasn’t just during the hours he spent being in classrooms either.

Both the mainstream media, and social media have spent the past nine years demonizing Donald Trump, attaching what they damned well know to false labels to him, and accusing him of saying, and doing things he never said, or did.

The ilk of liberals whether elected, or in the media, have been calling Trump ‘Hitler,’ a threat to democracy, a risk to national security, a racist and a fascist non-stop. They have accused him of being a Russian agent, and a dictator. They held two phony impeachments against him, and they have tried to railroad him into prison in kangaroo courts. They have also falsely claimed he engineered an insurrection trying to overthrow the United States government.

Those same liberals, whether elected or in the media, made heroes of thugs like George Floyd, and Michael Brown, demonized law enforcement, cheered on the riots of 2020 and 2021, issued threats to Members of the Supreme Court, encouraged liberals to become violent wherever they could find Conservatives and so much more.

On January 6th, 2021, when President Trump said, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,” the liberals, elected and in the media claimed that Trump’s words incited an insurrection, and that he had called on his supporters to overthrow the American government. They claimed that what happened, after most who were in the Capitol were ushered in by Capitol Police, after Nancy Pelosi REFUSED Trump’s offer of 10,000 National Guard members to have been worse than 9/11…worse than Pearl Harbor, and the worst thing to happen in America since the Civil War.

On July 8th, Joe Biden said,  “We’re done talking about the (June 27) debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.” and those same liberals, elected or in the media said…nothing….regarding Joe Biden’s direct call to action.

Am I taking Biden’s words out of context? Was he speaking metaphorically? Maybe, but liberals shouldn’t have a problem with that given their history of false narratives, false claims and violent rhetoric over the past nine years.

Now, ironically, but not surprisingly, the investigation into what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday, July 13th, is in the hands of the FBI. That would be the same FBI that spied on candidate Trump, on President Trump, and on members of his staff and team. That’s the same FBI that helped Hillary Clinton cook up a false and manufactured anti-Trump dossier. It’s the same FBI that USED what they KNEW to be a fabricated, and false dossier to get not one, but FOUR FISA warrants for the aforementioned spying, it’s the exact same FBI that knew the truth of Hunter Biden’s laptop, but claimed it was Russian disinformation, and it’s the same FBI that raided President Trump’s home, Mar-a-Lago with the paperwork stating that “deadly force” was authorized.

Liberals make the claim that “deadly force” is boiler-plate language and it’s nothing to get riled up over, but is an armed raid at the home of a former President of these United States a “boiler-plate” operation? I think not.

You simply cannot spend nine plus years demonizing one man, spend nine years indoctrinating children to hate one man, or spend nine years spewing false rhetoric and making false allegations of evil against one man, and then have the occupant of the Oval Office issue a call to action to put that one man “in the bullseye” and then act surprised, or shocked by what you have created.

Liberals, both elected and in the media, demonized Donald Trump from the moment he first announced he was running in 2015. They leveled false allegations against him, and his support grew. They tried to impeach him, and his support grew. They continue to try and throw him in prison, and his support continues to grow, and last Saturday, an indoctrinated, 20 year old piece of human crap tried to end President Trump’s life just days before he is officially nominated by his party.

Well… I want MY President willing to FIGHT for our country, FIGHT for our freedom, FIGHT for the American way of life, for American exceptionalism, and for our future as a Constitutional Republic. I want MY President to be tough, resilient, and defiant in the face of those who would tear our country down. I want our allies to respect MY President, and I want our adversaries to fear MY President.

I want MY President to STAND UP to those who would try destroy what others have given their lives to protect.

Here’s the bottom line. With his last breath, that piece of crap tried to kill President Donald Trump, and most likely died thinking he did, but all he may well have accomplished was driving the final nail into Joe Biden’s political coffin.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Not Unexpected…It Happened


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 16th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss their Special Report regarding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump including ‘Not Unexpected…It Did Happen’; ” along with the latest related updates. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST, show begins at 7pm EST.


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